Are there other Square Dances for Solos? Yes, there are a lot of special dances for solo dancers around the country. Many are organized by area Single Square Dance Clubs, and by regional or statewide organizations of Single's Clubs. |
Yellowrock! The directory of clubs for solo square and round dancers, a Scholarship fund, and a favorite dancer greeting. Forms for listing your club in the Yellowrock, and Scholarship application forms can be found on this page. |
Dancing Links? Where else can you dance? There are clubs all over the United States, and in many foreign countries. Where ever you travel you can find a dance club, and the dances are always called in English. These links are a good place to start. www.wheresthedance.com is also a good place to find all kinds of links and information. |
Tell me more about the Single Square Dancers USA organization. Club information and membership application. There is also a link to our newsletter, the Intercom and information on our club outfit. |
Contact SSDUSA Send us an email if you have any questions about Single Dancers USA or this Web Site |