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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Belles 'N' Beaus
Boo Bull Advanced Dancing
Boo Bull DBD
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Dancing Shadows
Fun Bunch
Grand Squares
Pairs N Squares
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares
Waterwheel Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

Until further notice, the Batavia Silver Stars have suspended dancing, since we are without a caller or a venue.

Reported by:
Reporter: Carol Brown (585-247-5689)


Belles 'N' Beaus

Due to health issues, Bob and Alice Hager have decided to step down from being presidents of our club. Their leadership will be greatly missed. Our board has several issues to consider before we can announce our club reopening plans. Hopefully, we will have more news soon.

Barb & John Corman
Reported by:
Barb & John Corman (585-225-6393); totonny@rochester.rr.com


Boo Bull Advanced Dancing

At this time, we have no plans for restarting. We are waiting for both of our halls to give us the okay to use their facilities. As soon as that happens, we will immediately start the dancing.

We are missing everyone and can’t wait to get back to our beloved activity.

Watch for the announcement of our clubs resuming. In the meantime, dance where you can and stay safe!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull DBD

At this time, we have no plans for restarting. We are waiting for both of our halls to give us the okay to use their facilities. As soon as that happens, we will immediately start the dancing.

We are missing everyone and can’t wait to get back to our beloved activity.

Watch for the announcement of our clubs resuming. In the meantime, dance where you can and stay safe!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Rounds

At this time, we have no plans for restarting. We are waiting for both of our halls to give us the okay to use their facilities. As soon as that happens, we will immediately start the dancing.

We are missing everyone and can’t wait to get back to our beloved activity.

Watch for the announcement of our clubs resuming. In the meantime, dance where you can and stay safe!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

At this time, we have no plans for restarting. We are waiting for both of our halls to give us the okay to use their facilities. As soon as that happens, we will immediately start the dancing.

We are missing everyone and can’t wait to get back to our beloved activity.

Watch for the announcement of our clubs resuming. In the meantime, dance where you can and stay safe!

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Alice & Gary Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

The Cut-Ups graduated three new dancers in the spring, after a long and interrupted class series, and are now looking forward to summer. Club leaders are working out their summer schedule of dances, hopefully in the outdoor space at Bailiwicks, on Route 5 in Elbridge, NY. Meanwhile we are dancing on Sunday afternoons (2–4pm) at the Weedsport United Methodist Church. When Summer plans are finalized, we’ll post our dances in the schedule pages.

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

Since we are closed, as is normal for the summer, we refer members to the Southern Tier Wheelers. They dance in Campbell, at Camp Bell. They are fun, physically active, and will dance in August, September and October 2021.

We may or may not have an open house in September and/or October.

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Getting venues is our biggest problem. Henry Capron and Marge O‘Shea have been busy searching for, calling, and/or visiting places for us to dance. We are ever so close and hope to begin dancing sometime in June. In the meantime, we have seen some of our dancers at other dances, both real and virtual. We have been keeping our schedule up-to-date on our website at cloverleafsquares.org and on our information line (585-987-5972) so please check from time to time. We want to thank the federation, the caller‘s CO-OP, and the Return-to-Dance task force for all of their efforts in getting us back on the floor (even in our living room).

Henry Capron (585-747-0180)
Reported by:
Carl Webster, Corresponding Secretary


Copy Cats

Hooray! We can finally look at resuming square dancing on some level! Our club members were recently polled via phone to determine their availability and interest in returning to dancing. A significant number of club members expressed an interest in resuming dancing, but confessed to feeling more than a bit rusty. So, the club has decided to run a club-only refresher for four weeks in May at the First Baptist Church of Penfield. We will follow NYS and CDC guidelines, which include wearing masks, social distancing between tips, hand sanitizing and cleaning of the facility after the dance. The May refresher is limited to Copy Cat members who are vaccinated and desire to return to dancing.

The Copy Cats Club plans to resume club dancing in September 2021 at our usual location, FBCP in Penfield. We want to offer a Kitten class, but this will be delayed until at least January 2022 when we hope that our club dancers will feel more comfortable and will be able to serve as helpful angels for our Kittens.

In the meantime, we are looking forward to the summer outdoor dances being sponsored by the Federation as described in other portions of this newsletter.

It is with great excitement that we look forward to resuming dancing! We encourage everyone to stay safe, get vaccinated if that is possible for you, and be prepared to get back to square dancing as soon as you can.

Phil LaRussa or Mary Martin (585-633-2044)
Reported by:
Jackie Rogers


Dalton Gang

Hello fellow square dancers. Normally, I don’t report any news in the summer, but this summer we are having our Tuesday night Square Dance in the town of Castile (30 North Main Street, Castile, over the post office). Dancing starts at 6:30. Unfortunately, with the cost of everything going up, we had to raise our price to six dollars from five dollars. We feel that having dances in the summer, which we normally don’t do, will help us brush up on the dance calls. At this point, we still don’t know what we are going to do for the regular dance season, since we don’t know if the school will be open after school hours in the fall.

Jamond Billyard (jamondbillyard@yahoo.com)
Reported by:
Jamond Billyard and Donna Whitman


Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows is an Easy Level (Phase II–III) Round Dance Club which meets on Monday evenings from 8:00–10:00. The program consists of Easy Level dancing and includes a teach part way through the evening. In addition, we will stop to address and work on any questions as they occur. Dress is casual/comfortable.

We are on winter break until further notice. We have not yet settled on a new dance location, so stay tuned for day, time and place.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors: Mark and Marlene Thone

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell); (585-748-8568 Mark’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone (marlenethone@mindspring.com)


Fun Bunch

Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991) (jhering@twcny.rr.com)
Reported by:
Jeanne Hering (315-252-3991)


Grand Squares

It looks like there is finally a light shining at the end of our pandemic tunnel. Although the school (Roth Junior High) is not yet accepting community guests, Sarah is hopeful that things will change by Fall. Just in case, we are also exploring other options. But all members of Grand Squares have been entered for insurance coverage, so they are encouraged to take advantage of other summer dancing options. And we haven’t given up on planning a celebration of our 60th Anniversary later in the Fall.

Meanwhile, lets dust off our square dance moves and get dancing again!

George & Carol Ann Stahl (585-533-9241); stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com
Reported by:
Carol Ann Stahl


Pairs N Squares

Kathleen Harter (Kathleen.i.harter@gmail.com) (315-481-0570)
Reported by:
Nancy Curtis (lnmcurtis@gmail.com) (315-532-1117)


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners are not dancing until further notice.

Round Towners is an Easy to Intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Phase III & IV level program, on Thursday evenings from 8:00–10:00. A teach or a review, at the Phase III+ or Phase IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Phase III+ and Phase IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level. Dress is casual/comfortable.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors: Mark and Marlene Thone

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell); (585-748-8568 Mark’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone (marlenethone@mindspring.com)


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares (Advanced Club) is restarting on Tuesday, May 4 at the Pieters Center.

There is a time change for May through August. We will be dancing on Tuesday afternoons, 2:30–4:30 PM. Once school starts next September, we may have to move back to Tuesday evenings if the Center is open evenings then.

Masks should be worn when coming into the building and signing in at the desk. Masks will be optional in the gym when dancing.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-352-7877)
Reported by:
Mike Callahan


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Caller: Dave Eno

Debra Allen (banddallen@gmail.com) (315-598-3535)
Reported by:
Patricia Whaley


Silver Squares


After many zoom meetings with the Return to Dance Committee and zoom meetings with our Silver Squares Committee, the decision was made that Silver Squares could open safely if we followed CDC protocols and guidelines. We take temperatures, answer CDC questions, wear masks, sanitize after tips, do not have food, bring our own drink and most of all enjoy our time together.

Starting May 3rd, 2021, Silver Squares reopened at the Greece Methodist Church on Mondays from 1:00–3:00pm. Mile Callahan is calling and we are all dancing. Mike, in his kind and patient manner, is taking time with the group and it is amazing how much we all remember!

In an effort to control the numbers for the dance, Silver Squares, for now, is a Members Only dance. If you wish to become a member, you are welcome to call Anne Granger and have your name put on a wait list.

We still continue our weekly zoom chat where many of our Silver Squares and Belles and Beaus friends get together and talk about what we did during the week. We talk about animal control, taking out the garbage, and all kinds of crazy stuff. But, all kidding aside, it is a time we all look forward to so we can see each other and stay connected. Give a call if you would like to get in on the fun! Call Anne Granger at 585-317-6442 or email me at ssunnyweather7@gmail.com

Weekly walks will continue to be a part of Silver Squares. Sue Eddy has scheduled and organized each Tuesday at 1:30pm for a walk. So far, groups have been to Highland Park, Mount Hope Cemetery, and the Seneca Park Zoo. Call Sue at 585-227-6908 to see where the next walk will be.

Remember, Pandemic Square Dancing takes place every Wednesday from 8:00pm–8:45pm. If you haven’t joined the zoom call and would like to, please email brendabixby152@gmail.com. It is a great opportunity to visit and dance with square dance friends.

As we meet with our committee, more updates will be listed. Attached is a list of our questions and guidelines.

Also, Silver Squares has changed to a new president: Don Naulin/Anne Granger are now Co-Presidents of Silver Squares.

Don Naulin / Anne Granger (585-317-6442)
Reported by:
Anne Granger (ssunnyweather7@gmail.com) (585-317-6442)


Southern Tier Wheelers

Happy, happy days! Things are starting to return somewhat to the new normal. We are going ahead with scheduling the STW weekends for August, September and October. We will be camping August 13–15 with Betsy and Roy Gotta calling and cueing. Reservations will need to be made 4 weeks in advance per our prior agreement with Ed. So please make your reservations for camping by July 13 using email mail or calling us (607-857-1553 or 607-739-3299)

We have talked with Ed and he will be offering the hamburger/hotdog dinner that we planned to have on Saturday evening. When making reservations with us, please indicate if you will be ordering dinner for Saturday. For $10 per person you will have a choice of 2 burgers, 2 dogs or 1 of each along with sides and dessert. We will also be offering the Super Saturday Special to anyone who would like to come for the day on Saturday. The $20 person for that includes all the Saturday activities as well as dinner.

We will be sure to have lots of hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes with us. We are also asking that everyone bring a mask with them. We know that not everyone is being vaccinated—and we don’t have a problem with that—and are not requiring nor will we be asking for verification. If someone in a square asks that others wear a mask, we want to be able to accommodate that request. Masks will not be required but please lets all be respectful of each other.

The flyer for this weekend will be posted in the Promenader. It would be wonderful if we were able to have several squares on the floor for most of the day! Looking forward to seeing all of you soon. Stay healthy.

Yellow rocks to one and all,

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

The Village Squares will roll right into the summer of 2021 without skipping a beat—taking the summer off from dancing, as usual. But we’ll continue our weekly 7pm Wednesday Zoom gatherings for those who want to keep in touch. Our return to dancing in September seems likely, but we’ll wait until mid-summer to firm that up. A recent email survey shows that our members are nearly all vaccinated and planning to resume dancing as soon as they can. Many are already dancing, since they are also members of the Copy Cats.

We will gather in person for our Summer Picnic on Wednesday, July 21, at King’s Bend Park, located at 170 West Jefferson Road in Pittsford. See our flyer in this issue.

Stay Safe: Get Vaccinated. We hope to see you soon.

Peter & Sally Emmel (585-381-5049)
Reported by:
Sally Emmel


Waterwheel Squares

At this time the Waterwheel Squares are without a caller or a venue.

Gary Etherton (ge14094@gmail.com) (716-796-9265)
Reported by:
Gary Etherton