SSDUSA Home Page, Single Square Dancers USA, National Singles Square Dance Club
Single Square Dancers USA
HomeSSDUSA Club InfoDance-A-Rama National Singles Square DanceYellowrock ScholarshipCalendarAbout Square DancingPhotosLinks

Welcome to the home page of Single Square Dancers U.S.A., better known as SSDUSA.  SSDUSA is a organization formed to promote and stimulate interest in square dancing among solo adults of all ages.  If you're not familiar with the organization here's a few informational pages for you.  If you are not currently a Square Dancer, or if you haven't been to a Square Dance lately, then read on and find out about the fun and friendship of the activity. 

Not a Square Dancer?  Learn about the activity often called "friendship set to music".  Find out how America's 200 year old dance has grown up.
Want to know more about Square Dancing?  Here's some things I bet you don't know. 
The Dance-A-Rama, often called the "Single's National", is SSDUSA's Annual gathering.  Read all about it here, or check out this next Dance-A-Rama's information.
Are there other Square Dances for Solos?  Yes, there are a lot of special dances for solo dancers around the country.  Many are organized by area Single Square Dance Clubs, and by regional or statewide organizations of Single's Clubs. 
Yellowrock!  The directory of clubs for solo square and round dancers, a Scholarship fund, and a favorite dancer greeting. Forms for listing your club in the Yellowrock, and Scholarship application forms can be found on this page.
Dancing Links?  Where else can you dance?  There are clubs all over the United States, and in many foreign countries.  Where ever you travel you can find a dance club, and the dances are always called in English.   These links are a good place to start. is also a good place to find all kinds of links and information. 
Tell me more about the Single Square Dancers USA organization.   Club information and membership application. There is also a link to our newsletter, the Intercom and information on our club outfit.
Contact SSDUSA Send us an email if you have any questions about Single Dancers USA or this Web Site