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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Grand Squares
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Help us celebrate our Dyngus Day Dance, Monday, March 28 (see flyer). Dyngus Day is celebrated traditionally in Poland and surrounding countries, as well as in Polish communities in the USA. Traditionally, boys throw water over girls and spank them with pussy willow branches on Easter Monday and the girls do the same to boys on Easter Tuesday. Wear red and white and join us for an evening of fun with lots of polkas. No water involved.

April 25 is our graduation. Come to welcome our new graduates: Fran Harmen, Joyce Jewett and Nelson Perry. Our special dance for May will be T-shirt Night. May 16 come wearing a cute, funny, unique or square dance t-shirt. Again with each of these dances we will be collecting items for Eagle Star Housing (a place for homeless veterans to stay until they can get back on their feet.)

Caller Bill Ryan (716-517-6012),
Cuer Nancy Fincher
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591),
Carol Brown


Belles 'N' Beaus

We will take four weeks off in February after the dance on the 1st as we are anticipating cold weather and let’s face it; a lot of us go south to get warm. We are cancelling our dance for February 29 as too many of us will still be in warmer climes, so we’ll start again in March!

On March 14, we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and the “wearing of the green” is up to you. You can count on dancing to some Irish tunes so it should be fun. April 4, Gil Porter will be our caller and we know everyone looks forward to dancing with him. Come check us out on April 11 for our Dessert Auction, the desserts will be homemade, packaged and ready for you to take home if you are the high bidder.

On May 2 we will be holding an ice cream social with more toppings than you can count and of course dancing. On FRIDAY the 13th we will be having our Spring Fling with Mike Callahan calling and then we won’t be back until September. Come join in and say Hello, we’ll hope to see you sometime, somewhere at a summer dance.

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Joanne Ligtenberg


Boo Bull DBD

DBD dancing starts on May 13. We will be doing an introduction to DBD for three weeks in May. Please consider giving this a try. You do not need to learn any new movements. We just dance what you already know in different positions. DBD stands for dancing by definition, meaning you learn the definition of the call which will make you a better dancer. We have a lot of fun and hope you will join us.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

Our club has been on winter break since December. We have been enjoying Florida and have been teaching and cueing rounds here. Some of our dancers from up north have joined our Monday rounds. We will resume our rounds on Tuesday May 10, with afternoon Phase 3/4 dancing. Then our club begins on Wednesday May 11. For all of May, we will just dance and review any movements that are needed. We have not yet decided if we will be teaching any lessons this year. If you are interested in learning rounds, give me a call at 585-738-9226 or drop me a note at sqdance@hotmail.com.

Happy dancing!!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

Our club has been on winter break since December since a lot of our dancers are snow birds like us. It will resume on May 10. We have been doing a lot of dancing and Gary has been calling while here in Florida. We are keeping up our skills so we are ready for another fun season of calling for you. We are still at the Henrietta Fire Hall. Please join us for some great dancing and a review of the plus movements. All new dancers are welcome. If there is any move that you want reviewed, just ask. We hope to see you soon.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Thursday, March 17. Mike Herne will continue the celebration on Thursday, March 31, when he is our guest caller.

Dick Schweitzer will be our guest caller on Thursday, April 7.

Saturday, April 9, we are having a dinner/dance at the Camillus Elks Lodge with Howard Williamson calling from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please see our flyer in this issue of the Promenader for more detailed information. Reservations are required for the dinner.

Thursday, April 28, will be “Disco” night. Everyone is encouraged to wear their mini-skirts, bell bottoms and tie-dye shirts. Peace and love will be in the air!

Dave Eno will be the guest caller on Thursday, May 26. We will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo as well.

Be sure to check out our web site at www.cayugacutups.org or our Facebook page.

Jeannie Tucker (315-253-2489)
Reported by:
Mary Dobrovosky (315-685-5756)


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

New Facebook e-mail address is: cwasdfacebook@gmail.com.

Dinner at the Ritz April 9. Well, almost. Seems that the very first time I drove the 28 miles from my house to the Soup and Sandwich Night dance, I thought rather than starve to death, I had better have a little something along the way. I supposed a little tomato puree with basil would be nice during the dance. I am not one for a sandwich for dinner. Secretive as it may have been, I discovered Old St. Nick. No, no, a fully balanced dinner!! With variety too. Shhh. The dance fare includes the dinner! By gosh! Gosh did not cook the dinner. Saves hunting around for a place to eat too. Diane and I do that when we come to Rochester, err, hunt around!

Gil Porter and Lisa Treichler will be doing their thing on the 9th of April at 7:00 p.m. Take I-390 into I-86, Exit 38. Turn left at 3rd light, turn right. You’ll see the church. Left into drive between church and police station.

Sincerely, Art Diefenbach, (Vice Assistant to 1st or 2nd Vice President, as well as Club Reporter, Diane Camp) [Boy, are we covering the bases.] Lots of back-up at this club. Out of breath now; CU. (For bus loads, call Diane ahead, please.)

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Diane Camp & Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Since our club celebrated Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras, we will be having our Anniversary and St. Patrick’s Day Dance on March 13 at the Archangel School from 7:00 to 9:45 p.m. Mike Callahan will be calling and Lisa Treichler will be cueing. Please come and join us for a festive evening of dancing.

On April 9 our club, together with Copy Cats and Village Squares, will be having our annual Tri Club Dance with Jeff Bobst calling and Mark Thone cueing. That will also be at the Archangel School.

Class graduation (can you believe it) will be April 24. They will be ready for DOR on May 7, at the Perinton Recreation Center. We look forward to seeing everyone. The Basket Raffle and Club Challenge will once again be offered so save your dollars to bid on the baskets. Each year they get bigger and bigger!

If you never went to a Prom in high school, your chance comes up on May 22. Last year our President, Henry Capron, went all out with a white tux. What will you wear?

Mark your calendars for two upcoming dates with out-of-state callers. Ron Reardon from Florida will be at the Henrietta Fire Hall again on July 16. Alice Bubel will be cueing rounds and it will be a fun evening. Then in October, the twin brothers from Iowa, Don and Doug Sprosty, will return for a dance on October 22, together with Natalie Sprosty cueing. It has been a few years since they were here, so please welcome them back.

Henry Capron 585-747-0180
Reported by:
Sharon Meyer


Copy Cats

Top o’ the mornin’ to all the cool Irish cats and kittens out there. Or if you’re not Irish and just like the color green that’s okay too! Either way you should come pick up some luck at our March 19th. St. Patty’s Day Class/Club Potluck Dance at the First Baptist Church in Penfield. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the potluck dinner is at 5:30 p.m. Rounds start at 7:00 p.m. and squares at 7:30 p.m. You’ll be sure to leave feeling like you’ve found the pot of gold at the end of the Irish jig square dancing rainbow!

After you catch your breath from all the fun, join us at our Trails End picnic on May 21 at Perinton Park Community Center. The trail won’t be ending just diverging down another road called summer for a few months.

Have more questions? Check out our website: www.copycatsdancing.org. Meow.

Reported by:
Nicole Bolan & Jane McGowan


Dalton Gang

Our Pancake dinner dance is coming up very rapidly on March 29. Please call and let us know that you are coming in order to make accommodations. I would also like to make a head count of the people there, so please wear your club badges and keep them visible where I can see them. It would make it a lot easier to count how many people show up. It gives us a good idea how many people could show up next year. For our new people, the direction to get there is on the website, www.cartwrightsmapletreeinn.com

After our fill of Pancakes, we will have our dance at the Dalton Elementary School. During the dancing portion of the evening, my sister Gael Orr, who works at the Once Again Nut Butter in Nunda, hopefully will be planning on donating a Basket for a door prize. There will also be 50/50 drawings. I would also like to donate some maple syrup as well which would definitely fit the theme for the evening.

This fall we are planning on doing our eastern/western square dancing at the Dalton school. Since we have not done it in a few years, we would like to get it going again. We have decided to have our dance September 30 at 7:00 to 11:00. We are having a live band playing for us and please bring refreshments if you can. Come join us. We would love to have you.

In terms of our club, we are very excited to have a few new members joining us and I hope that in the near future our club will continue to grow.

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Jamond Billyard & Donna Whitman


Grand Squares

Grand Squares will be dancing on six Thursday evenings during February, March, and April. Two of these evenings will be special events. On Thursday, March 17, we will have a St. Patrick’s Day dance. The cost will be $6.00 per person, with free admission for guests wearing green. And, on Thursday, April 28, we will celebrate 55 years of great square dancing in a special anniversary dance. The cost will be $5.00 per person, with no charge for non-dancers.

Our complete schedule of dances for this three month period is February 25; March 10 and 17; and April 14, 21, and 28. We dance at Roth Middle School, 4000 East Henrietta Road, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The April 28 dance will run for two and one half hours, until 9:30. Gil Porter will be our caller for the February 25 dance, while our regular caller, Mike Callahan will be with us for all March and April dances.

Come out and join us on one or more of these dates for an evening of good dancing, good fun, and good fellowship!

George and Carol Stahl (585-533-9241)
Reported by:
Joy Mulhern


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Our club dances on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of October through May. We dance in the evening most of the time but we dance some Saturday afternoons in January and February. See our schedule on this website and come down to Penn Yan. We’d love to see you!

Save the date … September 16, 17 & 18 for our annual Watkins Glen Weekend. The dynamic duo of Rowdy Howie Williamson and John Toll and his wife, Pattie, will be returning. Howie will be our caller and John will be our cuer. Come for the whole weekend or partial packages are also available. Camp or stay in a local hotel or B&B.

For more information, see our ad in this publication or contact Gary & Sue Irvine 585-330-9129.

Amy Robinson (607-569-2266)
Reported by:
Sue Groom


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate round dance club, dancing a Phase III – IV level program. A teach or a review is included most evenings. We work on Phase III–IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone who is interested to join us in dancing at this level.

We will resume dancing on Thursday, March 31.

We meet on Thursday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, which is located at 570 Old Ridge Road in West Webster.

We are sad to report that in January the dance community lost a good friend and longtime dancer, Bob Everts. Bob and Joanne had danced with us for many years and were loyal advocates for round dancing. We will miss seeing him on the dance floor and socially.

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 2:00 to 5:00. We do the easier levels at 2:00, and finish with the higher levels. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Saturday or call the information number below. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., Geneva, NY.

Main Street is Route 14—easy to get to. From the thruway or the south, just stay on Route 14. From Routes 5 & 20, look for the Route 14 sign. After you circle to Route 14, (Main St.) turn left and you are almost there—the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor.

The program can be easily altered if there is something you would like to do and I have it. We dance most holidays, so if you are not otherwise occupied, come join us. We rarely cancel, but it is always good to call, just in case something has come up. We will probably be dancing Memorial Day, but do call first.

Connie Williams (315-549-8820)
Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shamrock Squares

As I write this club news article, Mike and Wanda are “basking” in the hot dry air of sunny Mesa, Arizona, and I am just back from a beach walk in Garden City Beach, just south of the metropolitan area of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and NOT, at the moment eighty degrees as Wanda bragged that it was in Mesa.

So, who is home, watching the store back in Rochester, making sure that the local “A” Square Dancing Community is not feeling deprived?

Not to worry, our own illustrious most recent Circle of Service Award Winners, Sid and Toni Marshall are filling in nicely; however, I do point out that there are NO DANCES scheduled for the Tuesday the 1st of March, nor for three weeks from then on the 22nd of March.

The good news is that Mike and Wanda will be returning for a full normal slate of dances, right up until Tuesday the 21 of June … and of course, the schedules section of our Promenader will also show all of these dances/cancellations.

Of course, there is always that “upstate NY caveat”; if you can’t get out of your driveway, it might be wise to do a “one-eighty,” and rethink your plans.

For the first time in some twenty years, Irma and I were not home to get our annual Shamrock Squares Christmas Party Picture, but I understand that ex-Kodak employee Erich Klippel did, and if I can somehow find a copy, it will appear here with this little article.

If not, in any event, you will find that “Happiness is Right Around Your Corner.”

585-352-7877 (Mike Callahan)
Reported by:
Dick Halstead


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Welcome Spring … we missed you! The snow is melting and old friends are returning to dance with us in Fulton. March brings us St. Patrick’s Day. We wear green for the event and try to bring snacks with a green theme. We will not be dancing on March 25 because it is Good Friday. April starts out with a guest caller while Dave Eno is away. On the 15th we will be having Pizza Night, which is a club favorite. May brings back our snow birds that we had not seen all winter. On the 13th we will have our Cookout. The club supplies the hot dogs and sausages while we all bring a dish to pass. We will be having our club graduation on May 27. Mark your calendars for June 4. This is the ALS Benefit Dance. It will be at our normal venue in Fulton from 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. Dave and his friends will be calling and cueing. Hope to see you in Fulton.

Caller: Dave Eno

Paula & Ray Schumacher (315-635-0930)
Reported by:
Paula Schumacher


Silver Squares

With the exception of May 23 when we will be closed for the observation of Memorial Day, Silver Squares will be dancing every Monday afternoon during March, April, and May from 1:00 to 3:15 at the Greece Methodist Church, 1924 Maiden Lane. Mike Callahan will continue class instruction from 1:00 until 2:30, followed by Plus level dancing for the experienced dancers.

During these warm spring months, we have several special dances planned. Our St. Patrick’s Day dance on March 14 will feature a lunch of homemade soup and salad. We will have several soups, salad, bread, and dessert. All that for a mere $3 extra. Please note that lunch will be served at noon prior to dancing.

April 4 is our Silent Auction/Kite dance, and it’s a busy one. Not only will our hall be festooned with kites as we celebrate the arrival of spring, but we will also be holding our silent auction. Just some of the items at previous auctions have included homemade pies, cookies, cakes, jellies, wine, and some amazing white elephants.

Leo Gaesser—100th Birthday Celebration—will also be held on April 4. All this happens from 1–3 PM at Greece United Methodist Church, 1924 Maiden Lane. You are all invited to come!

May 9 is the date of our Lilac dance. While those Rochester lilacs are in bloom, we’ll be enjoying another afternoon of square dancing.

Come join in the fun. We hope to see you across the square!

Jim Lee (585-392-8275)
Reported by:
Carolyn Nedwidek


Southern Tier Wheelers

Since we are a camping club, we don’t have many opportunities to get together in the winter months. Our Christmas Dinner Dance, with Gary and Alice Bubel, was a fun time to see everyone before the rush of Christmas. Of course, the meal (prepared by Dottie Griffiths) was delicious and Don and Debbie Russell were the perfect host/hostess for this dance.

Many of the club members have traveled to Florida and have been seen at a variety of dances there. You just never know when you might run into a “Wheeler”! We will begin our 2016 schedule with our May weekend. Betsy and Roy Gotta will be calling and cueing May 20 to 22, 2016 at the CampBell Campgrounds in Campbell, NY. The host couple for the weekend are Erich and Rosalie Klippel.

For information or reservations you may contact them at 585-377-2192, 585-615-6745 or by email at erna.klippel@gmail.com. They will be happy to answer any questions for you or to take your reservation. Please consider joining us for the weekend or even just an evening.

Flyers for our upcoming weekends can be found in the proper section of the Promenader. Please check them out at your convenience. We have planned a fun-filled summer of camping and dancing. We also look forward to seeing many of you throughout the summer.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

We are completing our 2015–2016 dance year with a total of 17 dances, which is a little tricky, considering that we are a Wednesday dance club and there are only 14 Wednesdays counting from March 2 thru June 1 and we are not dancing Wednesday May 11. Understanding this requires examining the full dance package. Rounds and squares will be interspersed at all dances.

Let’s start with our two biggest dances, both Saturday evening dances and both at the Archangel School (previously the Washington Irving School) on Chili Avenue. The location was dictated by the need for a larger dance floor.

Get out your magic marker to flag Saturday, May 14. This dance (see flyer) is free to all. We are celebrating with our caller of 27 years, Jerry Carmen, his 50th anniversary year as a professional square dance caller. To allow congratulators access to Jerry, Ron Brown, Gil Porter, Will Herzog, Bob Schlenker and Greg Marling will take care of the calling, cueing and line dancing. Along the way, expect a few revelations. This is a dance you don’t want to miss. It starts at 7:00 p.m.

On Saturday April 9 Village Squares is joining with Cloverleafs and Copy Cats to host the annual Tri-Club dance (see flyer). Jeff Bobst will call and Mark Thone will cue. The dance begins at 7:30 p.m., preceded by 30 minutes of rounds.

That’s two down, leaving just 15 more to go. Perhaps you remember our promise of Five Fabulous Friday dances. We still owe you two dances. The first is the Friday Ides of March dance (see flyer) on March 11. The second is Friday’s Fool dance (see flyer) on April 1. These are both plus dances (no plus workshop) starting at 7:30 p.m. Don’t expect anything but enjoyable dancing.

That leaves 13 dances unaccounted for. Ten Wednesday dances (March 2, 9, 16 and 23; April 6, 13, 20 and 27; and May 4 and 18) feature a plus workshop from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., an hour of dancing the previously-taught plus dance figures from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and dancing at a full plus level from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. One admission covers the full three hours of dancing. March 16 is Pi(e) Night (see flyer). April 20 is a costume-suggested Hobo dance (see flyer). May 4 follows the same pattern, but suggests costumes for a Star Wars dance (see flyer) ambiance.

That leaves just three more Wednesday dances. The Wednesday March 30, Spring Break dance (see flyer) and the Wednesday May 25, Red, White and Blue dance (see flyer) are Mainstream class-club dances starting at 7:00 p.m. They include two hours of Mainstream dancing, ending at 9:00 p.m. Both dances are free to 2016 dance-year Mainstream class graduates and their partners. The final hour, from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., will be called at the full plus level.

Wednesday June 1 is our last dance of the 2015–2016 dance year. It is our Trail Out dance (see flyer). The dance starts at 7:30 p.m. Dancing will be at the full plus level. The dance features an Ice Cream Social.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas (585-385-2155)


Waterwheel Squares

What a mild winter we’ve been experiencing! Waterwheel Squares has been able to square and round dance right through it. We dance the first, third, and fourth Tuesday of the month promptly at 7:00 p.m. The location is Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington Highway, Snyder, NY, 14226. We gather in the upper hall and there is plenty of parking and an elevator for those who need it.

March has us wearing the green for our St. Patrick’s Day dance on the 15th. Shamrocks and cheerful Irish melodies will help us celebrate. On the 29th we will hold our annual Anniversary dance.

April brings us to our Ice Cream Social on the 19th. Everyone will share a topping so we can enjoy our very own unique sweet treat.

May flowers will abound when we have our Hawaiian Night on the 17th, always a favorite night for our group. Those are the highlights of our spring months. The other evenings are all simply regular dance nights to enjoy fellowship and practice our dancing skills.

Oh, one more special announcement—we have a female caller in training, Rachel Bicheler. She has attended caller school and practices patter and a singing call with us every Tuesday. Her skills are very enjoyable. She has danced with us a few years, is a music teacher at Cheektowaga Central Schools, and has decided to be a caller.

As always we welcome visitors on any of our dance nights, so if you’re in the area please stop in and join us. Happy Spring to all!

Carolyn Gregory (716-759-2199)
Reported by:
Carolyn Gregory