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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Country Twirlers
Dalton Gang
Dancing Shadows
Grand Squares
Lilac Squares
Lock City Curly Q's
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Relaxed Squares of Rochester
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

It’s OPEN HOUSE time and APPLE season so come join us September 15 & 22 at 7:30 p.m. for our OPEN HOUSES featuring special APPLE desserts and snacks. Encourage your friends and family from Genesee County and environs to try square dancing. We always have great fun, exercising is a plus along with delicious food.

Our upcoming special nights:

Oct. 6 - Fun evening with All-Singing Calls

Oct. 27 - Halloween Dance - How spooky can you dress? (For this special dance please bring items for Eagle Star Housing.)

Nov. 10 - Veteran’s Dance - All veterans will dance FREE. For this dance we will collect items for a Thanksgiving Basket which will be donated to the Salvation Army for distribution. (Look for a sign-up sheet.)

Come join us any Monday night, except on September 1 (Labor Day). You may see us in the Oakfield’s Labor Day Parade that day.

Bill Ryan, caller (716-517-6012) Nancy Fincher, cuer
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591) Carol Brown (585-247-5689)


Belles 'N' Beaus

We’ve been plotting and planning our dances for the next year and are looking forward to fun, fellowship and of course dancing. On September 15, we will have an OPEN HOUSE, so we will welcome you to a free night of dancing and finding out how you spent your summer, hopefully some of it was spent dancing. On October 13, the cooks in the club will bring their best desserts for you to bid on and that evening. Gil Porter will be calling for us, can’t wait for that one! On the 27th of October we are having a Halloween Dance with cider and donuts, and of course costumes if you wish.

November promises to be a really busy month as we will be celebrating our 56th Anniversary on November 3 with some old fashioned music. We’re looking forward to having Mike Callahan as our guest caller on November 10. On November 17, we will be collecting food for a Thanksgiving basket for a local family, so you may bring something if you like and then we will have a turkey raffle that night, who knows you might win a turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner.

585-227-1894 (Bob & Alice Hager)
Reported by:
Joanne Ligtenberg


Boo Bull DBD

Our DBD club continues to look at basic, Mainstream and plus movements from different positions. If you dance plus, you might enjoy this new challenge that doesn’t require you to learn any new calls. If you haven’t tried DBD please join us some Friday night. It only requires you to know plus level dancing and there is no beginning or end to it. Great exercise for the brain!

Since we do not dance every week, please check the Promenader or the web site calendar as availablity of the hall could change.

Reported by:
Gary & Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

We are continuing our afternoon of easy level dancing. We dance on Tuesday afternoon 3:30-5:00. Please join us some Tuesday for an afterRounds noon of relaxed dancing.

At our Wednesday club we taught basic Rumba and Chas this summer. The class did very well and everyone had a good time learning these new ryhthms.

The club now dances 7:00-9:00. Dress is casual. We are dancing Phase 2 & 3.

Please join us some Wednesday night. We are happy to go over any movement that you may need to review, just ask!

Round dancing is a great way to spend an evening with dancing, friends and refreshments!

Reported by:
Gary & Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

We hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Please remember that this club continues to dance through December every Tuesday except Election Day. We have a great time and a lot of fun. We are always willing to review any and all calls. Please join us some Tuesday night.

By the time you read this, we expect our Johnny Preston dance will have again been a great success! And that everyone who attended can attest to the fact that Johnny provided a great dance and a fun night. If you missed him this year, make sure you put him on the calender for next August!!

Reported by:
Gary & Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

We were saddened at the passing of our class member, Wanetta Atkinson. She and her companion, Paul, started class in the fall of 2012. They carried our banner at DOR 2013. She became ill with cancer. They returned to classes in the fall of 2013. The cancer returned and she passed away in May, 2014. She loved square dancing and we loved her. Our thoughts and prayers to Paul and Wanetta’s families.

John Spencer passed away July 12, 2014. He and his wife of 63 years were former long-time members of the Cayuga Cut-Ups. They also danced in Geneva. Our thoughts and prayers to Helen and her family.

Our open houses will be September 11, 18, and 25. These will be free to all who wish to learn square dancing.

Remember the Promenader Benefit Dance on September 27.

Wishing all of you a fun and safe Halloween and a blessed Thanksgiving.

Reported by:
Carol Carter


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

Welcome to our new season! We start off with our signature Grape Harvest Ball on Oct. 11, with Mike Herne as caller/cuer. We are happy to have Mike returning as club caller for the CWA! Cider & Donuts Night, Oct. 25, teams Mike with cuer Dottie Griffiths. Always a club favorite, Veterans & Pie Night on Nov. 8, salutes our veterans with free admission. Veterans, thank you for your service! Mike Herne will be calling and cueing and everyone will be sampling the delicious pies. The dynamic duo of Mike and Dottie return with Soup & Sandwich Night on Nov. 22. Homemade soups are the specialty! Stop by for some fun and food with the Champagne Whirl-A-Ways.

As always, Happy Trails to You!

Reported by:
Jim & Cathy Mack


Cloverleaf Squares

Beginning on September 7, we will return to our regular location at First Baptist Church in Chili. See schedule of dances in the back of the Promenader for times and callers/cuers.

We’ve had several social events this summer, including golf outings, and our summer picnic on July 26 at Jane Avery’s house. Despite the threat of rain, only a few sprinkles fell upon the group. It was food, fun and games with the evening conclusion with a huge bonfire that was enjoyed by all.

Efforts continue with the "Adopt-A-Trail" with the club members meeting to help keep our section clean and tidy.

We are gearing up for our annual Open House "Dance Party" which will be held on September 14 and 21. Bonnie Allen and the Open House Committee have planned a variety of activities to promote modern pattern dancing. Everyone is welcome!! Also this year, in conjunction with Copy Cats, we will be offering a Groupon for reduced class prices. Buy them for your friends, family members and coworkers. Groupons are available now for a limited time and are good for eight consecutive weeks of classes. Classes begin September 28.

Mark your calendars for Saturday October 11, when Cloverleaf Squares will be hosting a special dance with caller Ed Laudenschlager calling and Lisa Treichler cueing. See the flyer in this issue of the Promenader for more details.

A successful club is run by a board of directors. This year many board positions will be open for you to get involved. See any current board member for the positions that will be open, or join one of our board meetings the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Bill Gray’s in Henrietta. You can also send an email to cloverleafsquares@gmail.com, indicating which board position you would be interested in filling.

There is always something going on at Cloverleaf Squares. Be sure to check our website at www.cloverleafsquares.org, and our Facebook page for upcoming fun events and activities. Please be sure to "like us" on Facebook, go to facebook.com/cloverleafsquares.

Reported by:
Martin Lawson


Copy Cats

Oh the sweet summer is almost over, but it’s exciting to start up a new year of dancing at Copy Cats. Better yet is to see those of you whom we have not seen all summer.

September 13 is the Rusty Hinge Dance. Bring a dish to pass for dinner at 5:30 p.m. After eating and visiting with old and new friends, we will dance at 7:30 p.m to calling and cueing by Mike Callahan. Time to get the rust out!

We are gearing up for our open house on Tuesday, Sept. 23, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. A few weeks ago Copy Cat members received in the mail a packet of flyers and letters for prospective new dancers. If you haven’t done so yet, hand out that information to anyone you think would enjoy square dancing. What about a co-worker, family, friends, neighbors or groups you socialize with?

This year Copy Cats is offering Plus Lessons on Tuesdays (Bay Trail Middle School in Penfield) from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. for a nominal cost. From 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., we will have Mainstream lessons. During one of the breaks during the Mainstream class, Ron Brown will do a plus tip reviewing the calls that were taught in the plus class. We are hoping this will reinforce the plus calls to all existing dancers.

Copy Cats is presenting Tim Marriner, national caller, along with Alice Bubel, at St. John Fisher College on November 1. We will be dancing at the Kearney Administration Building. At 1:00 p.m., there will be A2 dancing, 3:00 p.m. round dancing, and at 7:30 p.m. squares and rounds 2x2. Check our ad. We hope you can join us. We already have one busload of people coming from PA!

Check out the upcoming dance ads in the Promenader. Also you can find us at www.copycatsdancing.org. Meow.

Reported by:
Deb Lense


Country Twirlers

After a 55-year ride, the Country Twirlers have reached the end of the trail.

We hope to see many of our friends at our a "Trail End Dance" on Saturday October 25 at Washington Irving School. This is also a FREE dance in honor of our 55th Anniversary.

Gary & Alice Bubel will be back with us and we are hoping to pack the floor for what might be one of the last dances at this location.

History of Country Twirlers - Part 2

With Jack Barnes’ retirement, it was decided to scout out the local callers, and so in September 1991 Gary Bubel took on the calling, with Alice cueing the rounds.

In May 2005, after 14 years, Gary informed us that he would be retiring and spending winters in Florida. It was then that we decided to have an assortment of local and national callers and to join with other clubs in special dances. Over the years we have danced to most of the local and many national callers including Tim Crawford from Ontario, Canada, who was a guest caller every year from 1984 until 2008, and always drew a great number of dancers.

And so we have gone full cycle from a few couples dancing in a home basement to 80 club couples and guests in 25 squares dancing to a national caller at Washington Irving to 14 people (9 dancers) hoping to scrape together a few squares.

Our thanks to our dedicated officers who have been supporting us for the past 19 years: Bernie & Denise Heroux (17 yrs.), Bill (deceased 10/13) & Ann Uebelacker (19 yrs.), Ed & Sybil Briggs (12 yrs.), Bill & Edith (deceased 5/13) Thomas (19 yrs.).

Thanks also to the Fieges, Yehls and Don Schlicker & Shirley Knapp for your many years of support.

A special thank to our guests, the hundreds of dancers who have been our lifeblood for these many years. It has been a great ride! "Happy Trails to You" until we meet again!

Reported by:
Ken & Kay Georger


Dalton Gang

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Our end of season picnic was a feast as usual.

Our fall dance schedule starts on September 9, at Dalton Elementary School, from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.

We have two regular dances before our Open House on September 23. (Open House is free to all guests.)

In September if there is enough interest, we plan to offer Round Dance lessons one half hour before our regular dance time of 7:00 p.m. This will be the first time Dalton has attempted to offer Round Dance lessons, so wish us well! On November 18, we will be having our Veteran’s Theme Dance. And on November 11, we will not be dancing as the school will be closed for Veteran’s Day.

We know Dalton is a long distance for most people, but look at it this way: in the fall it is a beautiful part of the country! So take a drive on Tuesday, and stop by to dance with us at 7 p.m. We will welcome you with our usual Dalton Gang enthusiasm.

See you in a square soon.

Reported by:
Joe Pratt


Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows is an intermediate level (Phase 4-5) club that meets on Monday evenings at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Old Ridge Road, West Webster. New hours beginning in September will be 7:30-10:00 p.m.

We dance a combined program of Phase III+, IV and Phase V. Dress is comfortable/casual. We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and if you weren’t dancing as much during the hot weather, think about getting back into it now that it is fall! We’re looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor.

NOTE: We will be dancing Sept. 8 through October 20.

Reported by:
Marlene & Mark Thone


Grand Squares

Happy end of summer, beginning of fall. That means we are dancing again, beginning Thursday, September 11, at Roth Middle School, 4000 East Henrietta Road. Our new hours for this year are 7 to 9 p.m. We welcome back all members and past visitors, and encourage those who have not yet been to Grand Squares to stop in and dance with us as we celebrate the approach of fall. The September 11 dance will be free to visitors! Come and join us for an evening of fun!

We will also be dancing on September 18 and 25; October 2, 16, 23, and 30; and November 6, 13, and 20. Our October 30 dance will celebrate Halloween, and we encourage dancers to come in costume that evening. Visitors will be admitted free that night, too.

Mike Callahan continues to be our caller and cuer, and Terry will continue to lead us in a line dance when she can come. We dance plus calls, with review by Mike as necessary.

We are proud of our friendly members and delicious refreshments. Come check us out!!

585-533-9241 George & Carol Stahl
Reported by:
Joy Mulhern


Lilac Squares

We are a Gay and Lesbian square dance group, but open to all. For more information, call Matt 520-5358 or Bob 467-6456. Call first to see if we are dancing a particular night; sometimes we need Angels.

585-520-5358 (Matt)
Reported by:
Bob Daniels


Lock City Curly Q's

The Lock City Curly Q’s dance on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 at the Lockport Dale Senior Center, 33 Ontario St., in downtown Lockport.

Unfortunately, our current membership is small, and we are not always able to dance each week. We advise calling before paying us a visit. We do guarantee a warm welcome.

(7l6) 434-9830 (Debbie & Vic Bandinelli)
Reported by:
Gene & Margaret Goerss


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares offers free beginner square dance lessons on Wednesdays, September 10, 17 and 24 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

All are welcome to join us at the Penn Yan Grange Hall on Rt. 54A, 408 Elm Street in Penn Yan, N.Y.

Our annual Watkins Glen Weekend is coming up on Sept 19-21 at Clute Park Community Center. This year Red Bates will be our caller. Some of you may remember that he called for our weekend a number of years ago when the weekend was called "The Fall Frolic." Red hails from Rangeley, Maine, and winters in Florida. He has a very extensive calling background. Mark Thone and his lovely wife, Marlene, will be cueing and are no strangers to the Rochester area. They cued for our weekend a few years back and we are happy to have them once again. Join us for an evening or the entire weekend.

Although walk-ins are welcome we encourage you to sign up in advance to help us with our planning. For more details, see our ad in this issue.

Our club dances are at the Penn Yan Grange Hall in Penn Yan on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of October and November, with early rounds from 7-7:30 p.m. and Mainstream/ Plus and Rounds (2x2) 7:30-10 p.m. See our schedule in this issue.

Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom groom7@verizon.net


Relaxed Squares of Rochester

The Relaxed Squares of Rochester is a new club. The callers are Ray Tompkins and Clayton Wing.

We are a Mainstream-only club, with some line dancing between tips.

We dance at the First Baptist Church in Chili, 3182 Chili Ave., Rochester.

We dance the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. Our fee is only $4.00.

Come join us for a fun and relaxing time.

Ray Tompkins 585-245-3720
Reported by:
Nancy Tompkins 585-489-6186


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate level club, dancing Phase II through Phase III and some easy IVs. We work on all ROCHESTER, N.Y. rhythms at Phase III and IV levels, and are discovering that it is very enjoyable and although a bit challenging at times, we keep coming back for more. We welcome all dancers interested in dancing at this level to join us on Thursday nights. We meet at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Old Ridge Road, West Webster. New hours beginning in September will be 7:30-10:00 p.m. Dress is casual/comfortable. We’re looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor.

NOTE: We will be dancing from September 4 through October 23.

585-226-8984, 585-748-5131
Reported by:
Marlene & Mark Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 3:00-5:00. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Saturday. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., in Geneva. Main Street is Rt. 14 - easy to get to. From the thruway or the south, just stay on Rt. 14. From 5 & 20, look for the Rt. 14 sign. After you circle to Rt. 14, (Main St.), turn left and you are almost there - the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor. The program can be easily altered if there is something different that you would like to work on.

We, most likely, will be dancing Labor Day. We rarely cancel, but it is always a good idea to call to check.

Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shirts 'N' Skirts

We’d like to thank everyone for their support of our 5th Annual Elaine Eno Memorial Dance in June. We enjoyed all the company and raised some serious money for ALS research.

In June we also held our annual elections. Paula and Ray Schumacher and Patti and Griff Griffen are returning as president and vice presidents, respectively. New Treasurers Debbie and Bruce Allen and Secretaries John and Judy Rusho begin their terms this summer, as do Senior Members at Large Bill and Eileen Brock and Junior Members at Large, John and Donna Rapacke.

Summer is a busy time for us all, but we’re especially thankful for our air-conditioned hall that allows us to comfortably dance through the summer. It’s a good chance to dance with more of our snow birds, too.

We’re also looking forward to our new class starting in September-both September 12 and 19 are our introductory dances. If you know anyone in our area who is interested, have them get in touch with us: we’d love to get acquainted!!

For information about any of our club events, check out our web page - http://www.shirtsandskirts.org/, visit us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ShirtsandShirts?sk=wall; contact us via email - information@shirtsandskirts.org; or phone us at the numbers here:

315-591-0093 (Dave Eno, caller)
Reported by:
Vivian Rice, 315-446-0768


Silver Squares

Fall approaches, but it’s not too late to brush up on those plus calls. So please join us on Monday afternoons, 1-3 p.m. at the Greece Methodist Church, 1924 Maiden Lane, to review/learn the plus calls from one of the best instructors anywhere, Mike Callahan. We welcome couples and solo dancers with equal enthusiasm. Of course, because of Labor Day, we will not be dancing on September 1.

Our theme dances for this quarter are the Fall Fling dance on September 15, the Western dance on September 29, the Halloween dance on October 27, and the November 24 Thanksgiving dance. Casual attire is always appropriate, but if you’d really like to get into the swing of these dances, plan to wear your fancy square dance fashions for the Fall Fling, your western duds on September 29, and your best Halloween costume on October 27.

And, I’d have to say that I saved the best for last. Our last special dance this quarter is the November 10 Soup and Salad dance. This dance begins at noon with a luncheon of homemade soups, salads, and dessert at a nominal charge of $3 for lunch and $5 for the dance. Please join us, but so we may be sure to have plenty of food, a call to Jean St. John by November 3 would be appreciated. Hope to see you there.

585-720-0777 (Jean St. John)
Reported by:
Carolyn Nedwidek


Southern Tier Wheelers

Well, the summer may be winding down but our dancing is still going strong. If you haven’t been able to come and dance with our club, there is still time left.

September 12-14 includes a Plus Review day on Saturday (the 13th). For only $20 a couple you can spend all day Saturday getting your plus-level skills back up to par.

There will be round and square "funshops" in the morning with an additional square dance "funshop" in the afternoon. Mike Herne will be busy putting us through our paces with Brian Adams in charge of the round dancing. Then, before we start the evening dance, you can join us for a chicken BBQ or steak dinner purchased through the campground (reservations required). For additional information or to make dinner reservations contact Herb/Gerry Brown at 607-857-2973.

October is our Halloween Gala with Betsy and Roy Gotta leading us through our paces. Held over the Columbus Day weekend, Saturday evening is a costume party/dance with prizes awarded in several categories. Sunday evening will be a regular club dance. As much fun as this weekend is, it also signals the end of our camping season.

But don’t despair. You could still join us for our Christmas dinner/dance which will be held on December 7. Dancing begins at 3:00 with dinner served at 5:30. Gary and Alice Bubel will be our caller/cuer for the afternoon followed by a wonderful, home-cooked meal lovingly prepared by Dottie Griffith.

If you would like to join us for either of the camping weekends but don’t have a camper, trailers and cabins are available through the campground. You can now enjoy the fellowship of a camping club without the need for an RV. You can either contact Ed/Carmen Marden at Campbell (607-527-3301) or Bill/Pat Mosher (607-739-3299) for further information.

Ed & Sybil Briggs 585-594-9306
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher 607-739-3299


Village Squares

We’ve moved! The club is embarking on its 40th dance season at the United Church of Pittsford at 123 South Main Street, just a short distance south of Jefferson Road (Rt. 96). To enter the church parking lot, turn onto Sunset Blvd., then turn right into the church driveway. See our full-page Hall Warming Party ad.

We are dancing every Wednesday, except the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Jerry Carmen is still our caller and cuer. And the programs? Read carefully, since there are some new twists.

Our first two dances, Sept. 3 and 10, start at 7:30 p.m. Our Hall Warming Party on Sept. 10 is FREE to both members and guests.

Our Plus Class/Review workshop will start Wednesday September 17. Jerry Carmen will be teaching/calling/cueing. Class is from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Then from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Plus calling is at a level that allows the class to participate. From 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. dancing is at a full Plus level. Breaks include rounds. Note the Plus Workshop ad in this issue. One admission covers an entire evening of dancing. First time in attendance workshop dancers will be admitted FREE. ALL fall dances after Sept. 10 follow this schedule.

October 15 is our always popular Barn Dance. Dress country - e.g., cow or hayseed.

November 19 is our Sadie Hawkins Dance. Al Capp’s toon Sadie stands for the proposition that every lady, no matter how (fill in the blank yourself) should have a decent chance at least once a year to catch a man. But how? Bait! Every woman is requested to bring a dozen cookies.

One last thing to mention is our traditional New Year’s Eve dance. This year we will be celebrating Village Squares’ Ruby (40th) Anniversary on New Year’s Eve. For details, pick up a flyer later this fall at your club or consult the December issue of the Promenader.

Peter & Sally Emmel 585-381-5049
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas


Waterwheel Squares

We’ll see you in September. Yes, we’ll see you when the summer is all through! The heat, humidity and summer storms give way to signs of autumn here at Waterwheel Squares on Monday nights. We dance at Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington Hwy., Snyder, N.Y. 14226. Our Open House evenings will be on the 22nd and the 29th this year. They begin promptly at 7 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. These two nights are free to anyone who would like to learn to square dance. If you decide to join, the admission is $4.00 for beginners after that time. Please join us for a hopefully large beginner group.

October brings our Columbus Day Dance on the 13th and our annual Halloween Dance is scheduled for October 27. Last year we had witches, a mime, a black cat, two biker dudes, and a scarecrow dancing with us. It’s so much fun to share cider and doughnuts and admire the clever costumes of our dancers! November has three regular Monday night dances and then we share a wonderful meal for Thanksgiving on November 24. We are so thankful for our caller Mike Callahan and our cuer, Elaine Nicholls, and of course each other, as we dine and dance and celebrate this very special holiday.

Reported by:
Jim & Cathy Mack


Waterwheel Squares

Waterwheel Squares dance 2 by 2’s on Monday nights (see schedule section for location) from 6:30–8:30. Our hall has an elevator to whisk you to our second floor that has a great wooden dance floor. Please come and join the fun!

Gary Etherton (ge14094@gmail.com) (716-796-9265)
Reported by:
Gary Etherton