Welcome to the Summer, 2018, edition of the Promenader—a quarterly publication of the Rochester Area Federation of Round and Square Dance Clubs.
The “Photos & Features” section of this issue includes
several articles on Dance-O-Rama, the RAF’s annual spring
festival, held on the first Saturday of May. In addition to three
halls of square and round dancing, the festivities include welcoming
ceremonies for new Mainstream graduates, dancer recognition awards and
a fundraising raffle of club baskets. In this issue you’ll find
articles on all of these.
The RAF is always seeking ways to improve its programs and events.
Planners of next year’s Dance-O-Rama would like to hear your
opinions on how this festival could be made better. Please click HERE to download the
“How Can We Improve?” questionnaire for Dance-O-Rama.
Other articles in this issue cover graduations (at clubs who submitted
photos) and other special events, such as the Amateur Caller Night
held by the Cloverleaf Squares in April.
The summer Promenader also includes an article introducing new
Federation officers who assume their posts in June, and an article
describing a new “Breaking News” section that was added to
the RAF Home Page in April.
Some clubs take the summer off—whether to avoid the heat of an un-air-conditioned hall or to make allow for summer travel and cottage time. But there is still plenty of dancing to be enjoyed at year-around clubs. Also, even clubs that take the summer off often sponsor special summer events. When you are in the mood for a dance, browse our extensive—and sortable—schedule pages to find a dance near you.
Whether you are a new graduate or a seasoned dancer, you should mark
your 2018 calendar for the September 29th Fall Friendship Ball, the
RAF’s annual “welcome back” dance and optional
catered dinner. The dance (2:00–5:15pm) is free, and the
optional dinner is $15 per person.
Read the article in this issue and download the flyer, then clip and
send your dinner reservation stub and check to Stu Jones at the
address shown on the stub. Or (to save printer ink!) just send your
check, with your name and the number attending.)
In this issue we say farewell to Vicki Alexander (Cloverleafs, Boo Bull Squares and Grand Squares) and Dona Godfrey (Copy Cats)
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and
thinking, surely I can’t look that old. Well …
You’ll love this one submitted by a friend!>
My name is Alice Smith and I was sitting in the waiting room for my
first appointment with a new dentist.
I noticed his DDS diploma, which bore his full name, and it rang a
I remembered a tall, handsome, dark haired boy with the same name who
had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago.
Could this dentist possibly be the same guy that I had a crush on, way
back then?
Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought.
This balding, gray haired man with the deeply lined face was way too
old to have been my classmate.
After he finished examining my teeth, I asked him if by any chance he
had attended Morgan Park High School.
“Why yes, yes I did. I’m a Mustang,” he gleamed with
“When did you graduate?” I asked.
He answered, “in 1975. Why do you ask?”
“You were in my class!” I exclaimed.
He looked at me closely.
Then that bald, old, wrinkled, fat assed, decrepit, SOB
asked …
“What did you teach???”