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Documentation for Maintaining the WNYF Website

There is a lot of documentation for maintaining the WNYF website. Basically, there is a database with the details of the website. To update the website the database is updated and a special program is run to update a copy of the website. This copy is then uploaded to the actual website.

Try these links for documentation:

Source code for the programs used to maintain the web


The program, Clean.java, searches for “funny” characters in a file. Funny characters are bytes that are not between 0x20 and 0x7e or 0x0a (a new-line). The parameters are file names of files to search.


The program, DatabaseEditor.java, edits an SQLite database. It is actually a general purpose program and will edit any SQLite database. The website’s database is in squaredance.db although there is another database, test.db, for testing or just playing with the database editor. Documentation for this program is listed above.


The program, MakeWeb.java, executes SQL statements found in squaredance.db in the current directory. This will make all of the variable pages in the website. As an option, it will also build a complete site map in the database table “sitemap” which the SQL statements will turn into the full site map.


The program, Copyfiles.java, is a special purpose copy program that copies files between two local directories—copying only files that have changed. This is so the number of files that need to be uploaded to the website is minimized.


The program, FileBrowser.java, is a general purpose file transfer program that mimics WinSCP or FileZilla. It has the capability of comparing and transfering between two local file systems, two remote file systems, or a local and remote file system. It also has editors for editing files and a diff program for comparing two files. It also has a remote shell capability. The documentation is listed above.