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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Grand Squares
Mark’s Intermediate Workshop
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Now that the cooler weather is upon us, come spend an evening with the Batavia Silver Stars. Square dancing will warm us and good food will nourish us. It’s an evening well spent. Friendship, laughter and exercise also measure into the equation.

Donations for the Backpack Program will be collected December 7 and 14. They prefer individual packages of fruit, cereal, soup, hot chocolate, anything that a child can prepare and eat by himself. December 21 is our annual Christmas Potluck Supper. All are welcome. Please bring a dish to pass and your table setting. Beverages will be provided.

January 25 will be our Homemade Soup night and February 15 we will celebrate Valentine’s Day. On these two special dances we collect items for Eagle Star Housing, a home for veterans trying to get back on their feet. Guess what? We dance on February 29! Why not LEAP over to Batavia and dance with us on that extra day?

If doubtful about weather conditions or cancellations, please call Jan or Bill at numbers listed below.

Caller Bill Ryan (716-517-6012)
Cuer Nancy Fincher
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591)
Carol Brown (585-247-5689)


Belles 'N' Beaus

The beautiful fall leaves are beginning to come swirling down from the trees, the sky clouds are darkening and the air has that little tinge of cold. It makes me think that winter could be coming, so it is time to tell you about our winter plans for dancing at Belles ’N’ Beaus. Our first dance in January will be held on January 4 and then on January 11 we will be having a sock hop, so come and check it out to see “if Elvis is in the house.” My guess is that he will be there! On the 18th we will come early, 6:00, for a chili or soup supper and guess what, you are invited! Just let Bob & Alice Hager know if you’re coming so that we can plan on you.

On February 1 we will again meet at 6:00 but this time we will have a winter picnic, complete with hot dogs cooked OUTDOORS on the grill and they always taste so good! We will have picnic food and then, of course, dancing. We’d love to have you come because as you know the “more the merrier”—and who can pass up a free hot dog in January! (Please let Bob & Alice know because we don’t like to run out of hot dogs.) We will then take three weeks off as we are anticipating cold weather and, let’s face it, a lot of us go south to get warm. We’ll be dancing again on February 29 for our Leap Year Dance. So ladies, you’ll get to ask someone to dance that night!

On March 14, we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and the “wearing of the green” is up to you. You can count on dancing to some Irish tunes so it should be fun. April 4, Gil Porter will be our caller and we know everyone looks forward to dancing with him. Come check us out on April 11 for our Dessert Auction. The desserts will be homemade, packaged and ready for you to take home if you are the high bidder.

On May 2 we will be holding an ice cream social with more toppings than you can count and of course dancing. On FRIDAY, May 13, we will be having our Spring Fling with Mike Callahan calling and then we won’t be back until September. Come join in and say, “hello.” And when the dance season is over, we’ll hope to see you sometime, somewhere at a summer dance.

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Joanne Ligtenberg


Boo Bull DBD

Although we have not had a lot of dances this year, they have all been great fun! We have had a few new people join us and hope a few more will try DBD next year.

We have no dances scheduled for December and as most of you know, we will be in Florida January - April. DBD will begin again Friday May 13.

Everyone stay safe and warm this winter and we will see you in the spring!

Happy Holidays to all!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

Our Tuesday afternoon dancing went very well this year and we will continue the Tuesday afternoon Phase 3 & 4 dancing next year. Due to dancers leaving for Florida, we stopped the Tuesday program in November.

Our Wednesday club continues dancing Phase 2 & 3. We have had a great time this year learning new dances, some challenging and some just easy level. The last dance for this club will be December 2. It will be our Christmas Party. Please come and join us.

This club will restart May 11. We thank all of our dancers for another great year and look forward to seeing everyone in the spring.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

Where did the year go? Our club is winding down for the winter. Most of our dancers have left for Florida and we will be leaving right after Christmas. The last club dance for this year is December 1. Please join us for our Christmas party and dance. It should be a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone for the support you have given us to make our club a success for another year.

We will be back in May, with our trail in dance May 10. We look forward to seeing everyone.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

The Cayuga Cut-Ups have a web site! Check it out at www.cayugacutups.org. We are also on Facebook! Like us!!

We now have guest callers visiting monthly. Dave Eno called in September and October. Jerry Carmen will be calling December 10 and Dick Schweitzer will be calling February 25. Ron Brown is our regular club caller, and can be found calling for us all other nights.

Our Christmas Celebration with our club and many new class members will be December 17.

Join us January 28 for a Toga Party!! Toga! Toga!

Bring on the Clowns! February 25 is Clown Night!

The Cayuga Cut-Ups are taking Modern Western Square Dance up a notch - we are reinventing our club with new colors, new name tags, More Fun!! Come check us out, and join us in bringing square dance to the 21st Century. The more the merrier!

Jeannie Tucker (315-253-2489)
Reported by:
Mary Dobrovosky (315-685-5756)


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

Class/Club Mistletoe Ball Holidays Dance, 12 December. Welcome at 7:00 for rounds with the famed Dottie Griffiths. Mike Herne follows with mixed up squares.

Mid-winter afternoon “Happy Birthday Gary” dance, 9 January. 2 PM Dottie with rounds. 2:30 Gary Pruyne with squares. Phone 607 776-4528 if doubts about weather.

Chili Night, 23 January. Warm up with chili. Mmmmm! Lisa Treichler at 7. Mike Herne at 7:30 with 2x2s.

Class/Club Sweetheart Ball, 13 February. Bring your sweetie and dance to Mike Herne at 7:00 for 2x2 squares and rounds.

Directions to the Champagne Whirl-A-Ways: Exit 38 from I-390/I-86; follow West Washington Street (south/east into Bath) to Liberty Street (3rd traffic light); turn right on Liberty Street; then immediately left—between church and police station.

Address: St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 122 Liberty Street, Bath, NY.

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Diane Camp & Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Cloverleaf Squares is happy to welcome our new class members that joined us this fall. Just a reminder that class members from any club are welcome to any of our class/club dances. Our winter class/club dances include the Christmas catered dinner on December 13. Due to the Christmas dinner being catered, advance sign-up is required and can be done either through the treasurer’s table at our dances or through contacting Henry Capron, our club Vice President. We also have special class/club dances in both January and February. January 10 is our Beach Night Dance. The February 14 dance is a Valentine’s Day Dance. Please look for additional information in the flyer section or on our flyer table at our dances.

We also have some fun themed dances coming up that are regular dances—class/guests can participate during class time of 5:00-7:00 p.m. and club/guests can participate during the regular club dance time of 7:00–9:15 p.m. January 24 is our annual homemade pie night. Please join us and sign up to bring a yummy homemade pie! February 28 is a Mardi Gras themed dance. More information about these two dances will be on our flyer table as the dance date approaches. We look forward to seeing you at a dance soon!

Jane Avery (585-690-3161)
Reported by:
Rebecca Sabin


Copy Cats

Season’s greetings all you cats and kittens out there! We are excited to announce that we have a strong and spry litter of new kittens learning square dance this year! We were successful in shaking out that rust at the beginning of the year during our Rusty Hinge Dance and we hope to shake off that snow for a little while longer as we gear up for our spectacular holiday dance lineup!!

To start off the celebrations we have our dance on November 21 with early rounds at 7:00 p.m. and square dancing at 7:30 p.m. This dance will feature a bingo white elephant exchange! Simply bring a wrapped gift to the dance and play bingo to win a prize!

Don’t forget to say hello to Frosty the Snowman on your way to our December dance on the 19th. This dance is free to all class members of any club!! This will be a HUGE celebration and we swear all the biggest cat names will be there to join in on the fun! This dance will feature a catered dinner and “mock”-tail hour starting at 5:30 p.m. Price for the dinner will be $12 per person. RSVP to Mary Jo Webster by December 8 at dweb500@aol.com. Get on the tips of your paws for the last dance of the 2015 year before we move into 2016 which is our 45th year in existence!! Go Cats!!

Join us in the New Year for our class/club Snowflake Ball on January 16 at 7:00 p.m. with early rounds and square dancing fun to follow!

Have more questions? Check out our website: www.copycatsdancing.org. Meow.

Reported by:
Nicole Bolan & Jane McGowan


Dalton Gang

Greetings, welcome to a new square dancing season. It’s turning out to be a good year. There has been a major change for the Dalton Gang Club. As you might be well aware, since last September, Joe and Terry Pratt had stepped down as president, so Donna Witman and I are taking over. We are very new at this sort of thing so bear with us.

On November 10 the Dalton Gang had their Veteran themed dance on Tuesday at 7:00-9:30 at the Elementary School in Dalton off of Maple road. December 8 at 6:00-9:30 is our annual Christmas party. There will be no dancing; we will just be celebrating Christmas, so come join the camaraderie. Please bring table service and a dish to pass as well as a five or ten dollar gift. You should mark the gift for a girl or boy. We will be playing a game called The Gift Exchange Game.

March 29 of next year is our Maple Tree Inn Pancake Dinner Dance. This event would be our big money maker. Square dance with us to work off those pancakes! In addition, there will be door prizes. More information about this event will be published as we get closer.

Since we have such a small club, we would like to get new square dancers up on our dance floor. If you know anybody in the Livingston County area, let them know. Spread the word, we would like to keep this club growing.

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Jamond Billyard & Donna Witman


Grand Squares

Grand Squares is dancing five times during the three months of December through February. Our dates are December 3 and 17, January 21 and 28, and February 25.

Our special Christmas Dance will be Thursday, December 17. Guests are most welcome, as they are at all our dances. We love having Mike Callahan as our regular caller. He will be away for two of our dances, however (January 28 and February 25), and we are delighted that Gil Porter will be filling in for him.

Grand Squares dances at Roth Middle School, on East Henrietta Road in Henrietta. Dance hours are 7:00-9:00 p.m. Come one, come all, for some grand evenings with Grand Squares.

George and Carol Stahl (585-533-9241)
Reported by:
Joy Mulhern


Mark’s Intermediate Workshop

This workshop is designed for dancers who are comfortable with Phase II figures and would like to learn Phase III in several different rhythms. It is also an excellent review for those who are currently dancing Phase III. We will work on Phase III rumba, foxtrot, waltz, cha, jive and tango figures, all of which will build on the Phase II figures and dances you already know. We meet at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Old Ridge Road, West Webster on Monday evenings from 8:00-1:000 p.m. Dress is casual/comfortable.

NOTE: We are in Florida for the winter - dancing will resume in mid-March. Hope to see you then!

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares holds workshops on Wednesday nights, with beginner Mainstream lessons from 7:00-8:30 p.m. and plus lessons from 8:30-9:30.

We hold our dances on the first and third Saturdays of most months and we’d love to see you there. Dick Schweitzer will call our dances on November 7 and December 19. Gary Bubel will be our caller on November 21 and Richard Rosenfield will call our Class/Club level dance on December 5. We will have only one dance in January, our Cabin Fever afternoon dance with caller Dave Eno on Saturday January 16 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. followed by optional dinner at the nearby Antique Inn. Jim Gotta will call our evening Black Light dance on Saturday February 6 and we will have an afternoon dance on Saturday February 20 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. with caller Ray Taylor. See our full dance schedule on this website.

Thanks to everyone that supported our 2015 Watkins Glen Weekend! Jack Pladdys, our caller and our own PYFS cuer, Lisa Treichler & her husband George did a fantastic job. We feel really good about the many positive comments we have received about the weekend and how much fun people had. So let’s do it again! Mark your calendars for September 16-18, 2016. Rowdy Howie Williamson (PA) returns as our caller and John Toll and his lovely wife, Patty (DE), will be cueing for us once again. If you haven’t had the pleasure dancing to these folks yet, you are in for a treat!

Amy Robinson (607-569-2266)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate level club, dancing Phase III and IV. We work on all rhythms at those levels and really have a wonderful time doing it. We welcome all dancers interested in dancing at this level to join us on Thursday nights. We meet at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Old Ridge Road, West Webster. Dress is casual/comfortable.

NOTE: There will be no dancing this winter (December through February) as we are in Florida trying to stay warm. See you in the spring!!

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 2:00-5:00. We do the easier levels at 2:00, and finish with the higher levels. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Saturday or call the info #. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., Geneva, NY. Main Street is Route 14 - easy to get to. From the thruway or the south, just stay on Route 14. From Routes 5 & 20, look for the Route 14 sign. After you circle to Route 14, (Main St.) turn left and you are almost there - the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor. The program can be easily altered if there is something different that you would like to do, and I have it.

We dance most holidays, so if you are not otherwise occupied, come join us. We rarely cancel, but it is always good to call, just in case something has come up. We will dance Martin Luther King Day in January and President’s day in February.

Connie Williams (716-656-0297 or 315-549-8820)
Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shamrock Squares

Irma and I have missed the last couple of Tuesdays with the rest of you, and will probably miss a couple more. She developed a tumor on her left index finger that after many lab tests and an MRI, is now scheduled to be surgically removed Thursday the 12th of November…so we will see when her comfort level returns to where we can be holding hands with all of you again. In the meantime, we thank all of you for your many cards.

Given our recent absences, I emailed Mike to see if there were any hot buttons that he would like to have me cover here, and he mentioned specifically:

“We are starting to say good bye to our snowbirds”

“Our Christmas pot luck will be on December 22”

“Sid’s Advanced workshop is happening most Thursdays”

I am happy to report that with our on-going influx of new dancers—with many driving great distances to be with us—we have been filling the floor with over five squares, and a few extras! Of course we dance, “By the Numbers,” as is common at most “A” dances, so everyone gets to dance. Typically, however, the first and last tips of the evening are in a find-your-own-square format, and not by assigned numbers…so if there are friends that you have somehow missed during the evening, this format gives you a chance to get those special friendly hugs.

So the good news here is that, even with the snowbirds joining their favorite flocks in the South, it is rare that there remain fewer than three, and occasionally four squares of stalwart died-in-the-wool Northerners that show up at the Pieters Family Life Center. Since Mike & Wanda now find the allure of the dancing climate in Mesa, Arizona, irresistible, please check the dance schedule to see when we will be dancing.

Keep your fingers on the pulse of things and don’t forget, our Christmas Pot Luck Dinner is coming up, and Wanda recommends that we all dress for the occasion, and I forewarn you, there will as always be a group picture recording your presence for posterity!

For you “wanna-be-members”; talk to on Sid about his ongoing Advanced workshops.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Dick & Irma Halstead


Shirts 'N' Skirts

The dark days of winter are upon us. The Snowbirds have flown south for the winter. But in Fulton, the Shirts ’n Skirts are partying every month. December 4, we gather toys for Toys For Tots distribution. Then on the 18th we will have our Christmas Party. Dave will call alternating tips that night. We do not dance the next two weeks so we can spend time with our families. On January 8, we will have our New Year’s Celebration Dance. That night we will ring in 2016 with hot chili and cornbread. This dance will start at 6:15 instead of 7:00 p.m. Again we will have alternating tips. January 22 will bring us Pie Night--YUM. (We have some great bakers in our group). Lastly, on February 12 we will be wearing red at our Valentine’s Dance. Come join us for one of our party nights.

Caller: Dave Eno

Paula & Ray Schumacher (315-635-0930)
Reported by:
Paula Schumacher


Silver Squares

Dust off your snow shovels; winter is just around the corner! We’ll be dancing every Monday afternoon, with the exception of December 28, at the Greece Methodist Church, 1924 Maiden Lane, from 1:00-3:30 p.m. Please join us.

BUT things are a-changing at Silver Squares. We are pleased to tell you that on September 28, we welcomed a group of students to the dance floor. Wow! Yippee!! Hurray!!! Class instruction is from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Club members dance at the Plus level from 2:30-3:30. Although it’s only been five weeks, class members are making excellent progress. With instruction by Mike Callahan, how could they not! Because practice and repetition are the most important aspects of learning to square dance, if you are a class member of any other area club, you’re invited to attend the Silver Squares class to gain that extra practice.

So, what else is happening during the next three months? To while away the winter, we’ve planned some special dances. January 11 is our Hawaiian-themed dance. Come attired in your favorite grass skirt and lei and dance to the incomparable calling of Mike Callahan.

On January 18, we’ll be jettisoning our New Year’s resolution (you know, the one to lose weight) at our annual pizza dance. (There is a $2 charge in addition to the dance admission.) February 8, we’ll be wearing red at our Valentine’s Day dance. Hopefully, Cupid will arrive with his bow and arrows to help us celebrate.

We’ll pay tribute to our American presidents on February 15 by extending free admission to any of the Rochester Federation club presidents or their designated representative. Considering all that each of you do to keep the Federation strong, it’s the least we can do. We hope you’ll attend.

One last reminder, because, after all, it is winter and it is Rochester. If the Greece Central School district is closed due to inclement weather, our dance will also be cancelled. Of course, here’s hoping that that doesn’t happen!

Jean St. John (585-720-0777)
Reported by:
Carolyn Nedwidek


Southern Tier Wheelers

The turning of the leaves and the colder temperatures signals the end of our camping season. It was another wonderful camping season. Thank you to anyone who may have visited us in Campbell, NY. The line-up for callers and cuers is quite impressive next year with many of our favorites returning. Please be sure to check out our flyers for the 2016 camping season. Plan on joining us for an evening dance or a whole weekend. Camping cabins and trailers are available to rent through the campground. We can promise you lots of dancing, wonderful “corners,” great food and warm campfires. We begin our season again in May with Betsy and Roy Gotta followed in June by Gary and Alice Bubel. Where else can you get such a variety of callers and cuers? Have a warm, safe and wonderful winter and we look forward to seeing many of you in the spring.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

This dance year we are a Wednesday club with five eclectic Friday dances. Think of our Wednesday dances as being the cake and our Friday dances (see our Five Fabulous Friday Night Square Dances flyer) as the icing.

On the first two Wednesdays in December, the four Wednesdays in January, and all Wednesdays in February except Ash Wednesday (February 10), we are continuing with our usual schedule:

Plus-level Learn, Review and Practice Workshop - 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Practice based on prior instruction - 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Club Dance at full plus level - 9:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Breaks include rounds. One admission covers an entire evening of dancing.

On the third Wednesday in December we are having a Holiday Dinner Dance. The dinner is by popular consensus once again being catered by Giuseppe’s. The dinner details are on the flyer in this issue. Appetizers start at 6:00 p.m. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. Dancing (without a plus level workshop) starts at 7:30 p.m. Dancing is included in the dinner price of $16. Reservations for dinner are required by December 5. Contact Susan Thomas 585-385-2155 or Angela Frantz 585-426-5314.

We are not dancing on Wednesday, December 23 or Wednesday December 30. Instead, lie back on the sofa and rest up for the holiday finale. Our traditional New Year’s Eve party falls on the last Thursday of December and will extend briefly into Friday, allowing it to be counted as the first Friday dance of 2016. The Hip Boot Boyz will be calling and cueing. Call Peter or Sally Emmel at 585-3181-5049 for a $2.50 discount on the $15.00 door fee. See our flyer in this issue.

Two of our four remaining Fabulous Friday dances occur in this quarter and the last two are in the next quarter. These dances all start at 7:30 and do not include a Plus Workshop.

Our first Fab-Friday dance of the quarter is on January 22. It is our FREE Anti-Freeze Dance. In the event of a storm forcing cancellation, the Anti-Freeze make-up dance will be on Wednesday, January 27. Forget about wearing normal dance clothes. Winter survival clothing is de jure, if only to show solidarity.

Our second Fab-Friday dance of the quarter is on February 12. It is our Friends (& lovers) dance. We are celebrating an early Valentine’s Day. Wear red.

Then what? We will, of course, continue to dance through an Ice Cream Social the first Wednesday in June. If you are a long-range planner who would like to know more, just ask.

Acey and Deucey came back home just in time for Thanksgiving. We discovered that they’ve been staying with Warren and Doreen Olson since being abducted from DOR in May. They enjoyed spending the summer at Olsons’ cottage in the Thousand Islands on the St Lawrence River. Deucey particularly enjoyed meeting Austin, the Olsons’ grandson. Finally, he had someone his own age to play with!

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas (585-385-2155)


Waterwheel Squares

Warm wishes, holiday decorations and special foods are all highlights of December. We at Waterwheels are so lucky to experience all of that as well as fine square dancing with our partners and fellow dancers.

We dance the first, third and fourth Tuesday each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington Highway, Snyder, NY 14226. Our Christmas dance this year is on December 15.

January in the New Year has two regular dance nights and on January 26 we will have our annual Hobo Dance. We each bring two cans of food to prepare a fragrant soup to enjoy and the balance of the canned goods gets donated to the church food pantry.

The frigid temperatures and sharp winds don’t keep us from dancing. Although there are no special themed nights this month we still enjoy getting together for our regular dance nights.

Keep warm everyone and Happy Holidays from all of us at Waterwheel squares!

Carolyn Gregory (716-759-2199)
Reported by:
Carolyn Gregory