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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Grand Squares
Mark’s Intermediate Workshop
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Seneca Silhouettes
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Fall brings us a colorful landscape just in time for our two Open Houses, September 25 and October 2 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. If you know someone who might have said square dancing sounds like fun, now is the time to invite them to a FREE evening of square dancing (plus of course, goodies). No reservations needed.

October 30 is our Halloween Party in costume (preferred, but not mandatory). Our contribution this night of household items and personal care items for men goes to Eagle Star Housing, a home for veterans trying to get back on their feet.

November 6 we honor our veterans. All vets (hopefully in uniform) dance free as our guests. Donations of non-perishable food item or money for turkeys go to Salvation Army for Thanksgiving dinners. Our guest cuer this night is Eileen Webster. Come and support our veterans.

SAVE THE DATE: December 18—Christmas Potluck Dinner & Dance.

Come join us Mondays for an evening of exercise, fun and forget your troubles from7:00 to 9:30 p.m.

Caller Bill Ryan (716-517-6012)
Reported by:
Jan Bencic (585-762-8591), Carol Brown (585-247-5689)


Belles 'N' Beaus

We are looking forward to starting our dance season on Monday Sept 11. As you know, it was sad news to learn that our caller, Mike Herne, became ill and passed away this summer. He will be missed and fondly remembered. Gary Bubel will be calling for us the first half of the year. We also have several fun events coming up the first half of the year such as our Dessert Auction on October 9, our Halloween dance featuring Mike Callahan, and our 59th Anniversary Potluck Dinner on November 6.

We also have a country Western Mixer on November 27 and our Holiday Dance with Desserts and Hors d’oeuvres is December 18. So mark your calendars and come join us on Monday nights for dancing, refreshments and lots of laughs.

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Ronni and Tom Camiolo


Boo Bull DBD

This club dances on some Friday nights. Although we do not dance every week, we have great fun when we get together! We have had a few new people join us and hope a few more will try DBD. No new movements are taught, we just look at movements you already know from different positions than you are used to. Challenging, but interesting and fun.

Please check the Promenader for our schedule.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

Our Tuesday afternoon dancing continues. We dance 3:30–5:00 and dance Phases 3 & 4. This dancing will continue through November. Please join us some Tuesday afternoon. Casual dress

Our Wednesday club offered two step lessons this summer and we had about 10 couples taking rounds. It is so exciting to see new dancers learn to round dance. We will be offering basic Waltz lessons beginning September 6. Lessons are 6:30–7:45. No previous experience is necessary. The club then continues 7:45–9:00 dancing Phase 2 & 3, with the emphasis on Phase 3. We have had a summer learning new dances, some challenging and some just easy level.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

Where did the summer go? We had a wonderful summer of dancing. Pie night was a success and the Johnny Preston dance was great. If you missed him this year, you really missed a good time! Dancers worked hard this summer improving their dancing and learning the Plus movements.

Please remember that our club is not just a summer club. We will continue to dance until December. Please plan to join us on Tuesday Nights.

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

The Cayuga Cut-Ups and our caller Ron Brown welcome in the 2017–2018 dancing season with four Open Houses (September 7,14,21,28) and FREE square dance lessons for ten weeks! Now is the time to learn square dancing. September 14 is a mystery caller, selected by Ron Brown.

Boy are we ready for some fun! Join us October 26 for our Annual Halloween Parade and Dance, cider & donuts provided. Dress up in your favorite costume and parade with us. November 9 we will honor our Veterans by wearing red, white and blue colors as we celebrate Veteran’s Day. November 16 we will begin our holidays early with our Annual Harvest Dinner, 6:00 p.m., turkey with all the fixings. Bring a dish to pass and your own place setting and share in the harvest with us. No dance Nov. 23 as we break officially for Thanksgiving. November 30 we are happy to have Gil Porter as our guest caller, so Ron Brown can sail away for a relaxing cruise!

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

Jim Gotta leads off our news as Mike Herne is no longer with us. Jim comes to us ten times during the season. We have five guest callers with varying cuers throughout our dance year. Dances begin at 7:00 p.m. through December, then at 3:00 p.m. for the winter, starting in January. October 14 and 28 will be Mainstream/Plus (MP). Thereafter, Plus (P) will dominate, with the exception of class/club (*) dances during the holidays.

We always provide delectibles!!! Some nights are actual meals!!!

Call ahead please. The Great Hall belongs to the church. Once in a blue moon, they commandeer the hall. Check with Diane (see below). We leave the house one hour. before the dance!

Diane Camp (607-776-4528), Jeanne Kashorek (607-583-2523); cwasdfacebook@gmail.com
Reported by:
Cathy Mack, Diane Camp, and Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Join us on September 10 and 17 from 5:00–7:00 p.m. for our club’s Open House. Bring your friends and enjoy learning to dance, yummy snacks and meeting some great people!

This year’s Road Rally will be October 7. If interested please contact Henry Capron for more information and to sign up for the rally. In October we are looking forward to having a Black Light dance at the Archangel School on Chili Avenue. Black Light dance will be October 14 from 7:00–9:30 p.m. Gary Bubel will be calling with Alice Bubel cuing. Also in October is our class/club Halloween dance on October 29 from 7:00–9:30 p.m. Costumes are encouraged but not required.

Cloverleaf’s will be having their annual Honor Flight dance on November 5. Please help us to continue to send veterans on this amazing trip. November 19 is our pot luck class/club thanksgiving dinner. Dinner will be at 5:30 p.m. and the dance will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please see the flyer table to sign up for the dinner.

We will be having our catered holiday dinner on December 17. Please contact Jerry Barker to sign up as advance sign up is required for this dinner. The holiday dinner will be at 5:30 with the dance beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Rebecca (Becky) Sabin


Copy Cats

Hi from us at the Copy Cats!

We were saddened by the news of the passing of long-time caller, Mike Herne. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

We hope you have been enjoying the summer and are looking forward to the beginning of our 2017–2018 dance year. We hope you have been enjoying the extra activities of your clubs. Our Class instruction will be held on Tuesday nights at Bay Trail Middle School (1760 Scriber Rd. in Penfield, NY). Our dances are held at the First Baptist Church of Penfield (1862 Penfield Rd., Penfield, NY); unless noted otherwise. Please see our schedule and flyers for September, October and November in this Promenader.

Deb Lense (585-749-1940)
Reported by:
Brenda Beechner


Dalton Gang

Hello Fellow Square Dancers. Welcome to a brand new season of square dancing. Hope you had a wonderful summer. To kick off our new season, we have our East Meets West Dance September 30 from 7:00 to 11:00 at the Keshequa Elementary School in Dalton. It will be six dollars admission and the soda and water would be a dollar a piece. Our Starlight Ramblers will be playing for us, and we will be drawing for prizes. Our Caller is yet to be determined.

As most of you are probably aware, we lost Mike Herne from a stroke, so we are in the process of finding a new caller for the month of November to the beginning of next year. For now, we do have a caller, Clayton West, who is just starting out to call for us until he goes to Florida in November. Every week, he seems to get better at it. We are so grateful to him for taking over the job.

In terms of attendance, we are hoping we get more people this year. New members are always welcome.

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Jaymond Billyard and Donna Whitman


Grand Squares

Hope everyone has had a restful few months. Summer is just about over and it is time to think about square dancing again. Grand Squares will begin our 2017–2018 season of dancing on September 7. We dance from 7:00 to 9:00 at Roth Middle School in Henrietta. Capitalizing on the prospect of pleasant fall weather, we dance almost every Thursday in September, October and November. Mike Callahan will be returning as our caller with Terry providing a line dance whenever possible. We dance mainly Plus but don’t worry if you are a new or a bit rusty Plus dancer. We will gladly help you with any Plus calls.

In gratitude to all those guests who have visited us in the past, our September 14 dance will be our “Welcome Back” dance and will be FREE for guests. So if you are one of our “resident guests” or have not visited us before, make plans now to come out and join us on September 14. That night will be a mix of Mainstream and Plus so everyone is welcome. Hoping to see you there.

Carol Ann Stahl (585-533-9241); stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com
Reported by:
Carol Ann Stahl


Mark’s Intermediate Workshop

This workshop is designed for dancers who are comfortable with Phase II figures and would like to learn Phase III in several different rhythms. It is also an excellent review and reinforcement for dancers who are currently dancing Phase III. We are working on rumba, foxtrot, waltz, cha, jive, and tango figures, all of which will build on the Phase II figures you already know

We meet at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, 570 Ridge Road, West Webster on Monday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00. Dress is casual/comfortable.

Please note: We will resume dancing after our summer break on Monday, September 11, picking up where we left off in July. We will dance through Monday, October 23, at which point we will bid you farewell for the winter, resuming dancing in March 2018 (watch Promenader for dates).

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares will hold two lessons and a dance this fall which will be free for NEW dancers and $4.00 for experienced dancers. The lessons will be on Wednesdays, September 27 and October 4 from 7:00–9:00 pm at the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 408 Elm Street, Penn Yan. The dance will be on Saturday, September 23 at 7:00 pm, also at the Grange. All are welcome.

Our annual Watkins Glen Weekend will be held Sept 15th–17th at Clute Memorial Park Community Center. You will enjoy a wonderful wooden dance floor, an air-conditioned dance hall and food events. Come for the entire weekend, an evening dance or an all day/night Saturday package is available. We are excited to have Jack Pladdys from Ohio as our caller and Lisa & George Treichler from our own club as cuers. For more information or to register, contact Sue Irvine at, 585-330-9129 or email irvinesuej@gmail.com. You will also find our flier on this site.

Our club dances are at the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 408 Elm Street, Penn Yan on the 3rd Saturday of October, 1st and 3rd Saturdays of November and 3rd Saturday of December with early rounds from 7–7:30 p.m. and Mainstream/Plus and Rounds (2x2) from 7:30–10 p.m. See our schedule on this website.

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Phase III–IV level program. A teach or a review, at the Phase III+ or Phase IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Phase III+ and Phase IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level.

We meet on Thursday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00, at the First United Methodist Church of West Webster, which is located at 570 Ridge Road in West Webster.

Please note: We will resume dancing after the summer break on Thursday, September 7. We will dance through Thursday, October 19, at which point we will bid you farewell for the winter, resuming dancing in March 2018 (watch Promenader for dates).

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone


Seneca Silhouettes

Seneca Silhouettes is a comfortable round dance club. We often take time to work out tricky parts. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love to have you join us Mondays from 2:00 to 5:00. If you would like a proposed program, email me at connie.rhogo2@gmail.com before Saturday. We dance at the Trinity Church, 520 S Main St., Geneva, NY. Main Street is Route 14—easy to get to. From the thruway or the south, just stay on Route 14. From Routes 5 & 20, look for the Route 14 sign. After you circle to Route 14, (Main St.), turn left and you are almost there—the first church on your left. Park behind the church and use the door on the left. We are at the top of the stairs. You will find us dancing on a beautiful wood floor. The program can easily be altered if there is something different you would like to do, and I have it.

We rarely cancel, but it is always a good idea to call, just in case something has come up. We will probably be dancing Labor Day and Columbus Day. Double check to see if we are dancing or if the venue is changed (315 549 8820). The Church is in the process of reorganizing. We should be good to dance at the church through October and into November. Do call to check where we are dancing after that.

Connie Williams (716-656-0297); (315-549-8820 weekends)
Reported by:
Connie Williams


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday evenings 6:45 to 8:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Dick & Irma Halstead


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Welcome to fall. And welcome to our new friends who come to the Get Acquainted Dances. On September 15, 22, 29, we hope to see some new faces in the room to begin square dance lessons. We are looking forward to being Angels to our singles and helping couples with the calls. October 6, we will have a one-night change of venue. Please see the schedule for the address if you plan on dancing with us that night. October 13 is our Black Cat Night. When the calendar shows a Friday the 13th, we bring in pet supplies for our local animal shelter. October 27 is our Halloween Party. You don’t have to dress up to enjoy all the wonderful treats our members bring for the snack table. November already!! Wow the year is going by fast. November 10 is our Veterans Day Dance. If you are a Veteran, you dance free with us that night. November 17 will be our club’s Thanksgiving Dinner with dancing following afterwards. November 24 we will not be dancing so our members can enjoy time with their families. We hope to see some of our Rochester and Auburn friends this fall. Square up!

Caller: Dave Eno

Paula Schumacher (315-635-0930)
Reported by:
Vivian Rice


Silver Squares

SEPTEMBER: There will be no dance on September 4. Enjoy the holiday! September 18 will be our Open House and Pizza Party from 1:00–3:00 p.m. Free to all. We welcome all dancers and those who would like to learn to square dance. If any of our clubs in the area know of people interested who would prefer to dance afternoons, please send them our way. We dance at the Greece United Methodist Church, 1924 Maiden Lane (just off Long Pond Rd.).

September 25 will be our Western Dance. Dig out your cowboy jackets and boots and join us at this western dance.

OCTOBER: October 9 we have our soup & salad luncheon before the dance at 12:00 noon. Cost will be $3.00 per person. We have some wonderful cooks in our club so come and enjoy their specialties.

October 30 is a fun Halloween Dance. Dig out your costumes or just come as yourself. It is fun to see all the different costumes that appear.

NOVEMBER: At 12 noon on the Nov. 20 before the dance, we will have our Thanksgiving Pot Luck Luncheon. The cost will be $3.00 per person or bring a dish to pass. Again wonderful cooks at our club will prepare their favorite dishes for us to share.

DECEMBER: Dec. 11 Save this date for the Christmas catered luncheon after the dance. More information to follow in the next Promenader. No dance Dec 25, enjoy the holiday.

Jean St. John (585-720-0777)
Reported by:
Winifred Best (585-441-9063)


Southern Tier Wheelers

Well our club has always been known to do things a little differently. While many clubs in the area are gearing up with “Open Houses”, the Wheelers are starting to wind down our camping/dancing season. HOWEVER, you still have a few dates left to come and spend some time with us. We offer friendly dancers, outstanding callers and cuers, delicious “dish-to-pass” dinners, fun and tasty “happy hours” and warm evening campfires. Dancing on both Friday and Saturday evenings begin with a half-hour of round dancing before square dancing which begins at 8:00. Don’t have a camper … no problem. Our campground hosts, Ed and Carmen Marden, have trailers and cabins for rent. Also there are several hotels in the Painted Post/Bath/Corning area. All this fun for only $5 a person per evening or $10 person if joining us all day on Saturday.

Our September weekend ( September 8 to 10) features Gil Porter, calling and Lisa Treichler, cueing. Club members, Erich and Rosalie Klippel are hosting this weekend and can be reached by calling 585-615-6745 or by emailing erna.klippel@gmail.com. Columbus Day weekend (October 6 to 9) features our SPOOK-TACULAR Halloween costume dance with Howard and Donna Williamson calling and cueing. We will be co-hosting the Saturday evening dance with the Penn Yan Friendship Squares. Extra dancers always mean more fun for all. Friday evening follows our normal dance schedule. But the fun on Saturday begins with a children’s costume parade, a delicious spaghetti and meatball dinner (extra charge) followed by our own costume judging, prizes, yummies and dancing. This year, our campground host is providing us with a DJ on Sunday evening for an old-fashion barn dance with line dancing, etc. This dance will be open to the members of the campground as well. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Bill Mosher (607-739-3299), Pat Mosher (607-857-1553) or by email at patmosher@stny.rr.com. Our December Dinner Dance features Gary and Alice Bubel along with a fabulous home-cooked meal provided by Dottie Griffith. What a great way to end our camping/dancing season and to begin our enjoyment of the Holiday season.

Additional information may be obtained by flyers located in the appropriate section of the Promenader or by contacting Bill or Pat Mosher at the numbers or email address listed above.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

Before detailing Village Square’s 2017–2018 new dance year, starting in September, two subjects need to be addressed up front.

—CALLER: We are pleased to announce that Gil Porter has become our club caller. This means that he will call most, but not all, club dances. We will do our best to keep our Promenader caller listings up to date.

—ADMISSIONS: Inflation, like the grim reaper, is undeniable. Entrance donations have been increased by $1. Members now pay $5, Guests $6.

—CLUB TRAILBACK: Our fall dance season starts Wednesday, September 6, at the Pittsford United Church (123 South Main St.) with a potluck dinner and dance. The social hour begins at 6:00 p.m., followed by a potluck at 6:30 p.m. and dancing at 7:30 p.m. This will be a relaxed meet and greet, non-teaching Plus level dance. Bring tableware and a dish to pass. For the potluck, please contact hostesses Susan Thomas 585-385-2155 (suetinny2@yahoo.com) or Barb Keane 585-787-4061. Refer to our flyer in this issue. The Plus Workshops begin the following week.

—PLUS WORKSHOP START: Mainstream dancers who graduated in 2017 and are interested in learning and practicing Plus calls are particularly invited to join our Plus Workshop/Review, which begins on Wednesday, September 13. As a “try before you buy” incentive, we offer first-time workshop attendees free admission to the September 13 Workshop session (7:00 to 8:30). Refer to our flyer in this issue.

—DANCING: We will continue to offer review, practice, and dancing at the Plus level. Our regular Wednesday dances start at 7:00 p.m. with a workshop that teaches and practices Plus calls, with an emphasis on call definitions and positioning. Beginning at 8:30, folks will have the opportunity to dance the full list of Plus calls—occasionally from more challenging positions. As workshop attendees progress, they will be able to enjoy dancing further into the evening. To keep things lively, “hot hash” tips will be included now and then at every level.

—We are dancing every Wednesday in September, October and November, except November 22, which immediately precedes Thanksgiving.

—SPECIAL WEDNESDAY DANCES: (Remember that these dances are preceded at 7:00 p.m. by the Plus Workshop/Review.)

——Barn Dance: Our Wednesday October 18 dance is a perennial favorite, a Barn Dance. Refer to our flyer in this issue.

——Sadie Hawkins Dance: Wednesday, November 15, we are once again sponsoring a Sadie Hawkins dance. Women are requested to bring a plate of cookies to be bid on by men at the dance. Men bring your wallets. Refer to our flyer in this issue.

—WINTER HOLIDAY DANCES: The Winter quarter does not begin until December, but we can’t leave you vulnerable to being surprised by two holiday biggies:

——Holiday Dinner Dance: On Wednesday, December 13 we are having a Holiday Dinner Dance. The dinner is by popular consensus once again being catered by Giuseppe’s. Dinner details are on the flyer in this issue. Reservations for dinner are required by December 4. Contact Susan Thomas at 585-385-2155 (or suetinny2@yahoo.com) or phone Barb Keane at 585-787-4061.

——New Year’s Eve Dance: This year we will once again sponsor a New Year’s Eve dance. Join us on Sunday, December 31, at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 2000 Highland Avenue (corner Winton, Brighton N.Y.) to welcome in the new year 2018. The Hip Boot Boyz are calling and Eileen Webster is cueing. Plus level dancing is from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Hors d’oeuvres, beverages, dessert, hats and noise makers will be provided. Donation are $12.50 in advance or $15 at the door. Mail or give reservations to Peter and Sally Emmel, 24 High Hill Drive, Pittsford, NY, 14534, or call them at 585-381-5049.

FALL FRIENDSHIP BALL: The Rochester Area Federation is again issuing a free dance invitation to all Federation dancers, followed by an optional buffet dinner priced at $20 per person. Your dinner reservation is required by September 10. Make your check payable to Peter Emmel and place it in the hands of your club RAF representative or mail it to Peter Emmel, 24 High Hill Dr., Pittsford NY 14534. The notable improvement this year is a new, larger dance site, the American Legion Hall, 1513 Palmyra St., Shortsville, NY 14548. Refer to the flyer for this dance in this issue of the Promenader.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Carl & Susan Thomas (585-385-2155)


Waterwheel Squares

BELATED SCHEDULE UPDATE: We just heard from Amherst Community Church, the hall we dance in, that we cannot use the hall on the second Tuesday of each month. Therefore our schedule has changed for the remainder of this year.

There will be no dances on Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov, 14, or Dec 12.

Our club has been dancing all summer long and sweating off a few pounds. Now we are looking forward to the cooler weather, welcoming new class members and sharing the laughs and joy that come with dancing and making new friends. So come join us this fall the first, third and fourth Tuesdays of every month at the Amherst Community Church, 77 Washington Highway in Snyder, NY starting at 7:00 p.m. Open Houses will be on September 5 and September 19. Come and check us out!

Kim Mansfield (716-228-2465); bigwigkim@aol.com
Reported by:
Kim Mansfield