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Club News

Batavia Silver Stars
Boo Bull Rounds
Boo Bull Squares
Boo Bull Squares & Rounds
Cayuga Cut-Ups
Champagne Whirl-A-Ways
Cloverleaf Squares
Copy Cats
Dalton Gang
Dancing Shadows
Fun Bunch
Pairs N Squares
Penn Yan Friendship Squares
Round Towners
Shamrock Squares
Shirts 'N' Skirts
Silver Squares
Southern Tier Wheelers
Village Squares


Batavia Silver Stars

We dance Mainstream, Plus and Rounds in a 2x2 format on Monday evenings in Batavia, at the VA Medical Center, 222 Richmond Avenue, Building #4 (upstairs), Batavia, NY, starting at 7:00pm.

Our Callers are Gary and Alice Bubel, and Denny Frey

Lucy Pietrzykowski (luciapietrzykowski@gmail.com)
Reported by:
Lucy Pietrzykowski (luciapietrzykowski@gmail.com)


Boo Bull Rounds

This year, we have changed our format. We now dance Phase 2 & 3 on Wednesday afternoon 3:30–5:00. We review Phase 3 figures as needed. We are always open to reviewing and showing any figures that you might be having trouble with. Please join us some afternoon.

In the evening 6:30–8:30 we are teaching a basic waltz class. We have about 12 new dancers who are doing great!! We will continue to teach waltz, moving into Phase 3 figures and perhaps the foxtrot rhythm. Please feel free to join us some Wednesday evening if you want to brush up on the waltz.

Alice & Gary Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares

Where did summer go? Times seems to be dancing along at a fast pace. Please note that our club continues to dance until the beginning of December and we will continue our Tuesday night workshop. We are all having fun reviewing calls and dancing. We have been averaging about two squares each week. We welcome anyone who wants to review and brush up on their dancing and have a fun doing it!!

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Boo Bull Squares & Rounds

Our club dances on Friday afternoon 1:00–3:00. We dance both mainstream and plus with rounds between tips. We would love to have you come and dance with our club; and for those of you who do not want to drive at night now that it gets dark earlier, this eliminates night driving. We are a friendly, fun loving and welcoming club. Please join us some Friday afternoon—you won’t be disappointed!! As an added bonus, some of the group goes out for an early dinner, often at the LeRoy No Finer Diner and the good times continue!!

Gary & Alice Bubel (585-538-9887)
Reported by:
Gary and Alice Bubel


Cayuga Cut-Ups

Thank you to the friends & dancers attending our 63rd Anniversary Dance & Steak Roast, we had a blast! Long time dancers Kay & Andy Anderson, Missy Frendak, Norm Courtemanche & Polly Losito were recipients of the Circle of Service Award honoring their decades of service to the club. Thank you to the Hip Boot Boys for as much Hawaiian Luau theme music as possible!

The club is looking to Open Houses on September 5 & 12 at the United Methodist Church, 2744 East Brutus St, Weedsport, NY from 7–8:30pm. Then a quick Mystery Dance on September 7 (location known to one person); on to Special Dancing with our Annual Halloween party 10/24; Harvest Dinner 11/24 and White Elephant gifting party on 12/22. Regular weekly class/club dancing will continue after the Open Houses—September 19, with club dancing starting at 6pm and class coming about 7:15–8:15pm. Club dances are mainstream and plus levels.

Please note we will move to our Winter Dates on November 3rd, which is Sunday afternoons from 2–5pm.

Linda English (315-689-1679)
Reported by:
Linda English, Club Secretary


Champagne Whirl-A-Ways

We traditionally dance at 7:00 on Saturday evenings at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 122 Liberty Street, Bath, NY.

Look for us on Facebook as “Champagne Whirl-A-Ways Square Dance Club.”

We are currently on an indefinite pause while we regroup following the COVID interruption and the passing of our traditional caller, the late Mike Herne.

Diane Camp (607-776-4528)
Reported by:
Art Diefenbach


Cloverleaf Squares

Jane Avery told us about her summer picnic for all square dancers: “The Square Dance Picnic [at her house in Brockport] was a smashing success! There were about 30 dancers in attendance with a great assortment of food and desserts. We had a fun game of ‘RoadKill Bingo’ with prizes for the winners. People gathered around tables to play cards and games or to just chat with friends. The pool was open and well used by the children in attendance. At dusk, we started a bonfire and some people stayed and roasted marshmallows and made s’mores. The weather was absolutely perfect and a good time was had by all.” Jane said that she wished that more area dancers attended.

Our waltz class went well; we had about a dozen couples, many of whom attended Alice Bubel’s weekday class. This fall, more couples will be able to join their fellow round dancers between square dance tips. We also learned Plus calls throughout the summer. Our new Mainstream dancers should be able to attend more venues around town.

Last month, we were privileged to have Betsy and Roy Gotta call and cue for us. They have been leaders throughout the country and in Canada. Both have presented caller and cuer schools. It was great to have them at Cloverleaf’s.

In September, we are back to our winter digs in Chili. We dance at the First Baptist Church of Chili at 3182 Chili Avenue in Chili from 5:00 to 8:00. We will begin with our Ice Cream Social on September 8. Ice cream brings out the dancers! Our most important event is our Open House, which will begin at 5:00 on September 15. It is a special night to show others our hobby and sport and recruit others to join us in a new class. The weekly Mainstream class begins at 5:00 on September 22. Be on the watch for our Halloween-themed dance (Remember Ron Struzik’s bat costume from last year?). Come to our Veterans Day / Honor Flight dance to honor our veterans and donate to our yearly fundraiser for Honor Flight. One of our favorite dances is our Thanksgiving Dinner & Dance. We get a good showing during this favorite holiday. Our Santa / Elf Night is always fun; many dancers wear costumes.

You will find more information on our website’s flyer table (www.cloverleafsquares.org/Flyer_Table.htm) and this website under “Schedules.”

We have quite the assemblage of callers and cuers coming our way this quarter: Alice Bubel, Mike Callahan, Jim Gotta, Chuck Meyer, Mark Thone, and Lisa Treichler.

(585-987-5972) or (https://www.cloverleafsquares.org)
Reported by:
Carl T. Webster


Copy Cats

In June, Copy Cats held our club’s Trail’s End Picnic with business meeting, games and social time along with potluck dinner and dancing all at the beautiful Perinton Park in Fairport. The weather was perfect, and over 65 members and guests attended.

So far this summer, many Copy Cats have been taking advantage of dance opportunities at demos, with the Cloverleaf Club, with Gary Bubel, and at Silver Squares. There are Copy Cats learning to round dance with Alice Bubel and even trying A1 with Mike Callahan and Jim Gotta.

Copy Cats are looking forward to our summer potluck picnic on August 13, at King’s Bend Park in Pittsford from 3:00–8:00. We will challenge each other with games and enjoy a time to visit with each other while caller, Jim Gotta keeps us moving with lots of dancing.

Our big news is that we will be working with Penfield Recreation to hold our student (kitten) classes at the Penfield Community Center (1985 Baird Road, Penfield) on Wednesday evenings. The Penfield Recreation Brochure will advertise our classes and will handle registration. Students do not need to be residents; classes are open to everyone. Ron Brown will return as our caller and teacher and many members are signed up to be angels for our new class of kittens.

FREE OPEN HOUSE dates are Wednesday, September 18, and Wednesday, September 25, from 7:00–9:00. These will be followed by two introductory start-up classes on October 2 and 9 from 7:00–9:00 (registration via Penfield Recreation (required, fee $10.00). The fall semester of classes will run from October 16, 2024 through January 29, 2025, 7:00–9:00 (registration via Penfield Recreation required, fee $90).

Plus level refresher lessons will begin Wednesdays on September 18 from 6:15–7:00, prior to the Open Houses and the kitten classes (7:00–9:00).

The Copy Cats Dance schedule is for everyone; with fun themes, mainstream tips, round dances, plus tips and tasty snacks all at the First Baptist Church of Penfield, 1862 Penfield Road, from 7:00–9:00; Visitors cost $7.00, members free and 50/50 raffle tickets available for all. Please bring your own beverage.

Please see the schedule of future dances.

Email: copy.cats@live.com

Bonnie Allen and Dick Wesner (bfallen3@aol.com phone 585-633-2044)
Reported by:
Lynn and Don Lucas, Copy Cats Secretaries


Dalton Gang

We have been dark for the summer but got together on the 24th of August in Bliss, NY, to dance for the benefit of C.U.R.E. against childhood cancer. This was our second C.U.R.E. benefit dance, and with the help of ALL our square dancing friends it raised another $1,000 for C.U.R.E. Last year’s C.U.R.E. benefit dance also raised $1,000. There were guest callers and cuers, a basket raffle, 50-50, and individual donations. Raffles were at 4:30. Water and finger foods were provided. Thank you to all who attended.

With your help we want to continue this tradition EVERY year to help this great cause. Mark it on your calendar whenever you see our flyer. Sure, it’s a drive but what a great cause! Questions: Call Lynette Kemp at 585 689-3908 or Lori Duschen 585 380-2288.

Our open house will be September 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Living Hope Fellowship Hall, 30 Mail Street, Castile (on other side of the post office building). We will start regular dancing on October 8 at the same time and place. Come dance with us. We are a fun, laid back club.

Jamond Billyard (jamondbillyard@yahoo.com)
Reported by:
Nancy L. Mirabal


Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows is an Easy Level (Phase II–III) Round Dance Club which meets on Monday evenings from 8:00–10:00. The program consists of Easy Level dancing and includes a teach part way through the evening. In addition, we will stop to address and work on any questions as they occur. Dress is casual/comfortable.

We have not yet settled on a new dance location, so stay tuned for day, time and place.

Marlene Thone (585-748-5131 cell) (marlenethone@mindspring.com)
Reported by:
Marlene & Mark Thone


Fun Bunch

We are a fun Mainstream and Plus club that dances every Tuesday from 6:45–9:00 pm at the Weedsport Presbyterian Church, 8871 S Seneca St, Weedsport, NY.

Please visit our Facebook page—TheFunBunchSquareDanceClub.

Daniel Dobrovosky (mddobrovosky@verizon.net)
Reported by:
Elisa Keating (elisakeating1@gmail.com)


Pairs N Squares

The Pairs ’N’ Squares is a Mainstream and Plus club. We are pleased to have new class dancers taking lessons. We dance EVERY Monday night from 6:30–8:30 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Liverpool. Come join us with Ron Schweitzer calling.

Betty Green (bettygreenjafra82@gmail.com) (315-209-0541)
Reported by:
Betty Green


Penn Yan Friendship Squares

Penn Yan Friendship Squares will hold workshops on Wednesdays this fall on September 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; November 6, 13, 20; and December 4, 11, 18. The location and time will be the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 402 Elm Street in Penn Yan, from 6:30 until 9:00. All workshops start with class-level dancing at 6:30 and club-level dancing later. The cost for workshops is $6.00 per dancer.

We will host a Saturday afternoon dance on October 26 with early rounds at 3:00 followed by 2x2 from 3:30 until 6:00 at the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 402 Elm Street in Penn Yan. Dave Eno will be our caller and Lisa Treichler will be cueing. The cost for this dance will be $7.00 per dancer.

We will host a Saturday afternoon class/club dance on December 7 with early rounds at 3:00 followed by 2x2 from 3:30 until 6:00 at the Penn Yan Grange Hall, 402 Elm Street in Penn Yan. Richard Rosenfield will be our caller and Lisa Treichler will be cueing. There is no charge for class members. The cost for other dancers will be $7.00 each.

We will be hosting the Watkins Glen Weekend from September 20–22, 2024 at Clute Park Community Center in Watkins Glen, NY. Jack Pladdys from Indian Springs, OH will be the caller & Steve and Irene Bradt from Easton, PA will be cueing. See our flyer on this site, and please mark your calendars to come down for the weekend or just an evening or all day on Saturday. For more info, contact Sue Irvine at 585-330-9129 or her email at irvinesuej@gmail.com. Stay well, and we hope to see you!

Lise Rosenfield (585-245-3720)
Reported by:
Gary & Sue Groom (585-489-6186)


Round Towners

Round Towners is an Easy to Intermediate Round Dance Club, dancing a Phase III & IV level program, on Thursday evenings from 8:00–10:00. A teach or a review, at the Phase III+ or Phase IV level, is included most evenings. We work on Phase III+ and Phase IV figures in all rhythms and welcome anyone to join us who is interested in dancing at this level. Dress is casual/comfortable.

Round Dance Leaders/Instructors: Mark and Marlene Thone

Mark & Marlene Thone (585-226-8984 home); (585-748-5131 Marlene’s cell); (585-748-8568 Mark’s cell)
Reported by:
Mark & Marlene Thone (marlenethone@mindspring.com)


Shamrock Squares

Shamrock Squares dances the Callerlab Advanced A-2 program on Tuesday afternoons 2:00–4:00 at the Pieters Family Life Center, 1025 Commons Way, Rochester. We welcome all A-2 dancers to join us. For more information, please call.

Caller Mike & Wanda Callahan (585-406-8797)
Reported by:
Mike Callahan


Shirts 'N' Skirts

Where has the summer gone? We have celebrated our 5 new graduates and started teaching the plus calls. They are doing great!

We are starting the fall with open houses on September 20 & 27. Bring your friends and show them how much fun we have.

October 25 we will celebrare Halloween with a costume contest and many treats. November 22 will be our Thanksgiving feast complete with turkey and all the trimmings. December 13 will be our annual Toys for Tots toy drive. December 20 will be our Christmas celebration. We won’t dance after that until the New Year.

Happy Dancing to all!

Caller: Dave Eno

Jerri Saintey (jsaintey@verizon.net) (315-546-3651)
Reported by:
Jerri Saintey


Silver Squares

If you are looking for something to do on a Monday afternoon, come over and dance at Silver Squares! We dance almost every Monday (Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall) from 1:00–3:00 and dance Mainstream, Plus, and Rounds. We are located in the Greece United Methodist Church at 1924 Maiden Lane in Rochester, NY 14626. The cost is $5.00 per person. We welcome anyone who would like to join us. There is no better place to be on a Monday afternoon for dancing, fun, laughter, and friendship.

Our theme parties continue to be extremely successful. We continue to have four squares weekly and sometimes even five squares. Looking back at our dances, we had a lot of fun. We celebrated Memorial Day, Flag Day, and July 4 with pride and patriotism. We all dressed in red, white and blue and Mike played many patriotic songs. Joann Baxter continues to be our best dressed patriotic dresser. We had an amazing end-of-year picnic with hot dogs and more food than anyone could eat! We also managed to dance with five squares dancing and one square socializing! Summer rolled in and we started it with a Chocolate Day!! Our bakers, cooks, and shoppers surprised us with a delight of chocolate desserts. Members dressed up as Hershey Bars, Kit Kats, and Kisses. Then we had a “real ice cream social” with dishes of ice cream, many toppings, whipped cream and sprinkles. Gone were the ice cream novelties. The members of Silver Squares took over the planning and serving. Thank you, Everyone!! The Pie Party was next and we had a huge variety of pies. In case anyone is wondering if we danced, YES, WE DID and we had a lot of FUN!!!

We are having fun with banner stealing between Silver Squares, Cayuga Cut Ups and Copy Cats! Silver Squares has stolen the Copy Cats banner three times and they have taken it back twice! They will be back to retrieve their banner soon. A group of six couples drove out to Cayuga Cut-Ups to dance and get our banner back. What a welcoming and friendly group! We are having lots of fun dancing and visiting with other dancers. Square dancing is truly a blessing for many of us. Besides the exercise, it is an opportunity to socialize and just have a great time!

We look forward to the rest of our dance schedule for the 2024–2025. Please look on the Promenader under Ads and Flyers to see our 2024–2025 calendar with days off and regular dances listed.

We have two theme parties a month along with our regular fun dances, so there is a lot of opportunity to dance. Just remember that we dance weekly on Monday afternoons. So, dust off your dancing shoes and come over to Silver Squares.

Come join us anytime! Dance in a Square and Make a Circle of Friends.

Don Naulin / Anne Granger (naulin@netzero.net) (585-200-0464)
Reported by:
Anne Granger (ssunnyweather7@gmail.com) (585-317-6442)


Southern Tier Wheelers

Summer is drawing to a close. While many of your clubs are busy organizing “Hi Neighbor” nights, the Southern Tier Wheelers are wrapping up our dancing/camping season. We would like to thank all of you who came and joined us for a Saturday afternoon dance. We looked forward to having visitors, and you all brought such enthusiasm and added much to our dancing pleasure.

However, you still have two more chances to experience a dance with the “Wheelers.” Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. On our September weekend (September 6–8), we will be dancing to the calling and cueing of Gary and Alice Bubel. The Saturday afternoon begins with early rounds at 1:00 and ends at 4:00. You are invited to join us for a “happy hour” and to even stay for dinner (chicken parm). Howard Williamson and Lisa Treichler will be doing the honors for our October weekend (October 4–6). Dinner will be Ed’s famous spaghetti and meatballs which are always delicious—as are all of his meals. Dance fees are $7.00 per person and meals are a very reasonable cost of $15. We hope you take advantage of one or both of these opportunities to join us before the season is over with.

We will soon be considering dates for next summer and will be sharing that with all of you as soon as we can. Until we can meet in a square once again, yellow rocks to one and all.

Bill and Pat Mosher (607-739-3299)
Reported by:
Bill & Pat Mosher


Village Squares

The Village Squares are hibernating for now, having been decimated over the past few years by COVID and attrition. A few of us are gathering Wednesday evenings on Zoom, to stay in touch while we wait for lightning to strike—bringing the spark of life into the club and making a return to dancing possible.

Peter Emmel (585-732-1004)
Reported by:
Peter Emmel (p.emmel47@gmail.com)