Structure of the web site Database tables Person personID firstName lastname address zip phone email spouse (personID) event eventID date time venue club flags name (promenader, hip boot boyz...) type (special, (federation), schedule, master calendar, tentative) ********************* We need to classify events schedule - appears in the monthly schedule special - appears on the front of the promenader and home page tentative - appears on calendar - maybe only tentative view master - master calendar - is this the same as all the above? ********************* eventcaller eventid personid eventcuer eventid personid eventinfo eventid url // if http:// then link else flyer ? ********************* All relative links are relative to the top of the hierarchy. The software must relativize the links when it is known what page the link appears on. ********************* eventcode (or maybe a table per type??? - yes - no) eventid eventtype flags this is for explaining MPRCA+ type of codes flagID name (equals primary key?) description venue database venueID lat,long name address short name (for listings?) text - driving directions text - other info club database (federation is a pseudo club? - no because not listed with clubs) clubID name officers (or in separate database) text contact web page (venues?) (typical schedule) club venues ??? club venue club officers (also federation) clubID person title (president is special?) caller database personID status (CCR member, area) cuer database personID status (CCR member, area) CREATE TABLE t(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, y, z); sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*); SELECT city,address,city FROM customers order by country SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name AS alias_name SELECT column_name AS alias_name FROM table_name SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1 INNER JOIN table_name2 ON table_name1.column_name=table_name2.column_name SELECT Persons.LastName, Persons.FirstName, Orders.OrderNo FROM Persons LEFT JOIN Orders ON Persons.P_Id=Orders.P_Id ORDER BY Persons.LastName [asc | desc] (put person last) INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...) INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...) UPDATE table_name SET column1=value, column2=value2,... WHERE some_column=some_value DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value CREATE TABLE track( trackid INTEGER, trackname TEXT, trackartist INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(trackartist) REFERENCES artist(artistid) ); [lists all from LEFT even if missing from right) PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE; CREATE TABLE Orders ( O_Id int NOT NULL, OrderNo int NOT NULL, P_Id int, PRIMARY KEY (O_Id), FOREIGN KEY (P_Id) REFERENCES Persons(P_Id) ) CREATE TABLE Orders ( O_Id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, OrderNo int NOT NULL, P_Id int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Persons(P_Id) ) PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE; create table persons (pid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT); create table orders (person, foreign key(person) references persons(pid)); insert into orders values(5); SQLite version 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41 Enter ".help" for instructions Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";" sqlite> create table x(a,b); sqlite> insert into x values('a', 'c'); sqlite> insert into x values('a', 'd'); sqlite> insert into x values('b', 'd'); sqlite> select group_concat(a) from x group by b; a a,b sqlite> select _rowid_,* from x; Square dance database schema create functions --------------------------------------------- create table person (personid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, firstName, lastname, address1, address2, zip, phone, email, spouseid); create table event (eventid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date, time, venue, club, flags, eventname, comment); create table eventcaller (event, caller); create table eventcuer (event, cuer); create table eventpdf (event, flyer); create table eventurl (event, url); create table eventcode (code, meaning); create table venue (venueid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, latlong, name, address1, address2, zip, shortname, url); create table club (clubid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name, url); create table clubofficer (club, position, person); create table federationofficer (position, person); create table caller (person, status); create table cuer (person, status); create view schedule as select eventid, date, as clubname, as venuename, venue.address1 as venueadd1, venue.address2 as venueadd2, callers.lastname as caller, cuers.lastname as cuer, time, flags from event left outer join club on clubid = club left outer join venue on venueid = venue left outer join person as callers on callers.personid = caller left outer join person as cuers on cuers.personid = cuer order by date, clubname; [date, club, caller, cuer, venue, time, flags] //create table e as select * from event; //drop table event; //create table event (eventid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date, club, caller, cuer, venue, time, flags, eventname, comment); //insert into event (eventid, date, club, venue, time, flags) select eventid, date, club, venue, time, flags from e; //select strftime("%w",date) from schedule; //select * from schedule order by strftime("%w",date), date, 3; drop table if exists temp.sch; create temp table sch as select * from schedule where substr(, 1,7) = '2012-07'; drop table if exists temp.datelist; create temp table datelist (i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, event, date, dayname); insert into temp.datelist(event, date, dayname) select eventid, date, weekday.dayname from sch join weekday on strftime('%w', date) = day order by date; --we now have a sorted by date list of events with consecutive i values. drop table if exists temp.datecount; create temp table datecount as select date, min(i) as minimum, count() as count from temp.datelist group by date; --we now have a count and the minimum event number for each date drop table if exists temp.weekbeginning; create temp table weekbeginning as select strftime('%w', date) as day, min(i) as weekmin from temp.datelist group by strftime('%w', date); drop table if exists temp.datedesc; create temp table datedesc as select datelist.event as eventid, as date, i as neweventid, i - minimum as rank, count, dayname, weekmin from datelist join datecount on = join weekbeginning on = strftime('%w',; --datedesc is, for each event, the number of events on the same date and the order of this event on this date. .separator '' .output xxx.html select '', case when weekbeginning.weekmin = datedesc.neweventid then '' || dayname || '' else '' end, case rank when 0 then '' || ltrim(strftime('%d',,'0') else '' end, '' , clubname, '' , caller, ' / ' , cuer, '' , venuename, ', ', venueadd1, ', ', venueadd2, '' , time , '' , flags , '' from sch join datedesc on sch.eventid = datedesc.eventid join weekbeginning on = strftime('%w', order by strftime('%w',,, clubname; .output stdout .separator '|' ---------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar scripts ---------------------------------------------------------------- strftime('%w', THEDATE)%7 is the first span 6-strftime('%d', THEDATE, '1 month', '-1 day')%7 is the last span strftime('%d', THEDATE, '1 month', '-1 day') is number of days in month drop table if exists temp.days; create temp table days as select n from number where n <= 29; ------------------------------------------------------------------ Promenader Publication Process CLUB NEWS Collect all club news text into an emacs document. Separate paragraphs with a single blank line. Normalize line lengths for convenience. Substitute for & first. Substitute for dumb quotes, smart quotes, ..., bullet, <, > Remove previous items from last time from table clubnewsproof. Copy and paste into table clubnewsproof the various fields. You have to look up the clubid in table club. Make the web site: java -jar makeweb Copy to upload area: java -jar copyfiles.jar . ../upload Post to the web and let the editor know. FLYERS convert using following command on linux: for i in *.pdf; do convert -thumbnail x500 ${i}[0] -flatten ${i/.pdf}.jpg; done; Then update classifieds table with: startdate: date flyer should appear in ads and flyers sortdate: date used to sort order of flyers - generally event date enddate: date to stop displaying - usually day after event dates for paid flyers that are not event related are start of month to end of month. ARTICLES use gimp and set width of pictures to 500 if bigger ---------------------------------------------- RELEASE PROCESS Copy all new articles from articleproof to article. (Note that articlecontent does not change.) Copy all club news from clubnewsproof to clubnews. Update table content, line promenader/date to reflect current issue number. There are 4 issues a year. Increment the roman numeral in WINTER. -----------------------------------