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Square Dancing’s Health Benefits
Silver Squares Year-end “Let’s Picnic” Dance 2023
Village Squares Summer Picnic 2023
Summer Birthdays at the Silver Squares
Square Dance Polo Shirts
Square Dancing at Greece Historical Society’s Strawberry Festival fundraiser
July Square Dance Demo at Grace Covenant Church
Cayuga Cut-Ups 62nd Anniversary Steak Roast
Dalton Gang sponsors October C.U.R.E. Benefit Dance
Silver Squares Flag Day Dance 2023
Square Dance Demo at Greece Ridge Mall Health Fair
Michael Keane

Square Dancing’s Health Benefits

Burning calories and socializing with friends, dancing offers the following health benefits:

Calories—Dancing can burn as many calories as swimming or riding a bicycle. During a half hour of sustained dancing, you can burn between 200 and 400 calories. A two-hour square dance can burn 500+ calories. I have had dancers wearing pedometers and found that they did, in fact, dance their way to 5 miles during the dance.

Cardiovascular Conditioning—Regular exercise can lead to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and an improved cholesterol profile. The degree of benefit depends on how vigorously you dance, how long you dance and how often you do it.

Strong Bones—The side-to-side movements of many dances strengthen your weight bearing bones (tibia, fibula, and femur) and according to the Mayo Clinic can help prevent or slow the loss of bone mass (osteoporosis). As we age some tend to have issues with balance. The strengthening of lower body muscles can help with issues pertaining to balance.

Rehabilitation—If you are recovering from heart, knee, or hip surgery, movement may have a part in your recovery. Dancing is a positive alternative to aerobic dance or jogging.

Sociability—Solitary fitness programs does not contain the social component that Square Dancing provides. Square dancing provides an opportunity to develop strong social ties. These ties can contribute to self-esteem and a positive outlook.

Brain—Studies have also shown positive benefits of dancing. Dancing to the calls keeps the brain processing information and wards off the effects of Alzheimer’s.

Health Insurance “silver sneakers” program may, in fact, provide some financial assistance for this light aerobic activity. Check with your healthcare provider. If they don’t, call your Caller, he may be able to help with the benefit to you.

Square Dance Music—You may be pleasantly surprised in the music Callers use for Modern Western Square Dancing. Many associate Square Dancing with western hoedown bands, fiddles etc. Actually, we use an ever-growing list of popular songs by artists such as Gaga, Elvis, Sinatra, Bublé to name a few. Square Dance Study—Dr. Aaron Blackburn’s study on square dancing states it’s the perfect exercise. It combines the positive aspects of intense physical activity with none of the negative elements. He states it is a low impact activity requiring constant movement and quick directional changes that help keep the body in shape. The study was based on physical examinations which indicated that both female and male square dancers could expect to extend their lives by keeping fit thru dancing. Square dance movements raise the heart rate like any good aerobic exercise should. All the quick changes in direction loosen and tone the muscles—but do not cause injury. In Square Dancing when you are not moving, you’re clapping your hands, tapping your feet, which contributes to long term fitness.

Cost—Square Dancing is an undervalued activity. Comparing the individual movie ticket price today, you can go to a Square Dance for a close equivalent except for 2 people. It’s like getting a 2 for 1 deal at your favorite store. It also provides professional networking and expands your social contacts. We are a circle of friends.

By: Ron Brown Square Dance Caller/Instructor

Silver Squares Year-end “Let’s Picnic” Dance 2023

Silver Squares End of year Let’s Picnic Dance gathered 5 squares of dancers. We enjoyed hot dogs and wonderful dishes and desserts made by our cooks and bakers. It was such a fun time to visit, laugh, and just have fun together!

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Village Squares Summer Picnic 2023

The Village Squares held their Summer Picnic on July 19 at King’s Bend Park in Pittsford, with 24 people attending. It was a wonderfully sunny day, without too much heat (or smoke!). It was good to see so many friends gathered. We mainly socialized, but there were more than enough active dancers for one square “with substitutes” to dance a few tips.

Before the dancing started, the club surprised Sandy and me with a gorgeous (and delicious) cake, congratulating us on our May marriage. It was a touching moment for both of us. I can’t imagine a more fun or more supportive circle of friends than I have found in the square-dancing community throughout these past 30+ years. Thank you all!

The WNYF’s traveling Pandas, Acey and Deucey, were there, and Chewy, Sandy’s Shih Tsu, also enjoyed herself.

Submitted by Peter Emmel

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Summer Birthdays at the Silver Squares

Silver Squares had a lot of birthdays in July and Rosie Holley surprised everyone by making a cake! Barb Miller, Dee Gustke, Anne Granger, Rosie Holley and Cathy Dromgold celebrated. The club thoroughly enjoyed the cake!

Submitted by Anne Granger


Square Dance Polo Shirts

Anne Granger, WNYF Vice President, has been working for several months to arrange for our dancers to order square dance polos. The two companies we have used in the past are no longer in operation.

Anne has contacted and worked with at least 4–5 vendors to find one that is affordable and provides a nice selection of colors for polo shirts.

The WNYF is coordinating this first order of square dance polos through the leadership of each of our 16 WNYF Clubs.

Dancers have 3 choices:

a) Club Name (with or without city and state) or Club Logo only printed on front of polo shirt.

b) “Dance in a Square Make a Circle of Friends” printed only on the back of the polo shirt.

c) Print both the Club Name or logo on front and “Dance in a Square Make a Circle of Friends” on the back of the polo shirt.

Each club will need to determine if they want their Club Name (with or without city and state) or Club Logo printed on the front of the shirt.

The set-up fee for each Club Logo is $10, payable by club, using Club Order form.

There is no set-up charge for printing the Club Name (with or without city and state) on the front. For example, there is no set-up fee for: “Copy Cats” ... or for: “Copy Cats, Rochester, NY”

Clubs that want their polos to include the Club Logo will need pay the $10 set-up charge and provide their Club Logo design for the printer to use when the order is submitted—before October 1st.

The Federation will be paying the set-up charge for the “Dance in a Square Make a Circle of Friends” logo and slogan printed on the back of the polo shirts. It will be printed in two colors white & yellow. Please note the logo accompanying this article is printed with more than two colors.

A polo ordering packet has been provided to each club president. It includes a listing of the available colors, pricing, and order forms for both clubs and for individual dancers. Similar items accompany this article. Clubs should use the club order form or a group order and to pay for set-up of the Club Logo. Dancers whose polo is not included in the club order should use the individual order form.

Completed forms should be sent to Anne Granger along with the payment for the polos ordered and logo set-up if appropriate.

Club orders will be taken during the month of September, all order forms and payments are due to Anne Granger by October 1, 2023.

Send order forms and check payable to: Western NY Federation

c/o Anne Granger, 570 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14612

Please Contact Anne with any questions 585-317-6442

If your club decides not to order any polo shirts, please let Anne know so she is aware of your decision.

Submitted by Jeff and Debbie Blood

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Square Dancing at Greece Historical Society’s Strawberry Festival fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who participated in the square dance demo at the Greece Historical Society’s Annual Strawberry Festival fundraiser. On Monday June 19. 2023. We had four squares of dancers. Mike Callahan did a fantastic job calling and promoting our clubs during the demos. Many participants from the audience joined us on the dance floor. Great job everyone!!

Submitted by Jeff & Debbie Blood

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July Square Dance Demo at Grace Covenant Church

We had a wonderful time dancing on Saturday, July 15th at the Grace Covenant Church summer event. Thank you to all the dancers who came to help with the demo. Thank you to Jim Gotta for calling. Jim did a great job keeping two steady squares of dancers & participants going throughout the demo. We had some serious interest in square dancing from several of the participants. Thanks again to everyone who participated!

Submitted by Jeff & Debbie Blood

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Cayuga Cut-Ups 62nd Anniversary Steak Roast

August 12, 2023 was the 62nd Anniversary & Steak Roast Party for the Cayuga Cut-Ups Square Dance Club. Thank you to Ron Brown and Dave Eno for calling our dance. Thank you to over 50 dancers for attending and sharing the fun. Thank you to the Silver Squares and Copy Cats for coming to retrieve their banners, nice banner dances! Thank you to Federation Presidents Jeff & Debbie for bringing the new polo shirt examples, can’t wait to order. Congratulations to Chuck & Cindi Denardo as Glynn & Linda English presented them with the Circle of Service Award. Life long members Jack & Fran Hole and Don & Marion Ellinwood were honored as the Memorial Award recognized their service to the Cayuga Cut-Ups as well. Thank you to Jack & Fran’s daughter Jeanne Harter for cueing rounds for us. We are especially happy to gift the Dalton Gang with a club donation for their CURE dance on August 19. Most of all thank you Cut-Ups, keep dancing!

Linda English, Secretary

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Dalton Gang sponsors October C.U.R.E. Benefit Dance

The Dalton Gang held a benefit dance on Saturday, August 19, for C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer Awareness.

Callers Gary Bubel, Mike Callahan, Jim Gotta, and Ray Tompkins, along with cuers Lisa Treichler and Alice Bubel donated their time and as always, did an amazing job! Basket raffles, 50/50 tickets, great company, delicious food and lots of dancing made for a fun afternoon!

Thank you, Dalton Gang, for bringing awareness to such a special cause and having a wonderful dance.

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Silver Squares Flag Day Dance 2023

The Silver Squares Flag Day Dance was held on June 12, 2023. It was a celebration of our flag and all it means to us. We dressed in patriotic colors and Mike Callahan had a great selection of patriotic music! Eileen Webster made a beautiful patriotic cake and fun was had by all!!

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Square Dance Demo at Greece Ridge Mall Health Fair

A square dance demonstration was held on Saturday, August 26th, at the Health Fair at Greece Ridge Mall. Many different organizations were present, and our Square-Dancing display featured the many positive benefits that square dancing has on one’s health.

A square of dancers volunteered their time on Saturday to dance. Mike Callahan was our caller and he encouraged onlookers to join in the square and dance with the group.

Thanks, Mike for calling! We had a great time.

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Michael Keane

On May 26, 2023, Michael Keane passed away peacefully in Webster, NY, surrounded by his family. He and Barbara were long-time members of the Village Squares, where they served on the Board and organized the refreshments calendar—making sure we were well-fed at all dances and special events.

A fondness for baseball ran in the family and spilled over into square dancing. Mike convinced the club to hold a baseball-themed dance. That evening, he brought a hotdog cooker and manned the Hot Dog stand—decked out in an apron and a NY Yankees cap.

The Keanes (seen at left in the photo) began dancing thirty years ago, with class and graduation in 1993 at the Cross-Trail Squares in Caldwell, NJ. By 2002, they were presidents of the club. On moving to the Rochester area in 2003 they made a connection (through their granddaughter’s nurse) with Bob Ellis and the Emerald Squares. At their first dance, Fran Haldoupis offered to be their “Square Dance Mother” and, with her husband, Nick, set about introducing Mike and Barb to Rochester area clubs.

They settled on the Village Squares and stuck with them through the move from East Rochester to Pittsford, coming to dances to socialize long after health issues had ended their dancing days. Several of the fun programs at the Village Squares began as ideas from Mike and Barb—including “Progressive Dinners” and the “Blue-Hat Ladies” social group.

Submitted by Peter Emmel, Village Squares

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