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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Grand Squares
Mark’s Intermediate Workshop
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

GREEN, GREEN, GREEN—Breeze into our St. Patrick’s Day Dance Monday, March 13, wearing your GREEN attire for an evening of fun and dancing. We will be collecting money for Troop Coupons. We collect coupons and send them to the troops. Hundreds of thousands of coupons are collected and mailed to various troops. The money collected will help pay for the postage. Also, if you have coupons you don’t need, bring them along to donate.

April brings April showers and our Dyngus Day Dance on Monday, April 17. This night our donations go to Zion House in Avon, a home for women veterans in transition. Donations can be anything for women …non-perishable food items, paper goods, soaps, personal care items, etc. April 24 is our graduation. Come welcome our new members.

May 15—Let’s give everyone a good laugh when we wear our craziest, silliest, favorite t-shirts for T-shirt Night. The collection for non-perishable food items will be donated to the Corfu Area Food Pantry.

Come join us any Monday night (except May 29) for a night of fun, food, and of course, great square dancing. See you on the floor!

Caller Bill Ryan (716-517-6012)
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591)


Belles 'N' Beaus

On March 6 Ron Brown will be calling, so come and join us and dance the night away.

March 13 will be our Shamrock Night, so you guessed it, wear your best green duds and we’ll do our best to come up with some green snacks for you to enjoy.

On April 3 we will be having Gil Porter as our caller and as we know, everyone looks forward to dancing with him.

April 10 will be our Dessert and Hawaiian night so come dressed in your best tropical outfit and plan to bid on some luscious desserts.

Friday May 12th will be our final dance of the year for our Spring Fling with Mike Callahan as our special caller.

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Ronni Camiolo


Boo Bull DBD

We are really enjoying the Florida weather! Our new granddaughter is a delight! It will be hard to leave her. However, we are looking forward to coming home and resuming our clubs and seeing our friends!

DBD starts May 12, 2017. As usual check the schedule as we do not dance every Friday night. We will dance three times in May.

This is plus dancing with a twist. Everyone is welcome to join us. It will make you a better dancer and you will have a lot of fun looking at plus calls a little differently. See you in May!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

We have been busy here is Florida enjoying our new granddaughter, the weather and dancing!

We teach and cue rounds weekly and a number of folks from home have joined us at our Monday rounds.

We will be back home in May for DOR. We will be calling and cueing there. Our club will begin May 10, 2017. We also will resume Phase 3 & 4 dancing Tuesday afternoons on May 9.

We will begin a class in June so watch for news about that. See you in the spring!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

We hope everyone is having a good winter and staying warm. We have been enjoying our new granddaughter and the warm weather! We are calling and cueing here and also enjoying dancing. We are very fortunate that there is quite a lot of dancing in our area. We also have a number of dancers from home dancing with us. It is great to see familiar faces!

We will be back home in May and will be calling and cueing at DOR this year.

Our club will begin dancing on May 9, 2017. We look forward to seeing everyone in May.

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

Come to Auburn to dance with the Cayuga Cut-Ups! March is a great month to get out our green and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Our St. Patty’s Day Dance is March 16, 6:30 p.m. Class/Club. I’m sure we can bring on the ‘Irish’--shamrocks, green drinks, cookies, etc.

April is a regular month for dancing class/club and our snowbirds will start flying home. Preparations for Spring, Easter celebrations, what a fun time to dance with friends!

By May, we will have special foods to celebrate Cinco de Mayo on May 4, Mexican chips, dips, tacos, Olé! Friends, Food, Fun and Dancing too!

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

A thought to share as we begin to think about the next recruiting “Champagne campaign.”

Cognitive ability diminishes with sitting. It begins in the first grade, along with walking pattern changes. Ponder on that, along with adding cues and calls to standing erect! You know Homo sapiens erectus. There is a lot more to be said on this if space allowed.

Directions to Champagne Whirl-A-Ways:

I-390 south, continue straight onto I-86 east, take Exit 38, turn left at ramp end. That will put you on Washington St. At the 3rd traffic light, turn right (note church opposite as you turn), then left into church parking lot.

Our delectables are varied and yummy. Soup and Sandwich Night on March 25 is a full meal with grilled Gil and cooked Lisa! @#$%&@&?

Contact Diane at 607 776-4528 for questions. We leave the house just before 6:30.

Facebook e-mail address is:cwasdfacebook@gmail.com

Most sincerely, Art Diefenbach; (Vice Assistant to 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents)

Diane Camp (607) 776-4528
Jeanne Kashorek (607) 583-2523
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Winter is now in full swing. It is a perfect time to come and dance with us and keep warm! We have a lot of fun dances coming up!

Our winter Open House was successful and we have several new class members ready to start learning to Square Dance! We are enjoying helping our newest class members to learn the calls and enjoy all that Square Dancing has to offer!

Our St. Patrick’s Day anniversary dance is March 19 at Archangel School on Chili Avenue. We are looking forward to celebrating our clubs 47th anniversary. Mike Callahan will be calling and Lisa Treichler cueing. Join in the celebration by coming to dance with us and wearing green, if you wish!

April is a busy month as our Budding Clovers will be preparing for graduation on April 30. We will also be getting ready for our move to our summer location, the Henrietta Fireman’s Hall.

We will begin our summer schedule and location on May 7. May 7 also begins our Round Dance lessons taught by Alice Bubel. The Round Dance lessons will be 5:00–6:30 p.m. More information about the Round Dance lessons will be available as the start of lessons gets closer. Please check out our flyer table periodically for more information, contact our information line or speak with a board member

Our Prom Night will be May 21. Join us for a night of formal attire (as formal as you wish). We are looking forward to seeing you all at our third annual Prom Night.

Save the date for these events for the summer. Betsy and Roy Gotta will be calling/cuing two dances over the summer, August 13 and August 20. Also our Ice Cream Social will be August 27.

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Rebecca (Becky) Sabin


Copy Cats

Hi Fellow Square Dancers from the Copy Cats. We are looking forward to spring. We are looking at some fun dances. On March 4, Carmen/Porter/Carmen will be calling for us. Our St. Patrick’s Day Dance, with Callahan calling for us, will be on March 18. The St. Patrick’s Day Dance is a Class/Club dance. We are having a potluck dinner before the dance and would love for you to join us. In April we will be wrapping up Mainstream lessons with our 2016/2017 Copy Kittens class. We have a great Class, not as big as the past 2 years, but a very fun group of people. We will be preparing them for graduation in late April and getting them ready for Dance-O-Rama. On April 1, we will be having our April Fools Dance. We are looking forward to welcoming Betsy and Roy Gotta to our dance on April, 22. Betsy is a second-generation caller having started her calling in 1957. Roy Gotta started square dancing in 1972 and they began teaching Round Dancing in 1978. In May, after our year of dancing, we will be having our Happy Trails End get-together to finish off for the summer. We will be getting together at Perinton Park on May 20 for some games, food and a couple of dances, which will be called by Jim Gotta. We have had some surprise entertainment thru the years with this social event and we are hoping again for some of that fun entertainment.

Our dances are held at the First Baptist Church of Penfield, which is located at 1862 Penfield Rd, Penfield, NY. Please check our flyers for more information on these dances.

We hope all of you have had a great year dancing and having fun as much as we have. We hope to see you out and about thru the summer at different locations. Have a great summer from all the Copy Cats.

Deb Lense (585-749-1940)
Reported by:
Brenda Beechner


Dalton Gang

Hello Fellow Square dancers. I want to start off by saying thank you to the Square Dance Federation for reimbursement of the money that was lost on our East Meets West dance last year. It was greatly appreciated. We have decided to hold our East Meets West dance again—with live music by the Starlight Ramblers—on September 30, 2017, from 7:00 to 11:00 at the Keshequa Elementary School in Dalton. It will be $6.00 admission and beverages will be a dollar a piece.

We would like to repeat this event annually, so please mark your calenders.

Let’s not forget our Pancake Dinner Dance on March 28 at 5:00 over at the Maple Tree Inn in Angelica and then at 7:00 we will be square dancing those calories away over at the Dalton Elementary School. There will be possible raffle drawings. If you need any more information or direction, especially for newcomers, see the online flyer. Please contact me at 585-330-1128 to let me know you are coming, so I can give the Maple Tree some idea of how many to expect.

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Donna Whitman


Grand Squares

Hello dancing friends … Grand Squares will have three dances in March. Jim Gotta will be our caller on March 9, and Mike Callahan will be back from his vacation to be our caller on March 23 and 30. We will also dance on April 6, 27, and May 4. We dance from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Roth Middle School in Henrietta. Come and enjoy great dancing, fine snacks, and very friendly people! Come one, come all. Guests are always welcome.

George and Carol Stahl (585-533-9241)
Reported by:
Joy Mulhern & Carol Stahl


Mark’s Intermediate Workshop

This workshop is designed for dancers who are comfortable with Phase II figures and would like to learn Phase III in several different rhythms. It is also an excellent review and reinforcement for dancers who are currently dancing Phase III. We will continue to work on rumba, foxtrot, waltz, cha, jive, and tango figures, all of which will build on the Phase II figures you already know.

We meet at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Old Ridge Road, West Webster on Monday evenings.

We will resume dancing on Monday evening, March 27 from 8:00–10:00 p.m.

Dress is casual / comfortable.

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home; 585-748-4131 Marlene’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Our annual Watkins Glen Weekend will be held Sept 15–17 at Clute Memorial Park Community Center. If you haven’t been before, you will enjoy a wonderful wooden dance floor, an air-conditioned dance hall and food events. Come for the entire weekend, an evening dance or an all day/night Saturday package is available. We are excited to have Jack Pladdys from Ohio as our caller. Our club’s own Lisa and George Treichler will be cueing. For more information or to register, contact Sue Irvine at 585-330-9129 or email irvinesuej@gmail.com.

Our club dances on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays. See our schedule on this website and come down to Penn Yan. We’d love to see you!

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate/intermediate round dance club, dancing a Phase III–IV level program. A teach or a review is included most evenings. We work on Phase III–IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level.

We meet on Thursday evenings from 8:00–10:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, which is located at 570 Old Ridge Road in West Webster.

We will resume dancing on Thursday evening, March 30.

Marlene and Mark Thone (585-226-8984 home; 585-748-4131 Marlene’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 2:00–5:00. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Sat. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., Geneva, NY. Main Street is Route 14—easy to get to. From the Thruway or the south, just stay on Route 14. From Routes 5 & 20, look for the Route 14 sign. After you circle to Route 14, (Main St.), turn left and you are almost there—the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor. The program can easily be altered if there is something different you would like to do, and I have it. We rarely cancel, but it is always a good idea to call, just in case something has come up. We may be dancing Memorial Day.

Connie Williams (716-656-0297); (315-549-8820 weekends)
Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A2 program on Tuesday evenings 6:45 to 8:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:


Shirts 'N' Skirts

After the dreary winter days, March will hopefully bring spring to the Fulton area. Shirts’ n’ Skirts members will be starting to return from southern states. On March 17, we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at the dance by wearing green. We will also be having our Pie Night that night. Club members who love to bake will be bringing in their favorite pies to share with the club. March 24, our club will not be dancing as it is Good Friday.

In April, the club will be having their annual Pizza Night on April 14. The rest of the April dances will be regular class/club events. May will be a busy month for the club. On May 6, is the Dance-O-Rama in Fairport, NY. We are looking forward to seeing our fellow dancers from Rochester at this event. The next Friday, May 12, is our club cookout. If you decide to come, please bring a dish to pass. The club provides the hot dogs and sausages. May 19 is our club Graduation night. During the ceremony our class members will receive their Shirts ’n’ Skirts badges. Our club will be dancing on May 26, the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend.

On June 17, our caller Dave Eno, will be hosting the 8th Annual Elaine Eno Memorial Dance for ALS. At this dance we will be honoring Jerry Carmen, who has ALS. We hope you can attend the dance. Please see the flyer in the Ads & Flyers section for the time. The dance will be held at our normal dance venue, Fulton Municipal Building. Come join Shirts ’n’ Skirts to dance on Friday nights.

Caller: Dave Eno

Paula & Ray Schumacher (315-635-0930)
Reported by:
Vivian Rice


Silver Squares


March 13 we will be celebrating our St. Patrick’s Day dance. It will be soup & salad luncheon at 12:00 p.m. with dancing from 1:00 to 3:15 p.m. Cost for luncheon is $3.00 for guests.


April 10 we will be celebrating with a Kite dance and Silent Auction. (Our official welcome to spring). There are always great items for gifts, delicious baked goods and some surprises. Come and join us.


May 8—Our special dance will be the Lilac dance.

May 29—There will be NO DANCING as we celebrate Memorial Day.

Jean St. John (585-720-0777)
Reported by:
Winifred Best (585-441-9063)


Southern Tier Wheelers

While many of you are enjoying dancing through the winter months, the Wheelers are looking forward to the warmer weather. Hopefully by May we will be able to dig our campers, trailers or motor homes out and take advantage of a wonderful camping season. Last year was phenomenal and we are looking forward to another great season of camping, dancing, campfires, laughter and friendship. Our first weekend will be May 19–21, 2017 when we will welcome back Betsy and Roy Gotta. The Gottas always call and cue a spectacular weekend. On June 16–18, 2017, Gary and Alice will provide us with another super weekend. We are planning a special Mainstream dance on Saturday afternoon and wish to especially invite New-Bees. Look for a flyer—coming soon to the Promenader. If you would like to join us for a weekend but don’t have a camper, Ed and Carmen Marden have campers and cabins available for rental. You can contact them at Campbell Campgrounds at 607-527-3301 or 800-587-3301. Be sure that you let them know that you will be camping with the Wheelers in order to qualify for a special rate. Hoping to see you all soon. Yellow Rock!

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

Congratulations! If you are looking for help in navigating Village Square’s spring trimester, you have come to the right place. The majority of our dances are on Wednesdays. You are also invited to the remaining two of our Friday dances. That leaves a few miscellaneous, but important, dances to be mentioned.

Note that we are not dancing the first Wednesday in March, which is Ash Wednesday.

Starting the second Wednesday, March 8, Village Squares will continue with an hour workshop on Plus calls from 7:00 until 8:00 p.m., dancing from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. that uses the Plus calls previously taught, and full Plus dancing from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. Prerecorded-rounds will be called between tips. The following subsequent Wednesday dances will follow this same format: March 15, March 22, March 29, April 5, April 12, April 26, May 3 and May 10.

The Wednesday, March 15, dance is close to Pi (3/15/17), but, as you will no doubt remember, right on Pie.

Recognizing that this year’s Mainstream dancers are a prerequisite for next year’s Plus classes, our April 19 Hobo Dance is at the Mainstream level from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., followed by Plus dancing from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. This dance is FREE to each Mainstream 2017 Grad-to-Be and her/his partner.

Our May 31 Red, White and Blue dance also appeals to Class of 2017 Mainstream dancers. Again, the dance is free to each graduating 2017 Mainstream dancer and his/her partner.

Teaching new dancers can be entertaining, but demonstrating that you still have the skill to glide effortlessly through Plus level dances is a longer-lasting satisfaction you shouldn’t neglect. Gil Porter will call Plus and Mainstream dances and offer pre-recorded rounds at our two remaining Friday night dances. The first of these dances, titled Spring has Sprung, is on March 24. The second of these dances, titled TGIF, is on April 28. Notice that these dances start at 7:30 p.m., unlike the Wednesday dances, which start at 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 8, we are once again joining with Cloverleaf Squares and Copy Cats to sponsor the Tri-Club Dance at Archangel School, 2400 Chili Ave. Early rounds are from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Announced Mainstream and Plus tips interspersed with Phase II and III rounds will be the order of the evening. Dancing is from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Glen Paulhamus is calling; Lisa Treichler is cueing.

Just when you think it has been totally forgotten, Amateur Caller Talent Night reemerges. The contest for the first prize, the famous ceramic frog, begins at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 24. There is only one frog, but every amateur caller or cuer wins a dangle. The only word of caution is this: don’t just think about it, START NOW!

Two or three years ago Village Squares discovered that our Trails End Dance was a lot more enjoyable when we replaced the traditional Pot Luck Supper with an Ice Cream Social. Don’t believe it? Check out the banana split on our flyer. Or better yet, just show up and we will prove it to you. Essential facts: Wednesday June 7; dancing from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.

On Thursday June 8, Village Squares is co-sponsoring a Trail Through to June Jamboree Dance with national callers (and Mark Thone cueing). The national callers are Gary Shoemake, from Sevierville, Tennessee, and Ken Bower, from Palm Desert, California. Thirty minutes of early rounds begin at 7:00 p.m. Tips (mostly Mainstream, but with announced Plus) will be interspersed with rounds. Tickets are $10.00 at the door, but discount coupons can be picked up at any Rochester Area Federation club. The dance location is the Church of the Assumption, 20 East Ave., Fairport, N.Y.

What did we leave out? DOR—the first Saturday in May! Pick up your DOR entry ribbon at your club for a discount.

See our flyers for the details of these dances, or phone one of the numbers below if you have questions.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas (585-385-2155)


Waterwheel Squares

March should hopefully bring us some sunny milder days. We continue to dance at Waterwheel Squares on Tuesday nights promptly at 7 p.m. We are located upstairs in the Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington Highway, Snyder NY 14226. There is ample parking in the rear lot near the entrance and we have an elevator for those who’d like to use it.

March 28 is our Anniversary Dance. April 4 is a regular dance night. April 18 is our ever popular Ice Cream Social night. And the 25 is a regular dance. May is all regular dances, except on May 16, which will be our Hawaiian night.

June brings summer and on May 6 we hold nominations for officers. June 13 and 20 are regular dances and June 27 is our Election night.

This brings us up to date through the beginning of summer, so please join us if you’re ever in the Buffalo area. We always welcome visitors.

Carolyn Gregory (716-542-4046)
Reported by:
Carolyn Gregory