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Batavia Silver Stars
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Boo Bull Squares & Rounds
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Dancing Shadows
Fun Bunch
Grand Squares
Pairs N Squares
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

We dance Mainstream, Plus and Rounds in a 2x2 format on Monday evenings in Batavia, at the VA Medical Center, 222 Richmond Avenue—Building #4 (upstairs), Batavia, NY, starting at 7:00pm.

COVID Protocol for VA: Proof of Vaccination required; Mask must be worn entering and leaving dance. Mask not required in Gym. Our caller is Gary Bubel

Lucy Pietrzykowski (luciapietrzykowski@gmail.com)
Reported by:
Lucy Pietrzykowski (luciapietrzykowski@gmail.com)


Boo Bull Rounds

Our Wednesday round dance club began dancing in May. Our numbers are few but we have been doing Phase 2 & Phase 3 and learning & practicing Phase 3 figures.

We invite all round dancers to join us. We are happy to cue your favorites and review anything that you may be having trouble with.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

Happy Spring! We have returned from Florida and our Tuesday night club began dancing again in May. We are reviewing mainstream calls that our dancers want to see and will be teaching the plus calls throughout the summer.

We hope the new graduates will join us for a fun evening of dancing and review. Everyone is welcome and we have enjoyed seeing all our friends.

All dances are at the Henrietta Fire Hall.

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares & Rounds

Our Friday afternoon club had their trail in dance May 12th. We are a fun dancing group doing both rounds and squares. Sometimes we all go out for an early dinner after the dance.

Nobody wants the fun to end!

What fun we have sharing dancing, food and friendship! Remember our club dances May to December. Please join us some Friday afternoon!

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

June, July & August: Fun, Fun, Fun for the Cayuga Cut-Ups at our Summer Home—Bailiwick’s Market & Cafe, Thursday evenings from 600–8:30, 441 NY-5, Elbridge, NY 13060. We dance in the gazebo behind the main building, it is screened in, with overhead fans and popup shades if it rains. Of course, the cafe serves dinners, drinks, homemade ice cream and much more! Bailiwick’s is the brain child of a local farm family—many farm-to-table food items and made-in-NY items to purchase. Ron Brown and our dancers are often the center of attention for diners and customers. If encouraged we sometime get watchers to come and dance with us! Summer is our favorite time to shine and maybe showoff a bit. Guests are encouraged; please make us your summertime visit.

Of course summer is not complete without our Anniversary Dance & Steak Roast! This year the Cut-Ups celebrate 62 years of dancing in Cayuga County. Our club caller Ron Brown and caller Dave Eno will be getting the party rolling at Vince’s Park, NY-318, Seneca Falls, NY 13148. The pavilion is air-conditioned, roomy and easy to find off the thruway. August 12 from 12:00–1:00 is the Steak Roast; the dance starts at 1:00; walk-ins are welcome. The cost for the Steak Roast & Dance is $25/dancer and Dance only $10/dancer. If you can consider the Steak Roast & Dance the steaks are great, you must pre-order Steak Roast & Dance (because we don’t want to over-order steaks) Pre-paid Reservations can be sent to Linda English, 3524 Clinton Rd, Jordan, NY 13080; checks payable to Cayuga Cut-Ups. August 5, 2023 is the deadline to pre-pay. Call 315.689.1679 if needed.

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English, Club Secretary


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

We traditionally dance at 7:00 on Saturday evenings at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 122 Liberty Street, Bath, NY.

Look for us on Facebook as “Champagne Whirl-A-Ways Square Dance Club.”

We are currently on an indefinite pause while we regroup following the COVID interruption and the passing of our traditional caller, the late Mike Herne.

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Our last class session went well. We had many angels show up, not only to help with our instructors, Mike Callahan and Jim Gotta but to enjoy dancing. Our solo class members were rarely without a partner, and many of the more advanced dancers were able to switch from their regular side to the opposite side to help fill in a square.

Cloverleaf Squares is a “Singles” club, and we encourage solo dancers to come and join us. Over the years, however, we have become less of a “Singles” club and more of an all-inclusive one, encouraging solo dancers to become comfortable with the community and the partnered dancers to dance with the solos to build a dancing square. We are not a Dance by Definition (DBD) club where dancers perform calls from non-traditional positions. We accept dancers to dance on the opposite side of a couple; women dancing on the left side (taught as the man’s side) and men dancing on the right side (taught as the woman’s side). If there is a missing partner, it is great when someone steps in to fill a square, no matter which side is available. The flexible dancer is rewarded with the experience of expanding their dancing skills. It also tends to bring some novelty to the evening. Dancing is fun.

Our round dance class has begun with success. This year we are teaching the Cha Cha and Rumba rhythms. It is one more class of rhythms to add to our area dancers’ repertoire. We appreciate Mark Thone’s and Alice Bubel’s teaching and cueing skills to help us round out our dance night (or afternoon) out.

Check out our summer theme dances: Red/White/Blue, Silly Hats Night, Country Night, and Cookie Night. You can find the dates on our schedule on our website and flyers on our online flyer table.

Reported by:
Carl Webster, Corresponding Secretary


Copy Cats

March 4, 2023, was Hawaiian night. Thirty-nine dancers came in very colorful attire including Hawaiian moo moos, shirts, and blouses, and even a pair of shoes with a pink flower adorning the top of each shoe. Jim Gotta fulfilled the duties of both caller and cuer. Bouquets of flowers adorned our snack table and the caller’s table. Thank you, Debbie Blood! Volunteers brought an assortment of snacks, including fresh fruit.

Our Crazy Hat Dance was a hit! There was quite an assortment of head coverings, including (but not limited to) a magician’s top hat, Minnie Pearl’s straw hat, and a Viking helmet. The dance was a class/club dance and was very well attended.

The last dance of the season was the April Showers Dance. Officers for the 2023–2024 dance year were elected. Electees: Bonnie Allen and Dick Wesner, Co-Presidents; Pat Santacroce, Vice President; Debbie and Jeff Blood, Co-Treasurers; and Paul and Debra VanGraafeiland, Co-Class Coordinators. Donna and Rick LaDonna will remain on the Board as Past Co-Presidents/Advisors. The office of Secretary is open. If any member of Copy Cats is interested in fulfilling this position, please contact any Board Member.

Our Copy Kittens are no longer Kittens. They have graduated! Guests, club members, angels, and Kittens gathered for pizza prior to the graduation ceremony. The ceremony began with a welcome to all and a prayer for the Kittens. The lighting of four candles followed. The first candle represented the flame of friendship, the second the flame of duty, the third the flame of enjoyment, and the fourth the flame of democracy. The mood was festive. The graduates are: Doris Eckert, Nancy Hutchings, Nay Jacobson, Don Lucas, Lynn Lucas, Barb Manchee, Nadine Mucci, Pam Oblein, Edith Onusseit, J. Riddell, Mary-Ellen Riddell, Jim Schaefer, and Timothy Storm Coleman. Each graduate received a 2023 diploma. Well done graduates!

The Copy Cats Rathke Award was created in recognition of Jim and Pearl Rathke. The award was first presented to Jim and Pearl in 1982. It continues to be awarded annually to an individual or couple who have been significant contributors to the club. This year’s recipients are Debbie and Jeff Blood. Congratulations Debbie and Jeff!

Our club is a Plus level dance club. Dances follow a 2x2 format, with no early rounds. CDC Guidelines are followed at each dance. We meet two Saturday evenings per month from 7:00–9:00 PM at the First Baptist Church of Penfield, 1862 Penfield Road, Penfield, NY. Beginning in January, 2023, we will have three afternoon club dances to replace the 7:00–9:00 PM time slot. Please check the Promenader for specifics.

Rick and Donna LaDonna
Reported by:
585-633-2044 Gary and Lorraine Granath


Dalton Gang

We are a sociable club, dancing normally at the Living Hope Fellowship Hall, 30 North Main Street, Castille, NY, with Ray Tompkins calling.

We’re taking the summer off, except for a special CURE Benefit Dance from 1 to 5 on the afternoon of August 18. This dance will feature guest callers and cuers, hots, hamburgers and other snacks, and a basket raffle with all proceeds to C.U.R.E. in Rochester, NY. It will be held at the Bliss Rec Hall, 3529 East Main Street, Bliss, NY.

Please see our flyer in the Promenader for further details.

Jamond Billyard (jamondbillyard@yahoo.com)
Reported by:
Jamond Billyard and Donna Whitmer


Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows is an Easy Level (Phase II–III) Round Dance Club which meets on Monday evenings from 8:00–10:00. The program consists of Easy Level dancing and includes a teach part way through the evening. In addition, we will stop to address and work on any questions as they occur. Dress is casual/comfortable.

We have not yet settled on a new dance location, so stay tuned for day, time and place.

Marlene Thone (585-748-5131 cell) (marlenethone@mindspring.com)
Reported by:
Marlene & Mark Thone


Fun Bunch

We’re a fun square dance club in Auburn, NY. Please visit our Facebook page: TheFunBunchSquareDanceClub.

We are currently on an indefinite pause while we regroup following the COVID interruption.

Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991) (jhering@twcny.rr.com)
Reported by:
Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991)


Grand Squares

Grand Squares has finished another successful season of dancing. We are very grateful for the willing hands of the Rush-Henrietta custodial department at Roth Junior High, who faithfully set up and repositioned the room where we dance. And, of course, we are grateful to our innovative callers Mike Callahan, our regular caller, and Jim Gotta, who graciously filled in for Mike during those winter months when he was away. Can’t forget to mention our treasurer, Gary, for collecting our survival funds and providing us each evening with a riddle or joke. And last, but certainly not least, we are grateful for our guests whose monetary and edible support and enthusiasm enabled us to survive another year.

Unless something beyond our control occurs, we will be back for another season come September. Meanwhile, I encourage our dancers to take advantage of those clubs offering dances during the summer; I know we will.

George & Carol Ann Stahl (585-533-9241); stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com
Reported by:
Carol Ann Stahl


Pairs N Squares

Pairs N Squares are off for the summer, following our season finale on May 22. We’ll be back in the fall, dancing on Monday nights at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church; 210 Hazel Street, Liverpool NY from 6:30–8:30 with our caller Ron Schweitzer. We would love to see visiting dancers at any time.

Jerri Saintey (jsanitey@verizon.net) (315-546-3851)
Reported by:
Jerri Saintey


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Our summer schedule and venue are still TBD. However, they should be settled very soon, so watch the schedule and flyer pages.

We will be hosting the Watkins Weekend from September 15–17 in 2023 with Bill Harrison calling & Steve Bradt, from Easton, PA cuing. It’s not too early to register. Mark your calendars and come down for the weekend or just an evening or all day on Saturday. For more info contact Sue Irvine at 585-330-9129 or email her at irvinesuej@gmail.com . Stay well, and we hope to see you soon!

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an Easy–Intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Phase III & IV level program, on Thursday evenings from 8:00–10:00. A teach or a review, at the Phase III+ or Phase IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Phase III+ and Phase IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level. Dress is casual/comfortable.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors: Mark and Marlene Thone

Information: Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell); (585-748-8568 Mark’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone (marlenethone@mindspring.com)


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday afternoons 2:30–4:30 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Mike Callahan


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Shirts ’N’ Skirts

The Shirts ’N’ Skirts will be dancing thru the summer in our air conditioned hall. We dance at the Fulton Municipal Bldg 141 South First Street, Fulton NY from 7:00–9:00.

On June 3, from 1:00–9:00, we will be hosting the ALS Dance. All proceeds go to the ALS foundation. It will be a great day with a variety of callers. We will have advanced level dancing during the dinner hour.

Caller: Dave Eno

Hope to see you all on the dance floor!

Jerri Saintey (jsaintey@verizon.net) (315-546-3651)
Reported by:
Jerri Saintey


Silver Squares

If you are looking for something to do on a Monday afternoon, come over and dance with the Silver Squares! We dance almost every Monday (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) from 1:00pm–3:00pm, dancing Mainstream, Plus, and Rounds. We are located in the Greece United Methodist Church at 1924 Maiden Lane in Rochester, NY 14626. The cost is $5.00 per person. We welcome anyone who would like to join us. There is no better place to be on a Monday afternoon for dancing, laughter, and friendship.

We follow all current CDC COVID precautions. We have sanitizer and masks available and encourage people to wear masks if they feel they would be more comfortable. Food is allowed at all dances along with prepackaged snacks.

Silver Squares will NOT be offering dance lessons again this fall. We are happy to talk with anyone interested in square dancing and refer them to clubs that are offering dance lessons. We welcome anyone who is interested in dancing to call or come visit us. Call Don or Anne for any information (Don at 585-200-0464, Anne at 585-317-6442).

Our theme parties continue to be extremely successful. We continue to have four squares weekly and sometimes even five squares. Jim Gotta was our caller from January to March and we were so lucky to have him. Thank you, Jim! Mike Callahan returned in April, and we welcomed him back. The Valentine’s Dance is always one of our favorite dances. The dance floor was a sea of red and white. Our Shirt and Skirt dance was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time at the Spring Fling with the Silent Auction. Treasures went from one house to another! We had 120 pieces of pie at our Pie Party!! Our committee has worked hard to put together another calendar full of fun, laughter, and lots of dancing!! Remember these are only some highlights of our summer and fall activities. Look at our calendar for the full dance schedule.

July 2023

July 3

NO DANCE Independence Day Holiday.

July 10

We invite the Dalton Gang and Shirts and Skirts to dance for FREE.

July 17

It’s the perfect time for an ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Come dance with friends and choose your own ice cream sandwich, nutty buddy, fudgesicle, etc. We will dance up an appetite!

July 31

Let’s Have a Pie Party! Bring in your favorite pie: any kind of pie, any size of pie, homemade or store bought. We welcome all kinds of pies!! We can eat pie, dance, and socialize with friends. Where else can you do this??

August 2023

August 14

We invite the Shamrock Squares and Southern Tier Wheelers to dance for FREE.

August 21

Summer does not get any better unless you celebrate it with a Root Beer Float!

Enjoy an afternoon of dancing and making your very own Root Beer Float.

September 2023

Sept. 4

NO DANCE Labor Day

Sept. 11

Fall Festival! Come to Silver Squares and enjoy Free Fun, Free Dancing, and Free Pizza and Soda.

Sept. 18

We invite the Waterwheels and Penn Yan Squares to dance for FREE.

Sept. 25

The 50’s Dance!! Girls, dress up in your poodle skirts!! Boys, find those black leather jackets or t-shirts!! Get ready to dance to Elvis and have a lot of fun!!

October 2023

October 2

Come join us for our Crazy Hat Dance. Find your favorite hat or just any hat and wear it while you dance! Is there any place you can have this much fun on a Monday afternoon??

October 16

Soup and Salad Potluck Lunch at NOON. Bring a donation for the food shelf and dance for FREE!

October 30

Join us for our annual Halloween Dance. Come dressed in your favorite costume an be ready to have a great time! Vote for your favorite costume.

November 2023

Nov 6

Let’s honor our vets with a Veteran’s Day Dance! We invite Boo Bull Squares and Cloverleafs to dance for FREE

Nov. 13

Western Day! Get dressed in your favorite western shirt, skirt, hat or boots and come to enjoy square dancing at its best!!

Nov. 20

This is our Traditional Thanksgiving Pot Luck Luncheon. Come at Noon. We invite all to join us on this extra special day. It’s a day filled with celebrating our square dance friends and our love of dancing.

December 2023

Dec. 4

We invite Grand Squares and Copy Cats to dance for FREE.

Dec. 11

Join us at 1:00 for dancing and stay for our catered Christmas Dinner. The dinner starts at 3:00pm. If you can come, please call and make reservations by Monday, December 4th, 2023. Come and enjoy this special time with friends.

Dec. 18

This will be our final dance of the year. We’ll return to dance after the holidays on January 8.

Don Naulin / Anne Granger (naulin@netzero.net) (585-200-0464)
Reported by:
Anne Granger (ssunnyweather7@gmail.com) (585-317-6442)


Southern Tier Wheelers

We dance once a month May thru October at the CampBell Campground, 8700 State Route 415, Campbell, NY. Most dancers camp for the weekend, but walk-ins are welcome at our dances. We dance at the Mainstream/Plus level with rounds in between each tip. However, our callers are very good at calling to the floor. We also offer Super Saturday events which include workshops in the afternoon, dinner and an evening dance…all for a reasonable price.

See our posted flyers (in season) for dance details, and see the CampBell website (https://campbellcampground.com) for campground information and local area attractions.

Don’t have a camper???? Not a problem. Give Ed a call at CampBell Campground (607-527-3301). They have campers and cabins available to rent. Be sure to mention that you are coming to join us and they will give you a special rate. If you just want to come for an evening dance, consider staying for a while after dancing and join us at the campfire. There is always lots of laughter shared while keeping warm. There are also several nice hotels in the area if that is the style of “camping” that you prefer.

We now welcome all dancers to join our club-campers or not! So, please consider becoming a member and save on the cost of the weekend.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

The Village Squares are a Plus-level square dance club, dancing Wednesday afternoons in the spring and fall, about once each month in Pittsford, NY. Our caller is Gil Porter.

We have paused weekly dances while we recover from the COVID interruption and from depleted membership due to moves and funerals. Our current plan is to continue dancing approximately monthly, but only when our snowbirds are home in the spring and fall.

We will be dancing in June and July. Our June dance will be on 6/14 at the Pittsford Community Center (35 Lincoln Ave, Pittsford), from 2:00 to 4:30pm in Room 215. See our flyer posted in the Promenader. Our July dance will be a Summer Picnic in the north shelter at King’s Bend Park in Pittsford (170 West Jefferson Road, Pittsford). Socializing will start at 3:00pm and dancing will begin at 5:30.

Watch for flyers in the Promenader and announcements on the WNYF Facebook page (SquareDancingRochester).

Peter Emmel (585-732-1004)
Reported by:
Peter Emmel (p.emmel47@gmail.com)


Waterwheel Squares

Waterwheels dance 2 by 2’s on Monday nights (see schedule section for location) from 6:30–8:30. Our hall has an elevator to whisk you to our second floor that has a great wooden dance floor. Please come and join the fun!

Gary Etherton (ge14094@gmail.com) (716-796-9265)
Reported by:
Gary Etherton