CREATE TABLE person (personid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, firstName, lastname, address1, address2, zip, phone, email, spouseid, gender) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name, seq) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE eventpdf (event, flyer) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE eventurl (event, url) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE venue (venueid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, latlong, name, address1, address2, zip, shortname, url) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE club (clubid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name, url, gif) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE clubofficer (club, position, person) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE weekday(day, dayname) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE number(n INTEGER) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE rafclubs(clubid) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE specialdances(eventid) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE monthname(number, monthname) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE eventclub(eventid INT, clubid) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE eventcaller(eventid INT, callerid) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE eventcuer(eventid INT, cuerid) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE event (eventid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date, venue, time, flags, eventname, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE scripts(pagepart, position, script, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE pagesets(pageset, position, pagepart, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE substitutions(pageset, substitutions, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE styles(selector, property, value, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE clubnews(date, clubid, news, information, reporters) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE articlecontent (articleid, position, type, content) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE views(tablename, position, column) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE vieworder(tablename, tableorder) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE classifieds(startdate, sortdate, enddate, name) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE promenaderstaff(rank, position, person) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE singlepage(location, type, heading, content) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE federationstaff(rank, section, position, person) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE callerscuers(type, personid) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE content(page, part, content, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE minutes(minuteid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date, content) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE faq(rank, question, answer) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE clubnewsproof(date, clubid, news, information, reporters) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE article( articleid INT, date, rank, type, heading, subheading, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE articleproof(articleid, date, rank, type, heading, subheading, comment) ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW people as select * from person order by lastname, firstname ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW clubs as select eventid, group_concat(, ', ') as name from eventclub left outer join club on eventclub.clubid = club.clubid group by eventclub.eventid ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW orphanclubs as select clubs.eventid, name from clubs left outer join event on clubs.eventid = event.eventid where event.eventid isnull ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW orphaneventpdf as select eventpdf.event, flyer from eventpdf left outer join event on eventpdf.event = event.eventid where event.eventid isnull ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW orphancallers as select callers.eventid, name from callers left outer join event on callers.eventid = event.eventid where event.eventid isnull ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW orphancuers as select cuers.eventid, name from cuers left outer join event on cuers.eventid = event.eventid where event.eventid isnull ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW callers as select eventid, group_concat(, ', ') as name from (select eventid, people.lastname as name from eventcaller left outer join people on eventcaller.callerid = people.personid order by lastname) as callers group by eventid ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW cuers as select eventid, group_concat(, ', ') as name from (select eventid, people.lastname as name from eventcuer left outer join people on eventcuer.cuerid = people.personid order by lastname) as cuers group by eventid ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW automation as select * from substitutions join pagesets using (pageset) join scripts using (pagepart) order by pageset, pagesets.position, pagepart, scripts.position ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW schedule as select event.eventid, date, as clubname, as venuename, venue.address1 as venueadd1, venue.address2 as venueadd2, venue.latlong as latlong, as caller, as cuer, time, flags, eventname, comment, group_concat('flyer',', ') as pdfs, group_concat('flyer',', ') as subpdfs, event.eventid as _rowid_ from event left outer join venue on venueid = venue left outer join eventpdf on event.eventid = eventpdf.event left outer join clubs on clubs.eventid = event.eventid left outer join callers on callers.eventid = event.eventid left outer join cuers on cuers.eventid = event.eventid group by event.eventid order by date, clubname, time ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schcuernull instead of update of cuer on schedule for each row when new.cuer isnull begin delete from eventcuer where old.eventid = eventcuer.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schcuer instead of update of cuer on schedule for each row when new.cuer notnull begin insert into eventcuer values(old.eventid, new.cuer) ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schcallernull instead of update of caller on schedule for each row when new.caller isnull begin delete from eventcaller where old.eventid = eventcaller.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schcaller instead of update of caller on schedule for each row when new.caller notnull begin insert into eventcaller values(old.eventid, new.caller) ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schcomment instead of update of comment on schedule for each row begin update event set comment = new.comment where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schclub instead of update of clubname on schedule for each row when new.clubname notnull begin insert into eventclub values(old.eventid, new.clubname) ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schclubnull instead of update of clubname on schedule for each row when new.clubname isnull begin delete from eventclub where old.eventid = eventclub.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schdate instead of update of date on schedule for each row begin update event set date = where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schdelete instead of delete on schedule for each row begin delete from event where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scheventname instead of update of eventname on schedule for each row begin update event set eventname = new.eventname where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schflags instead of update of flags on schedule for each row begin update event set flags = new.flags where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schtime instead of update of time on schedule for each row begin update event set time = new.time where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER schvenue instead of update of venuename on schedule for each row begin update event set venue = new.venuename where event.eventid = old.eventid ; end ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW articlecontentview as select *, _rowid_ as _rowid_ from articlecontent order by (articleid + 0), position ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER articlecontentinsert instead of insert on articlecontentview for each row begin insert into articlecontent values(new.articleid,new.position,new.type,new.content); end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER articlecontentdelete instead of delete on articlecontentview for each row begin delete from articlecontent where articlecontent._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW pagesetsview as select *, _rowid_ as _rowid_ from pagesets order by pageset,position ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER pagesetsinsert instead of insert on pagesetsview for each row begin insert into pagesets values(new.pageset,new.position,new.pagepart,new.comment); end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER pagesetsdelete instead of delete on pagesetsview for each row begin delete from pagesets where pagesets._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW personview as select *, _rowid_ as _rowid_ from person order by lastname, firstname ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personinsert instead of insert on personview for each row begin insert into person values(new.personid,new.firstname,new.lastname,new.address1,new.address2,,,,new.spouseid,new.gender); end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER persondelete instead of delete on personview for each row begin delete from person where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW scriptsview as select *, _rowid_ as _rowid_ from scripts order by pagepart,position ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scriptsinsert instead of insert on scriptsview for each row begin insert into scripts values(new.pagepart,new.position,new.script,new.comment); end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scriptsdelete instead of delete on scriptsview for each row begin delete from scripts where scripts._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW stylesview as select *, _rowid_ as _rowid_ from styles order by selector,property,value ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER stylesinsert instead of insert on stylesview for each row begin insert into styles values(new.selector,,new.value,new.comment); end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER stylesdelete instead of delete on stylesview for each row begin delete from styles where styles._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE VIEW substitutionsview as select *, _rowid_ as _rowid_ from substitutions order by pageset ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER substitutionsinsert instead of insert on substitutionsview for each row begin insert into substitutions values(new.pageset,new.substitutions,new.comment); end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER substitutionsdelete instead of delete on substitutionsview for each row begin delete from substitutions where substitutions._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER substitutionspageset instead of update of pageset on substitutionsview for each row begin update substitutions set pageset = new.pageset where substitutions._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER substitutionssubstitutions instead of update of substitutions on substitutionsview for each row begin update substitutions set substitutions = new.substitutions where substitutions._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER substitutionscomment instead of update of comment on substitutionsview for each row begin update substitutions set comment = new.comment where substitutions._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER pagesetspageset instead of update of pageset on pagesetsview for each row begin update pagesets set pageset = new.pageset where pagesets._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER pagesetsposition instead of update of position on pagesetsview for each row begin update pagesets set position = new.position where pagesets._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER pagesetspagepart instead of update of pagepart on pagesetsview for each row begin update pagesets set pagepart = new.pagepart where pagesets._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER pagesetscomment instead of update of comment on pagesetsview for each row begin update pagesets set comment = new.comment where pagesets._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scriptspagepart instead of update of pagepart on scriptsview for each row begin update scripts set pagepart = new.pagepart where scripts._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scriptsposition instead of update of position on scriptsview for each row begin update scripts set position = new.position where scripts._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scriptsscript instead of update of script on scriptsview for each row begin update scripts set script = new.script where scripts._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER scriptscomment instead of update of comment on scriptsview for each row begin update scripts set comment = new.comment where scripts._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER stylesselector instead of update of selector on stylesview for each row begin update styles set selector = new.selector where styles._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER stylesproperty instead of update of property on stylesview for each row begin update styles set property = where styles._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER stylesvalue instead of update of value on stylesview for each row begin update styles set value = new.value where styles._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER stylescomment instead of update of comment on stylesview for each row begin update styles set comment = new.comment where styles._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personpersonid instead of update of personid on personview for each row begin update person set personid = new.personid where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personfirstname instead of update of firstname on personview for each row begin update person set firstname = new.firstname where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personlastname instead of update of lastname on personview for each row begin update person set lastname = new.lastname where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personaddress1 instead of update of address1 on personview for each row begin update person set address1 = new.address1 where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personaddress2 instead of update of address2 on personview for each row begin update person set address2 = new.address2 where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personzip instead of update of zip on personview for each row begin update person set zip = where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personphone instead of update of phone on personview for each row begin update person set phone = where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personemail instead of update of email on personview for each row begin update person set email = where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER personspouseid instead of update of spouseid on personview for each row begin update person set spouseid = new.spouseid where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER persongender instead of update of gender on personview for each row begin update person set gender = new.gender where person._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER articlecontentarticleid instead of update of articleid on articlecontentview for each row begin update articlecontent set articleid = new.articleid where articlecontent._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER articlecontentposition instead of update of position on articlecontentview for each row begin update articlecontent set position = new.position where articlecontent._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER articlecontenttype instead of update of type on articlecontentview for each row begin update articlecontent set type = new.type where articlecontent._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end ----------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER articlecontentcontent instead of update of content on articlecontentview for each row begin update articlecontent set content = new.content where articlecontent._rowid_ = old._rowid_; end