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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull Advanced Dancing
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Dancing Shadows
Fun Bunch
Grand Squares
Pairs N Squares
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Dancing has been suspended until further notice. Please watch for announcements in the “Breaking News” section on the home page.

Caller/Cuer Bill Ryan (716-517-6012)
Reported by:
Carol Brown (585-247-5689) and Bill Ryan


Belles 'N' Beaus

Dancing has been suspended until further notice. Please watch for announcements in the “Breaking News” section on the home page. While we are unable to dance, the Belles ’N’ Beaus have teamed up with the silver Squares for Zoom gatherings Monday evenings at 6:30pm.

Bob & Alice Hager (585-227-1894)
Reported by:
Barb & John Corman (585-225-6393); totonny@rochester.rr.com


Boo Bull Advanced Dancing

We will begin teaching Advanced dancing on Thursday nights at the West Henrietta Baptist Church 5660 West Henrietta Road as soon as it is safe. Stay tuned for further news.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull DBD

As with all of our dancing, DBD will begin as soon as it is safe to do so. We’ve missed seeing all of you and look forward to dancing again.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

We thought our dancing season would begin in May. Life has a way of happening and changing our plans. We can’t wait until you make “Footsteps” back to the dance hall and we can have a “Beach Party Cha”! We will let you all know when that can happen and you can “Come Dance With Me”. Stay safe and healthy.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

How the news has changed! We thought we would be talking about our great summer dancing and all the upcoming events. Now all we can say is we are unsure when dancing will resume again. We are anxious to be back to our beloved activity but not if it places anyone in danger. We will keep you all informed about when we will start dancing again.

In the meantime, everyone stay safe and healthy until we meet again! We miss you all!

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

The Cayuga Cut-Ups are missing dancing and plan to return on June 4th to our summer home, Bailiwick’s Market & Café. We dance in their outdoor gazebo, Terex floor, screened-in and quite often entertainment for the customers. Bailiwick was created by a local dairy family to sell food, local items and famous for homemade ice cream! It is a win-win, they host, we buy snacks, ice cream and some of us have dinner and then dance! We start at 6:00 and will wear masks, gloves if required and social distance as possible. Please call ahead if interested as we will have limited space.

June and July at Bailiwick’s, 441 Route 5, Elbridge, NY, Thursdays at 6:00, Class/Club invited. In August we will be back to Auburn United Methodist, 99 South Street, Auburn, NY at 6:30. Keep dancing, everyone!

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

All dances are canceled until further notice.

Diane and I continue on our own with round dance teaches courtesy of GlenHelen.com. Anyone interested call Diane. It would be best if you called Diane first before trying the GlenHelen site. Someone will have to OK your admission.

If you know a local cuer, contact them first.

Also, have a look at the International Choreographed Ballroom Dance (ICBDA) site: www.icbda.com

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Last March we had our last dance. It was the best we had in a long time; it was our anniversary dance. Anne Marie Ingrassia and Carl Webster took pictures that we posted on our website at www.cloverleafsquares.org/Pictures.htm. So take a look at them if you ever get spare time.

We missed several dances, including the amateur caller’s night. But while we took our schedule off of our website, we are still keeping the future flyers online (you never know).

Along with Mike Callahan, the Cloverleaf Board has been busy during this time through telephone conferencing. Their primary focus is with our newer dancers when the club returns to dancing. The first two dances will be “fun” dancing. We will ease into Plus and Round dancing as dancing progresses. Even so, we still plan to have the two-step round dance class before the square dancing starts.

Be sure to check our information line at (585) 987-5972 or our website at www.cloverleafsquares.org for current information.

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Carl Webster, Corresponding Secretary


Copy Cats

Square dancing was going along quite nicely during our winter months and then Bam! We were ALL hit with the restrictions of the COVID-19. We WANTED to dance, but it’s a little hard to do square dancing without a square. Clubs across the nation had to suspend the activity that we all enjoy so much. So, as the reporter for the Copy Cats Square Dance Club, I have little to report about recent dances or even about upcoming dances since everything seems to be on hold. We are sad that there will be no DOR this spring where we can celebrate the new graduates who have worked so hard. We are sad that we can’t keep up our skills at weekly or otherwise regularly scheduled dances. However we will not be deterred from our love of dancing.

We will not leave our kittens out in the cold, but plan to celebrate their graduation at our annual August picnic, assuming it will be allowed by the situation with Covid-19. We will rejoice with our class of 13–14 new graduates.

To make sure that our Copy Cats were well, the board contacted as many members as possible to touch base and offer any help they might need. We were glad to hear that all are doing well and staying safe even our members who recently had surgery; Don Jermyn and Deitlinde Payne.

Ron Brown is creating a newsletter for his students and clubs for which he is their caller with the goal to keep interest high while we wait. No doubt many of us will feel rusty when dancing resumes. Our callers and teachers will be sure to break us in gently. Dancers might consider taking basic classes again serving as angels as we’re sure much will come back once we get to dance again. In the meantime many dancers are joining virtual dancing opportunities, walking in our beautiful parks, exercising at home or in our gardens to keep in shape.

Stay well, keep exercising, stay in touch with other dancers and watch for the return of dancing.

Phil LaRussa or Mary Martin (585-633-2044)
Reported by:
Jackie Rogers


Dalton Gang

No news for our dance in the summer.

Jamond Billiard (585-330-1128)
Reported by:
Jamond Billyard and Donna Whitmer


Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows will be offering a Basic Waltz class as soon as the quarantine is lifted and dancing is deemed safe. This will be a beginning level program designed for new dancers. Previous round dance experience is not necessary. We also welcome current dancers who would like continued instruction and floor time at the basic level. We will meet at the Immanuel Baptist Church, 815 Park Avenue, Rochester on Wednesday evenings from 8:00–10:00.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors—Mark and Marlene Thone

Pre registration of $60/person for a 6 week session is payable to Marlene Thone, 2474 Garden Street, Avon, NY 14414.

For questions or additional information, call or text us at (585) 748-5131.

Dancing Shadows is an Easy Level (Phase II–III) Round Dance Club which meets on Monday evenings from 8:00–10:00. The program consists of Easy Level dancing and includes a teach part way through the evening. In addition, we will stop to address and work on any questions as they occur. Dress is casual/comfortable.

Marlene Thone (585-748-5131 cell) (marlenethone@mindspring.com)
Reported by:
Marlene & Mark Thone


Fun Bunch

Dancing has been suspended until further notice. Please watch for announcements in the “Breaking News” section on the home page.

Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991) (jhering@twcny.rr.com)
Reported by:
Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991)


Grand Squares

Happy summer everyone! The only certainty in this club news is that our 2019–2020 dance season came to a premature end due to the corona virus. We are grateful for the enjoyable dances we had before February and the guests who filled our squares. We cannot forget the welcoming service provided us by the staff and custodial department at Roth Junior High. We were lucky to have Mike Callahan and Terry Irvine for the majority of the season with able assistance by Jim Gotta and Gil Porter during Mike’s absence. Thank you to all!!

Since we dance in a school we do not hold summer dances and can only speculate about the Fall. The Federation has planned three summer dances and other clubs, who dance all year, will present some offerings once we can safely undertake a new normal. We encourage our dancers to be open to future chances to continue the fun times we shared while dancing. Keep safe and well and hope to see you in a square before too long.

George & Carol Ann Stahl (585-533-9241); stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com
Reported by:
Carol Ann Stahl


Pairs N Squares

Dancing has been suspended until further notice. Please watch for announcements in the “Breaking News” section on the home page.

Kathleen Harter (Kathleen.i.harter@gmail.com) (315-481-0570)
Reported by:
Nancy Curtis (lnmcurtis@gmail.com) (315-532-1117)


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares is not dancing at present due to COVID-19 but we are planning for dancing in the fall. See our schedule on this site.

The September 2020 Watkins Weekend is cancelled due to COVID-19. We will give it a go for Sept 17-19, 2021 so mark your calendar! Sam Dunn will be our caller and Lisa Treichler will be cueing. Those that have signed up for this year can either roll it over to 2021 or we are happy to refund you. Just let us know what you would prefer. For those that have signed up to camp at Clute Park, simply call them and they also will refund your deposit. We will sure miss seeing you and dancing with you this September. Stay well!


LiseRosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary &Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an easy intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Phase III–IV level program. A teach or a review, at the Phase III+ or Phase IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Phase III+ and Phase IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level.

We will meet on Tuesday evenings from 8:00–10:00 at the Immanuel Baptist Church, 815 Park Avenue in Rochester, as soon as the quarantine is lifted and dancing is deemed safe. Our new space is centrally located and has a nice wood floor! We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors: Mark and Marlene Thone

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell); (585-748-8568 Mark’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone (marlenethone@mindspring.com)


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances are suspended until further notice.

Shamrock Squares normally dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday evenings 6:45 to 8:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan(585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Mike Callahan


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Well, fellow square dance lovers, how do you maintain social distancing guidelines and still dance? If anyone figures it out, please share with the rest of us. We were so looking forward to the return of our “Snowbirds” to add to our numbers—more squares—more fun! April is gone. We will not be dancing in May—we’re hoping for June. Our annual ALS Elaine Eno Memorial Dance, scheduled for June 6th has been postponed. We are hoping to reschedule later in the year. Our Quarterly Meeting, Election of Officers & Class Graduation due to take place in June will also be rescheduled depending on easing of restrictions by the Health Department. Hopefully, by July 17, we will be able to dance and have our Ice Cream Social. In August, International Night is planned for Friday, August 14 with ethnic dress and food. What a celebration it will be when our Square Dance Family can come together and Dance! Dance! Dance! Until then, be safe, stay well, take care… this too will pass eventually…

Caller: Dave Eno

Debra Allen (banddallen@gmail.com) (315-598-3535)
Reported by:
Patricia Whaley


Silver Squares

As we all know, the Covid 19 Virus has stopped our square dancing for now. However, I am writing our Silver Squares News as if we still dancing because we never know when we can start up again!! This “stay at home” time is difficult but we will be ready when we can dance again.

Remember, Pandemic Square Dancing takes place every Wednesday from 8:00–8:45. If you haven’t joined the zoom call and would like to, please email brendabixby152@gmail.com. It is a great opportunity to visit and dance with square dance friends.

So what has Silver Squares been doing during this “stay at home time???” Every Monday at 6:30, there is a zoom chat where many of our Silver Squares and Belles and Beaus friends get together and talk about what we did during the week. We talk about flossing, taking out the garbage, and all kinds of crazy stuff. But, all kidding aside, it is a time we all look forward to so we can see each other and stay connected. Give me a call if you would like to get in on the fun! Call Anne Granger at 585-317-6442 or email me at sunnyweather7@rochester.rr.com.

Weekly walks have also been a part of Silver Squares. Sue Eddy has scheduled and organized each Tuesday at 1:30 for a walk. So far, groups have been to Highland Park, Mount Hope Cemetery, and the Seneca Park Zoo. Call Sue at 585-227-6908 to see where the next walk will be.

So, whenever we get started again, here is our schedule of fun events.

June 2020

Just a reminder …

June 29 is our Picnic and Season Finale. Lunch starts at noon and everyone is invited and welcome to bring a dish to pass. Come and enjoy visiting with new and old dancing friends and looking at all the pictures from the past year. This is a special event that should not be missed! We invite our friends from other clubs to join us on this special day.

We wish all of you a happy summer and let you know that Silver Squares dances


If your club closes for the summer, please join us on any Monday from 1:00–3:00. We would love to have you join us for the summer!! Check out our schedule for any dates we might be closed.

To any new graduates, if you are looking for a place to dance in the fall, check out Silver Squares. We dance every Monday afternoon from 1:00–3:00 and dance Mainstream, Plus, and Rounds. Our caller is Mike Callahan and we are located 1924 Maiden Lane in the Greece United Methodist Church. Call Sue Sepkowski, Club President, for any information (585-281-3073) or Don Naulin, Club Vice President (585-200-0464).

July 2020

July 6:There will be no dancing on this day due to the Independence Day Holiday.

July 20: It is the perfect time for an Ice Cream Social! Come dance with friends and make your favorite ice cream sundae decked out with peanuts, bananas, delicious toppings, and whipped cream. Dance up an appetite!!

August 2020

August 10: Summer doesn’t get any better unless you celebrate it with a Root Beer Float!! Enjoy an afternoon of dancing and make your very own, very cool ROOT BEER FLOAT

Sue Sepkowski (esepkowski@rochester.rr.com) (585-225-7122)
Reported by:
Anne Granger


Southern Tier Wheelers

We wish we could say that we were looking forward to seeing you all soon. Unfortunately we don’t think that will be happening anytime soon. We have cancelled our May weekend and the May SuperSaturdaySpecial. As of this moment, no decision has been made for the rest of the summer. We will make every effort to notify the Promenader once a determination has been made. We pray that all of you are well, finding things to keep busy and staying safe. We miss being with all of you and look forward to the day when we can once again “bow to our corner”. Please accept this big virtual “yellow rock” from us to you!

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

Since we wrote so optimistically in the recent Promenader about Village Squares’ plans for spring dances, we’ve gone from the winter of our discontent to a spring of worldwide disaster. Summer isn’t looking all that great, either.

On April 1, when in an ideal world we would have been dancing; April Fool! Instead, we organized a Village Squares Zoom video gathering where we got together on computers, tablets and smart phones to chat and socialize for an hour. All that was missing were the great snacks and of course, the dancing! We did suggest that perhaps the person in charge of refreshments could drive around like Santa or the Easter Bunny, and leave a cupcake on everyone’s doorstep. Village Squares plan to zoom together to chat every week until it’s safe to zoom again for real. We need to keep connected while we are staying apart.

So that we can pretend we still are dancing, Gil Porter and Brenda Bixby have organized Pandemic Squares, where everyone dances in the safety of our own living room. Immediately after the Village Squares social hour, Gil calls for whoever wants to try square dancing with either 6 or 7 ghosts. Desperate times call for a lot of improvisation and a lot of imagination.

Village Squares haven’t yet planned our fall program. For once, No News Is Not Good News.

We can only hope that we’ll be dancing again in September. In the meantime, stay healthy and stay optimistic.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Sally Emmel


Waterwheel Squares

Dancing has been suspended until further notice. Please watch for announcements in the “Breaking News” section on the home page.

Gary Etherton (ge14094@gmail.com) (716-796-9265)
Reported by:
Gary Etherton