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[President's Corner]


President’s Corner June 1, 2022

Like flowers in the warm spring weather, square dancing is blooming! Several Clubs are dancing and many upcoming events are being planned throughout our dancing area. Our snowbird dancers returned in time for DOR, and we are starting to enjoy more dancers and squares on the floor.

Some exciting events are being planned for this summer.

This Summer the WNYF is sponsoring three Saturday Afternoon Summer Dances in open-air pavilions. Last year’s pavilion summer dances were so much fun, we hope you will save the dates for these Saturday dances: 6/18/22, 7/16/22, 8/27/22. For details, see our article in the Promenader “Photos and Features” section and download the flyer from the “Ads and Flyers” section.

Please save the date for a WNYF square dance demonstration at the Greece Historical Society & Museum Annual Strawberry Festival on Monday 6/20/22 at Greece Town Hall Pavilion—next to Senior Center at 3 Vince Tofany Blvd.

The event runs from 4–7 pm and is a fund raiser for the historical society. We have been told there will be several desserts to choose from along with food trucks with hots and hamburgers. What a wonderful way to start the summer sharing our square dancing at this public event. Mike Callahan will be calling for this demonstration. (For details, see Promenader article and flyer.)

Promotions Task Force (PTF) established

At the WNYF meeting on April 11, a Promotions Task Force and budget were approved. The focus of this group is to help our member clubs promote square dancing from now until October through the following avenues:

  1. Print promotions—Contact local newspapers, Penny savers, free community radio & TV
  2. Live square dance demos at local community events
  3. Displays at local libraries and community organizations—This started with the Webster library display (see Promenader article) but we are currently in contact with 3–4 other libraries. Also, the Greece Historical Society has already approved us setting up a square dance display there.
  4. Lawn signs—Determine needs and order signs.
Several excellent volunteers have joined the PTF. If you would be interested in working on any of the four above mentioned action items, please let us know, we definitely need more help. Our dancer population has been severely reduced in the past two years due to COVID and the shut downs. Hopefully, with the efforts of this task force we will assist our member clubs with restarting and rebuilding by encouraging people to try the square dance classes being planned at many clubs for September.

We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!

Debbie & Jeff Blood