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Let’s Dance!—Readers Digest—March/April 2024
Dance-O-Rama #64—May 4, 2024
Silver Squares was in need of a caller!
Silver Squares—Presidents Day Dance—5/6/2024
Silver Squares Soup, Sandwich & Salad Dance
Silver Squares St Pat’s Day Dance—3/11/24
Silver Squares Valentine’s Dance—2/12/2024
Daphne-Norma Leadership Award 2024—DOR May 4, 2024
Twenty-six Graduates Join Rochester’s Square Dancing Community at DOR 2024
Clayton Wing—Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Let’s Dance!—Readers Digest—March/April 2024

We came across a wonderful article in the March/April issue of Reader’s Digest, “Let’s Dance” by Claire Sibonney. Scientifically, it reinforces the benefits all our dancers know, but newcomers might not be aware of…

Dancing is not only fun but very good for our health. Also, “for many people, dance has become vital to their quality of life,” according to David Leventhal, program director at the Mark Morris Dance for PD programs.

To us in the dancing community, this is nothing new. Many of us see this each time we walk out on the dance floor, dancing in squares or rounds to our favorite callers, cuers, and music.

The article mentions that there is “growing evidence shows that dancing can boost brain health and help manage symptoms of neurocognitive and movement disorders.”

Helena Bluman, cognitive scientist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City was quoted: “Dancing requires more brain power than simpler repetitive exercises. It’s socially demanding, cognitively demanding, and physically demanding.”

According to David Leventhal, program director at the Mark Morris Dance for PD programs: “In dance we have to learn patterns, think symmetrically and asymmetrically, we have to remember sequences.”

It is known that both white and grey matter decline as we get older making communication in the brain lag and certain cognitive tasks such as multi-tasking and problem-solving tougher.

A 2018 study by researchers at Otto van Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany, analyzed MRI scans of older adults who had participated in one of two programs over a six-month period. One of the groups practiced dance, the other group did a traditional exercise program with cycling and strength training.


Both groups improved their level of physical fitness, but the dancers grew more white and gray matter in part of the brain responsible for cognitive processes such as working memory, attention, and high-level thinking.


Dancers’ memory centers aren’t shrinking as quickly, improving their overall quality of life and potentially reducing the risk of dementia.

MRI doesn’t measure social benefits, but we dancers already know that regular gatherings with dancing friends makes a big difference in well-being and outlook on life.

Submitted by Jeff and Debbie Blood

Dance-O-Rama #64—May 4, 2024

The Federation’s 64th Dance-O-Rama (DOR) was held on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at the Perinton Recreation Center. It was very successful, with 130 + in attendance. We all enjoyed dancing to callers Mike Callahan, Jonathon Weiner, and cuer Alice Bubel. We were happy to recognize 20 of our 2024 graduates who attended DOR. This year our clubs’ classes have added 26 new dancers to our dancing community. The Daphne-Norma Leadership Award,—the highest honor awarded in our square dance community—was presented to Linda and Glynn English, long-time members of the Cayuga Cut-Ups.

This year during the DOR 2024 program, the Federation recognized many of our “behind the scenes” volunteers. This includes work behind the scenes on the Promenader, the WNYF website, our insurance coverage, our contracts, and the DOR committee. Each volunteer was given a “WNYF Thanks You” dangle. Again, we thank each of our volunteers, whether you have been volunteering for many years or this is your first year. Without the dedication and support of our volunteers, we would not have the wonderful dancing opportunities we enjoy in western New York. This year, the DOR basket raffle and 50/50 were very successful. We appreciate all the beautiful baskets the member clubs donated to DOR 2024. Special thank you to everyone who participated in DOR as volunteers, dancers, callers, cuers, etc. Without everyone’s efforts, DOR would not happen.

Submitted by Jeff and Debbie Blood

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Silver Squares was in need of a caller!

Thank you, Denny Frey, from Batavia Silver Stars, for coming to our rescue. Denny was a hit with his vinyl records and vintage songs. We had five squares of extremely happy dancers. We hope he will join us again!!

Submitted by Anne Granger


Silver Squares—Presidents Day Dance—5/6/2024

We celebrated President’s Day with all our friends at Silver Squares. Four squares of happy dancers enjoyed dancing to our caller, Jim Gotta. Jo-Ann Baxter was dressed in her patriotic best. Thanks, Jo-Ann!

Submitted by Anne Granger


Silver Squares Soup, Sandwich & Salad Dance

Soup was the word of the afternoon. Seven crockpots of delicious soups were shared at our Soup, Sandwich and Salad feast. In addition, we had a variety of other dishes plus desserts. Yes, we did dance too!!!! Thank you to our wonderful cooks and bakers.

Submitted by Anne Granger


Silver Squares St Pat’s Day Dance—3/11/24

What a day! We had an amazing St. Patrick’s Day dance with many dancers dressed in “their green.” Copy Cats came to steal their banner back and we also had PIE DAY. Ninety eight slices of absolutely delicious pies!!! Where else could you go to have so much fun??

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Silver Squares Valentine’s Dance—2/12/2024

Valentine’s Day is always a special dance at Silver Squares. Lots of fun, pictures, dancing, and good food with friends!

Submitted by Anne Granger

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Daphne-Norma Leadership Award 2024—DOR May 4, 2024

The Daphne-Norma Leadership Award was established 46 years ago. It is the highest honor awarded in the Western New York Federation. Since 1977, this award has been given to a person or couple who have made significant contributions toward fostering square dancing activities in Western New York. The recipient each year is chosen on the basis of accumulated nominations and letters of support from dancers. This is primarily a “dancers” award.

At DOR 2024, with recent past recipients lined up beside them, Anne Granger and Don Naulin, as recipients of the 2023 award, were honored to present this year’s award to Linda and Glynn English, from the Cayuga Cut-Ups.

Linda and Glynn English are a very special couple. They are always willing and ready to do whatever is necessary to keep their dance club alive and active. They work as a team and have both been members of their dance club for many years. When you go to their club, you are welcomed with a smile and friendliness that makes you want to come back.

They worked tirelessly at keeping their club alive during the COVID 19 pandemic. During the club’s hiatus from dancing, they set up a Zoom meeting so dancers could keep connected. When the club’s dancing location became unavailable during the pandemic, he arranged with his church to allow the club to dance. They helped their club to always be well-sanitized and masked. Because of their efforts, their club got back to and stayed dancing after only a few months.

Linda and Glynn reinstituted banner stealing in our area to increase friendly competition between clubs. She always encourages other clubs to join them at an annual event in August. She sends out weekly emails and also e-cards for special occasions. They have both supported other clubs by attending special Federation dances and they helped design lawn signs promoting square dancing in general. For three summers, they have made arrangements at an outdoor pavilion at a local restaurant to increase public view of square dancing. They have invited church members to join them at special square dance dinners which has resulted in new members. They are quick to be angels and help in any way.

They have worked as officers of their club, including president and are currently serving as secretary. She has been serving as secretary of the Western New York Federation for three years and the Dance-O-Rama committee for three years. They are also active in their community.

Some notable quotes from the nominations:

“Their enthusiasm and promotion of square dancing is admirable.”

“She has been a valuable asset to the Federation as Secretary for our meetings and both have been a vital part in keeping their club active and growing.”

“They have worked tirelessly to keep their club going and to recruit new dancers&rdquo

“They are eminently deserving of the award and would be humbly honored to receive it.”

We thank all those who submitted nominations, and we thank the Daphne-Norma Selection Committee.

Submitted by Anne Granger & Don Naulin

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Twenty-six Graduates Join Rochester’s Square Dancing Community at DOR 2024

One of the many Dance-O-Rama highlights is the annual parade of graduates. These are our new dancing friends who have completed the past season of Mainstream Square Dance classes at clubs in our Federation.

Many established dancers already know our new graduates—from serving as class angels or from the season’s many “class/club” dances.

Twenty of this year’s 26 graduates marched in the parade at DOR 2024, their official welcome into the Rochester-area dancing community.

The June Promenader issue is our opportunity to congratulate this year’s graduates by name.

2024 Square Dance Graduates:

Cloverleaf Squares

  • Roger Boynton
  • Jane Falter
  • Lois Marvin
  • Grace Peck
  • Jerry Romanowski
Batavia Silver Stars
  • Dan Dedo
  • Bonnie Dedo
  • Stuart Ogden
  • Kate Brown
Cayuga Cut-Ups
  • Debby Balcom
  • Dave Balcom
Shirts ’n’ Skirts
  • Gene VanDeusen
Copy Cats
  • George Bauerschmidt
  • Barb Dobner
  • Michael Dobner
  • Paul Goyette
  • Judy Love
  • Jim Moss
  • Iris Raiman
  • Rob Raiman
  • Elizabeth Saunders
  • Ian Saunders-Brevner
  • Isaiah Saunders-Brevner
  • Andy Wegman
Pairs ’N’ Squares
  • Michael Prockup
  • Alberta Prockup

Submitted by Jeff and Debbie Blood

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Clayton Wing—Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Clayton passed away peacefully on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, after a short battle with Lymphoma.

Services were held Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 1pm at the West Bloomfield Congregational Church, 9035 State Route 5 and 20, Rev. Corey Keyes officiating. Burial—West Bloomfield Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please plant a tree in memory of Clayton.

Democrat and Chronicle

Comments from square dancers

Clayton was an active square dancer and square dance caller. For many years he was a reliable participant in the periodic Amateur Caller nights hosted alternately by the Village Squares and the Cloverleaf Squares. Clayton always had a smile on his face and a friendly word to say.

Peter Emmel

Clayton and I called together at Relaxed Squares, and he preceded me as Dalton Gang’s caller before he went to Florida.

Ray Tompkins

I will always remember the twinkle in his eye when his playful side came out on the dance floor.

Lucia Pietrzykowski

Since Grand Squares was a small club, we always appreciated guests. Clayton was a frequent guest and came not only with a willingness to dance with anyone who lacked a partner (mostly women, but on one occasion to be George's partner, when we were short on women). He was always early, so would lend a hand with set up, if needed. And along with his smile, he usually came bearing a box of donut holes.

Carol Ann Stahl

“Referring to one of his Amateur Caller Night appearances, the Village Squares’ Club News in the May, 1999, Promenader reported that Clayton called a rollicking version of Proud Mary.”

“As reported in the June 2013 Promenader, Clayton was one of the winners in the Federation’s ‘Gone Dancing’ promotion. This was a contest to encourage dancers to reach outside their ‘home club’ and dance at other clubs during the winter months—December through March. Other winners racking up the most ‘away dance signatures’ were Clayton’s partner Donna Smart, Dave Jacobs, and class dancers Rick and Donna LaDonna, Karen Olmsted and Teresa Coast.”

Collected from the Promenader by Carl Webster

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