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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Grand Squares
Mark’s Intermediate Workshop
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Come enjoy Summer Time Fun with the Batavia Silver Stars Monday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 (air conditioning when needed). Note—No dancing July 3 or 31. Our monthly specialty dances are:

JUNE 5—ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Everyone is welcome to share their favorite specialty ice cream topping. Donations for Eagle Star Housing will be collected. Donated items can be anything to operate a home, personal care products for men, paper products, books, games, etc.

JULY 31—CLUB PICNIC—At the McNutts. Bring a dish to pass and a favorite game to play. NO DANCE!

AUGUST 21—NAME TAG DANCE. Wear your club’s name tag badge for a FREE night of dancing. Be prepared to have a great evening of fun, dancing and to take home some special “treats.” Come visit us this summer for an evening of fun, food and, of course, plenty of dancing.

Caller Bill Ryan (716-517-6012)
Cuer Nancy Fincher (585-762-9084)
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591), Carol Brown (585-247-5689)


Belles 'N' Beaus

Our club is on vacation for the summer but is looking forward to our September open house on the 18th. We have many events planned for the fall, with various theme nights, food nights, guest callers, and surprises along the way. Hope to see visitors from all the clubs to join us for some fun-filled evenings.

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Ronni Camiolo


Boo Bull DBD

Our DBD (dancing by definition) club resumed dancing in May. We welcome new members to join us. This dancing involves looking at calls you already know from some different positions. It is a lot of fun and good brain exercise. Please check the schedule as we do not dance every Friday night. Hope you can join us!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

We resumed our Tuesday afternoon higher-level rounds in May. We have a small group but we have a good time. Wednesday night dancing also resumed in May. On June 7 we are starting a new class for anyone interested in learning to round dance or who wants to improve their dancing. The class will run 6:30 to 7:45 and club will run from 7:45 to 9:15. This club dances Phase 2–3 and we will review any steps requested.

We will be sponsoring a round dance party with Roy Gotta and Alice cueing phases 2–4. This will take place on Saturday August 19th. Plan to join us for a evening of rounds.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

We began dancing again in May. It was good to be back. We are looking forward to a great summer of dancing and meeting new club members. We will be reviewing all the Plus calls and any other call as needed.

Don’t forget the Johnny Preston dance on August 15th. He calls a fabulous dance and everyone who attends has a great time! There are also a number of special dances this summer, so remember to put them on your calendar.

If you are campers, we will be calling and cueing at STW June 16–18 and will be at Booneville August 4–6. Both weekends will be filled with lots of fun and good dancing.

Please join us some Tuesday night. We dance 7:00–9:00.

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

This summer season will be exciting for the Cayuga Cut-Ups as we plan to dance around Cayuga County at local sites. We are planning to be more visible within our county to celebrate our 55th Anniversary Year as a Square Dance Club.

In June come and join us as we dance on three Thursday nights: (June 1) Bluefield Manor an independent living community: (June 8) The Villages at Auburn Grove, our newest 55 and older community : (June 22) Bailiwick , our newest Market & Cafe with live music and entertainment—we will be the entertainment! See the Calendar section for written locations.

July we are planning community demos at local events and we will be dancing every Thursday night at our home, Auburn United Methodist Church!

August 11 is the party—3:00–5:30 p.m. Pre-Gala Wine Tasting at Montezuma Winery! We will sponsor our 55th Anniversary Gala at Vince’s Park, Route 318 , Seneca Falls: 7:00–10:00 p.m. Dancing/Rounds with Rowdy Howdy—Howard & Donna Williamson coming from PA to call and cue for our Gala; 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Light Dinner & Plus Workshop.

Help us celebrate this summer season, see you dancing!

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

Cognitive ability diminishes with sitting. If cognitive skills diminish, does increased logic replace it? Logic is a trap, because it is limited. Cognitive infers a bigger picture! A path of more options and potential. Applying this to square dancing … by combining thoughts. e.g. A priest recently said to me, “I cannot dance because I have 2 left feet.” However, square dancers know there are those who are good dancers with “2 left feet”! I have no idea what drummer they are dancing to. It doesn’t matter. So long as they know there are 4 walls to square up to. Simply just get there by the prescribed path. A priest loves people. What a wonderful way to experience people. Just get there! Turn right, turn left, turn 3/4, just get there. One doesn’t have to be a priest, just get there among the people! And that is a cognitive development in progress; thus to develop what is perhaps a new word; get up out of the chair, and cognitise with us. We love you.

Directions to Champagne Whirl-A-Ways: Take I 390 south, continue straight onto I86 east, take exit 38, turn left at ramp end. That will put you on Washington St. At the 3rd traffic light, turn right (note church opposite as you turn), then left into church parking lot.

Our delicious delectables are varied and yummy.

It is Hawaiian Night, casual is apropos; i.e. Wear that loose fitting, loud shirt guys. Girls, I am not getting into grass skirts here. You decide. We supply the leis.

The Facebook email address is: cwasdfacebook@gmail.com

Most sincerely, Art Diefenbach (Vice Assistant to 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents)

Contact Diane at 607 776-4528 for questions. We leave the house just before 6:00.

Diane Camp (607) 776-4528, Jeanne Kashorek’s (607) 583-2523
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

We began our summer schedule and location at the Henrietta Fire Hall on May 7. Throughout the summer months, in addition to our regular schedule of Mainstream Teach from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., squares to the level taught from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. and 2 x 2 from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m., there will be Two-Step Round Dance lessons taught by Alice Bubel from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. In June wear red, white and blue for our Flag Day dance on June 11

July is a busy month with many opportunities to come out and dance with us. Join us for our July Fest Dance with caller Ron Reardon and cuer Alice Bubel. The dance will be at the Henrietta Fire Hall on July 22 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. July 16 is our Boots and Shorts night and July 30 is our Crazy T-shirt day. Also in July is the Cloverleaf picnic which will be at Jane Avery’s house on Saturday, July 15. Please bring a dish to pass and games to play. Cost is $3.00 a person. Everyone is welcome to join us for fun, games and a bonfire in the evening.

Betty and Roy Gotta are calling and cuing two dances over the summer: on August 13 and August 20. Also please join us for our annual Ice Cream Social on August 27.

On August 25, Mike Sikorsky, a national caller, will be calling for our club at the Henrietta Fire Hall. We are fortunate to have several national callers visit our area this summer.

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Rebecca (Becky) Sabin


Copy Cats

Hi from the Copy Cats. Well, the dance season for us is winding down. 2016–2017 might be winding down, but we are looking forward to 2017–2018 with our new Board, Our Board members for the coming year are: Rick and Donna LaDonna—Co-Presidents; Phil LaRussa and Mary Martin—Co-Vice Presidents; Shirley Thomas—Treasurer; Brenda Beechner—Secretary; Kaitlyn McJilton—Federation Representative; Rick Simmons—Past Co-President and Jim and Tracey Lasch—Hospitality. Thanks so much to our outgoing board members Warren Olson, Mary Jo Webster and David Lense for the great job they have done for Copy Cats. We are not losing Rick Simmons, he is now in another position. To help close out our 2016–2017 season, we had graduation night for our graduating class of 2016–2017 on April 25. They have finished Mainstream and are currently working on a few Plus Calls. Ron Brown has done a great job getting them ready for DOR, which is on May 6th.( check the flyer for more information). Speaking of the DOR, our theme this year for our Basket is Explore Rochester.

We will be having our Trail End picnic on May 20, starting at 1:00 p.m. till dusk. We are gathering at Perinton Park in Fairport, NY. Sounds like we will be having a great time again. There is one new game and one picture venture, outside of the board/card games that we play, that our great volunteers are doing for us. They sound like lots of fun. Some of our dancers have volunteered to participate in the Newlywed Game and some will be bringing in baby/when you were young pictures for us to guess who it is for the “You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby” contest. A prize will be given out. Of course, we will be dancing some too.

Donna LaDonna wants to say THANK YOU to those who cut, sorted and counted coupons over the past year. To date, Copy Cats have mailed over $120,000 worth of coupons to our Troops. Keep it up all of you!

Rick & Donna LaDonna (585-223-7219)
Reported by:
Brenda Beechner


Dalton Gang

I have nothing to report from Dalton for the summer. Have a great summer vacation. I do ask for prayers for our caller Mike Herne, who suffered a stroke in April. Also prayers for my co-president Donna Whitman, who underwent shoulder and knee surgery. Again have a happy summer vacation. Submitted by Jamond Billyard, Dalton Gang President

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Donna Whitman


Grand Squares

We have come to the end of another dance season—a time to look back as well as looking forward. For many of our club members it was not a good year, with surgeries, illnesses and sometimes travel keeping some of our regular dancers sidelined at home or away. And since a club cannot survive without dancers, we are indebted to our guests who have provided not only enthusiastic participation but also financial support. Weather caused cancellation of a couple of our scheduled dances, but we made the best of it. The cancellation of our Christmas dance left Carol and George with a half sheet “Happy Holidays” cake in their freezer, so we made our first dance of 2017 a Christmas in January celebration. Club members and guests came in Christmas attire and we danced to Mike’s and Terry’s choice of Christmas music. We were not distracted by gifts to buy, cards to write and other parties to give or attend. It was an event to remember.

We have been privileged to have Mike Callahan for our caller with Jim and Gil as great fill-ins. Terry’s line dances are also a welcome addition. That was the past but also what we anticipate for next year’s season of dancing. Don’t forget to take advantage of those clubs with summer dancing, but also plan to join us for dancing come September. We dance mainly plus level (we’ll help you if you are a new plus-level dancer) on Thursday evenings at Roth Middle School in Henrietta. Check September’s Promenader for our fall schedule.

George and Carol Stahl (585-533-9241)
Reported by:
Joy Mulhern & Carol Stahl (stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com)


Mark’s Intermediate Workshop

This workshop is designed for dancers who are comfortable with Ph. II figures and would like to learn Ph. III in several different rhythms. It is also an excellent review and reinforcement for dancers who are currently dancing Ph. III. We are working on rumba, foxtrot, waltz, cha, jive, and tango figures, all of which will build on the Ph. II figures you already know. We meet at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Ridge Road, W. Webster on Monday evenings from 8–10 p.m. Dress is casual/comfortable. Please note: We will not be dancing after July 10 for the rest of the summer. We will resume dancing on Monday September 11, picking up where we left off.

Marlene and Mark Thone (585) 226-8984 (home) (585) 748-5131 (Marlene’s cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Summer dancing at PYFS will consist of six square dance workshops June 13 & 27, July 11 & 25 and August 8 & 22. (See Promenader schedule pages for details.) Don’t forget our Watkins Glen Weekend, September 15, 16 and 17, with Jack Pladdys, and Lisa & George Treichler. Check the online flyer and make your plans.

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Ph III–IV level program. A teach or a review, at the Ph III+ or Ph IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Ph III+ and Ph IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level.

We meet on Thursday evenings from 8 to 10 P.M. at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, which is located at 570 Ridge Road in West Webster.

Please note: We will not be dancing after July 13 for the remainder of the summer. We will resume dancing on Thursday, September 7.

Marlene and Mark Thone (585) 226-8984 (home) (585) 748-5131 (Marlene’s cell)
Reported by:
Marlene and Mark Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 2:00 to 5:00. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Sat.. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., Geneva, NY. Main Street is Route 14—easy to get to. From the thruway or the south, just stay on Route 14. From Routes 5 & 20, look for the Route 14 sign. After you circle to Route 14, (Main St.), turn left and you are almost there—the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor.. The program can easily be altered if there is something different you would like to do, and I have it. We rarely cancel, but it is always a good idea to call, just in case something has come up. The Church is in the process of reorganizing. Do call to check where we are dancing

Connie Williams (716-656-0297); (315-549-8820 weekends)
Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday evenings 6:45 to 8:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Dick & Irma Halstead


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Shirts ’n’ Skirts dances during the summer in our air-conditioned hall. On June 2, we will be having our Quarterly Meeting with election of Officers. June 17 is our ALS Benefit Dance. This year we will be honoring Jerry Carmen. The dance is from 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. with food, raffles and LOTS of dancing. Our graduation is June 23. After our newly minted graduates receive their badges, we will have strawberry shortcake to celebrate the event. During the summer, Dave will be teaching Plus calls. Our new members will be learning them, while we use the lessons as a refresher course. July 21 we will be having our Ice Cream Social. Come join us for a dish of ice cream and dancing. In August, we will be getting ready to welcome new members into the club. Our only event in August is International Night on August 18. I have no idea what the party chairperson has in store for us. To all our fellow clubs: Have a fun but safe summer. We hope to see you in Fulton.

Caller: Dave Eno

Paula Schumacher (315-635-0930)
Reported by:
Vivian Rice


Silver Squares

Graduation at Silver Squares: Silver Squares graduated 7 Mainstream dancers on May 1, 2017—Barbara Corman, John Corman, Barr Ingle, Tim Kelley, Ed Orlando, Susan Orlando and Richard Waydelis. Certificates for the graduates and a cake made this a joyous occasion.

ATTENTION ALL DANCERS: Silver Squares dances all summer on Monday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. except June 26 and September 4.

JUNE: June 26 will be our annual picnic and will be held in Hidden Valley. We will not dance at Greece United Methodist on that date.

JULY: July 10 we will have our Ice Cream Social. Think summer and join us for some delicious ice cream and a fun afternoon.

AUGUST: August 7 will be our Root Beer Float Dance. Summer is in full swing and time to enjoy a root beer float and a lively afternoon dance. Come and join us.

SEPTEMBER: September 4 is Labor Day and we will not be dancing. Enjoy your family, relatives and friends and have a great Labor Day.

Jean St. John (585-720-0777)
Reported by:
Winifred Best


Southern Tier Wheelers

While most other clubs are winding down their schedules for the summer, the Southern Tier Wheelers are gearing up for another great summer of dancing and camping. Our evening dances (both on Friday and Saturdays) start with early rounds at 7:30. We encourage anyone who wants to try camping and dancing to join us for a weekend. No tent or camper? NO PROBLEM! Ed and Carmen Marden, host at the Campbell Campgrounds, have cabins and trailers for rent. Be sure to mention that you will be with us and receive a special rate. There are also several hotels in the Corning/Bath/Painted Post area. If you prefer you could also join us just for an evening.

Gary and Alice Bubel will be our caller and cuer June 16–18. At this time, we are planning a special afternoon dance on Saturday encouraging newly graduated dancers to join us at a special price. Please check our flyer for this event. We take the month of July off and many of us support the S’More weekend in Canton, PA. In the month of August (August 16–18) we are expecting the Williamsons. As you can tell, with all of this talent, we always have a good time on the dance floor, sharing meals or warming ourselves around the campfire.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

You would think saying bye-bye to our 2016–2017 dance year and connecting with our upcoming 2017–2018 dance year would be a no-brainer, but it isn’t quite. Some guidance would be helpful.

The first goodbye occurs at our Trail’s End dance on Wednesday, June 7, which features an Ice Cream Social. The dance begins at 7:00 p.m., ends at 10:00 p.m. and includes 2X2 Plus Squares and Rounds. Gil Porter will be calling and a pre-recorded Jerry Carmen will be cueing. The location is the United Church of Pittsford, 123 South Main St., just south of the village. Refer to our flyer in this issue. Phone Joan Powers 585-770-4701, if you need more information.

On Thursday June 8, Village Squares is co-sponsoring a Trail Through to June Jamboree Dance with national callers and Mark Thone cueing. The national callers are Gary Shoemake, from Sevierville, Tennessee, and Ken Bower, from Palm Desert, California. Thirty minutes of early rounds begin at 7:00 p.m. Tips (mostly Mainstream, but with announced plus) are interspersed with rounds. Tickets are $10.00 at the door, but discount coupons can be picked up at any Rochester Area Federation club. The dance location is the Church of the Assumption, 20 East Ave., Fairport, N.Y.

With that, bye-bye season ends, and we fast forward to the first event of the 2017–2018 dance year. It is a picnic on Wednesday, July 12, at Kings Bend Park. To reach the park: turn north off of Jefferson Road just east of Clover St. (Route 65). We have reserved the north pavilion. Games and socializing begin at 3:00 p.m. Bring a dish to pass, beverages, and lawn chairs. The club will provide burgers and hots, rolls and condiments, plates, cups and utensils. Starting at 7:30 p.m. Gil Porter will be calling and a pre-recorded Jerry Carmen will be cueing. $8.00 per person will be collected at the pavilion. To facilitate the club’s advance purchases, phone Tom Powers no later than Saturday July 8 at 585-770-4700. Refer to our flyer in this issue of the Promenader.

Our 2017–2018 dance year starts in earnest Wednesday, September 6, at the Pittsford United Church with a potluck dinner and dance. The social hour begins at 6:00 p.m., followed by a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by Plus dancing at 7:30 p.m. Bring tableware and a dish to pass. For the potluck, please contact hostesses Susan Thomas 585-385-2155 (suetinny2@yahoo.com) or Barb Keane 585-787-4061. Dance admission also covers the potluck. There is no potluck surcharge. Refer to our flyer in this issue of the Promenader.

The second Wednesday after Labor Day, September 13, we begin our Plus Teach and Review Workshops. These Wednesday workshops are from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The club dances at a full Plus level from 8:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Mainstream dancers who graduated in May and are interested in learning Plus calls are particularly invited to join the 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 workshop in September. As an incentive, we are offering free admission to these dancers on September 13. Experienced dancers who are simply reviewing Plus level calls are welcome to blend into workshop tips. Refer to our flyer in this issue and watch for further detail in the September issue of the Promenader.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas (585-385-2155)


Waterwheel Squares

A relaxing happy summer is wished to all our fellow dance clubs from our members here at Waterwheels in Snyder, NY. We do continue to dance all summer long. The featured dance for July is our annual picnic which is on July 18th this year. August 8th is our summer snowflake dance and August 22 is our Summer Fling. All the other Tuesday evenings are regular dance nights with our caller Bill Ryan & our round dance cuer Elaine Nicholls. Keep on Dancing!

Reported by:
Carolyn Gregory