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Copy Cats Follow Fall Colors — Tumbling Leaves, 2018
It’s Not (Quite) Too Late for Leadership Award Nominations
RAF Re-organizing Promotion Activities
Copy Cats Celebrate the Holidays in Style
Welcome Two new Clubs to the RAF
Square Dancing and More with Cloverleaf Squares
George Dormer — December 8, 2018
Nancy H. Fincher — January 5, 2019

Copy Cats Follow Fall Colors — Tumbling Leaves, 2018

In October, a contingent of Copy Cats and other Rochester dancers attended the 2018 version of the annual Tumbling Leaves Festival in Bennington Vermont. As expected, it was a wonderful weekend for dancing and socializing. Festivals like this are always great opportunities to get to know your fellow Square Dancers, and at this one the scenery is absolutely beautiful! Consider joining us in 2019.

The couples in the photo, roughly from top to bottom, are: Phil & Mary, Gary & Lorraine, Liz & Tom, Mary Jo & David, Karen & Steve, Nancy & Rick, Pam & Carlos, Rick & Donna, Kris & Amy, Alice & Gary and Lurine.

Submitted by Amy Aeckerle


It’s Not (Quite) Too Late for Leadership Award Nominations

We would not be dancing if it weren’t for the extra efforts of folks who consistently go out of their way to make things happen, to welcome and encourage new dancers and to help keep experienced dancers engaged. The Daphne-Norma Leadership Award is one of the ways we recognize these special people.

The award is presented each year in May—at Dance O Rama—to honor an individual or co couple who have made an outstanding contribution to dancing in our area. Recipients are selected from nominations sent in by dancers like you.

If there is someone whose consistent service to square dancing in your club or in the wider dancing community has caught your attention, please make a note of it on a copy of the Daphne-Norma Nomination Form, which you’ll find in our Awards section. (Click HERE for guidelines, a list of past recipients and a link to the form.)

Send your completed form to the award’s most recent recipients, Stu & Jane Jones, at 53 Dake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14617-2835.

If that’s too much trouble, then simply send an email to them at Sjones102@rochester.rr.com—with the following information:

Nominee’s Name(s)

Your reasons for nominating them

Your name and club affiliation

Your email address and phone number

It’s that simple!

Selection for this significant honor is a cumulative process. Nominations are due by the end of February, but they are also held over into future years, and can accumulate to build a compelling case for “your” nominee. So, please don’t hesitate. Send in your nomination any time. Like right now!

Submitted by Peter Emmel

RAF Re-organizing Promotion Activities

In the continuing effort to expand square dancing in our community, a group of enthusiastic dancers is in the process of reviving a dormant RAF Promotions Committee.

RAF Vice Presidents, Jeff and Debbie Blood, have recruited volunteers with the goal of developing a sustainable and coordinated promotional effort aimed at bringing new dancers into classes at our various clubs along with helping to retain dancers at all levels—recent graduates through experienced dancers.

The members of the recently formed RAF Promotions Committee are:

Amy & Kris Aeckerle
Debbie & Jeff Blood
Laurie & Dave Collins
Tracey & Jim Lasch
Karen Olmsted & Steve Barkley
Eileen Webster

The committee held its first meeting in February and will be meeting again in March.

It was decided a separate committee will be formed to focus on the challenge of accommodating solo dancers in classes and clubs. Debbie & Jeff are currently recruiting members for this committee and hoping to hold their first meeting in March. Anyone interested in serving on this committee, please contact Debbie & Jeff Blood at 585-225-8751 or dfbjvbhome@aol.com

Stay tuned for news about the activities of these committees and how you and your club can participate and benefit.

Submitted by Debbie & Jeff Blood

Copy Cats Celebrate the Holidays in Style

On December 15th, the Copy Cats—and many of their friends—gathered in Penfield for a holiday feast and dance. After the food was served and enjoyed, the punch began to flow, as did Mike Callahan’s music … and the dancing. It was a class-club event, so many of us got a chance to meet and dance with this year’s Copy Kittens. As you can see from the accompanying photos, all had a wonderful time.

Submitted by Peter Emmel, with photos by Jet Thomas

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Welcome Two new Clubs to the RAF

We are very pleased to welcome two new clubs to the RAF family in the past two months. The Fun Bunch, dances on Tuesday evenings in Auburn, with Ron Schweitzer calling, and the Phoenix Pairs N Squares dance in Phoenix, NY.

Look for news and dance schedules from both clubs as we get them integrated into the RAF website and the Promenader news cycle. Meanwhile, you can contact Joe Manning (315-246-9956) for information on the Fun Bunch, and Kathleen Harter (315-481-0570) for information on the Phoenix Pairs N Squares.

Submitted by Peter Emmel

Square Dancing and More with Cloverleaf Squares

As our editor, Peter Emmel, pointed out from the “American Square Dance” magazine; “Of the three great values of our activity—movement, mental challenge, and sociability—the greatest is sociability.” This is something that the Cloverleaf Squares square dance club endeavors to include in its activities: Social Interaction. There is some activity for every dancer. The club holds events like, bowling nights, picnics, canal trash pickup, mystery rides, and dinners. This is an addition to their regular theme dances which encourage additional play and fun. Themes at the club have included Halloween costume night, Thanksgiving dinners, and Hawaiian night.

Cloverleaf Squares is a singles oriented club, welcoming couples and families. Their activities are not designed for a “singles meetup” but just as a way for people to come together and not feel out-of-place or pressured to make connections. Having families and couples attend just adds to the inclusiveness and comfort for the solo dancer.

Another way the club keeps the sociability aspect prominent with their dancers is to maintain various public platforms for members to keep informed and connected. They have an information line (585.987.5972) which is updated at least monthly with upcoming events. The club also uses it to post urgent messages such as winter closings. The club maintains web pages at www.cloverleafsquares.org. On its web page is news about upcoming events and pictures of past events. What fun it is to relive a distant or recent past event with your friends.

The best venue to maintain that social contact is through its Facebook page. Many times after dances or activities there is a posting with a few remarks and some pictures. Commonly, former dancers will “Like” postings. The nature of the Facebook presence helps to provide memories for current or former dancers. Many appreciate the posts and even share some with their friends

Dancing is the center of the club. Many members travel to other clubs either regionally or to outside festivals. Along with other Rochester dancers, some will attend the annual Washington Area Square Dancers Cooperative Association (WASCA) dance held every March. Around every Labor Day, the Single Square Dancers USA sees Cloverleaf dancers at many of their annual convention dances (Dance-A-Rama). The club has done a few banner stealing trips and other group trips to other local clubs. Last month, many members along with several Rochester dancers attended a Penn Yan Friendship Squares afternoon dance. Later they joined the Penn Yan club for an evening dinner.

The club is planning for more “adventures.” Later in March will be another pancake breakfast trip to Cartwright’s Maple Tree Inn in Angelica, NY. Their summer picnic will be on July 20th at Gates Fire District Station 3. As always, the club loves other dancers and families to join them at any of their dances or outside activities.

Submitted by Carl Webster

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George Dormer — December 8, 2018

To the sorrow of the square dance communty and of his many friends, George Dormer died unexpectedly on December 8 at the age of 81. Characteristically, he was returning home from a Syracuse University basketball game with his son and grandson. George’s love of his family and pride in his grandchildren was a given. He’d been an outstanding high school and college swimmer and soccer player himself and he rarely missed his childen’s track meets, soccer games or volleyball matches. When his grandson was recently voted Naples HS Basketball MVP and Ontario County Player of the Year, George was Zach Dormer’s proudest fan.

After graduating from RPI with a degree in metallurgical engineering, George worked at Pfaudler until his retirement. Recognizing his creativity, ingenuity and dependability, in 1971 the local chapter of the AME created an award for excellence, which they called “Give It To George.”

Retirement often is a chance to relax, but George had no intention of slowing down. In retirement he acted as a consultant for RG&E and Ginna, taught as an adjunct professor at RIT and joined Ginny volunteering at Perinton Food Shelf. Over the years, he also served in many capacities at his church, St. John of Rochester.

George and Ginny typify the best of square dancing and square dancers. They were first to volunteer for anything that needed to be done. Decorate for a Barn Dance or for New Year’s Eve? Vacuum the carpet or dry mop the floor after the dance? Let George Do It!

They were always welcoming to new dancers. When Peter and I were learnng to square dance, the Dormers’ encouragement and friendship was a major motivation for our joining Village Squares. Their ingenuity was exhibited evey Halloween, when we all looked forward to seeing the latest creation from George, Ginny and their Fairport posse. One year we danced with a herd of cows, next a colony of penguins and eventually an entire circus troop.

The line of George’s friends calling at Harloff Funeral Home on Friday afternoon wove around the entire building and streamed out onto the sidewalk. After telling George’s daughter Mary that we were square dancers, she replied that they had been counting square dancers but gave up about half an hour earlier, at 60.

George and Ginny were the heart and soul of the Village Squares, and Geoge’s death leaves a void in our club that will be impossible to fill. Trying to find the word that best describes Geoge, I keep coming back to ‘nice.’ ‘thoughtful,’ ‘kind,’ ‘considerate,’ ‘smart,’ ‘funny,’ ‘good sport,’ would all apply, but George Dormer was truly a nice man. He will be greatly missed.

Submitted by Sally Emmel

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Nancy H. Fincher — January 5, 2019

Nancy H. Fincher, 87 years old, lived at 2403 Main Rd., East Pembroke, NY, and passed away peacefully on January 5, 2019 at Johnson‘s Elderly Care, in Byron, NY, with help from Orleans County Hospice.

Nancy was born in East Pembroke, a daughter of the late Earl and Gladys Beckwith Clute. She was the wife of the late Dean W. Fincher and was also predeceased by her sisters, Frances Klawer and Ruth Klawer.

Nancy and her late husband Dean took square dance classes in the basement of the YMCA, with the Batavia Twirlers, graduating in 1963. They returned to the class often, as new people wanted to join them. Eventually the club became the Batavia Silver Stars. Nancy learned round dancing, and for many years, served as cuer for Batavia Silver Stars. She cued for other clubs when asked, and cued often at Dance O Rama. She continued cueing up until about 5 years ago. Besides round dancing, she also taught line dancing.

Nancy enjoyed teaching and playing the organ and piano, as well as singing and directing the church choir. She loved to sew, making many of her own square dance outfits. In her younger days she also sold Bee Line and Fashion Wagon clothing, plus Sandak Sandals.

Nancy is survived by her, children Diane (Larry) Risley of Corfu, Connie (Ken) Golding of Byron, John (Jennifer) Fincher of East Pembroke, Mark (Dawn) Fincher of Morris, Illinois and Joy (Fred) Bookmiller of Corfu, 11 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren with one more on the way and 1 step great-grandchild.

Memorial gifts may be made to the Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke, PO Box 189, East Pembroke, NY 14056, Johnson‘s Elderly Care, 6815 Rte. 237, Byron, NY 14422, or Hospice in Orleans County, 14080 Rte 31 West, PO Box 489, Albion, NY 14411.

Submitted by Jan Bencic
