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Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Dancing Shadows
Fun Bunch
Grand Squares
Pairs N Squares
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Batavia Silver Stars is always happy to have guests promenading with us at any and all of our Monday night dances including our once-a-month “specialty” dances.

Come join the Batavia Silver Stars for their memorable CHRISTMAS POTLOCK DINNER DANCE, Monday, December 16, at 6:00. All you need to bring is a dish to pass and your place setting. Beverages will be provided along with an evening of holiday merriment. Collections for December will be for the Backpack Program and will be collected the month of December—individual packages of fruit, cereal, soup, hot chocolate, etc. (anything a child can prepare and eat by himself/herself).

No dancing December 30.

January 20 brings us our annual PIE NIGHT. Yummy, Yummy, in the tummy! Batavia Silver Stars bakers prepare their special pie recipes for tonight. Items this evening will go to Eagle Star Housing—especially needed this time of year are new socks, winter hats and gloves.

February 10—Cuddle up to your sweetheart for our VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE. Money tonight will be collected for postage for Troop Coupons. PS: Coupons are collected weekly so please keep them coming.

March 16 is our annual St Patrick’s Dance with the “wearing of the green”.

Hope to see everyone these cold nights but always remember there are plenty of goodies, laughter, and enjoyment just being with square dance friends.

If doubtful about weather conditions or cancellations, please call Bill at his number listed below.

Information: Caller/Cuer Bill Ryan (716-517-6012)
Reported by:
Reporters: Carol Brown (585-247-5689) and Bill Ryan


Belles 'N' Beaus

December 9 we will feature our HOLIDAY DANCE with desserts and hors d’oeuvres.

January 13 we will host a Chili / Soup / Super Bowl party with Ron Brown calling. Dinner at 6:00.

January 27 is our WINTER PICNIC ($5.00 admission) A taste of summer in January … enjoy free grilled hot dogs, picnic foods galore and desserts … .what could be better. Ron Brown calling. Picnic at 6:00.

February 10 Valentine Dance so bring your sweetheart and dance to Ron Brown calling.

March 16 Shamrock night. Wear your ‘green’ … enjoy ‘green snacks’. Jim Gotta calling

Invitation from the Belles ’N’ Beaus—Rochester’s only official Mainstream Club:

If you’re a member of one of the clubs listed below, the Belles ’N’ Beaus invite you to dance with us for free. Your badge is your free admission ticket on the date shown for your club in the list below. Look for your club’s name on the list and come on the listed date to dance with for free the Belles ’N’ Beaus—Rochester’s Mainstream Square Dance Club.

Our dances start at 7:00. on Monday evenings at Messiah Lutheran Church, 4301 Mt. Read Blvd. 14616.

Here’s the list of clubs, and the dates their members are invited to dance for free with the Belles ’N’ Beaus:

Grand Squares—December 16, 2019

Clover Leaf Squares—January 20, 2020

Copy Cats—February 3, 2020

Village Squares—March 30, 2020

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Alice Hager


Boo Bull DBD

We continue to dance on most Friday nights. Jim Gotta has been joining us and doing some calling. We laugh a lot and look at a lot of calls from some interesting positions. Our last dance for this year is November 29.

Season Greetings!!!

Alice & Gary

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

The Tuesday afternoon dancing was great! We had a small crowd but that didn’t stop our enjoyment of the afternoon dances.

This fall we continued to teach waltz lessons, giving dancers some needed floor time to practice the steps they already learned and to learn a few Phase 3 steps.

The club continued to dance Phase 2 & 3. A few of our dancers have now left for Florida. If you enjoy round dancing, please join us some evening. Our last dance of the season is December 4.

Eileen & I will be cueing at a Holiday Round Dance Party on Friday December 6 at the Henrietta Fire Hall. We will dance 7:00–9:30, Phases 2,3 & 4. Please join us for a great way to start your holiday season!

Enjoy the holidays. We look forward to seeing everyone in the spring!

Alice & Gary

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

We have had a great season of dancing! Gary ended up having a hip replacement this fall but only missed one dance! Jim Gotta called for the MS dance this year for Gary and it was a huge success, as usual. As we entered the fall, our crowds went down but those who continued to attend our club had a lot of fun!

Our last dance of the season is December 3. That will be our Christmas dance, so please join us. It promises to be a special night! We leave for Florida mid December and will miss all of our dancers.

Happy Holidays and Happy and a prosperous New Year to everyone!

Alice & Gary

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

Holiday time with the Cut-Ups starts with our annual White Elephant Gifting Party! All are welcome and are required to ‘re-gift’ an item from their homes, preferably new or gently used. Wrap the re-gifted item and bring it to the party. We draw numbers and play our game—funny gifts and return items create the most laughter. December 19 the party is on.

No dance for Cut-Ups on December 26 or January 2, 2020 as we celebrate with family.

New this year we will celebrate Chinese New Year on January 23 with food, fun and wearing red for good luck. February 13 we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with Pie desserts! Please remember we teach class lessons between club tips, therefore class and club members are welcome each week.

The Cut-Ups are dancing January, February and March on Sunday afternoons from 2:00–4:30. We are thankful Ron Brown and our church hall are both available on Sunday for our use. We encourage class/students to attend each week.

Keep dancing,

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

The Mistletoe Ball for all class and club members on December 14, leads the season with squares and rounds by Jim Gotta. Jim has developed into a good caller and cuer. Visit our massive stone structure and arched cathedral ceiling, with added colorful timely lighting. Minors are encouraged to come with their parents. They may even get to dance a special dance just for them!

The yummy (assorted varieties) Chili Dance on the afternoon of January 11, has early rounds at 3:00 by Dottie Griffiths; my favorite cuer. She will cue to the floor, and throw in something a little more challenging at times, by request. One of our old time callers, with a slow and steady beat follows. And he is Gary Pruyne.

I am going to have to hurry, for the lights are blinking, as the wind is rising.

Snowflake dance at 3:00 on the 25th of January, and the Sweetheart Ball (class and club), 3:00; followed by after dance potluck dinner February 8, at 5:30.

Saturday, February 22 is time to celebrate George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. Enjoy the cherry pies, others, and maybe even alamode, hummm. Richard Rosenfield at 3:30, cuer Dottie Griffiths at 3:00.

The March 14 dance is St. Patrick’s at 3:00.

And for the Soup and Sandwich meal, err, dance, bring your appetite. This is the last afternoon dance of this season. Bye, bye winter! March 28 with Jim from 3:00–5:30.

Then we start thinking Hawaiian Night from 7:00–9:30. Dress appropriately!! Ja. April 11. It is now spring!

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Our Thanksgiving dinner dance was a great success. Class/Club dances are always appreciated. Area students surely enjoyed the liveliness of regular, smooth dancing. Our Holiday dinner, class/club dance, on the 22nd of December should be equally as enjoyable. And later in February, we are having another class/club dance for Valentine’s day.

Our classes are going well. Sometimes we get four squares of angels and students. A few of our area women dancers are also learning the men’s part in class. What a resource they will be at other clubs! They will be sharpening their dancing skills, will be able to dance more often, and be able to get solo dancers dancing.

Be on the lookout for our Anniversary Trail-Thru dances with different, exciting callers every night. Our talent will be Ron Brown, Dave Eno, Jim Gotta, Keith Harter, Gil Porter, Richard Rosenfield, Bill Ryan, Ron Schweitzer, and Ray Tompkins. Check out our schedule and dance to your favorite (you don’t have to have just one favorite). Jim Gotta will be our class instructor during these dances.

Also, lookout for our coming theme dances. We have “Elvis Night” in December. In January we are having our “Sports Night” dance so wear your favorite sport team shirt. On February 23 we are having a mixer dance. This will be new for us but we hope it will be something that will appeal to our dancers. Bill Ryan will be calling at our Mardi Gras dance on March 1. We are not dancing on December 29 and no way will we be dancing during Super Bowl, February 2 (except for our regular class).

We are planning a reunion during our 50th anniversary dance in 2020. It will be held at the Diplomat Event Center on Lyell Avenue in Rochester. We are inviting all our alumni to send us a note to let us know your contact information so we can give you more particulars as the date approaches. If you know the contact information of any other former member please pass it along. Ray and Nancy Tompkins are coordinating this event. Email them at tpets@roadrunner.com. Look for flyers and posters and keep your calendar free.

Always check our web site at cloverleafsquares.org for our schedule and to see who is calling and cueing.

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Carl Webster, Corresponding Secretary


Copy Cats

Copy Cats never sit still for long. The new season of dancing has been filled with great times as we began the season with the Friendship Ball followed by the Rusty Hinge dance and potluck dinner.

Several of our members have enjoyed traveling to dance at the Penn Yan Friendship Squares Watkins Glen Square and Round Dance Weekend and at the Tumbling Leaves at Bennington College in Bennington, VT. The Copy Cats were recognized by organizer/caller, Red Bates, for having the highest number of members in attendance. This is a good way to meet other dancers and to dance to other callers who often use unique combinations of calls.

Our class is off to a good start with an average of 16 members. They are making good progress with the help of our teacher Ron Brown and the angels.

Off the dance floor our club surprised one of our members (yours truly) who is becoming a grandmother for the first time at the age of 77 with a Grandma Shower. This is probably the first ever. Karen Olmsted headed up a delightful afternoon. Such a loving and creative group of women.

We are amazed at the faith and positive attitude of our Diane Lucey who is fighting a recurrence of cancer. She is so excited about her team’s treatment plan for her. She and Jim are hopeful that the treatment plan may allow her to be snowbirds between treatments. We join Diane in praying for a successful treatment and look forward to her being able to return to dancing on a regular basis.

With the temperature outside turning cooler and the leaves falling, the Copy Cats are looking forward to their winter dances. During December we will be celebrating a Winter Wonderland on December 7 and our catered Holiday Dinner Dance (reservations required for dinner) on December 21.

In the new year we will celebrate with our New Year’s Dance on January 4; then celebrate with our class members at our annual Snowflake Ball on January 21.

February will be busy with our Square Dance into Spring event on February 1, a Winter Picnic on February 16, and our Valentine Dance on February 22.

Details for all these events can be found at our club website: https://copycatsdancing.wordpress.com/dance-schedule or in the club news of this newsletter.

We wish our snowbirds a pleasant winter of dancing, but look forward to their return when the snow melts.

Phil LaRussa and Mary Martin (585-633-2044)
Reported by:
Jackie Rogers


Dalton Gang

Hello, fellow square dancers, we hope that you are having a wonderful season so far. This year, we changed our time on Tuesday nights, giving our new members a chance to learn mainstream from 6:30–7:30. Then from 7:30–9:00 we do plus calls. We have a few new members and we hope that our club will continue to grow.

On March 24, let’s not forget our ever-popular Maple Tree Inn dance. Call me at 585-330-1128 for more information.

Jamond Billyard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Jamond Billyard and Donna Whitmer


Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows is an Easy Level (Phase II–III) Round Dance Club which meets on Monday evenings from 8:00–10:00. The program consists of Easy Level dancing and includes a teach part way through the evening. In addition, we will stop to address and work on any questions as they occur. Dress is casual/comfortable.

We are on winter break until mid-March, hoping to re-start on March 23. However, we have not yet settled on a new dance location, so stay tuned for day, time and place.

Marlene Thone (585-748-5131 cell) (marlenethone@mindspring.com)
Reported by:
Marlene & Mark Thone


Fun Bunch

[no news]

Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991) (jhering@twcny.rr.com)
Reported by:
Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991)


Grand Squares

Fall is almost a memory with winter just around the corner. Grand Squares has several evenings of fun dancing planned to chase away that winter chill. Our dances for December are on Thursday December 5 and 19. Christmas is such a hectic but special time of year, so we want to make it last a bit longer by celebrating our “Christmas in January” dance on January 9. Mike will play those Christmas tunes one more time and don’t forget to dress festively and bring your Christmas spirit.

Our next dance on January 16 is a tribute to our caller, Mike Callahan, when we wish him “Happy Trails” as he leaves for a well-deserved vacation. We won’t be on vacation, however, as Jim Gotta will take over the mic for our dances on February 6 and 27. We dance easy plus so if you’re taking plus lessons, we’ll help you perfect those calls. Mark your calendars to join us for some fun evenings. We welcome guests.

George & Carol Ann Stahl (585-533-9241); stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com
Reported by:
Carol Ann Stahl


Pairs N Squares

[no news]

Kathleen Harter (315-481-0570 Kathleen.i.harter@gmail.com)
Reported by:
Nancy Curtis (315-532-1117 lnmcurtis@gmail.com)


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares will host afternoon dances on Saturdays December 7, December 21, January 18, February 15 and March 7. Our afternoon dances feature early rounds from 2:00–2:30 and 2X2 from 2:30–5:00.

We will host an evening dance on Saturday, March 21 with early rounds from 7:00–7:30 and 2X2 from 7:30–10:00. See our schedule on this website for each dance’s theme and join us in Penn Yan. We’d love to see you!

Save the Date: Bill Harrison will be our caller and Mark and Marlene Thone will be cueing at our 2020 annual Watkins Weekend. Mark your calendars for September 18, 19 and 20, 2020. Come down for the weekend or just for an evening or all day on Saturday. For more info contact Sue Irvine at 585-330-9129.

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an Easy –Intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Phase III & IV level program, on Thursday evenings from 8:00–10:00. A teach or a review, at the Phase III+ or Phase IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Phase III+ and Phase IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level. Dress is casual/comfortable.

We are on winter break until mid-March, hoping to re-start on March 26. However, we have not yet settled on a new dance location, so stay tuned for day, time and place.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors: Mark and Marlene Thone

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell); (585-748-8568 Mark’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone (marlenethone@mindspring.com)


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday evenings 6:45–8:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Mike Callahan


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Winter is coming to Central New York, but that doesn’t keep us from square dancing—what better way to keep moving and get nice and warm in the company of a very friendly group of people. Ten new dancers have joined us; so happy to have them with us as they learn from our great caller, Dave Eno.

We always try to do what we can for our community, so on December 6, everyone brings a Toys for Tots donation to be distributed to those in need this Christmas. Friday, December 13th’s “Black Cat Dance” gives us the opportunity to take care of pets in our animal shelters with donations of food, bedding, litter etc. Our annual Christmas Dance Party will be December 20. Everyone brings a treat to share to celebrate the Holiday Season. Merry Christmas everyone!

Everyone is invited to join us in celebrating the New Year and our love of square dancing. Our Valentine Dance is on that day this year and we will celebrate with chili and cornbread-yum yum! As the weather allows, we dance every Friday during January and February. February 14, dress in red and come enjoy “Pie Night”—always a favorite.

Everyone looks forward to spring and the return of our “snow birds”—the gang all together again! Enjoy the holidays and keep dancing! Stop in any time and join in the fun!

Caller: Dave Eno

Debra Allen (315-598-3535 banddallen@gmail.com)
Reported by:
Patricia Whaley


Silver Squares

Silver Squares does not have a class this year. We dance Mainstream, Plus and Rounds every Monday from 1:00–3:00. If you are looking for a place to dance or just want to enjoy an extra dance during the week, check out Silver Squares. Our caller is Mike Callahan and we are located at 1924 Maiden Lane in the Greece United Methodist Church. Call Sue Sepkowski, Club President, for any information. (585-225-7122).

February 2020:

February 10 is our Valentine and Pie Day Dance. Come dressed in your favorite valentine outfit and enjoy dancing with new friends, old friends and loved ones. Bring your favorite pie: store bought, homemade, whole pie or just slices!! Come to Silver Squares and have a wonderful afternoon!!

February 17 is our President’s Day Dance! We invite all our friends from different clubs to join us. This dance is free to all Club Presidents!!

March 2020:

March 16th is our St. Patrick’s Day Dance. On this special occasion, we have a soup and salad luncheon at noon. Come at noon, bring a dish to pass if you like and enjoy the “wearing of the green!”

April 2020:

April 6th is the date of our Silent Auction!! Bring baked goods, like new gifts, special treasures, or service gift cards for silent bidding!! It is also our Spring Kite Dance. Come dressed in your favorite “Spring Outfit!” This is great fun for everyone to enjoy while we dance the afternoon away.

May 2020:

Our traditional Lilac Dance is May 11. Wear some purple!!! We invite all to come and enjoy the food, decorations, and festivities!!

May 25 is Memorial Day. Remember there is No Dance! Enjoy the day with you family and friends.

June 2020:

June 28 is our End of year Picnic. Lunch starts at Noon and you are welcome to bring a dish to pass. Come and enjoy visiting with our dancing friends and looking at all the pictures from the past year. This is a special event that should not be missed!! We hope that many of our friends from other clubs will join us.

Sue Sepkowski (585-225-7122 esepkowski@rochester.rr.com)
Reported by:
Anne Granger


Southern Tier Wheelers

Our summer dancing has ended, our campers have been winterized and we are getting ready to either hunker down for the winter or getting ready to head to warmer climates. If you did not get a chance to join us this year, do not worry. We have lots of fun activities planned for our 2020 season. In May, we will begin our Super Saturday activities featuring Gary and Alice Bubel. June will be with Howard and Donna Williamson. August will be Betsy and Roy Gotta and the Williamsons will return for September. Please check for flyers in the appropriate section of the Promenader for additional information. Have a safe and warm winter. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

In 1973, two squares got together in East Rochester during the summer because they realized that they needed more practice. In 1974, those much improved dancers joined the Rochester Area Federation as the Village Squares. This New Year’s Eve, Village Squares will celebrate 45 years of fun, friendship and dancing—our Sapphire Anniversary, at 2000 Highland Avenue in St. Thomas Episcopal’s beautiful hall. The Sapphire Anniversary Gala will feature the Hip Boot Boyz calling and Eileen Webster cueing. We’ll have pictures and reminiscences, dancers will don top hats or crowns and devour hors d’oeuvres, fancy desserts and cakes. So, put on something Blue and help Village Squares celebrate their 45th Anniversary on December 31.

To get us in a holiday mood, Village Squares’ Holiday Dinner Dance will be held at our regular hall, Pittsford’s United Church, 123 South Main Street, on Wednesday, December 18 with Gil (Claus) Porter calling and Lisa Treichler cueing. Appetizers start at 6:00 and dinner catered by Guiseppe’s at 6:30 will precede a festive evening of dancing starting at 7:30. Reservations for the dinner are due by Wednesday, December 11. No reservations are needed to attend just the dance.

January 8, 15 and 29, the Village Squares will feature a Ron Brown trifecta. Just back from a Carribean square dance cruise with stops at Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cozumel and the Bahamas, Ron will be tanned, refreshed and ready to heat up the hall.

On Friday, January 24, we’ll celebrate Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rat, with Bill Ryan calling and cueing 2x2 Plus Squares & Rounds from 7:30–9:30. Ranking first in the Chinese zodiac, the rat represents wisdom. People born in the year of the rat are intelligent, charming, and quick witted—a lot like square dancers.

Join Village Squares and promenade up to Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart on February 12. Gil Porter’s calling and Eileen Webster’s cueing are guaranteed to put everyone in the mood for chocolate, champagne and romance, two days later.

This year, February has an extra day so Village Squares are celebrating 2020’s Leap Year on Friday, February 28, from 7:30–10:00 with Gil Porter calling. Let’s hope this extra February day doesn’t just mean one more day when we’ll have to shovel snow.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Sally Emmel


Waterwheel Squares

This fall our caller, Bill Ryan, reached out and contracted with a continuing education program to provide an 8-week introduction to square dancing program. It worked brilliantly, and he currently has ten new dancers learning square dance basics on Wednesday nights. In addition, Bill is teaching the 6 new dancers in Waterwheels’ Tuesday night class. Some of his ten “continuing education” dancers have already asked where they can dance after their 8-week program ends. We can’t wait to welcome them at Waterwheels!

Gary Etherton (716-796-9265 ge14094@gmail.com)
Reported by:
Gary Etherton