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Southern Tier Wheelers

About Us

We are a Plus level camping club that has weekend gatherings throughout the summer at Campbell Camground in Campbell NY.


Contact Information

Bill and Pat Mosher

updated 12/24

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We dance once a month May through October at the CampBell Campground, 8700 State Route 415, Campbell, NY. Most dancers camp for the weekend, but walk-ins are welcome at our dances. We dance at the Mainstream/Plus level with rounds in between each tip. However, our callers are very good at calling to the floor. Our posted Schedule Flyer gives details. Note that we now have our dances in the afternoon to better accommodate dancers who are willing to travel. Please call 607-857-1553 (Pat) or 607-739-3299 (Bill) to verify that we are dancing on that date. See our posted dance flyers (in season) for dance details, and see the CampBell website (https://campbellcampground.com) for campground information and local area attractions. Don’t have a camper???? Not a problem. Give Ed a call at CampBell Campground (607-527-3301). They have campers and cabins available to rent. Be sure to mention that you are coming to join us and they will give you a special rate. If you just want to come for an evening dance, consider staying for a while after dancing and join us at the campfire. There is always lots of laughter shared while keeping warm. There are also several nice hotels in the area if that is the style of “camping” that you prefer. We now welcome all dancers to join our club—campers or not! So, please consider becoming a member and save on the cost of the weekend.

updated 2024-12-01