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Autumn Leaves Festival—Vermont 2022
Grand Squares Halloween Dance
Silver Squares Halloween Dance 2022
Cayuga Cut-Ups Halloween Dance 2022
Copy Cats Halloween Dance 2022
Copy Cats Launch Class for New Square Dancers
Area Libraries Continue to Showcase Square Dancing
Copy Cats Honor Flight Honorees
DAPHNE-NORMA Leadership Award—Seeking Nominations
December Class for New Callers

Autumn Leaves Festival—Vermont 2022

On the weekend of October 15–16, several dancers from the Rochester area attended the “Autumn Leaves” festival in Brattleboro, Vermont. We had a wonderful time—on and off the dance floor!

Submitted by Jeff & Debbie Blood

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Grand Squares Halloween Dance

On October 27, the Grand Squares held their 2022 Halloween Costume Dance in Henrietta. Three squares enjoyed one another’s company and Mike Callahan’s calling and cueing.

At least a dozen dancers brought their Halloween spirit in the form of costumes. All had a wonderful time.

Additional photos from Jeff & Debbie Blood

Submitted by Peter Emmel

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Silver Squares Halloween Dance 2022

On October 31, the Silver Squares hosted their annual Halloween Dance and members arrived in a variety of awesome costumes. The club voted on their favorites. Stu and Jane came in first place, with Joann a close runner up. Where else can you go on a Monday afternoon and have so much fun!!!!

The Silver Squares club dances every Monday afternoon from 1:00–3:00 at the Greece United Methodist Church. Come visit anytime!

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Cayuga Cut-Ups Halloween Dance 2022

Cayuga Cut-Ups held their Halloween Dance on Sunday, October 30, in Weedsport with Ron Brown calling. What a fun afternoon of dancing!

Submitted by Jeff & Debbie Blood

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Copy Cats Halloween Dance 2022

The Copy Cats Halloween Dance on October 22 was so much fun! Four squares of dancers enjoyed dancing to the Hip Boot Boys with Ron Brown & Greg Marling calling many special Halloween tunes. Seven round dancing couples danced to the cues of Jim Gotta.

We enjoyed dancing with guests from Cayuga Cut Ups, Cloverleaf’s Squares, Shamrock Squares & Village Squares. Thanks everyone for coming, helping out and making it such a wonderful evening!!

This dance coincided with Debbie Blood’s birthday, so we all wished her well and sang the Spike Jones Happy Birthday Song.

Submitted by Jeff & Debbie Blood and Peter Emmel

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Copy Cats Launch Class for New Square Dancers

After a two-year hiatus, Copy Cats Club is excited to offer a class for new square dancers at the Scribner Road School, 1750 Scribner Road, in Penfield. On Tuesday nights from 7–9, there are 19 new dancers. Classes are going well. They are enjoying being a part of a grand square and are quickly learning to star through and promenade.

We always welcome and encourage experienced dancers to come and be Angels alongside the class as they learn. We want to thank all those who helped spread the word with signs in their yard, talking to friends, placing ads, and supporting 55 Plus magazine for an article they published.

Submitted by Debbie and Paul Van Grafeiland, Class Coordinators

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Area Libraries Continue to Showcase Square Dancing

Thanks mainly to the efforts of square dancers Diane Cundra and Sandy Trumble, square dancing continues to be on display at public libraries in the Rochester area.

Pictured here are two library display cases they prepared, one for September in the Henrietta library and the other for October in the Pittsford library. They also set up a third case at the Penfield Public library, which will be on display throughout November.

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Copy Cats Honor Flight Honorees

Ronald Reagan said “Veterans know better than anyone else the price of freedom, for they’ve suffered the scars of war. We can offer them no better tribute than to protect what they have won for us.”

Three Copy Cats members recently were honored with a “Welcome Home” from Honor Flight Rochester. Elizabeth Beauter, escorted by her son Michael, and Rick LaDonna, escorted by his son Alan, were on Honor Flight Mission #73 which departed Rochester on September 10, 2022. They were among 57 Vets from the Rochester area. Joseph (Joe) Carlino departed Rochester on October 22, 2022 as part of Honor Flight Mission #75 escorted by Honor Flight Rochester Volunteer, Kim Gould.

As they sat on the plane, Mail Call was announced. All Vets will remember Mail Call as a connection to home and loved ones. Each veteran received letters written by students from local schools including Palmyra-Macedon, Pittsford and Rush-Henrietta.

Liz served as a Private in the United States Army during the Korean War. She was assigned to the Signal Battalion as a clerical at Camp Gordon, GA.

Rick, an E4, served in the United States Navy from 1965–1968 as an Electronics Technician on the USS Esteem, an ocean-going minesweeper, during the Vietnam War as part of Operation Market Time. Rick reminisced that he didn’t know that the Navy had wooden ships in the 1960’s. The minesweeper was the smallest naval vessel that could cross the ocean on its own power. Their duties included patrolling the coast of Vietnam and the intercostal waterways.

Liz and Rick are members of VFW Post #8495 in Fairport, NY. Liz is also active with their Ladies Auxiliary.

Joe served as an E5 in the United States Army from 1964–1967. He was stationed in Berlin, Germany near the Berlin Wall. He was scheduled to report to Vietnam but was sent instead to Oklahoma where he finished his military duties as a cook.

These Vets toured Washington, DC with stops at the Air Force Memorial, and the Navy Yard and Museum. At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Liz was part of a team that laid a wreath from Honor Flight Rochester. They also visited the Vietnam Wall, Korean Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial and Lincoln Memorial. The shared military experiences at a dinner that evening.

Upon arriving at the Rochester airport terminal, they were given a “water canon salute” by airport firefighters. After deplaning, a brass band escorted them through the terminal. They were greeted by flag-waving and sign-carrying family, friends including current and former square dancers (Steve Barkley, Karen Olmsted, Mary Jo and David Webster, Pat Santacrocce, Mary Claire (Wise) Carlino, Don Jermyn, Paul Weitz and Fran Haldoupis), members of the community and previous Honor Flight participants (Don Jermyn & Paul Weitz).

Liz, Rick and Joe and their escorts will never forget the experience provided them through Honor Flight Rochester. This was their “Welcome Home” which was so richly deserved after so many years.

Submitted by Donna LaDonna

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DAPHNE-NORMA Leadership Award—Seeking Nominations

The Daphne-Norma Leadership Award is the way that our dancing community recognizes a couple or individual dancer who has demonstrated leadership for an extended period of time, furthering the cause of square and round dancing. Think about efforts that have been made over past years as well as recently.

Leadership styles vary greatly as each person is different. But going that extra mile for the sake of other dancers, and of dancing itself, is something we want to recognize and encourage.

If you know someone whom you feel stands out in their continuing service to others, please help us to celebrate and take note of them.

You don’t have to know their life history. Just tell us what you do know. Most likely, others will fill in more of the information.

Every single nomination is very important, so please don’t think that what you have to say doesn’t matter! It boils down to: Who do YOU feel should receive the leadership award, and why?

Nominations should be sent to Rick and Donna LaDonna (rladonna@rochester.rr.com) by the end of February, 2023. The link for the instructions and the nomination form is:

Nomination Form


Submitted by Donna and Rick LaDonna

December Class for New Callers

Just as more dance time helps make dancers better, callers need microphone time to get better. Also as it did for dancers, the COVID shut-down had an impact on callers trying to get started.

In order to help make up for this, Mike Callahan along with Jim Gotta and Ray Tompkins are putting together a one-day caller school in early December. They are expecting the session to be attended by four dancers who have tried or expressed an interest in trying square dance calling.

The day will be devoted to things like technical details of square dance formation and arrangements, and how to move dancers from one formation to another. There will also be microphone time for practicing calling to a square of test dancers. Wish them well!

Submitted by Jim Gotta