Summer is normally a time when dancing slows down. I hope it isn’t
just me, but it seems like I’ve been dancing this summer as much as
any winter dance season. In the past, it felt like dance availability
was only a night or two a week, but this summer there has been dancing
available five to six nights a week. I hope you’ve enjoyed your
summer, but I also hope that you’ve included some dance time in your
summer fun. The two free Federation sponsored dances were a lot of
fun, and well attended with about eight squares at each. My thanks to
all those who made them happen, as well as to all those who came out
and danced. The national caller dances, Ken Bower, Gary Shoemake and
Betsy Gotta were also very good. I’m sure the Mike Sikorsky dance
will also be great.
September sees us at the start of another square dance season. The
Fall Friendship Ball is a way to get back into the new dance season
and meet dancers you don’t normally see. We have seen very few
recent graduates at the Fall Ball in the past so we’ve set the
pricing to try and change that. 2019 graduates get in free, and those
club members who personally ensure that graduates get there by
“bringing” them, will also get in free (remember only 1 club member
per class member).
Many clubs are hosting open houses this year, to bring new dancers
into our activity. We’ve had several demonstrations this summer to try
and promote square dancing. Our yard sign program is continuing this
year as well as radio ads, and Facebook or other social media
listings. However, our best source of new dancers has always been
personal contacts from current dancers. Be sure and talk to your
friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers about dancing and bring
them to an open house. I suspect I’m not the only person who got
dragged kicking and screaming to my first open house, but once there I
had a good time. It may take a little extra effort to pick someone up
and bring them to an open house, but the only way our activity will
survive in the years to come is with new dancers joining.
Enjoy the rest of summer and fall with your friends and family, and
with your dancing family, and I’ll see you in a square.