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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Grand Squares
Mark’s Intermediate Workshop
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Cooler weather is ahead of us and calls us to square dancing. Every Monday night at the VA Medical Center (building #4, patio entrance) we start dancing at 7:00 with Bill Ryan. Come join us for square dancing on a beautiful hardwood floor. September 26 and October 3 are our Open Houses from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. We will be celebrating FALL.

One night each month we sponsor a specialty dance which includes a donation to a charity. October 31 is our Halloween Party. Come and enjoy a spooky night of dancing. Donations will be for Zion House, a home to assist women veterans. We will honor veterans on November 7. ALL veterans dance FREE, with collection going to Salvation Army for a Thanksgiving dinner.

Hope to see you in a square!

Caller Bill Ryan (716-517-6012),
Cuer Nancy Fincher
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591),
Carol Brown (585-247-5689)


Belles 'N' Beaus

We are ready to start dancing again after taking the summer off. We will begin on September 12 with Mike Herne calling. On September 19 we invite you to our OPEN HOUSE for a free night of dancing, fun and fellowship. On October 10 Gary & Alice Bubel will be calling and our members will be making and baking special desserts that will be up for bid, so who knows, you could take a really special treat home! On October 24 there will be cider and donuts to celebrate Halloween and then on October 31 we will not be dancing as we will be home handing out treats to the little ones that come to our doors.

November 14 will find Gil Porter calling for us so come on over and enjoy dancing to his calls. There will be a Turkey Raffle on November 21 and then a Country Western Mixer on November 28. Sound like fun? Come on down! We will be ending 2016 on December 19 with a Holiday Dance and Mike Callahan calling with special desserts and hors d’oeuvres for your enjoyment. Remember you are always welcome and bring your friends!

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Joanne Ligtenberg


Boo Bull DBD

This club dances on Friday nights 7:00 to 9:00. It is a small group, but we have a lot of fun! If you would like to improve your dancing, consider joining us some Friday night. You do not have to learn any new calls. We just look at the calls you already know from some positions you may not have danced before. We really do have a lot of fun, with much laughter.

If you want to join us some evening, please check the Promenader schedule or call us to find if we are dancing, as we do not dance every Friday evening. This club runs through November.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

We continue to dance on Tuesday afternoons 3:30 to 5:00. We dance Phase 3 & 4 levels. If you would like to do some higher level dancing, please join us some Tuesday.

The Wednesday night club dances 7:00 to 9:00. This night we dance Phase 2 & 3. If you need more floor time to help improve your dancing skills, consider joining us some Wednesday evening. We will gladly review anything you need help with.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

We have had a great summer of dancing. Our pie night was a great success. We had seven squares dancing and enjoying the pies! The Johnny Preston dance was also a success. If you didn’t attend, you missed a great dance.

Please remember that our club continues to dance every Tuesday night 7:00 to 9:00 through November. We would love to have you join us some Tuesday night for an evening of dancing and fellowship.

Also, check out the special dances. We will be having an MS benefit dance on Friday, September 30. It would be great if we beat last year’s total donations that were in excess of $1000.00! Gary will be calling and I will be cueing. There will be a lot of dancing, food and basket raffles.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

We celebrate birthdays on the first Thursday of each month. Join us for birthday cake and extra hugs on September 1, October 6, and November 3.

Our open houses are September 8 and 15. We will have a guest caller on September 15. September 22 is pie night! Come and enjoy a slice of pie. September 29 everyone is requested to wear their favorite fall color.

October 27 we will celebrate Halloween.

Please bring a non-perishable food item for our food drive on November 17. These items will be donated to a food pantry in Auburn. Also on November 17 we celebrate Thanksgiving with special snacks.

Be sure to check out our web site at www.cayugacutups.org or our Facebook page.

Jeannie Tucker (315-253-2489)
Reported by:
Mary Dobrovosky (315-685-5756)


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

The Harvest Ball will be our first dance of the season. Two weeks after that, on October 7–9, wagon wheels will journey us over to join the Southern Tier Wheelers at Campbell. This is the windy hall as breezes blow through the barn siding. Might bring a jacket, just in case!

All too soon, November arrives. Then the apples and pumpkins become desserts and pies. Gosh, what a nice time of the year. It has been nice to visit in Rochester this year. We stop at the diner in Kanona on the way home, one exit before the Bath exit, opposite the Pilot truck stop. The diner sits in the dark and looks eerie, but is warm and friendly inside.

Check us out on Facebook. You might even see yourself. We dance M, P, R (2–3) with Mike Herne and Lisa Treichler. See our schedule.

Happy Fall.

EDITOR’S note: As of press time, we had not received this club’s submission of their fall schedules. The schedule details will be posted to the schedules section when received, so check back later. This club has usually danced on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at St. Thomas Episcopal Church Hall, 122 Liberty Street, Bath, NY 14810.

The Facebook page for this club may be found by searching for cwasdfacebook@gmail.com.

Diane Camp (607-776-4528) and Jim & Cathy Mack (607-776-4823)
Reported by:
Diane Camp & Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

We want to thank all our guests who came to our dances this summer and especially those that supported our out-of-town callers, Ron Reardon and Betsy Gotta. We’re looking forward to our next out-of-town callers & cuer, the Sprosty twin brothers Doug and Don, and Natalie, Don’s wife. They will be here on October 22 so mark your calendars now. There will be an A2 level dance in the afternoon also.

Open Houses will be coming on September 11 and 18 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Chili Baptist Church. When we start classes on September 25, we will be trying something new that has been working for other clubs. It is a 12 week and 50 call Mainstream class. In January, we’ll start another 12 week 50 call Mainstream class with the first group being angels and getting a review of the calls which will strengthen their knowledge and familiarity with the calls.

In September we will also start teaching Plus the first hour of our regular dance from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., then dance full Plus from 8:00 to 9:15 p.m. If you haven’t had Plus or need a review, this is your chance.

October 8 is our Black Light dance with the Bubels (see flyer). We will have our annual class/club Halloween dance October 30 with costumes if you wish. Prizes will be given for those in different categories. November is also a busy month starting with our annual Honor Flight dance on November 6 (see flyer). In the past, we have raised enough money to send four veterans to Washington and this year, we hope to match or exceed that amount. November 13 will be our class/club Thanksgiving dinner and dance. We have many good cooks preparing the turkeys, stuffing, all the rest of the fixings and, of course, delicious desserts.

We hope you have had a pleasant summer and we look forward to the new dance year and seeing you at one of our dances.

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Sharon Meyer


Copy Cats

Welcome back Copy Cats to a brand new year of dancing, laughing and socializing! As usual we will start shaking out the rust on September 10 with our Rusty Hinge dance. Next we encourage everyone out there to give your non-Cat friends a nudge and have them try out the fun at our open house on September 20 at Bay Trail Middle School. We suggest picking them up for dinner beforehand and then driving them to square dance with you at 7:00 p.m.!

Remember when you turned 45? What a great year that was! We hope you liked your 45th so much that you’ll help us come celebrate our club’s 45th anniversary on October 1, at the Baptist church. We will be having hors d’oeuvres, cake and of course dancing! If we haven’t scared you yet just come to our Halloween dance on October 15 with or without a costume on, eek! To wrap up this wonderful announcement we would like to also mention our veterans dance on November 5 (veterans get in free).

Jane McGowan (585-666-0108)
Reported by:
Jane McGowan


Dalton Gang

Hello fellow Square Dancers. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and that you are well rested, for certain clubs, of starting a brand new season of dancing. On July 30, we had our square dance picnic on our Pontoon Boat at Conesus Lake to talk about our new season coming up. Our club will start dancing September 13 since we had the summer off. We do have our open house September 20 and 27, and all are welcome. We hope to add some new blood to our club this year. Friday, September 30, is our East meets West Dance. We have the Starlight Ramblers playing for us. Since we had a great success on the door prizes for our Pancake Dinner dance, we are going to continue with the door prizes for this dance as well. For more information on the East meets West dance, refer to the flyer posted in the Promenader. In conclusion, November is our veteran’s themed dance on the 8th. Again, we hope you all had a great summer.

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Donna Witmer


Grand Squares

We sincerely hope that all our members had a great summer and are ready to come back and dance again.

Our 2016-2017 season will kick off on Thursday, September 15, with a regular dance from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Roth Middle School, 4000 East Henrietta Road. Mike Callahan will be our caller and cuer, with Terry leading a line dance when she is able to attend.

On September 22, we will have a FREE dance for guests. It will be Mainstream and plus, so recent class graduates are most welcome.

We will also dance on September 29, October 6, and October 13.

October 27 will be our Halloween Dance. It will be Mainstream with announced plus. Guests wearing a costume will be admitted FREE.

During November, we will dance three times—on the 3rd, 10th, and 17th.

We hope to see any and all square dancers at one or more of these Fall events. Guests are always welcome. Come dance with us!

George and Carol Stahl (585-533-9241)
Reported by:
Joy Mulhern


Mark’s Intermediate Workshop

NO NEWS—Editor’s note: This club resumes dancing on Monday, September 12 (see schedule on this website).

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares will hold three free lessons for beginners in September. They will be on Wednesdays, September 14, 21 and 28 at the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 408 Elm Street, Penn Yan from 7:00 t0 9:00 p.m. All are welcome.

Our annual Watkins Glen Weekend will be held September 16 to 18 at Clute Memorial Park Community Center. If you haven’t been before, you will enjoy a wonderful wooden dance floor; an air conditioned dance hall and food events. Come for the entire weekend, an evening dance or an all day/night Saturday package is available. We are excited to have Rowdy Howie Williamson from Tyrone, PA as our caller and John & Pattie Toll from Dover, Delaware will be cueing. For more information or to register, contact Sue Irvine at 585-330-9129 or email irvinesuej@gmail.com. You will also find our flyer on this site.

Our club dances are at the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 408 Elm Street, Penn Yan on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of October, November and December with early rounds from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. and Mainstream/Plus and Rounds (2x2) from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. See our schedule on this website.

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom


Round Towners

NO NEWS—Editor’s note: This club resumes dancing on Thursday, September 8 (see schedule on this website).

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 2:00 to 5:00. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Saturday. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., Geneva, NY. Main Street is Route 14—easy to get to. From the thruway or the south, just stay on Route 14. From Routes 5 & 20, look for the Route 14 sign. After you circle to Route 14, (Main St.), turn left and you are almost there—the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor. The program can easily be altered if there is something different you would like to do, and I have it. We rarely cancel, but it is always a good idea to call, just in case something has come up. We will most likely, be dancing Labor Day, Columbus Day, and Halloween. Best to call, just in case we are not.

Connie Williams (315-549-8820)
Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday evenings 6:45 to 8:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)


Shirts 'N' Skirts

September brings the start of our dance season with our new class forming. We’re hoping many from our community will join us. This year we are having three Get Acquainted Dances (September 23 and 30 and October 7) to start the class. New dancers dance free for those weeks, so if you’ve been hoping for a chance to try out square dancing, come and join us. The Fulton Municipal Building is easy to find and air conditioned; so even if the weather is hot, we’ll be dancing in a cool space!

Come and join us for special dances: October 28 for our Halloween Dance and November 18 for our Thanksgiving Dance.

Labor Day Weekend September 2 and Thanksgiving Weekend November 25 are two dates during this quarter when we will not be dancing.

Caller: Dave Eno

Paula & Ray Schumacher (315-635-0930)
Reported by:
Vivian Rice


Silver Squares

September 5 is Labor Day and we will not be dancing. Enjoy your family, relatives and friends and have a great Labor Day.

September 19—Great News; Silver Squares will be presenting the Fall Fling, Open House & Pizza Party on Monday, September 19th, 1:00–3:00 pm at the Greece United Methodist Church, 1924 Maiden Lane. Please invite your friends, acquaintances, and any one desiring to participate in square dancing. Remember we welcome solo dancers and couples with equal enthusiasm. The only cost will be nothing but your time! Come and join us at the only club that dances in the afternoon!

October 10—Our wonderful tasty Soup and Salad luncheon is October 10 at the church at 12:00 p.m. The luncheon consists of homemade soups, salads, and dessert at a nominal charge of $3.00 for lunch and just $5.00 for the dance. If you wish to bring soup or salad or “fixing” or just need information please call Jean St. John by October 3. Come join us for plenty of food, fun, and dancing.

November 21—Our Thanksgiving dance will be potluck lunch at 12:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Pilgrim or turkey outfits or just your casual attire is entirely appropriate for any of our dances. Please join us for any or all of our dances. YOU are always welcome.

December 12 will be our Christmas dance and dinner. It will be a full catered turkey dinner with all the trimmings … Dance will be at 1:00 p.m. and the dinner at 3:00 p.m. Please contact Jean St. John (720-0777) for reservations and more details. Please join us for a great celebration.

Jean Saint John (585-720-0777)
Reported by:
Winifred Best


Southern Tier Wheelers

Although our camping/dancing season is half-over, there are still many opportunities to join us for a day, night or weekend of dancing. On the weekend of September 9 to 11, we will be dancing to the calling and cueing of Gil Porter and Jerry Carmen. October 7 to 11 is the “Halloween” celebration for CampBell Campgrounds with fun activities all weekend. On Saturday, October 8, we will be joining with the Champagne Whirl-A-Ways for a special Halloween dance featuring Jeff Bobst and Lisa Treichler and including a costume contest with prizes. It is not necessary to wear a costume but many dancers choose to. Then, if you are looking for a special way to start your holiday season, we have a Christmas dinner dance on December 11. We arrive at the Tyrone Fire Hall at 2:30 and dance until 5:00. This is followed by a delicious dinner prepared by Dottie Griffiths. At the conclusion of the evening, we wish everyone “Merry Christmas” and wish everyone well until we can begin our 2017 dancing season in May. For any additional information, check our flyers included elsewhere in the Promenader.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

On the first Wednesday in September following September’s first Monday (Labor Day), a magical event occurs. The 2016-2017 fall iteration of Village Squares emerges from its summer gestation, inviting you to dance.

Our fall dance season starts Wednesday, September 7, at the Pittsford United Church, 123 South Main St., with a potluck dinner and dance. The social hour begins at 6:00 p.m., followed by a sit-down meal at 6:30 p.m., followed by dancing starting at 7:30 p.m. Bring tableware and a dish to pass. For the potluck, please contact hostesses Susan Thomas 585-385-2155 (suetinny2@yahoo.com) or Barb Keane 585-787-4061. Dance admission per person is $4.00 for members, $5.00 for visitors. There is no potluck surcharge. Refer to our flyer in this issue.

We are dancing every Wednesday in September, October and November, except November 23, which immediately precedes Thanksgiving.

Starting Wednesday September 14 and continuing through all subsequent Wednesdays, we are for two full hours integrating club dancers with Plus Teach and Review Workshop dancers. Integrating club and workshop dancers offers a confidence advantage that separate instruction often does not provide. Wednesday workshops teach Plus calls from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., followed by integrated class and club dancing until 9:00 p.m. that is restricted to Mainstream calls and Plus calls previously taught. After approximately 9:00 p.m. school is out. Announcements. 50/50. Then the club dances at a full Plus level until 10:00 p.m.

Mainstream dancers who graduated in 2016 and are interested in learning Plus calls are particularly invited to join our workshop in September. As a “try before you buy” incentive, we offer first-time workshop attendees free admission to their first session of the season. Experienced dancers who are simply reviewing Plus level calls are welcome to blend in at any time. Refer to our flyer in this issue.

Your attention is drawn to the Special Dances listed below. (Remember that those falling on Wednesday are preceded at 7:00 p.m. by the Plus Workshop/Review.)

The Fall Friendship Ball, sponsored by the Federation, is being held on Saturday September 24 at the American Legion Post 256, 454 North Main Street, Canandaigua. The dance is free and will be from 2:00 to 5:15 p.m. Callers are Ron Brown, Gary Bubel and Jerry Carmen. Each tip will be identified as being at a Plus or Mainstream only level. Alice Bubel and Eileen Webster will cue. A dinner following the dance will start at 6:00 p.m. Dinner reservations are required. A subsidized price of $12 has been set for the dinner. Refer to the Federation’s flyer in this issue.

Our Wednesday October 12 dance is a perennial favorite, a Barn Dance. Refer to our flyer in this issue.

Last year we sponsored Five Fabulous Friday dances. These dances were well attended, but we nevertheless decided to make the dates more memorable. This year’s offering has become Five Fabulous Fourth Friday dances. For a full Fabulous Friday listing refer to our flyer in this issue. Our sole Fall quarter Fabulous Friday listing is Fall Fright Night, occurring on Friday, October 28, starting at 7:30 p.m. These dances will have announced Mainstream and Plus tips.

Wednesday, November 9, we are once again sponsoring a Sadie Hawkins dance. Women are requested to bring a plate of cookies to be bid on by men at the dance. Men bring your wallets. Proceeds will be donated to Honor Flight. Refer to our flyer in this issue.

The winter quarter does not begin until December, but we want to draw your attention to our Wednesday, December 14, Holiday Dinner Dance. The dinner is by popular consensus once again being catered by Giuseppe’s. The dinner details are on the flyer in this issue. Reservations for dinner are required by Monday, December 5. Contact Susan Thomas 585-385-2155 or suetinny2@yahoo.com.


Village Squares is pleased to announce that Gil Porter has agreed to assist and fill in for our long-time caller Jerry Carmen when needed. We are updating our schedules and flyers to show Gil as a second caller (Gil’s role may vary dance to dance).

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas (585-385-2155)


Waterwheel Squares

Summer is almost gone and it’s time to get back on track and start a new class of square dancers. Hopefully a large one!

Waterwheels dances the first, third and fourth Tuesday of the month promptly at 7:00 p.m. We are located at Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington Highway, Snyder, NY 14226. Ample parking is available in the rear lot and an elevator is available as well.

We welcome our new treasurer Sue Ehrenreich this season. Our Open House nights will be September 20 and 27. October kicks off with regular dances on October 4 and 18. October 25 is our annual Halloween celebration, so start planning those costumes! It’s always a fun night. In November we dance the 1st, 15th, and on the 22nd we share and give thanks with our Thanksgiving dance. We say goodbye to November on the 29th.

We welcome singles and couples any time, so keep dancing and join us sometime.

Carolyn Gregory (716-759-2199)
Reported by:
Carolyn Gregory