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Dear Dancers,

It is with deep regret that I am informing you of the decision of the SSDUSA board to cancel the Dance-A-Rama festival that was scheduled for Labor Day weekend of 2020. Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 virus and the predictions of a resurgence in the fall, we felt it to be in the best interest and safety of us all to cancel the event. We had hoped to reschedule it on Labor Day weekend of 2021 at the same facility and with the same line up of callers and cuers, but unfortunately the Cherry Valley Hotel is not available on Labor Day Weekend in 2021 or 2022. We are currently exploring other options. We still hope to be able to celebrate our 50 years of dancing with a final Dance-A-Rama festival, but just with a one year gap. We will send out further information when it is available.

Please pass this message along to other dancers, emailing those you can, but also making sure to contact those who do not have access to email. We appreciate your help in getting the word out.

Thank you.

Velma Doyle,
Single Square Dancers U.S.A.