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[WNYF Minutes]

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — September 11, 2019

Submitted by Gary and Lorraine Granath

WELCOME/Call to Order: 7:38 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Kris and Amy Aeckerle, Sue Eddy, Carol Ann Stahl, Donna LaDonna, Rick LaDonna, Jane Jones, Stu Jones, Jan Bencic, Sharon Meyer, Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath


GUEST: Don Felice.

QUORUM: We have a quorum.

AGENDA REVIEW: No changes/additions.


SECRETARIES’ REPORT: No corrections or edits for Minutes from May, 2019. Motion to accept the minutes: Debbie accepted minutes and Carol Ann seconded.

TREASURERS’ REPORT: / Donna and Rick LaDonna (per updated report via email after the 9/11/19 RAF meeting.)

Bank Statement Ending Balance June 30, 2019: $17,920.53.

Total Funds Available September 11, 2019: $17,599.07.

DANCE-O-RAMA 2020/Debbie /Jeff Blood: Callers: Contracts have been signed for all the callers for DOR. We finalized the schedule for dancing. The dance will be held in Perinton. The dinner menu is being researched. We hope to have advertising done by October: fliers, Facebook, Promenader. We are on target.

INSURANCE/ Carol Ann / Sharon: Because of her many commitments, Sharon has requested to be removed from position of second person for insurance. Carol Ann is looking for a replacement, preferably someone familiar with the insurance procedures. Rick LaDonna volunteered for the position.

We have a new chairperson for the region. I am currently waiting for the present rate, which may or may not change from last year. When I receive the current rate, I will print up directions and have Peter put them online.

Please send one copy of your completed forms to Carol Ann by October 15th. Use your club roster. Cross out names of those who are no longer members. Add names of new members. Please send Carol Ann a list of class members. No charge for class members, but need names.

CCR: Jim / Chuck: CCR has had one meeting this year. Jim was not able to attend. Chuck is not in attendance tonight. No input tonight.

PROMENADER/WEB SITE: Peter / Sidney not in attendance tonight. Jim: September Promenader went out.

PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE/ Kris and Amy: We have had two very successful, well attended, dances this summer (7–8 squares each). Received positive feedback. Primary focus was to keep our new grads dancing. Many clubs were represented. There are no dances scheduled for this fall by the Promotions Committee. After our meeting, Amy emailed statistics to RAF board regarding number of 2019 graduates in attendance at the two free, summer, Federation dances. Attendance for the July dance was 72 dancers, 3 being recent graduates. Attendance at the August dance was 63 dancers, 7 being recent graduates.

Plan to meet with class coordinators/club presidents about connecting a mentor(s) with each new class member. Printed cards to be given out to anyone interested in square dancing. Cards were distributed to club Presidents at the Presidents’ meeting. Federation website and Facebook are listed on the cards.

Jan Bencic mentioned that the free dances were both on the second Friday of the month. Members of Batavia Silver Stars attend a Grange meeting the second Friday of the month. Amy/Kris: In the future Promotions Committee will stagger dance days (example: not always a Friday) and week # (not always week #1, 2, 3, or 4) in each month.

Copy Cats implemented and paid for radio advertising on Legends, 102.7. Amy Aeckerle was interviewed by the station. Focus on Copy Cats; but Amy mentioned there are other clubs in the area, gave the federation website and mentioned Facebook. Well received. Includes 30-second ads and 15-second ads and interviews.


Fall Ball: September 28, 2019. Reviewed checklist of items needed and volunteers needed. Serving water, coffee, and tea. Using the checked tablecloths in totes.

Gary G bringing ice for water cooler.

Gary G to bring two power strips for crockpots.

Gary G bringing key and will open and help set up.

Donna and Rick (Treasurers) arriving early and assisting with clean up at end of evening. Retrieve totes at end of dance.

Jim G. to provide written surveys: Location, dance level, catered dinner versus pot luck, dinner versus just snacks for grazing during the dance, dancer comments/suggestions for future.

Deb — provide small pencils for survey.

Deb — provide box for surveys.

50/50 tickets and “bucket” are in the RAF totes. (Gary bringing totes).

RAF banner is in totes. Will use CC’s banner stand.

Need volunteers to help with manning registration, admission process, 50/50.

Federation to order Pizza one hour into dance if needed.

Deb: 50/50 raffle tickets are now 1 ticket for $1.00, 3 tickets for $2.00, 12 tickets for $5.00, and 30 tickets for $10.00. No need to change anything.

The venue rental includes use of the kitchen. Ovens and refrigerator available.

Donna and Rick prepared sign-in sheet which lists: name, club, general admission $5.00 per person, $3.00 with dish to pass, 2019 grads free, and if dancer brings a 2019 graduate the dancer gets in for free. (All 2019 grads have free admission.) (One dish per couple is acceptable.)

Setup for dance/Jim: callers will share same equipment. Two tables: One for callers, one for cuer.

Dance Level: Mostly mainstream (called to the floor) with at least one (announced) plus level tip.

There will not be a silent auction at the 2019 Fall Ball.

BY-LAWS UPDATES: Discussion tabled.

Jim: Promenader Committee. People working on this. Possibly change title to Promenader Team.

Board to read Peter’s proposed revisions. Partial list:

Add title Promotions Committee Chairperson to officers of the Federation. Retire title of Communications Liaison.

Amy and Kris check Peter’s proposed revisions regarding Promotions Committee Chairperson and the Promotions Committee titles and responsibilities. Amy and Kris are welcome to offer an alternative proposal.

Deb/Jeff: Change wording on DOR date restrictions. Deb: Preferably the DOR should be held the first Saturday in May to replace present wording stating DOR has to be the first Saturday in May. Deb will email Jim and Peter with proposal. Difficulties arose with alternative locations due to being locked into the first weekend in May. It closed us out of potential venues.


MEETING TIMES/ Jim: A suggestion was made at the Presidents’ Meeting to change the start-time for RAF meetings to begin at 6:30 p.m., allowing more people to attend. As DOR does not need to meet in October, 2019, propose RAF meeting for October, 2019, begin at 6:30 p.m. This may be made a permanent switch to 6:30 p.m. if accepted and beneficial.

(There will not be a DOR meeting in October of 2019.)

DEMONSTRATIONS: One objective of our organization is community support/involvement. Demos have been cancelled due to lack of dancers. A demo, scheduled for September 18, 2019, at Creekview Nursing Home, 525 Beahan Rd, Rochester, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at this time does not have a full square. Two clubs, the closest to the requested demo, were focused. One couple from each club signed up.

A demo is scheduled for October 6, 2019, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., at Rotary Sunshine Campus, 809 Five Points Rd, Rush, NY, 14543. Contact Carol Ann Stahl if you have questions and to volunteer. stahlsinrush@rochester.rr.com. Demo at Wickham Farms, 1315 Sweets Corner Rd., Penfield, Fall Festival, September 29, 2019, 1:00 p.m. Donna LaDonna checking into information for this. Mike Callahan, caller.

Jim: In past to present, demos have been focused through a particular club. With the square dance population going down, perhaps we need to open this up. Possibly a location on the website with info regarding demos in need of dancers and/or a list of volunteers who enjoy participating in demos and willing to be notified of upcoming demos. Deb suggested Facebook.

Jim Suggestion: Promotion Committee take responsibility for requests for demos that have a potential for new dancers.

SIKORSKY DANCE: Do we want to schedule Mike Sikorsky for this dance season? Majority in agreement to schedule again. Sharon to contact Mike Sikorsky, ask what dates he is available, and if he is doing his East Coast run again.

GRANTS: Copy Cats request received. Jim to check forms. Approved or not, Copy Cats will be informed.

ADJOURNED: 9:00 p.m.





Next RAF meeting: 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 15, 2019, at Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd., Henrietta


Submitted by Gary and Lorraine Granath


ATTENDEES: Kris Aeckerle, Amy Aeckerle, Donna LaDonna, Rick LaDonna, Jeff Blood, Debbie Blood, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Stu Jones, Jane Jones, Sharon Meyer.

ABSENT: Warren Olson.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: No changes suggested. May, 2019, Minutes accepted.

AGENDA REVIEW: No new items were suggested.

CHECKLIST: Added a column for target due date when the task should be completed.

STATUS OF CALLERS AND CUERS: Contracts for all callers are complete. The regional caller will be: Jonathon Weiner.

CATERER: Last year researched several caterers. We used Wilshire in 2019. Comments received on survey were 78.6% favorable. Shall we go with Wilshire or research other caterers? Wilshire tends to be less expensive than others. Wilshire provides paper products, and they deliver. Price for 2020 may increase from $15.00 per meal to $16.00 per meal. The chicken was very dry last year. To do chicken French or chicken parm, it would add $3.00 to the meal. The eggplant parm was completely gone before all the people reached the serving table. Research done last year showed all caterers’ prices went up $1.00–$2.00 per meal for catered dinner. Only one person said they did not like the food. Looking for suggestions. Do we want to stay with Wilshire? Comments on the 2019 survey mentioned prefer not to have Italian food.

Donna L.: Copy Cats club has used Flaherty’s. They are a little more expensive, and they do not deliver. Flaherty’s does not include paper products. Mr. Dominic’s is mostly Italian food, but less expensive than Flaherty’s. Italian food is generally less expensive, but hoping for diversity.

Jim: Dinners sold have gone from: 69 in 2017, 87 in 2018, and 98 in 2019.

Jim: No need to investigate others, but get price lists for Otto Tomotto’s and Wilshire.

Compare the two.

Last year for similar products: Wilshire was $11.43. Otto Tomatto’s was $15.10 for similar meal.

Wilshire is the only one providing free paper products. Everyone else is charging for these items (on paper). Jim: Otto’s never charged us for paper products even though it was in the written quote.

Deb: Will check out Otto Tomotto’s and compare with Wilshire for 2020. Already checked Wilshire. If ordering chicken French, the cost will be $14.00 per dinner without delivery and tax. With delivery and tax, it would be up to $16.00 per dinner (cost includes paper products).

Email follow up and responses from board members were in favor of Otto Tomotto’s.


At May’s meeting we discussed placing the line dancing at a different time so it does not coincide with dinner hour allowing more people to attend. Dance schedule will not be the same as it has been in the past.

Jim: Draft for dance schedule has line dancing scheduled for 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (while volunteers set up for dinner). Line dancing added 7:30 p.m.–8:15 p.m., in between squares (in place of round dancing). Only dedicated line dancing on schedule for 2020 is 5:00 to 5:30 pm. We do not know population for line dancing. At 8:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m., return to 2 x 1 in mainstream hall.

Deb/Jeff: Sidney is not supporting open mic during dinner hour. Only one caller participated.

Jim G: Suggests we still have open mic, but need more advertising in attempt to get more callers. We need something for people to do while we set up for dinner. Suggest 2020 reduce open mic time to 30 min, 5:00–5:30 p.m. Draft of schedule for DOR has not been reviewed with callers. It is offered for the RAF board to accept or deny.

Deb: No need to make dancers wait in the hall while dinner is being set up. Next year we will let them enter the dining area.

Need to include free dinner for line dance caller.

Need to post the DOR dance schedule in the Promenader and Facebook (once scheduled).


2020: ?????

2019: lilac with black text

2018: black with silver text

2017: dark lavender with white text

2016: purple with white text

Ribbon design for 2020: White background with dark purple writing was suggested. Warren indicated via email those colors would be okay.


Perinton Rec is reserved for 2020. No increase in price since 2018. 2020 price is same as 2018. The quilters are at Perinton Rec every other year. They will be present at the 2020 DOR date. Quilters’ designated parking will be at rear lot. The Perinton Rec Aerobics room at DOR 2019 was much improved over 2018. Additional fans and changed speaker locations.

Venues ruled out:

Most Holy Trinity as venue for DOR. Copy Cats used Most Holy Trinity for Christmas-In-July dance. Acoustics very poor. Could not hear caller in the rear of the hall. Echoing. Not viable for DOR.

Ruled out Sweden Walker Road due to distance. People said they would not go to Sweden Walker Road.

Early Childhood Center in Victor (part of Victor Schools) was suggested in May. Deb via email dated 9/13/19: We contacted the Victor School District about the potential of using the Early Childhood Center for a future DOR. We were told if we charged attendees any fee, we could not use the facility. This means no admission dance fee or raffles. This location is not feasible for us to use for DOR.

Geneva was suggested but distance not favorable.

If anyone has a suggestion for an alternate venue for future DOR, please let us know.

On 9/13/2019, Debbie and Jeff provided committee members and Promenader (Peter and Sidney), via email, the DOR facility requirements/specifications outlining the space requirements by hall and listing additional considerations. Also included a listing of 20+ alternative DOR sites that had been suggested and reviewed through 9/13/19.


Dinner flier (separate from Dance flier) — Research is ongoing.

DOR Dance flier. Warren has received from Deb and Jeff information for creating the DOR dance flier.


Jim G — Email dance flier to out of town callers.

Leon Smith — “Where’s the dance” web site. Jim G. sends to Leon.

Deb B. and Jim G. — Promenader web site and Facebook.


Warren — Design dangles.

Warren — Order dangles.


Jim Gotta/Deb and Jeff Blood — Fill out by January of 2020.


Need to have baskets at DOR by 1:30 p.m.

Possibly have a sign for the basket raffle — Please do not alter tickets OR Please do not bend tickets.


Suggestions: Have all previous winners come forward at the same time or possibly be seated at the front of the hall at the beginning of the program. Reserved seating in front?

Create a display, locate in hall, explaining award and listing past recipients. This idea was very well received by the committee.

The link for the nomination form is on the RAF home page (AWARDS), but it is not in the document tab. Deb to ask to have the form added to the document tab.

CIRCLE OF SERVICE AWARD: This award is not always given at the DOR. Can be removed from program.

GREETERS: Seeking a Coordinator to be in charge of Volunteer Greeters. At DOR 2019, several greeters never showed for their scheduled times. Several Copy Cats volunteers did double shifts. Debbie also covered greeter positions due to volunteers not showing up. Need club presidents to provide the names of volunteer greeters, the time frame for which each greeter is scheduled, and a contact number.

SOLO DANCER: Solo stickers provided at 2019 DOR were not utilized. Deb and Jeff brought back leftover light green “Ask me to Dance” solo dance ribbons from the USDA Convention.

Plan to use them at DOR 2020 by cutting off convention-specific info. Solo dancers can easily layer them with our DOR 2020 ribbon for identification.

USED CLOTHING: Idea well received. Did create issues as well as opportunities. Carol Ann donated remaining clothing to the Rush Henrietta School. If we provide used clothing in the future, we will need a volunteer to oversee this. Have clothing rack well labeled, and do not place free clothing near coat racks.

DINNER/HOSPITALITY: For 2020 DOR, would like a volunteer to oversee the snack room and have a separate volunteer for the dining room/dinner. Mary Jo Webster was head of both snack room and dinner in 2019.

We are trying to recruit more volunteers and have them shadow the 2020 volunteers. They would then feel comfortable taking over for 2021. Volunteer opportunities need to be talked about more at individual clubs.

POSSIBLE TIME CHANGE FOR DOR MEETING: Possibly switch RAF meetings to begin at 6:30 p.m. and end at 8:00 p.m. Switch DOR start time to 8:00 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. Need to discuss at Federation Meeting also.

Deb question: The October, 2019, meeting was added in anticipation that we may have a different DOR site. We are locked into Perinton site for DOR 2020. Is there really a need for a DOR meeting in October? Will do email regarding dinner menu and working with Warren. Do not see a real need for an October meeting for DOR.

Jim response: We need to keep moving forward on dinner, fliers and ribbons. If all is going according to schedule, we do not need a DOR meeting in October. Deb to get in touch with Warren.

Next RAF meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., October 15, 2019. NO DOR MEETING

SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 15, 2019. If DOR members need a short meeting at the end of the RAF meeting, we can stay for a few minutes.

Donna: Questioned the process of Registration at DOR. Seemed a little confusing at the 2019 DOR. No need for two sign-in locations. In 2020 we will have the names of dancers who purchased ribbons, by club. It might be a good idea to have that printed out. This would just be a matter of a checkmark. There would be a separate list of those who purchase ribbons at the door.

Jim: There should be only one sign in. Not sure why there were two locations to sign in. All those who paid should be listed. (If a person forgets their ribbon, but has paid, check the list and give them a ribbon.) Need to add a column to make a checkmark saying gave a ribbon.



NEXT DOR MEETING: November 21, 2019. Time to be determined at the RAF October, 2019 meeting.



ATTENDEES: Amy Aeckerle, Kris Aeckerle, Jan Bencic, Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Jim Gotta, Lorraine Granath, Gary Granath, Jane Jones, Stu Jones, Donna LaDonna, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Kaitlyn Shirley, Chuck Meyer (late arrival), Carol Ann Stahl

CALL-IN ATTENDEES: Paula Schumacher (Shirts ’N’ Skirts) and Bill Ryan (Batavia Silver Stars).

AGENDA REVIEW: No changes made to the agenda.

QUORUM: Gary and Lorraine — Yes, we have a quorum.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Motion to accept April 04, 2019, minutes: Warren 1st; Stu 2nd. No one opposed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu: Balance on Hand April 04, 2019: $16,728.00 in RAF account. Today, May 14, 2019, BOH after DOR: $17,920.53. Receipts: dinner tickets, ribbons, and dangles. Disbursements primarily for DOR: callers, cuers, line dance caller, Wilshire Catering, Perinton Rec., paper goods, ribbons, dangles, mailings.

Promenader Fund: $4,433.86. Unchanged from April, 2019.

Dancer Recruitment/Retention Fund: May 14, 2018, BAL: $1,648.97. May 4, 2019, BAL: $2,496.47.

Overall net gain for the year 5/12/2018–5/14/2019 — $6,579.47.


DOR: Debbie and Jeff Blood: Feedback very positive. Survey Results: 31. 87.1% of those responding dance mainstream/plus. Venue rating (Perinton Rec.): 87.1% favorable. DOR rating: 87.1% favorable. Suggestion what to change for next near: location was mentioned by 8 (25.8%) people. (Prefer only DOR participants use the facility.) Dinner: 78.6% favorable. 74.2% want dinner to continue to be offered at future DORs. To continue dinner availability at DOR was responded to by those who had dinner and those who did not.

Jan Bencic (Batavia Silver Stars) remarked that their club members do not attend DOR because it is too far away.

Starting to look at callers and cuers for next year.

Donna LaDonna suggested each club make a list of their volunteers, so we can track them down if they do not take their shift. Deb responded we are aware of the problem and thank all who filled in or took double shifts. This should be improved next year. We are adding a volunteer coordinator for 2020.

Seeking suggestions from the entire Square Dance Community for alternate venues for future DORs. Deb will post request on Promenader.

Deb and Jeff have looked at a minimum of 20 alternate sites for DOR. None of which are feasible. Sites researched, but found unfeasible:

Town of Greece Senior Center
Greece Central Schools
Pittsford Rec Center
Henrietta Rec Center
RIT Inn Conference Center
River’s Edge Party House
Charter School/Greece Odyssey
Good Shepherd — Henrietta
Archangel — Henrietta
St. Jude — Spencerport
Father’s House — Paul Rd.
Gates Chili High School
Quality Inn — Gates — near airport
RIT Campus
Presbyterian Church in Fairport, near Wegmans.

INSURANCE: Carol Ann: Nine clubs have graduates. Four have sent their list and checks. I emailed the other clubs. I will enter what I have tomorrow. If they do not want a delay in their insurance, they should get their information to me. Clubs still missing lists and checks at the time of this meeting: Belles and Beaus (one graduate), club waiting to hear if she is going to join the club; Batavia Silver Stars are aware (one graduate); Waterwheels responded to my email and will send a check this week; Cayuga Cut Ups; and Shirts ’N’ Skirts.

Once entered to roster, I print the roster highlighting new grads. I send that to the insurance chairman with the checks. The insurance chairman emails me, and I email the clubs.

Jim reminder to Paula Schumacher (Shirts ’N’ Skirts) on speaker phone.

CCR: Nothing to report. No date yet for Summer Sizzler.

PROMENADER: Peter Emmel: Preparing June issue. Deb and Jeff to enter DOR article this week. Working with two new clubs (Pairs ’N’ Squares and The Fun Bunch) to get them into the cycle. To Donna/Treasurer: There will be checks coming in for the $5.00 listing fees.

Jan Bencic (Batavia Silver Stars): Not all members of Silver Stars have a computer and many are not computer literate. Peter mentioned the Promenader is formatted for those who wish to copy portions to have available at their club dances. Peter Emmel to speak with Jan.

MARKETING COMMITTEE: Starting in June, 2019, Amy and Kris will take the lead of the Promotions Committee. Jeff and Deb will remain on the committee.

We are looking into having business cards created, similar to the lawn signs, to help clubs promote recruitment in the Fall. Working on a template for a common flyer that all clubs can use to promote classes. We will submit a summer budget.

We have been using Facebook the last few months. There are at least 50 hits on each item posted. Membership is not high yet, but growing.

Our next meeting is Thursday, June 13th.


FALL BALL: Gary: need to discuss incidentals: Who is going to take care of opening/locking up the church. Need paper products. Need tables set up for buffet. Take down tables after buffet. Clean up. Peter suggested: We should make an event planning sheet/guideline that has blanks for who is in charge of “what”. September 11, is our next and last meeting prior to the dance. Phil/Mary and Peggy/Dave have keys.

Gary G. to call Phil/ Mary and Peggy and Dave Stockmeister to see if they are attending the Fall Ball. Need keys to open and lock up.

Jim G to make a list of what needs to be done. Sharon suggested: send list to all clubs for volunteers.

OPEN MIC: May 15th, 4–5 amateur callers scheduled.

RAF MEETINGS FOR NEXT NEAR: Booked at Bill Grays for rest of 2019. Bill Grays will get 2020 calendar from Corporate in January. Jim gave Bill Grays a copy of the full schedule and talked with the manager. Manager will schedule when 2020 calendar comes in.

PRESIDENTS’ MEETING: This is not an RAF meeting. This is a meeting for the Presidents by the Presidents. Jim would be happy to facilitate. Will schedule. Preferably after June 17th. Peter suggested we invite callers to the Presidents’ meeting.

BYLAW SUGGESTIONS: To close list of topics tonight. Topics suggested so far: Primary is to change title and redefine Communication Liaison Officer. Eliminate terminology Promenader Committee, which no longer exists. Update Mission Statement. Discuss the present scheduling restriction of DOR. No new topics suggested. Topics are now closed.

In the Fall:

Communication Liaison Officer. Amy, Kris, Deb, and Jeff — propose both title and description for the Bylaws.

Eliminate terminology Promenader Committee: We have people working on this.

Mission Statement: Peter will draft proposal for new mission statement.

Board to consider the present scheduling restriction of DOR to the first Saturday in May. The possibility of two to three weekends to choose from would be helpful. Venues not always available 1st weekend in May. Deb and Jeff looking at last Saturday in April. It could be difficult to schedule DOR earlier than first weekend in May due to club classes. Easter week could be a conflict in April. Month of May conflicts: second weekend is Mothers’ Day, fourth weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Other conflicts in May: First Communion, college graduation, Tri-Club Dance, snowbirds. Jim: we may be able to expand scheduling DOR to the 1st or 3rd weekend in May. Peter: We try to schedule the Tri-Club Dance after the snowbirds return, but not too close to DOR. The earlier you schedule DOR, the more you restrict Tri-Club. Tri-Club 2020 is already set. Jim: DOR date restriction tonight is general discussion. Board to consider over summer. Decision needs to last 3–5 years. Would we be willing to open the scheduling of DOR to more than the 1st weekend in May, and what additional weekends? How would you word new bylaw?

CONFERENCE CALL SYSTEM: Last month Jim signed up for a conference call system as we now have more clubs outside Monroe County than inside. A couple volunteers called in last month to listen in. Concern is the equipment in the meeting room. Background noise, ability for caller to hear those in meeting room and for us to hear caller. Other issues: callers cannot see handouts, not familiar with voices. Conference call etiquette would need to be learned. One person talks at a time. A speaker phone is okay, not optimal. Devices researched by Jim utilize a cell phone. The conference call service we have is free. Caller uses a toll number, enters an access code and is connected to the conference call. No land line in meeting room, need device that connects to a cell phone. Need a volunteered cell phone, which would use their minutes if they are a minute plan. Uses Blue Tooth connection to the phone, use cell phone to dial in. It provides an external speaker and microphone.

Bill Ryan: “The improvement over last month’s trial is substantial.” Believes comments about conference call etiquette will help immensely. “I have no problems with what you have now. Coming in perfectly clear.”

Jim: The speaker in our room does not allow us to hear the caller as well as we would like.

Deb: May need to check out other equipment. May not have a dedicated phone each meeting.

Jim: Will hold off on new equipment for now. If anyone knows of other equipment, cell phone compatible, notify Jim. Jim will work with those who have done conference calls and come up with a page of conference call etiquette.

MARKETING BUDGET: We have a proposed summer budget. These are estimates. Propose two summer dances, one in July and one in August, to encourage new graduates to continue to dance. Working with Gary Bubel for Friday nights. Hoping for free admission. Jan Bencic asked please avoid Monday, August 19th, (Batavia Silver Stars) Federation already has a free dance scheduled. Putting together business cards mirroring lawn signs. Working on recruitment flyer template. Clubs can use template or use their own. Presbyterian Church again invited us to be part of Family Fun Night. We had six squares last year. This is their 10th anniversary, and they will be giving it more publicity than last year. Warren mentioned he saw business cards at DOR. He liked them as they had space to write phone number(s), allowing person to follow up with you. Jim asked, is there a motion on the floor to allow Marketing Committee to spend up to $575.00 over the summer prior to meeting in September. Carol Ann made motion to accept $575.00 proposed budget. Peter seconded. Warren: Where will money come from? Deb: Promotion/Recruitment/Retention fund. Discussion followed. Summer proposed budget approved by all. No one against. Motion carried.

Deb: Federation, Promotions Committee and callers need to work together to keep dancing alive in Rochester.

Jan Bencic: Batavia Silver Stars offering free admission to anyone dancing at their club for the first time.

Congratulations to Kaitlyn Shirley, Copy Cats Rep, who is expecting a baby in August of 2019!!!



Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 11, 2019

At: Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Road.


Submitted by Gary and Lorraine Granath


ATTENDEES: Kris Aeckerle, Amy Aeckerle, Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Stu Jones, Jane Jones, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Mary Jo Webster.

AGENDA REVIEW: No new items suggested.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Motion to accept minutes of April 4th DOR meeting was made by Kris

Aeckerle. Jeff Blood seconded.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Attendance at 2019 DOR: 255. (210 purchased ribbons prior to dance. 45 walk-ins). Income: $5,227.50. Expenses: $3,535.46. Net Gain: $1,692.04. Numbers comparable to the last two years.

Raffle ticket sales:
Net gain 2019: $1692.04
Net gain 2018: $1523.27
Net gain 2017: $1424.68

Stu suggested in future list by club all who prepaid. Day of dance, these people could simply initial beside their name. Would alleviate congestion at the sign-in table. Leave blank lines for those paying at the door. Suggestion was well received. A big thank you was given to Stu for his suggestions, keeping us well informed, and up to date. He has done a fantastic job as RAF Treasurer.

DANCE SURVEY: Total responses: 31. Of those who responded: 19.4% were attending for the first time. 74.2% Annual attendees. Rating of DOR: 87.1% High quality/Good. Preferred level of dance: 87.1% Mainstream/Plus. Rating of venue (Perinton Rec Center): 87.1%

Favorable (between good and excellent). Changes for next year: 25.8% said location. (Clubs were notified that Perinton Rec is the only viable option available for 2020. Researched 20 alternative locations. Continuing to look.) Dancers who had buffet: 45.2%. Of those who had dinner: 78.6% rated meal Excellent-to-Good. Do you want to see dinner offered at future DOR? 74.2% answered Yes. (Response included both those who ate and those who did not.)

Parking: 64.5% had 1-2 people per car.

Line Dancing: Well attended. Several positive comments: Terri did a great job. Perhaps change time slot and hall location in the future.

Thank you to: Jane, Amy, Kris, and Stu, who offered to cover the basket raffle again next year.

GREETERS: Several greeters covered two shifts. Many volunteer greeters did not appear to take their shift. 2020 DOR: add a volunteer coordinator. People began arriving at 1:30 p.m. Need greeters for early arrivals.

LAYOUT REGISTRATION AREA: Stu and Warren — 1st table should be registration, 2nd table Ribbon sales. Stu mentioned people came in door near the baskets and never signed in.

Greeter at front door needs to emphasize to dancers of the need to sign in.

SIGNAGE: Two dancer-emergency signs were posted in each room. In case of emergency/need for help, dancers to stand with hands raised to signal caller. Many at the DOR meeting never saw the signs.

Outdoor signs were great.

BASKET RAFFLE: Questioned why basket raffle tickets were not sold near the registration table, keeping $ in same area. Need the work-space provided in the snack room, putting #’s on tickets takes space and time. Feedback from prior years: the basket raffle tickets sell better when located near the baskets. Need to request the sellers of the tickets to PRINT names LEGIBLY. Notify Club Presidents: baskets should be available at DOR early. The system and location worked well.

RAFFLE TICKETS: Will revisit pricing of tickets in the fall. Intentional bending or altering tickets will disqualify tickets.

SNACK/REFRESHMENT ROOM: Great set-up. Water cooler placement excellent, just inside the door to the snack room. Easy access.

DINNER: Verify details of dinner with Perinton Rec in 2020: at walk-through stress set-up at 5 pm. Set up 2 serving lines, 2 tables each in 2020, quicker. Can collect dinner tickets and let dancers enter and sit at tables. Food delivery no later than 5:15 pm — to eat at 5:30 pm. Have a contact # to check status of delivery. Suggestion: Display a sign at registration/raffle/dangle table: closed during dinner hour. Need to address how to serve the salad in future: a separate table, salad on each table, serve in prepared individual bowls? Ran out of forks in 2019.

Dancers ate salad, then returned for meal and took 2nd fork.

ICE CREAM SUNDAES: No comments/complaints; not missed.

PROGRAM: 2020 include line dance caller in list of callers/cuers thanked at end of evening and include on flyer. Review activities scheduled during dinner hour — raffle sales, greeters, open mic, line dancing, etc. Perhaps schedule line dancing at a time other than dinner hour.

Suggestion: Next year include in the printed schedule that the tables will be shut down during dinner.

AWARDS PROGRAM: Suggestion: create a poster describing awards and providing names/dates of previous winners. Possibly place poster in the main dance hall. Poster to describe: United Square Dancers of America — Circle of Service Award; and Rochester Area Federation — Daphne-Norma Leadership Award.

Shorten awards program (discuss next season how to do this): possibly have previous winners parade in as a group similar to the new graduates. Or, possibly have previous winners come forward and stand.

SUPPLIES: New markers annually. Tops not being replaced and markers dry out.

OTHER: Recent graduates watching advanced dancers were told to leave. Spectators are welcome. Graduates enjoy seeing different levels of dancing! Those attending Perinton Rec, who do not presently square dance at any level, may be potential square dance class members!

DOR PRINTING NEEDS: Need a plan for printing needs. Warren may not be able to do this in the future. Warren to advise.

RIBBON & DINNER TICKET SALES: Stu: A form would be helpful to be filled out by clubs returning ribbons, dinner tickets, and money. Form to include due date, where to send, etc. (This would eliminate post-it notes, written lists in all sizes, etc.)

Line dance caller should receive free admission and dinner, same as other callers/cuers.

GRADUATE PACKETS FOR DOR: Some details were missing regarding the Fall Ball. This held up printing of flyers and assembly of packets. Packets were given to clubs that did not have classes, informing them about Fall Ball, dance card, and RAF website guide. All club Presidents were given a packet at DOR. One club packet was mailed.

LOCATION FOR FLYERS: Main dance hall preferred place. Entrance/registration area too busy.

FREE SQUARE DANCE CLOTHES: This was well received. Carol Ann taking remaining clothing to Henrietta High School drama club. Committee to review if we will do again next year. Too congested? In future, label racks — all items on these racks are free. End of evening — Deb removed and packed up all clothing remaining on the free racks, checking for items that were reported missing.

PERINTON REC CENTER, VIABLE SITE: General consensus of committee members: Perinton Rec is #1 site for 2020. Meets all our requirements and very personable staff. Deb added: There are considerable advantages to staying with Perinton Rec. Aerobic Hall (Plus Hall): temperature and sound both improved from last year. Extra speakers and fans. (Dancer questioned why the gym is not used at Perinton Rec. Acoustics in gym is extremely poor.)

Quilters: Scheduled for a.m., 2020, in the gym, same day as DOR, 2020. We never use the gym.

Perinton Rec is open to approaching quilters regarding alternate date. Board agreed no need. Perhaps side entrance for dancers; front entrance for quilters.

Jim Gotta contacted Perinton Rec regarding 2020. Will hold the price for us at the 2017 rate.

Jim reserved Perinton for 2020, with understanding board to discuss and decide. Committee agreed to stay with Perinton Rec.

Jeff concerned about 2021. Deb okay with booking Perinton Rec in the Spring of 2020 for DOR 2021.


Jim, Deb, Jeff to discuss tentative cuers for 2020: Eileen Webster, Lisa Treichler, Jeanne Harter, and Mary Hinkle.

Tentative line Dance Caller for 2020: Terri Irvine or Will Herzog.

Callers for 2020: Intent is to rotate callers, support local callers, bring in one outside caller.

New graduates like familiarity, callers they have danced with prior. Experienced dancers enjoy new-to-them callers. Tentative callers (need four) suggested by the Board: Gary Bubel, Jim Gotta, Betsy and Roy Gotta, Keith Harter, Gill Porter, Richard Rosenfield, Bill Ryan, Ron Sweitzer, and Ray Tompkins.

LOCATION FOR FUTURE DOR: No alternative viable sites thus far. Sites researched, but found unfeasible.

Town of Greece Senior Center
Greece Central Schools
Pittsford Rec Center
Henrietta Rec Center
RIT Inn Conference Center
River’s Edge Party House
Charter School/Greece Odyssey
Good Shepherd — Henrietta
Archangel — Henrietta
St. Jude — Spencerport
Father’s House — Paul Rd.
Gates Chili High School
Quality Inn — Gates — near airport
RIT Campus
Presbyterian Church in Fairport, near Wegmans.


Sharon Meyer suggested we look at The Early Childhood Center in Victor, off High Street. Large gym and cafeteria area available. Question if there is a third room available for dancing. Estimates we could get 25 squares in their gym. The Center can be rented out.

Mary Jo suggested: Place article in Promenader.


NEXT MEETING: 9/11/2019, 6:30 pm. Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd.

RAF to follow at 7:30 p.m.


WELCOME/Call to Order: 7:34 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Amy Aeckerle, Kris Aeckerle, Jan Bencic, Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Ed Briggs, Jim Dowd, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Jane Jones, Stu Jones, Donna LaDonna, Rick LaDonna, Sidney Marshall, Sharon Meyer, Chuck Meyer, Carol Ann Stahl, George Stahl

AGENDA REVIEW: Jim. Testing a telecommunication free app.

QUORUM: Eight clubs represented. We have a quorum.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: No changes/updates to previous minutes. Peter made motion to accept previous month’s minutes. Carol Ann seconded motion. Opposed: No one. Minutes from February 25, 2019 meeting were approved/accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones. Since prior meeting, received money from sale of DOR ribbons and dinner tickets from four clubs: Silver Squares, Fun Bunch, Shirts n Skirts, and Belles n Beaus.

Took in all money from Promenader account — transferred to the Federation treasury. It will be listed separately. Under the overall amount of money in the treasury, there are two subcategories: 1.) The Promenader Fund. 2.) The Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund. For now, we will keep these categories separate.

Total receipts were $5,228.86. Of that the Promenader Account brought in $4,433.86.

The only disbursement was to L. Granath for the Federation Fall Ball hall rental, $125.00.

In summary, BOH in February, 2019: $11, 624.15. Present BOH: $16.728.00.

The second subcategory Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund has not changed since last December, 2018. Balance $1,719.47. Typically, the only money that goes into this fund is from the Basket Raffle. Occasional deposits such as Silent Auction, Promenader Account.

(Cloverleaf Squares — $ is in the mail.) Received money from sale of DOR ribbons/dinner tickets from: Copy Cats and Penn Yan Friendship Squares both delivered by Donna LaDonna, Dalton Gang, Grand Squares, Shamrocks Squares, Village Squares. These are not reflected in the current Treasurer’s report.

Stu to send Reminders to: Batavia Silver Stars, Cayuga Cut-Ups, Champagne WAW, Pairs ’n’ Squares, Waterwheels.


DANCE-O-RAMA: Debbie / Jeff Blood. Went through the checklist tonight at DOR meeting. Finalizing what is needed to be done on the day of DOR. Graduation packets target complete date 4/15/19. We are on track.

INSURANCE: Carol Ann/Sharon. **** E-mail received from Carol Ann regarding insuring dancers under 18. After our RAF meeting Carol Ann checked with the national director, and she said there is no longer an age stipulation. If young dancers become club members, they can be insured.

For clubs with class graduates that join their club, we need $4.70 for insurance for each graduate. Send a check to Carol Ann, made out to USDA along with one list of names of the graduates. Carol Ann can enter info on the Website. We no longer need three copies. These should be in by June, 2019.

Carol Ann entered all club members that were paid for by a club, but are also members of other clubs. They have an asterisk in the club that paid for them. Carol Ann emailed this to representatives of the clubs.

CCR: Jim/Chuck. Spring Thaw March 23 — Jim G. thanked dancers that came out for the spring dance and those who promoted it. We had six squares, many new graduates. Very successful dance.

PROMENADER/WEB SITE: Peter. — Ken Georger, Promenader Business Manager, is retiring. Ken G. will provide final transaction spreadsheet, which includes all transactions for the past year. The balance is now 0.00 because we transferred all funds to the Federation.

Sidney — The Promenader has a new feature, “BREAKING NEWS”. Example: if you need to cancel a dance due to weather, send Sidney an email. He will post Breaking News on the website. Send new flyers directly to Sidney. Send as PDF. Pictures for articles, send original picture photo to Sidney.

PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE: Debbie/Jeff. —The Promotions Committee started in February. Presently two priorities are: 1) help graduates transition into clubs and 2) retain dancers. We put together a guide for new graduates to assist locating dance club information on the Federation Website. The Guide discusses Facebook account. Promotions Committee plans to use Square dancing Rochester Facebook page as a way to communicate with our members. Recent grads shared with Club Presidents their ideas about what they found helpful when graduating and what was lacking that would have been helpful. Creating square dance club business cards. Looking for template for all clubs to use to advertise, just put in club name and location. Looking for increased dancing in the summer. Looking into family fun nights.

There will be a separate committee to attend to the needs of SOLO dancers. Number of SOLO graduates is increasing creating challenges for clubs, club boards, and dancers. Seeking representation from experienced club board members and callers. We lose not only single new dancers but experienced dancers who have become SOLO due to illness or loss of their partner.

Promotions Committee will begin posting their Minutes on the RAF Website. They would appreciate feedback. Next mtg of the Promotions Committee is June 13 th. Committee names and email addresses are on the Promenader. Will create a budget for next year.


1. Fall Ball — Jim G. September 28th. Afternoon dance followed by pot luck, at First Baptist Church in Penfield. Callers and cuers secured. Cost: $5 for member to dance, $3 if member brings a dish to pass, and free if member brings a graduate. Free dance for all graduates. Sidney will reserve date on Website. Flyer to follow.

2. Open mic opportunities. Two coming up: DOR dinner hour and Village Squares Amateur night, May 15th, 7–10 pm. To encourage new callers.

3. Nominating Committee — Peter Emmel, Eileen Webster, Warren Olson.

Proposed slate of officers for 2019–2020: (Five elected offices.) Accepting additional nominations from the floor.

President — continuing Jim Gotta

Vice Presidents — continuing Debbie Blood and Jeff Blood

Secretaries — continuing Gary Granath and Lorraine Granath

Treasurers — Stu Jones retiring in June of 2019. Rick and Donna LaDonna candidates.

Communications Liaisons — Amy and Kris Aeckerle candidates. Currently Jeff and Debbie Blood hold the Communications Liaison position in addition to RAF VP position. In June, Amy and Kris will take over the Communications Liaison position and oversee the newly formed Promotions Committee. Jeff and Debbie will remain active members of the Promotions Committee after Amy and Kris take over.

Jim Gotta: Are there any other nominations from the floor? Or volunteers. None.

Jim G. Bylaws state terms are limited to two years unless voted on otherwise. The current nominating committee’s proposal would require a term extension of the President. Asking for a general vote that it is okay to extend beyond a two-year term limit.

Peter: I move that the term limit be extended for the Presidency beyond the two-year limit. Warren Olson seconded. All in favor: unanimous. Any opposed: none.

Jim Gotta: Hearing no other nominations, you have the proposed candidates put forth by the Nominating Committee. Jim Gotta, President; Jeff and Debbie Blood, Vice Presidents; Gary and Lorraine Granath, Secretaries; Rick and Donna LaDonna, Treasurers; Kris and Amy Aeckerle, Promotions Committee. All in favor: all. Opposed: no one opposed.

Jim: Congratulated all. Thank you to the Nominating Committee.

Peter mentioned continuity is very important, and he thanked all those who are willing to continue in their office for a second term.


Bylaws changes:

Jim and Peter: Revamp/restate the Communications Liaison title/job responsibilities to be more reflective of the promotional and member retention responsibilities. This position will continue to oversee t he newly formed Promotions Committee. New officers will help to redefine the terms. Peter working on a draft for this Committee.

Peter would like to reword the Mission Statement/Purpose(s) of the Federation.

Sharon mentioned the discussion at the last meeting regarding quorum as potential topic to be discussed. Peter: Quorum as mentioned in the bylaws requires representation of 1/3 of the number of clubs. Question was to either keep the quorum as is or do away with it. Preference is to keep it as is. To do away with quorum does not seem appropriate.

Peter: Bylaws refer to Promenader Committee, which does not really exist.

Jim: Will take suggestions regarding bylaws again next month. After that, end discussion and work on these topics. Early next season generate a draft.

Conference Call System: Jim G. has researched. Signed up for $ldquo;Free Conference Call,” account for not-for-profits, free, no limit on callers, no limit on minutes.

Remote clubs can participate without driving to meeting place. Ran test tonight. Need to talk with those who participated in meeting from outside regarding quality of call. Look into microphone. A mute button on the phones of those who call in would be beneficial. Planning to use next meeting. Information/instructions will be included in the agenda: phone # to call, access code.

Dalton Picnic Dance, Jim Dowd: June 1st, at the Dalton School. Flyer will be sent to Sidney for Promenader. Sharon mentioned this is the same date as the Elaine Eno Dance with Shirts ’N’ Skirts.

RAF and DOR meetings: Jeff and Debbie put together a draft for future RAF AND DOR meetings. Jim added an October meeting, and moved the September mtg back a week. Check both and let Jim know which you prefer. Jim will then book Bill Grays.

Summer Dances:

Ron Reardon — Donna LaDonna stated Ron is not available this summer, but is available in summer of 2020 for Rochester area dance.

Copy Cats: Also Copy Cats has a summer dance on July 20th, graduate friendly, to be held at Holy Trinity Church in Webster. Flyers to be sent to Website.

Cloverleaf Squares added a summer dance 7/27/2019.

Trails End to June Jamboree, at the Canandaigua Yacht Club. See flyer. Thursday, June 6th, 2019.

ADJOURNED: 8:50 p.m.

Next Meeting May 14, 2019, 7:30 pm

Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd., Henrietta



ATTENDEES: Kris Aeckerle, Amy Aeckerle, Deb Blood, Jeff Blood, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Stu Jones, Jane Jones, Sharon Meyer, Chuck Meyer, Warren Olson

AGENDA REVIEW: No changes.

SECRETARY‘S REPORT: Minutes of February 25, 2019 were accepted.

CHECKLIST (dated Thursday, April 4, 2019)

Page 1 of checklist is complete.

Page 2 of checklist


Sign-In Sheets: Sign in and write name of club/s. No club challenge this year — Warren to edit previous years‘ sign-in sheets.

Dancer Survey: Front page of survey — no changes. Suggestion from Jim G.: on front page — which room did you primarily dance in — may want to remove “A”, “B” and “C” and just refer to Mainstream Hall, Plus Hall, Aerobics Hall. Page 2, re Parking. Trying to get estimate of how many parking spaces we need. It was noted that the online survey was not used last year. Deb to post the survey on Facebook. Warren suggested we place survey online again this year.

Half Page Schedules with map on the back. Jim Gotta to complete. Warren to print.

“Arrow” on stairs. Jim Gotta and Warren Olson. Perinton Rec does not allow placing anything on the walls. Can place on the glass on the doors.

Room Set-Up Drawings. Jim Gotta to provide to Perinton Rec. Needed for every room we use that requires action by Perinton Rec. Examples: Stadium seating in main hall, seating in upstairs Hall B, Cafeteria seating and tables in snack room. We do not pay for the basket raffle room &mdask; take as is. Rooms are “ours” at 12:30 pm. “Walk through” at 12:30–12:45 pm.

Check In — same as 2018. No tablecloths.

Basket Raffle — baskets in same room as 2018. We have correct forms. Log in ticket sales by person‘s name.

Club Banners — no formal place for these. Can place in main hall.


RIBBONS — complete.

Page 3 of checklist

DINNER TICKETS — for callers — Jim Gotta will distribute to callers at dance.


Tablecloths — Deb and Mary Jo.

GRADUATION PACKETS — Need to be ready by DOR. Target date have completed: April 15th. Debbie, Jeff, Amy, Laurie.

Welcome Letter — Jim G and Deb B. (One letter in each envelope.)

Assemble Silver 25 Caller Booklets. Each graduate gets a Caller Booklet. (Two booklets go into a couples‘ envelope, one booklet into an envelope for an individual dancer.) We need 65 booklets. Debbie, Jeff, Amy, Laurie.

Promenader Card — Peter E. Work with Peter, Promenader Card.

Dance Cards — Jim update, Warren print. Add new clubs. Add expiration date.

Buy envelopes and address (Jim has labels) for graduates — one envelope per couple, one envelope per single.

Envelopes for Presidents.

Welcome to RAF website: add Facebook to 1st page, eliminate some of white space on 1st pg.

Distribute packets to Club Presidents at DOR. Jim G, Deb and Jeff

Page 4 of checklist


Facility walk through — Jim Gotta/Deb/Jeff

Insurance: When we do the walk through, we fill out the USDA dancer insurance form of our inspection of the facility to note any issues prior to the dance. This for OUR insurance. Nothing to do with Perinton Rec. (Perinton Rec does not ask for our insurance coverage.) This form should be filled out for any special dance.

Jim to send Deb pdf forms for room set up. Jim and Deb to do the walk through.

Should have accident forms available in case of accidents. We should have these available at all RAF dances. Forms are on RAF website.

Registration Tables — committee to set up.

Hand out Checks — S. Jones.

Hot and Cold Water — Water will be located on a table outside the main hall and one in the snack room. Perinton Rec has a water cooler available downstairs — we need to place a stack of cups at each location and markers at all three locations. Need ice for water coolers. Water coolers and ice to be provided by: Lorraine and Gary/Copy Cats (1) and Henry/Cloverleaf Squares (1). Coffee pots provided by Lorraine and Gary/Copy Cats (1) and Henry/Cloverleaf Squares (1). Need markers for each water cooler and each coffee pot — to initial cups. Jim to remind Henry to bring water cooler, ice and coffee pot. Committee members refill water coolers and coffee pots. Gary and Lorraine — cup holder near water cooler.

Hand Sanitizers — need to purchase 5 additional. (Total of 7.)


Need hot pads or towels for under hot dishes.

Amy to collect dinner tickets. Need bucket for tickets.


Mixer Dance — Jim Gotta will call. Class members, angels, and others. Dancers will occasionally be asked to promenade to other squares — meeting and dancing with many dancers.

Logs for basket raffle. We have correct logs. Place buyer‘s name and ticket number.

Page 5 of checklist


Outdoor Signs — We have 10. Gary and Lorraine will place at various locations. Outside the building leading to entrances. One at the entrance leading to parking. On roads/intersections leading to the Perinton Rec. Gary and Lorraine to get the signs from Jim G.

Cash Boxes — need five. Sharon to bring one. Stu to bring three. Jeff to bring one. Secure funds during dinner.


Stu has a list of all dancers who bought ribbons prior to the dance. Stu requests a list of names for those purchasing tickets at the door. (To be separate from attendance sign-in.) (This gives us an additional count of ribbons sold and verification of cash and a count of attendees.)

11x17 print of dinner locations, map — Warren.

Poster for Fall Ball — Warren

Federation Banner — main hall. Debbie and Jeff provide two tripods.

Need a table for fliers in the main hall. Fall Ball fliers here.

50/50 mixing container — (The container preferably should not have a club name on it.) Jim to bring pretzel container to try it. Deb will bring container.

Round dinner tables seat 8 people.

Program — Jeff, Debbie, Jim G.

Jet will be out of town. Need photographer. Deb/Jeff to check with Peter.

Sidney — calling during dinner hour. Amateur callers. Open mic. Dance. Need caller to replace Sidney to allow him time to eat.

Promotions Committee put together an RAF website guide to help graduates use the website with instructions on how to join Square Dancing Rochester Facebook page.

POTENTIAL SITES FOR 2020 DOR. VOTE May 14, 2019 at RAF meeting. Three viable locations:

1. Sweden Community Center, Brockport, NY

2. Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church — Previous issues regarding insurance have been solved.

3. Perinton Recreation Hall.

Notify club presidents of pros and cons of each location.

We are reaching out to the RIT Campus.

We have checked out 15 sites that we cannot use.


List of grads has been sent to Peter for Promenader and Sharon/Carol for insurance.

There are 65 graduates. Solo dancers comprise 54% of total number of graduates. Trying to create a SOLO Committee to look at the influx of SOLO dancers in recent years.

Adjourned: 7:26 pm.

Next meeting: May 14, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd.


Promotions Committee Minutes

Thursday 3/14/2019
Bill Grays, Henrietta

Amy & Kris Aeckerle
Debbie & Jeff Blood
Laurie & Dave Collins
Tracey & Jim Lasch

Minutes from 2/21/19 meeting were approved.

Follow up on items discussed at Feb 2019 meeting:

Reviewed discussion on Facebook page Square Dancing Rochester and creating a square dance blog from February meeting.

The Facebook page will give us the flexibility we need. Able to post messages, jpeg files (photos, flyers,etc) and create events.

Committee will be promoting dancers from all clubs with Facebook accounts request access.

Debbie planning to follow up with Donna LaDonna about including her Copy Cats weekly listing of events on this page.

We realize the key to our success will be utilizing effective communications.

The RAF Website Navigation Guide was also sent to club presidents with an e-mail asking for their 2019 list of graduates.

Committee reviewed hard copy again at meeting and made the following suggestions:

The RAF Website Navigation Guide will be revised for the above suggestions and distributed to committee members for final review. Any comments or suggestions should be given to Jeff by 4/1/2019. Warren already reviewed a draft of the RAF Website Navigation Guide and believes he can provide printed copies for distribution at DOR.

Ideas for new graduates

With the e-mail sent to Club Presidents asking for a listing of 2019 graduates, a page of ideas from recent graduates and committee was included. At this March meeting another list of items was generated. Committee members to review both lists for comments suggestions and to provide feedback by April 1st.

Recruitment & Retainment Suggestions from the committee members

The “Square Dance Recruitment & Retainment Manual” contains over 200 pages of printed materials from the CallerLab website.

Each committee member was asked to review the manual and provide 2 ideas they felt the committee should focus on and discuss at the March meeting.

The following ideas were discussed:

It was suggested we provide new graduates with a card or something with information on classes at other clubs, open house dates in August & Sept, etc.

It was determined we need to discuss with callers the feasibility of the following suggestions:

Recruitment promotions the committee wants to try or continue:

Advertising Return on Investment (ROI) — from various Caller Lab articles in the manual:
press releases 40%
word of mouth 33%
flyers posted in community 23%

The suggestion of promoting a Relay for Life Square Dance in a public place was also discussed. The committee discussed the two public demos RAF sponsored last year, one at the church festival and the other at Joe Robach’s Health Fair in Greece Ridge Mall. At both events there were square dancing posters along with a table set up promoting square dancing and RAF clubs with brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. Several hundred documents were distributed at the events. Even though each demo was very well attended by square dancers and the public, we do not feel we gained any new dancers as a result.

The committee determined our current focus is actively trying to retain the 2019 class members and current dancers. In the Fall the committee plans to focus our support to the clubs with their class recruitment.

Other Misc items:

Committee members indicated they want to make more of an effort to go to other clubs to dance.

Suggested whenever someone is thinking of attending another Club’s dance, check with other dancers about going too.

Several committee members already planning to attend Cayuga Cut Ups May Steak Dinner & Dance in May.

In April the DOR 2019 graduation packets will be assembled.

Amy & Laurie offered to help the DOR committee put packets together.

Next meeting set for Thurs 6/13/2019 at 6:30 pm at Bill Grays, Henrietta

Action Items

By Monday April 1st

Committee members to review the “Final” RAF Website Navigation Guide so it is ready for Warren to print for DOR

Committee members to review 2 pages of new graduate ideas

Create flyer to promote Facebook page Square Dancing Rochester — need to be finalized and printed for distribution at DOR

By next meeting Thursday 6/13/2019

Amy to work on flyer template, Jeff on photos for flyer

Debbie to catch up with Donna LaDonna on weekly activities being on Facebook.

Debbie to ask LaDonna’s for Copy Cats class lists for 2015 to 2019 years — to obtain dancer mix, retention stats, etc.

Jeff and Debbie will try to discuss some of the ideas affecting callers with Ron before our 6/13/2019 meeting to see how to proceed.

Meeting ended at 8:00pm

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — February 25, 2019

WELCOME/CALL TO ORDER: Meeting began at 7:30 PM.

AGENDA REVIEW: No new topics to add to the agenda. Copy Cats would like 10 additional yard signs if they become available.

ATTENDEES: Jeff and Debbie Blood, Jim Gotta, Gary and Lorraine Granath, Sharon Meyer, Kris and Amy Aeckerle, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Kaitlyn Shirley, Sue Sepkowski, Eileen Webster

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from 1/8/19 were accepted. Debbie made motion to accept; Peter seconded; no opposed.

QUORUM: RAF has two additional clubs, bringing total to 19 clubs. Great news. However, we now have more clubs outside Monroe County than we have inside Monroe County. We need 1/3 of the clubs represented in order to have a quorum. We now need 7 clubs represented in order to hold a legal vote. Sharon Meyer is now a representative of Cloverleaf Squares. Champagne Whirl-A-Ways’ representative is now Jim Gotta. We need conversations with other clubs, such as Shamrock Squares and caller clubs, to identify a representative to increase participation.

TREASURER’S REPORT/Stu Jones: Stu was not present. Treasurer Report was emailed. Jim G. gave Treasurer Report. Balance on hand January 8, 2019, was $11,846.98. Disbursements: $222.84, majority was for rental deposit/DOR hall. BOH on February 25, 2019, is $11,624.14. February 25, 2019 BOH Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund: $1,719.47.


DOR/Debbie and Jeff Blood: On schedule.

Club packets went out in January.

Graduation packets will be assembled in April. Packets will be distributed to club Presidents at DOR. Presidents will distribute to grads. Packets include: Welcome Letter, Club 25 book, Promenader Info, and a free dance card. Amy mentioned not enough information/explanation is given to new graduates as to what is in the packet. Presidents or Class Leaders please go over the contents with your class members. See below.

Club 25 Book: Graduates submit the book to the caller and/or cuer at any club visited. The caller/cuer signs the book. When the graduate has 25 caller/cuer signatures, the graduate turns in their completed Club 25 book to one of their local club officers, who in turn brings it to an RAF meeting where it is given to the RAF President. The RAF President has the dangles.

Free Dance Card: Given to all graduates to encourage them to visit other clubs. Rochester Area Federation Clubs are listed on this card. A graduate can visit any clubs listed on this card for a one-time free dance at that club. The club treasurer will cross off their club name when the card is submitted for the free dance. We request any club that chooses to be taken off the free dance card, to notify Jeff and Debbie Blood, Vice Presidents of the Rochester Area Federation. dfbjvbhome@aol.com OR Jim Gotta at gotta@rochester.rr.com.

Letter to Club Presidents should state any club desiring to be removed from the free dance card needs to notify Jeff and Debbie Blood: dfbjvbhome@aol.com. OR: Jim Gotta

Inventory of supplies taken and list of items to purchase made.

We have been looking at alternative locations to hold 2020 DOR. Three potential locations: (1.) Keep Perinton Recreation Center; (2.) Sweden Walker Road Rec Center in Brockport. Entire facility would be available to us with large plus hall and large mainstream hall; (3.) Most Holy Trinity Church in Webster. Excellent location. More spacious than Perinton Rec. We have a grid of pros and cons for each location which will be presented at the May RAF meeting. If anyone has suggestions for any other location, notify Debbie and Jeff Blood.

Agenda for the May RAF meeting to go out 2 wks early. Make Presidents aware of DOR committee looking for a new site for future DOR. Include grid for three viable DOR locations. Agenda to highlight the review of potential new locations for DOR 2020 and that the vote will be taken at the RAF meeting that evening (May 14, 2019).

DOR had a change in calling staff. Flier updated on Promenader and mailed new flier to club Presidents.

Email going out to announce the RAF April meeting and the RAF May meeting. We will have RAF discussions at both April (nominations officers) and May meetings (future site for DOR). At the May DOR meeting, DOR committee will decide where we want the 2020 DOR to be held. DOR committee will take their proposal to the May RAF meeting, the following hour, for their thoughts.

Insurance/Sharon Meyer: Carol Ann sent Sharon an email that is going into the Promenader. USDA has their new online registration up and running. When a new club member joins your club later in the year (graduates) send Carol Ann a check made out to USDA for $4.70 and a copy of their names. Carol Ann will enter the information to the club roster and forward the check to the National contact person. You can access the roster, but Carol Ann is the only one that can make changes. If you add a new site, let Carol Ann know and she will send it in. Any site you have listed previously is covered for the entire year. No need to re-issue.

CCR: Jim/Chuck: Many callers down south, so no meeting. Spring Thaw Dance March 23. Flier in Promenader. Class friendly. PRESIDENTS NOTIFY CLASS MEMBERS.

Promenader/Web Site: Peter/Sidney: No activity since last report. Balance is still $4428.36. We have two new clubs. Phoenix Pairs N Squares (in Phoenix, NY) and Auburn Fun Bunch. Trying to get them fully listed in the Promenader with officers, contacts and schedules.

NOTE TO ALL: Please send photos of your events to Peter. To transfer pictures to Peter for the Promenader: Email, Text. Can send prints. Peter is able to scan and enter pictures into Promenader. Send a short caption with the picture.

Promotions Committee: Debbie and Jeff Blood: We have a Promotions committee established. Our first meeting was last week. Members include: Amy and Kris Aeckerle, Lori and Dave Collins, Tracey and Jim Lasch, Jeff and Debbie Blood. Karen Olmsted and Steve Barkley will join us when they return home. (Following the RAF meeting, Eileen Webster joined the Promotions Committee.) Great meeting. Walked away with action items. Find out if we have a budget. What is the process to access the budget? We provided members with a notebook of the Caller Lab Marketing Manual on the Promenader. An excellent resource. Over 91 pages on marketing and square dancing. Next meeting will prioritize what items we want to work on. Looking into how to create a square-dancing blog. Find out how to use the Square Dance Rochester Facebook page as means of communication: who has authority over it, who can join it. Discussed opportunities for class members to participate with club members during the year and not wait until graduation, and the relationship between experienced club members and class members is critical. Promote open houses throughout the year to raise awareness of square dancing and catch people after the September classes to encourage them to join classes the following year. Will check into promoting square dancing to youth. School events go over really well; try tapping into this. Contact former class graduates and club members to see why they left. How can we foster their return? There will be a separate committee focused on solo dancers. Two volunteers have offered to work on that committee. Deb and Jeff looking for more volunteers for the Solo Committee. Sue Sepkowski mentioned a flier she read: no partner needed and that was what drew her into square dancing. Sue offered to help. Jim Gotta suggested Solo Committee visit Cloverleaf Squares (a singles club) and speak with members. Sue mentioned when you are new to square dancing, you are unaware of what club is a singles club. Peter volunteered to look into getting a response from each club President giving a description of their club for the Promenader.

Eileen W. offered: Singles Square Dancers USA has existed for 49 years and has been doing a national convention for 49 years. Originated as singles convention, now couples and singles welcome.

Jim Gotta will provide Promotions Committee with additional information from Caller Lab. Re: Facebook page, must be a member, just go to Facebook group and ask to join. Re: budget. There is no budget. We discuss here and vote. The only thing RAF has done in place of a budget is put together the Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund. People can tap into this fund. If in the future, a budget is put into place, the Dancer/Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund would be replaced by a budget.


Fall Ball: September 28th. Gary booked Penfield Baptist Church. Call to clarify hours needed: 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Still looking to have it as an afternoon dance followed by a pot luck dinner. Tentative: Set-up: 1:00 PM. Dance 2-5 PM. Pot luck after dancing. Calling staff volunteering their time. $25.00 gift card as a thank you to the callers. Three callers and two cuers: Gary and Alice Bubel, Mike Callahan, Ron Brown, Mark Thone. Two goals for dance: bring people back to dancing after spring graduation and to bring people in from a wider area. Cost: $5.00 per person, $3.00 if you bring a dish to pass, free if you bring a 2019 graduate. All graduates get in for free. RAF to order pizza, when we see how many attendees. Attendees are asked to bring a dish to pass. CLUB PRESIDENTS: PLEASE ALERT YOUR CLASS MEMBERS NOW AND OFTEN, THIS DANCE IS FOR THEM. NEW GRADS ENTER FOR FREE. THEY WILL GET A WARM WELCOME!!! Supply list, cost of paper products/supplies tabled until date closer to dance. (Cost of hall and pizza: RAF.)

Sikorsky Dance: August 23, 2019. No new info to report. Warren has flier ready.

Lack of Callers: Two opportunities. Open mic opportunities at DOR and Amateur Night.

Nominating Committee:


We can accept nominations from the floor. We then take the final recommendations from the Nominating Committee and vote.



Jeff and Debbie Blood

VP: Openly Recruiting for VP. (VP IS ALSO DOR chair.)

Treasurer: Rick and Donna LaDonna

Secretary: Gary and Lorraine Granath

Promotions Chair: Kris and Amy Aeckerle.

Possibility for VP/PRESIDENT positions:

President: Jim Gotta to remain.

VP: Jeff and Debbie Blood to remain.

It would be great if we could find another couple to become more involved in RAF with the possibility of taking the VP position in the future.



The bylaws should be reviewed/updated every three years.

One suggestion as an update to bylaws: Peter Emmel/Debbie and Jeff Blood recommend update to Communications Liaison role/definition. This role has changed significantly since its inception. Example: No longer need to be on the Promenader Committee. We can now rewrite role to make it more adaptable to the personalities of the chair. Peter offered to rewrite this role.

Jeff Blood suggested a change in the need for a quorum. Is a quorum necessary? In the absence of a quorum, attendees/board vote.

Deb B. suggested: Because clubs are much more scattered now. Use of electronic meetings for those who cannot travel to the Federation Board site. Eileen mentioned: Telephone conference. Jim added: We would establish an account, everyone would call to a single number, the company would connect everyone together. Do not need a smart phone application. There are some free services available for non-profits. Set up a time and everyone calls the number you are assigned. For our meeting, we would need a good speaker phone.

Updates/proposals for bylaws:

Do not want to rush bylaws updates.

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: Go through the bylaws. For next meeting (April 4, 2019): Come in with ideas and proposals for bylaws. If you have a suggestion to bylaws, come in with a solution with proposed wording. Then Jim G. can prepare a draft. Will allow time for members to reflect on proposals and vote at a later date.


DOR MINUTES: Meeting Monday, Feb. 25, 2019


ATTENDANCE: Aeckerle, Amy; Aeckerle, Kris; Blood, Deb; Blood, Jeff; Eddy, Sue; Gotta, Jim; Granath, Gary; Granath, Lorraine; Meyer, Sharon; Webster, Mary Jo

ABSENT: Stu Jones, Jane Jones. Jane had surgery and is recuperating.

AGENDA REVIEW: No new items were suggested.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes of January 8, 2019: Mary Jo motioned to accept minutes. Gary 2nd motion. No one opposed.

Specific Action Items

1. Review DOR Checklist updates-additions, corrections, comments etc. Page 1: Locations for DOR 2020. Three viable locations for DOR 2020: Perinton Rec Center, Sweden Community Center in Brockport, and The Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Webster. The Quality Inn, Chili Ave, has carpeted floors, no longer a viable option. Page 2 is up to date. These are last-minute items. Emailed out of town caller, complete. Page 3: Sent out club packets in January, complete. Dinner tickets for callers go to the DOR, appears open, but is a last-minute item. In March, Jeff and Deb will contact Club Presidents to get lists of graduates. In April: Jim, Warren, Peter, Deb, and Jeff will put graduation packets together. Amy A. offered to assist. Jim needs a heavy-duty stapler. Stapler needs to have a long neck. Jim sent Deb/Jeff a sample of the DOR ceremony from a prior DOR to be used as a guide going forward. Page 4: We have all positions assigned. Grand March: Warren Olson. Gary offered to help. Deb will add Gary’s name to Grand March.

2. Basket Raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets to be same price. Approved as below:
1 for $1
3 for $2
12 for $5
30 for $10

3. DOR supplies inventory in totes, (listing attached). Many rectangular tablecloths. We do not place tablecloths on the registration tables. In snack room is a U-shaped configuration of tables. These get rectangular tablecloths. Round tablecloths used for dinner. Rectangular tablecloths for (dinner) serving tables. Three purple tablecloths to place under the baskets donated for the basket raffle.

4. Program: Jim/Debbie/Jeff

5. Dinner: Review caterer and DOR committee responsibilities. End dancing at 5:00 p.m. Need to set up hall for dinner. Caterer — Deb to change caterer delivery from 5:00 p.m. to 5:15 or 5:30 p.m. Deb checked with Wilshire: as long as the serving tables are set up and ready with tablecloths, they will bring everything in to the tables. We supply utensils. Wilshire sets up 98% of the buffet. We supply bowls for sauces/gravies. Wilshire will pour sauces/gravies into the available bowls. We are responsible for removing rolls from bags and placing them onto the dinner tables or serving tables. In past years DOR has done both, set rolls on individual tables OR simply place the rolls on the serving table. We supply either bread baskets or large tray(s) for rolls. Lines for buffet go on either side of the serving tables. There is a ledge coming from the kitchen, caterer can set things on that ledge.

6. Ice cream: All present agreed not to serve ice cream. We can revisit this next year. For future reference: Gary checked availability of a freezer. Tiny refrigerator/freezer in the small room off the snack room. This was full. There is a full-size refrigerator/freezer in room next to round dance hall. This was empty.

7. Letter to Presidents: March letter to Presidents asking for list of graduates. Request Presidents to identify solo dancers and dancers that are couples. Letter to Club Presidents should state any club desiring to be removed from the free dance card needs to notify Jeff and Debbie Blood dfbjvbhome@aol.com or Jim Gotta gotta@rochester.rr.com.

8. Email going out to announce the RAF April meeting (RAF officer nominations for 2019–2020) and the RAF May meeting (regarding new site for 2020 DOR. We will have RAF discussions at both April and May meetings. Within the agendas and emails going out, inform Presidents what is coming up. Make Presidents aware of DOR committee looking for a new site for future DOR. Notify Presidents of importance of May RAF meeting for a vote regarding new site.

At the May DOR meeting, DOR committee will decide where we want the 2020 DOR to be held. DOR committee will present their proposal to the May RAF meeting, the following hour, for their thoughts.

9. Graduation Packets: Packets will be distributed to club Presidents at DOR. Packets include: Welcome Letter, Club 25 book, Promenader Info, and a free dance card. Considering placing a Fall Ball notification card in the club packet. Amy mentioned there is not enough explanation given to new graduates regarding the contents of the packet.

Club 25: Graduates submit the book to the caller/cuer at any club visited. The caller/cuer sign(s) the book. When the graduate has 25 caller/cuer signatures, he/she gives the Club 25 book to his/her club President who takes the book to RAF. The President of RAF provides a dangle for the graduate.

Free Dance Card: Given to all graduates to encourage them to visit other clubs. Clubs listed on the free dance card are members of the Rochester Area Federation. A graduate can visit any/all of the clubs listed for a one-time free dance. The club treasurer will cross off their club name when the card is submitted for the free dance. Any club desiring to be removed from the free dance card needs to notify Jeff and Debbie Blood dfbjvbhome@aol.com or Jim Gotta gotta@rochester.rr.com. Need to contact the two new clubs (The Fun Bunch and Phoenix Pairs N Squares) regarding the free dance card.

Notification to club presidents of the potential sites, details, pros & cons of each location and 5/14/19 vote.

Location/pending issue:

a. Sweden Community Center would need chair rental and delivery — additional $1–$2/chair Brockport NY would need 200+ chairs. We would be the only event. No need to share facility.

b. The Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Webster, NY. This is a bigger facility than Perinton Rec. Kitchen/refreshment room — tables already set up. Cost of rental is approximately 1/3 the cost of the Perinton Rec. There are several local restaurants near the church. Warren has contacted Golden Boy Restaurant. They could serve 100 dinners. DOR would shut down from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. This would solve any parking issue. Previously questioned sufficient parking for 5:00 pm Mass and DOR during dinner hour. Mary Jo asked about this location: Is it that much nicer than Perinton Rec to make the change? Jeff believes it would be a big step up. The facility is larger. The plus room would be larger. There is room for us to expand.

c. Perinton Recreation Center.

d. Quality Inn carpeted, no dance floor, 2019 Chili Ave & 390N. No longer considered viable option.

Many other sites were visited and found not feasible.


WNYF MEETING MINUTES — February 21, 2019

Promotions Committee Minutes

Thursday 2/21/19
6:00 pm
Bills Grays, Henrietta

Amy & Kris Aeckerle
Debbie & Jeff Blood
Laurie & Dave Collins
Tracey & Jim Lasch

Reviewed agenda and purpose of Promotions Committee

Determined the committee to focus on solo dancers will be separate from Promotions Committee

Debbie to check into budget process for Promotions Committee, how to create and obtain approval for budget.

CallerLab Square Dance Marketing Manual (91 pages) was printed and provided to committee members.

The Square Dance Recruitment & Retainment Manual handed out includes about 20 articles on promoting and recruiting square dancers, success stories, etc. Jeff and Debbie quickly highlighted a few items in manual they thought were beneficial. Specifically Section 18 Recommendations for getting started promoting square dancing (page 83). Committee members are going to review manual for ideas to discuss at our next meeting.

Copy Cats weekly newsletter by Donna LaDonna — very helpful tool to remind dancers of weekly dancing and social events. Committee will check if Donna would prepare for a wider distribution in future.

Committee to check into how to create a Square Dancing Blog

Promenader: committee will check how to provide pointers on navigation to new dancers.

Laurie to outline some learning’s she had navigating the Promenader as a recent graduate.

Committee plans to share with upcoming graduates and club presidents.

Square Dance Rochester Facebook Page — Debbie showed to committee

Debbie to find out who controls the page and how to get access to it.

The committee likes that it will be another good communication tool to use since it pushes notifications to users.

Also discussed was how to provide additional opportunities to class members to participate with club members.

The important role of experienced dancers encouraging the class members to attend class/club dances and club social events. Ask Class Coordinators to actively share various club events with all class members.

Promote Open Houses to extend dancers ability to join square dancing beyond Sept lessons.

Try to set up regular open house format dances in the late Fall and during Jan–June time frame to promote square dancing. This would attract potential dancers after Fall classes are past point of accepting new people. Also this would be a way to provide potential dancers a way to try dancing until classes start up again in Fall. These open houses would also provide more opportunities for class members to dance outside of the class lessons.

Few suggestions discussed:

Discussed the plan to encourage dancers to attend existing programs for beginner dancers such as Friday afternoons Happy Squares, beginner classes offered through Town of Greece, etc to help promote dancing throughout the entire year.

Looking into promoting square dancing to youth.

Checking PTA, charter school contacts and home school organizations for potential interest.

Contact former club & class graduates to see if interested in coming back to dancing. If interest, plan special refresher lessons or Saturday workshops.

Next meeting Thursday 3/14/19 at 6:30pm Bill Grays, Jefferson Rd, Henrietta

Specific Action items:

Review the Square Dance Recruitment & Retainment Manual for ideas
Look into creating a budget for Promotions Committee (Debbie)
Outline navigation of Promenader for new graduates (Laurie)
Facebook: Square Dancing Rochester — managing access (Debbie)
Figure out how to create Square Dancing Blog (Debbie)

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — January 08, 2019


ATTENDEES: Kris Aeckerle, Amy Aeckerle, Jeff Blood, Peter Emmel, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Stuart Jones, Jane Jones, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Doreen Olson, Sue Sepkowski, Kaitlyn Shirley, Carol Ann Stahl, and Debbie Blood present on speaker phone.

AGENDA: No changes.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Accepted as modified. (Clarification by Stu — Shamrock Squares is member of Federation, but their insurance is not handled by Carol Ann.)

TREASURER’S REPORT/Stu Jones: Received email from Stu: All who received the Treasurer’s Report (two separate pages) at the January 8 mtg, please note that the RAF balance of 11,846.98 is for January 8, NOT February 8. The balance for the Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund: is $1719.47 as of 1/8/19.

It was noted that income from the Fall Ball Silent Auction was: $440.50.

Cayuga Cut Ups advertising grant went out.

Not much activity since last report. All clubs have paid dues.

DOR finances to be covered at a later date.


DOR/Debbie and Jeff Blood: On track with DOR 2019. Continue to investigate new sites for 2020 DOR. Narrowed to two: 1.) Most Holy Trinity Church, Webster, awaiting information regarding parking. 2.) Sweden Community Center. Perinton Recreation Center continues to be a possibility. Final decision re 2020 site to be made by May of 2019. Jim Gotta made deposit for 2019 DOR, will send to Stu J. for reimbursement. DOR packets assembled this evening, 1/8/19, and will be delivered this week. Kaitlyn asked, does RAF number the DOR ribbons? Jim G. Answer: In the past ribbons were numbered. Last year and this year they were not. Clubs to keep lists of those purchasing ribbons and dinners. Turn these lists in. The lists will be at the front table. If someone loses their ticket/ribbon, the lists are checked to verify that a ticket/ribbon was purchased. Insurance/Carol Ann Stahl: New electronic delivery system came out in beginning of November. Carol had everything done and sent it in. Nothing needs to be done until the classes graduate. Auburn Fun Bunch has paid insurance.

CCR: Jim/Chuck: Caller lab updates dance programs every few years. A fair amount of changes done in Fall of 2018. (Examples: Calls moved from Basic 2 into Basic 1. Calls were moved from Basic to Mainstream. A plus call was placed into Mainstream.) Keeping callers in sync. Changes should not affect our class/club dances. Spring Thaw Dance, March 23, 2019, in Chili, fund raiser for callers. Class friendly.

Promenader/Web Site: Peter/Sidney: Previous balance, $4358.86. Deposits of $70.00. New balance $4,428.86. Two new clubs: Auburn Fun Bunch and Phoenix Pairs N Squares need to be added to Promenader. Stu J. to send a contact list to officers. Peter Emmel will send Promenader guidelines to the new clubs. Photos and news of interest for March 1st issue must be received by Feb 1st.

Marketing: Eileen Webster has resigned from the Marketing Committee. Debbie and Jeff Blood to contact Eileen to get any info Eileen has re this committee. Deb and Jeff have volunteered to cover until the end of this season. Elections coming up in April.

Non-Plus Club/Jim Gotta: No activity.


Village Squares Amateur Night, May 15th, 7–10 PM. Format same as previous yrs. Village Squares and Cloverleaf Squares alternate holding this event. This year at Village Squares, flier in the Promenader. Local area callers/cuers dwindling. Encouraging interest in calling. Ron Brown, Eileen Webster, Gordon White, got their start at an Amateur Night.

Sikorsky Dance: This is a Federation dance under direction of Sharon Meyer. Cloverleaf Squares mans this event and has proposed Cloverleaf Sqs be given a share of the profit. We netted $324.00 last year (2018) after expenses. Jim Gotta made motion 1/3 of profit to go to Cloverleaf Squares beginning with the Sikorsky Dance of 8/23/19 and going forward. No profit, no money. Warren Olson seconded motion. No one opposed. Warren will prepare a flier and send to Jim for approval. Date: Friday, 8/23/2019, Hen. Fire Hall. Price to attend: same as last year.


1.) Fall Ball (Peter and Sharon): Question whether to hold in fall of 2019. If so, where. Henrietta Fire Hall not available 9/28/19. Flaherty’s in Macedon has a wooden dance floor and would have a buffet. Sharon has not yet seen facility. Would like a caller to check the facility. The First Baptist Church in Penfield (schedule is on line) was suggested by Donna LaDonna. Peter suggested we revisit the purpose of this dance. Its origin was to bring back the spring graduates. Since its origin, we have had 0–3 new graduates/year. It is not meeting its primary purpose. Fall Ball is a free dance, with catered dinner, and volunteer callers. Only compensation to callers/cuers is free dinner. Date is set so does not interfere with special dances and open houses. Two options: (1) Drop it. (2) Try one more year and advertise opportunity for recent graduates.

Informal vote was to move forward with Fall Ball, 2019, highlight/encourage recent graduates to keep dancing and a welcome back to new dance season. Date is fourth Saturday in September (9/28/19). Aim for free dance, but do not exclude admission fee. Dinner optional. Seek to minimize cost. Callers donate time.

Committee: Jim Gotta, Peter E., Warren O.

Warren — flier

Jim G to check availability and can we eat at Pittsford Senior Center — if dance is free, we can have the hall for free.

Penfield Baptist Church has a chicken BBQ that day in the New Fellowship Hall, 2–6 PM or until sold out. Gary G. to f/u on Penfield Baptist Church, possibility of attending BBQ and dancing in the hall afterward. Respond quickly to Jim G and committee.

Amy A. volunteered to distribute fliers at Bubel’s in the summer.

2.) Yard signs: All clubs please notify Federation if you need more yard signs.

3.) Nominating committee: Federation by-laws state we need to have elections at the April meeting. Nominating Committee needs to be in place 90 days prior to elections. Nominating Committee chats with folks to see who can fill in positions on the RAF Board for 2019–2020. Ballots put forth at Feb mtg. Final ballots at the April meeting for voting. There can always be nominations from the floor at the April meeting. You do not have to be on the nominating committee ballot to get elected. By-laws state all officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Liaison are one-year terms. Extending beyond two years necessitates a special vote. Nominating Committee: Peter Emmel, Warren Olson, and possibly Eileen Webster.


Next Meeting: 2/25/19

7:30 PM, Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd., Henrietta


Submitted by Gary and Lorraine Granath

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 6:50 pm. Stuffed DOR club packets 6:30–6:50 pm. FOR FUTURE: Future DOR Package contents: Warren suggested when bundling ribbons, bundle minimum of six ribbons (not five) as we usually sell to couples.

ATTENDEES: Kris Aeckerle, Amy Aeckerle, Jeff Blood, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Stu Jones, Jane Jones, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Doreen Olson, Mary Jo Webster. Debbie Blood present on speaker phone.

AGENDA REVIEW: No new items were suggested.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes of November, 2018, were accepted.


Welcomed New Committee Members: Mary Jo Webster — responsible for refreshments and ice cream sundaes. Amy and Kris Aeckerle—— to assist Jane Jones with Basket Raffle. Dee Gustke offered to assist Mary Jo with refreshments at DOR.

Status of Callers and Cuers: Complete. Line Dance Caller: Terry Irvine, booked.

Dinner Caterer: Wilshire contracted.

Dance Schedule: Same as 2018.

Ribbon Design: Complete, and in club packets.

SOLO Stickers for Ribbons: Complete.

Barb Green, last meeting, proposed a change in pricing of (both) the basket raffle tickets and the 50/50 Tickets. Proposal: 3 tickets for $2, 12 tickets for $5, 30 tickets for $10. (Currently 1 for $1, 3 for $2, and 15 for $5.) Proposal was tabled at the November meeting. After discussion: the proposed pricing of basket raffle tickets was approved with the addition of option to purchase 1 ticket for $1. No one opposed. Warren made a motion for the acceptance of the following new pricing of basket raffle tickets. Gary G seconded the motion: Approved pricing of basket raffle tickets:

1 for $1.00

3 for $2.00

12 for $5.00

30 for $10.00

Deb and Jeff to add to agenda for February meeting: Price of 50/50 tickets. Do we want the price of the 50/50 tickets to be the same denominations as the basket raffle tickets? Regarding the 50/50 tickets, it was mentioned people purchase 50/50 tickets throughout the evening to vary the ticket-number sequence. These people may appreciate the pricing of 50/50 tickets remaining the same as prior year.

Inventory of DOR Supplies: Donna and Rick LaDonna obtained DOR totes from Barb Green, and presented them to Debbie and Jeff. Debbie and Jeff to create list of items we need to purchase for 2019 DOR and will bring list to the February 25th DOR meeting. Jim Gotta has almost a full roll of blue tickets. Jim G. — “We need two distinct colors of tickets”, one color for basket raffle and another for 50/50, so no chance of mix-up of tickets. Next meeting: who will purchase items.

Potential Sites for 2020 DOR:

Of interest — Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Ridge Rd, Webster, NY. Awaiting response regarding parking for DOR and 5:00 p.m. Mass.

Sweden Community Center: would have to rent 200 chairs at $1–$2 per chair and location not favorable.

The Perinton Rec Center not ruled out. If a site is not preferred over Perinton Rec, will continue with Perinton Rec Center.

Fall Ball: Response from Jim G. — The Fall Ball is free. It would be good to have a table set up at DOR for fliers and/or a poster to advertise the Fall Ball. (No dinner sales for Fall Ball at DOR.)

Advertising — dance flyer emailed to out of town caller — complete.

Program: Hosts — Debbie and Jeff Blood. Grand Marshall — Warren Olson. Warren to organize the graduates in the room next door, explain to them what is going to happen. Hosts give the “ready” and Warren will send in the graduates. Gary Granath has volunteered to assist Warren.

Dinner: ? process: Jim response — Everyone vacates the room. The town sets up tables for seating (8 people per table) and 2 tables for food. About 90 people attend dinner. Volunteers from dancers set up chairs. Someone stands at door — No one enters without dinner ticket. Need container to hold tickets being handed in. Refreshment committee places tablecloths on all tables — town requirement. The caterer this year is only going to deliver the food. Deb will call Wilshire to verify delivery of food to tables or doorway. Hot pads? Utensils?

Ice Cream Sundaes — do we want them? Optional — not on the flier. Gary G to check size of freezer, if one is available. Question space for several gallons of ice cream? Tabled decision for next meeting.

Graduation Packets — Time frame of putting these together? President (Jim Gotta) puts together for DOR. Jim Gotta prepares a packet for each club President/or club officer present at the dance who then distributes to the graduates either that day or at their next dance. In March, send email to each club president asking for name of all graduates and if couples. If couples, combine two in one envelope. If single, each gets single envelope. Contents: welcome letter, a club 25 booklet, a free dance card, and information regarding the Promenader.

Stu has list, addresses and contact info for all clubs. Will provide to officers. To include Auburn Fun Bunch and Phoenix Pairs N Squares.


NEXT MEETING: 2/25/2019, Monday, 6:30 pm. Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd. RAF to follow at

7:30 p.m.

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — November 01, 2018


ATTENDEES: Kaitlyn Shirley, Carol Ann Stahl, Jim Dowd, Sharon and Chuck Meyer, Dick and Irma Halstead, Deb and Jeff Blood, Peter Emmel, Gary and Lorraine Granath.

ABSENT: Jim Gotta, Warren Olson, Stu Jones, Eileen Webster

AGENDA REVIEW: No suggestions were made to change the agenda.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes of the September, 2018, meeting was accepted as corrected.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu was not present, but sent the board an email and copies of the Treasurer’s Report for September 19, 2018 – November 1, 2018. Total Receipts: $1, 035.00. Total Disbursements: $1,201.58 Balance on Hand Nov. 1, 2018: $11,794.48.

RAF Club Membership Status: 13 clubs have renewed their membership in the Federation as of this report. Two new clubs have also joined: The Fun Bunch from Auburn, with 15 members, President Joseph Manning; and, Pairs n’ Squares of Phoenix, NY, 25 members, President Kathleen Harter. Still waiting to hear from Batavia Silver Stars, Penn Yan Friendship Squares, Cayuga Cut-Ups, Shirts %amp; Skirts and Village Squares.

Dancer Recruitment/Retention/Advertising checks will be sent to Copy Cats and Jeff Blood (for the Wellness Fair demo in Greece Town Mall).


Dance-O-Rama: (Jeff/Debbie Blood) The caterer will be Wilshire. Line Dance Caller: Will Herzog is unavailable per email to Deb and Jeff from Jim Gotta. Jim has reached out to Terri Irvine. Deb and Jeff continue to look for venues for future DORs. Deb sent email to all club Presidents indicating we are in need of three additional DOR members: two to head Hospitality/Refreshment and one to assist Jane Jones with the basket raffle.

Insurance: (Carol Ann) No info from: Batavia Silver Stars, Cayuga Cut Ups, or Village Squares. Deb Blood offered to help reach out to Batavia Silver Stars. (Mike Callahan has the insurance for Shamrock Squares. Shamrock Squares is not a member of the Federation.) Once all paper work is received and the members can be cross referenced, money will be owed to Copy Cats. We are well on our way to completion. Certificates should be received by mid December.

CCR: (Chuck) Spring Thaw, Callers Co-Op Dance, will be March 23, 2019, First Baptist Church in Chili.

Promenader/Web Site: (Peter) Financial Report: Bank Balance today is $4,358.86. No income/expense log; all income is from listings, approximately $25.00–$30.00. Will have year-end financial report that will summarize all income/expenses for the year. Only expense was a $1000.00 check to Federation. Next issue 12/1/18. Any pictures, obits, etc. notify Peter. Pictures of October demo at Greece Town Mall: question if received by Peter. Peter and Deb will check to be sure pictures were sent and received.

Marketing: (Eileen) Eileen not present at tonight’s meeting.

Debbie: Permission to use/copy 55+ article: Deb contacted editor; we have written permission to copy and distribute article. Deb to send a copy of the 55+ article to Jamond Billyard, President of the Dalton Gang.

“Non-Plus” Club: No activity.


Fall Friendship Ball results: (Stu not present, but per email received from Stu) $664.00 income from FFB.

Sikorsky Dance, 2019. (Sharon M) Contracted for Friday, 8/23/2019, Henrietta Fire Hall. Alice Bubel cueing. Cloverleaf Squares hosting. Discussion and vote were to take place at tonight’s meeting (11/1/18) regarding sharing the profit on this dance (and the Sikorsky Dance of 2018) with the hosting club. Tabled at the September meeting for discussion and vote to occur at November mtg. Due to low attendance at tonight’s meeting, we tabled again for discussion and vote to take place at the January, 2019, meeting. Deb and Jeff to notify Jim Gotta to add discussion and vote of Sikorsky Dances to his January agenda.

NEW BUSINESS: Peter: Jamond Billyard notified me ahead of time that Jim Dowd would be here tonight to talk about scheduling conflicts. It is an issue that all clubs have, but the Dalton Gang seems affected more often.

Jim Dowd: A couple years ago the Dalton Gang scheduled an East/West Dance. “A week and a half before our dance, the MS dance was set up.” The Promenader had our dance listed as it was sent in to the Promenader in early spring. The scheduled dance had live music, $430.00 for caller and band. Believes if a club has a dance scheduled, and it is listed in the Promenader, which it was, this dance should have the support of Federation. This year conflict with Watkin’s Glen Dance, admittedly due to failure to check for conflicts. Dalton Gang voted and decided not to have any further live band dances. We are a small club, and we cannot afford to lose money on these dances.

Peter: The idea of an East/West Dance with live music is a good one. Peter suggested the dance come a little farther North. Jim D. said they would then have to rent a hall. Peter suggested possibly team up with another club or two. The more clubs involved, awareness of conflicts is better. Also, the more clubs, the more attendees.

Peter: The Promenader is the place for scheduling. We can only publish what people tell us. The Promenader is on a three-month schedule. The MS Dance was probably scheduled long before it went public. There are things scheduled that are not visible. Example: Tri-Club 2020 is contracted, but not visibly on the schedule.

Deb: Can the date of a dance be reserved on the calendar with details to follow? Perhaps send the date to all club Presidents.

Peter and Sidney will work to find a solution to this problem.

The Calendar of Special Events was mentioned by Peter. Closest thing we have to a master schedule. This is located just below the header on the cover page. There is a charge of $5.00 to place an event on this page. This is how we finance our web fees.

Dalton Gang: Annual pancake dance. Meet at Maple Tree Inn at 5:00 PM, March 26, 2019 to eat. Then move to Dalton School for the dance. Jim gave Peter $5.00. Peter said he would send an email to Sidney prior to end of tonight’s meeting to put the Annual Pancake dance on the Calendar of Special Events!

Deb suggested we promote awareness of the Calendar of Special Events.

Deb suggested to Jim Dowd to look at location: a better turnout can be achieved by location.

Jim Dowd also asked how to build up club/class membership. Many suggestions were made: radio, lawn signs, Post papers, Penney Saver, hold an open house, invite friends. The Federation will reimburse some of the cost to clubs for advertising.

Jeff and Deb gave Jim their email address and will share ideas such as grants from Federation, demos, and the Presidents’ meeting in the spring.

Visitors: Dick and Irma Halstead from Shamrock Squares. Dick has been the Historian, previously known as the “Roving Reporter”, for the Promenader. They have resigned from this position due to dynamics of their own lives. Peter has agreed to accept and go through the hard copies of the history of the square dance community from Dick and Irma. Dick previously turned over his tremendous hard-copy archive of Promenader issues to Peter, which has since been scanned onto the website. Thanks to Dick and Irma, the full history of the Promenader can now be found on line. Peter has agreed to accept the historian position moving forward. The Board thanked Dick and Irma for their hard work and dedication and wished them well. We look forward to seeing them in the spring.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:48 PM.

Next meeting: January 8, 2019 at Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd.



ATTENDEES: Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath, Chuck Meyer, Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green.

ABSENT: Jim Gotta, Warren Olson, Stu Jones.

AGENDA REVIEW: No new items were suggested.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes of September 19, 2018, were accepted as corrected.


Status of Callers and Cuers: Line Dance Caller: Will Herzog is unavailable per Jim Gotta. Jim has reached out to Terri Irvine. Jim to pursue locking in a line dance caller.

Caterers: Deb and Jeff have researched caterers for the 2019 DOR. Considered: meal comparison, delivery fee, paper products, professionalism (phone).

Otto Tomotto was not considered; however, used as a frame of reference. They raised their prices since last year. What we got last year for $9.75 is now $12.50 a dinner. Paper supplies no fee last year, now $1.00 per person. They now charge a delivery fee. Resulting per dinner cost is $14.88.

Giuseppe’s: $12.02 per dinner. Giuseppe’s charges a delivery fee of 5% which is about $50.00. The others charge a lower delivery fee, but to make it more comparable I added the optional tip of $20.00 to the others. Giuseppe’s has a driver and an assistant to bring supplies in. Giuseppe’s was used for the Fall Friendship Ball, and did a very nice job. Giuseppe’s has a mediocre reputation on their food, greasy/fatty. Also, could not make any substitutions.

Sully’s: $12.93. Sully’s was difficult to work with over the phone. Hard to reach. Did not return calls.

Wilshire: $11.43, $12.51 (for similar meal to Sully’s), and a less expensive meal at $9.27. The mix of foods makes the difference in price. Wilshire has optional dessert. We do not need dessert as attendees bring desserts and snacks. Cloverleaf Squares has used Wilshire and recommend them. Wilshire had the highest level of service over the phone. Easy to work with. Wilshire recommended we get on their list so they could service us next year.

After group discussion, motion was made in favor of Wilshire by Lorraine Granath. Barb Green seconded the motion. Deb will contact Wilshire and get on their list. Will give count of 90 people. No money has to change hands at this point. Last year total cost of meal $15.00 (meal, paper products, delivery). Expect to be under or same cost this year.

Ribbon Design: Warren brought a sample ribbon to a recent dance. Lilac with black writing. Everyone that saw the ribbon liked it. Majority of DOR members were present. DEB AND JEFF: Verify design, and has order been placed? Verify next meeting.

Dangle Design: Verification of design and has order been placed? Verify next meeting.

Review DOR checklist, updates, additions, corrections, comments: There is some confusion as to items on the checklist and who is responsible for what items. Deb to Check with Jim and Warren to see if they agree with task assignments, who is doing what.

Deb to All: If your name is listed on the DOR checklist for items you no longer plan to do, please let Deb know.

Barb brought the banner to the DOR meeting. Deb was to take banner from the meeting.

Basket Raffle/and 50/50: Jim Gotta has 50/50 tickets. Barb Green has the basket raffle tickets.

Ticket colors: Different color tickets are used for the basket raffle and 50/50. Also, do not limit yourself to one color for either the 50/50 or the basket raffle. Example green and/or blue for 50/50. Red and/or orange for basket raffle. When need to replenish, a certain color may not be available.

Barb: Basket raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets to be the same denominations. Barb proposed: offer 3 tickets for $2.00, 12 tickets for $5.00 and 30 tickets for $10.00. Barb made up signs reflecting above prices/number of tickets. Tabled proposal until next meeting.

Barb requested signs be made up with arrows directing people to the location of the baskets and the basket raffle ticket sales. All agreed basket raffle ticket sales should remain in the snack room. Basket raffle drawing is usually around 9:00 p.m. All agreed the basket raffle drawing will be done in the mainstream dance hall.

Open DOR Committee Positions:

Refreshments/Hospitality: Deb sent an email to all presidents two weeks ago indicating we are looking for two people to act as point people for hospitality. Hospitality includes maintaining inventory of supplies and set up/clean up.

Basket Raffle: Included in email to presidents was notification: We need one person to assist Jane Jones with the Basket Raffle.

Single Dancer Ribbons: Deb and Jeff tried random stickers on last year’s ribbon, and there was no trouble getting them to stick. Brought a ribbon with sample stickers stuck on it. Want visibility of the sticker. The DOR group chose the bar-shaped sticker with SOLO printed on it. When we see the color of the new ribbons, then choose a color for the SOLO stickers that will contrast the ribbon.

Other Items:

Deb noticed in the checklist file, there is a hotel listing. Question: Do we need to update this list? Do we advertise outside the Rochester area? Sharon: We sent info to a couple clubs in Pennsylvania last year.

Deb and Jeff continue to look at other venues for DOR. Ruled out everything but Sweden Walker Rd (rec center) and the Rochester Museum and Science Center. Deb and Jeff will follow up with the Science Center. Jim, Warren, Jeff and Deb will visit the Sweden Walker Rd rec center.

Assembling packets. DEB AND JEFF to check with Jim and Warren — is material ready for packets? If so, assemble at January 8, 2019, meeting. Second option: Deb and Jeff have offered their home for assembling packets. Sharon has list of current Club Presidents’ addresses; will provide to Deb and Jeff. Need an envelope with address label for each Club President PRIOR to packet assembly.

Adjourned: 7:27 PM

Next meeting: 6:30 PM, Tuesday, 1/8/2019. Bill Grays, Henrietta.

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — September 19, 2018


ATTENDEES: Eileen Webster, Kaitlyn Shirley, Jane Jones, Carol Ann Stahl, Ed Briggs, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Warren Olson, Doreen Olson, Stu Jones, Jim Gotta, Sharon Meyer, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath.

AGENDA REVIEW — Jim: No agenda changes.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes for May meeting were accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT — Stu, Treasurer’s Summary Report: Sikorsky Dancce: 56 dancers last year, 71 dancers this year, resulted in $119 increase over last year. The Fall Ball was not included in this report. Report has end date of August 25th, 2018. We had a net gain of almost $2,600.00. This figure incorporates a $1,000.00 transfer from the Promenader. Club dues are due, 10/19/18, $10.00 per club. Notification went to each Club President. The form is posted on the website.


Dance-O-Rama — Debbie and Jeff Blood: Location: Perinton Rec Cennter. Callers/cuers lined up. Club packets to go to club Presidents in January. Researching caterers. Presently researching other possible facility for upcoming years. Looking for at least two new DOR committee members to be point persons for Hospitality and organizing Basket raffles. These are ideally three-year terms.

Insurance — Carol Ann Stahl: Insurance cost same this year, $4.70 per person. Forms are accessible on Federation website. Carol Ann will write instructions for Peter to post on web page. Carol Ann needs three copies of each form. You keep one copy for the club file. Fill out a form for each place you dance. “Additionally Insured”: if you are dancing at a school, they want the school district. If you dance in a Catholic Church, they need the Diocese. Sign at the bottom. If someone in your club is paid for by another club, list separately. These people are not included in your roster. They are included in your total membership. Do NOT use the number from last year. Each club will be assigned a new number. Need forms by November 1st. Carol Ann will be away from Sept. 26th to October 6th. Any questions during that time, contact Sharon Meyer. On top of form, where it says name of association/name of federation, Rochester Area Federation Round and Square Dancers goes in the Association box. We are not a Federation, we are an Association. Clubs with a class: Fill out class member form. Give names of class members. No cost until they graduate. The check does not need to accompany the paperwork.

CCR — Jim: No updates..

Promenader/Web Site — Peter: No expenses. The fall issue went up on the 1st of September. Do not have income report. Received email from the Dalton Gang regarding a conflict on the same night as their East Meets West Dance. Peter checked. This was a regularly scheduled CC club dance. Federation dance should never interfere with a club dance. Peter to get back to them. A question was raised regarding fee for fliers. Peter: $10.00 per quarter. Check goes to Ken Georger.

Marketing — Eileen: For several years groups in Ohio have been doing a Relay For Life Square Dance. All money goes to the American Cancer Society. I have names of contacts and will research this. Possibly do in August when actively recruiting for classes. Additional goals: improve communication between clubs, encourage people to visit clubs other than their own. Also, a committee is forming to bring more people into square dancing. Looking for volunteers to join and/or offer suggestions. Debbie will seek permission to copy the article on square dancing in the 55+ magazine.

Federation Sponsored demos — The Women’s Wellness Fair, 10/13/18, at the Mall at Greece RRidge. Entrance #9. Information table from 10:00-1:00. Demo at noon. Need volunteers to hand out fliers and RAF brochures and to assist people who visit our Information table, especially from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Grant request is in to the Federation to sponsor the demo and pay for the caller, Ron Brown. This will introduce square dancing to another market for people who would like to exercise but do not want to attend a gym. To participate in the Wellness Fair, participant needs to provide a free service or information for the attendees. Debbie has checked on this requirement. We have clearance as we are offering a free demo open to the public. Waiting to hear if area callers will accept new members into their existing classes should people be interested in dancing after seeing our demo.

Demos sponsored by RAF — Jim: In the absence of having any kind of marketing buddget, we are working under the dancer recruitment fund. As I read it, we are allowed one submittal per year per club member.

“Non-Plus Club” — Jim: No conclusions. Formed committee in May of 20018, consisting of Eileen, Henry, Carl W. and Jim G.


Summer dance review:

Sikorsky dance: Very well attended. Eileen made motion to ask Sikorsky to return. Sharon seconded the motion. Sharon to contact Mike to see if he is available. Will set up for a Friday night in August, if he is available. The date will be according to Mike’s schedule and availability of the hall. Tabled: What club will run this dance? And, is profit shared with club that runs the dance.

Bower-Shoemake dance — Six squares at this Thursday night dance. Hall was small, bbut a very nice facility. No motion made for Bower-Shoemake dance next year.

Open Houses — Copy Cats had over 36 potential new dancers. Cloverleaf Squares had 14 one week and 13 one week. Silver Squares 23. Belles and Beaus 12. Belles and Beaus will be offering classes this year. Jim: “What got them in?” Copy Cats asked how people heard about open house. Most responded radio ads and ads in the Post Papers (especially Canandaigua). Cloverleaf Squares: one came due to radio interview, one because of the demo at the Y. Others were invited or had danced previously. Silver Squares guests had been to a dance held in the spring, yard signs, the Post, and fliers. Would be good to include a space on future sign-in sheets identifying how attendees heard about the open house.

Fall Friendship Ball — Need to get checks to Stu Jones for those attendinng dinner, due 9/20/18. A head count of attendees needed by 9/22/18. Currently at 20 tickets sold. The dinner does not include dessert. Encourage people to bring snacks/dessert. Set up: chairs will be in place. Tables needed for caller/cuer. Tables needed for auction items. Debbie and Jeff to bring ice. Peter to bring tablecloths and totes from Village Squares, includes condiments and water jug. Peter to bring tickets for 50/50. Set up at 1:00 p.m. Dance begins at 2:00 p.m. Question regarding donated $25.00 gift cards. Members agreed to start bidding at $15.00.

Fall Ball/DOR: Question was raised regarding meals for callers, cuers, and their spouses for the Fall Ball and DOR. Jim: “Re DOR, callers and cuers are paid, their own dinner is included. Re the Fall Ball, the callers and cuers are donating their time; we pay for their dinner as well as dinner for their significant other as compensation for their time.


Callers — Spring VS amateur night. Thhere will be an amateur night in the spring. The date has not yet been set. Need to draw up a flyer.


Next meeting:

Thursday, November 1, 2018, 7:30 pm, Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.



ATTENDEES: Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Jim Gotta, Warren Olson, Barbara Green, Sharon Meyer, Stu Jones, Doreen Olson, Gary Granath, Lorraine Granath

AGENDA REVIEW: No new items were suggested.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes of May of 2018 were accepted.


Status of Callers and Cuers: Sharon has given Debbie the contracts for callers and cuers.

Caterers: Several advertised Dinner caterers were compared. The best values were Otto Tomotto’s and Wilshire. We have used Otto Tomotto’s for two years. They are reasonably priced and reasonable quality; but, committee agrees due for a change. Keep Otto Tomotto’s as a fallback.

Otto Tomotto’s — $9.75/person. Their bill included: delivery, catering, set up, full serve, paper plates, utensils and tax.

Wilshire is $7.99. If you go to $10.99 you get three meats (baked chicken, pulled pork or beef, Italian sausage. Food items very similar to Otto Tomotto’s.

Sully’s is $10.99. 2 meats, 3 sides.

Debbie will check Wilshire and Sully’s regarding what the price includes. Does it include: delivery, catering, set up, full serve, plates, utensils, and tax. And, is there is a vegetarian side in addition to a salad. Typically, we sell dinner tickets for $15.00. Looking for caterer in that price range. Look for good reputation and price.

Solidify the caterer next meeting, November 1st. Contract in January, 2019.

Dance Schedule:

Generally keep as is. Few complaints. Same schedule for the past two years. The mainstream hall is used by new square dance graduates who have not learned round dancing. For more experienced dancers who wish to dance mainstream and rounds, we have offered 2x1 in the mainstream hall from 2:00-3:30 PM. There is a round dance party scheduled from 3:30-5:00.

A few years ago we added the third hall. When we did that, we added a time for round dance, a time for A2, and a time for line dance. Two years ago we had a DBD session that was not well received. We could do more DBD, more round dances or add line dancing. The group agreed the schedule seems fair for everyone as is.

Jim Gotta will contact Will Herzog, line dance caller, to see if he is available.

Jim will send a draft of the schedule to all callers and cuers. They may have suggestions and tweaks, in which case changes may be made.

A draft of the schedule goes out to all Club Presidents in the Club packets, for their information. It is the responsibility of DOR committee to approve and finalize. This is not finalized until the week of the DOR.

Day of DOR, dance schedules are posted on the walls of the Rec Center.

Ribbon Design and Dangles:

Members chose to go back to the standard design. We alternate, between purple with white letters and lavender with white letters. This year, 2019, return to purple ribbon with white text.

Dangles and ribbons are ordered from the same place at the same time. It was decided to use lilac design used in 2015/16 for 2019 dangles.

Warren will purchase DOR ribbons and dangles October/early November to be ready for January packets.

Review DOR checklist, updates, addition, corrections, comments, etc.

Facility — Other locations.

Deb and Jeff checked out the Penfield Rec Center. Not available the first weekend in May due to annual theatre production. Size was adequate.

Greece Central Schools ruled out. Very strict. Several items we mentioned, were not acceptable there.

Greece Town Hall. The staff members are not sure they could handle the event. They will have a meeting this week and get back to Deb.

Sweden Walker Road Community Center, located in Brockport. The person to contact is on vacation until next week. They have a gym and two large rooms. They have a cafeteria and a kitchen. All one floor. We would have the entire building. The distance from Rochester might be a deterrent. One issue is there are no restaurants nearby. Perhaps more people would stay in to have dinner. Need a caller’s perspective for acoustics, etc.

Suggestion was made to check out Brockport State College.

The Spiegel Community Center in Pittsford, Lincoln Ave, is a possibility. “Half-court” size gym. Three wooden-floor dance rooms available. Building recently renovated. Three stories, with elevator.

Spencerport Schools, used in past for DOR, do not have air conditioning. Determined not to be considered for DOR.

Deb and Jeff to check Sweden Walker Rd. Community Center, and meet Jim Gotta at the Spiegel Community Center for a walk through.

Fliers/Documents: President’s letter. Jim writes letter, emails it out, gathers comments. Warren prints the letter. Plan to use 1/8/19 meeting to assemble packets. The packets go to Presidents of all clubs by mid-January. The club packets contain: a draft of the dance schedule, ribbons to sell, tickets to sell, volunteer schedules. Plan to use 1/8/19 meeting to assemble packets.

Jim G and Warren have electronically saved items from last year: dance fliers, dinner fliers, dinner tickets, volunteer schedule, sign-in sheets, survey, and half-page schedules. Warren provides the printing. Jim provides room set-up instructions to Perinton Rec, i.e., where we want tables, chairs, etc.

Volunteer Schedule: Last year we examined how many volunteers we really needed. The number of volunteers was reduced as a result. We assign tasks to clubs. Deb, Jeff, and Jim organize club assignments. Clubs are responsible to fill assignments.


Single Dancers at DOR: Question was raised regarding a Solo ribbon.

Decision was made to print labels and have them available at the sign-in table. The person at the desk will ask the individual if he/she would like a solo label. Individuals can take one if they wish.

Deb and Jeff will test labels to see if they stick to the ribbons.

Dancers emergency medical info availability. It is the responsibility of each individual to carry medical ID, especially if any medical issues. Perinton Ambulance is aware of the dance, approx. number of dancers, and rooms occupied.

DOR volunteers. Notify clubs of need for new DOR volunteers to be point persons for the basket raffle and hospitality. [Deb, Jeff & Jim will follow-up.] Barb Green and Terry Pratt have been very instrumental in organizing the basket raffle and the snack room. Barb has agreed to stay one more year to train the new people.

[Post-meeting note: Jane Jones volunteered to be point person for Basket Raffle]

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m., 9/19/2018.

Next Meeting: Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, 6:30 p.m., Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.



ATTENDEES: Debbie Blood, Jeff Blood, Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Jim Gotta, Gary Granath, Stu Jones, Mary Jane Kosel, Donna LaDonna, Rick LaDonna, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Terry Pratt, Kaitlyn Shirley, Carol Ann Stahl, Carl Webster, and Eileen Webster

GUESTS: Lorraine Granath, Jane Jones, Doreen Olson, and Joe Pratt

ABSENT: Some club representatives

Welcome: Jim Gotta welcomed new board members Debbie and Jeff Blood, next year’s vice presidents; Gary Granath as our new secretary; and Eileen Webster as our communications liaison.

AGENDA REVIEW: Jim Gotta asked for recommendations for changes to the meeting agenda. There were no suggested items.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Dates of some Summer dances were amended: Johnny Preston (August 14) and Mike Sikorsky (August 24). Eileen Webster motioned to approve the minutes of the 19 April 2018 board meeting as amended. Sharon Meyer seconded the motion.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones handed out the Treasurer’s and Treasurer’s Summary Reports (addended). He reported a balance on hand of $11,341.06. The Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund had increased from the DOR Basket raffle with the ending balance or $1,648.97. DOR income was $1,523.27.

Committee Reports:

  1. Dance-O-Rama

    1. DOR income was about $100 more than last year. We had approximately the same number of dancers; 241 v. 243 from last year. We had 69 paid diners with a total of 75 diners last year. This year it was 87 paid diners with a total of 93 diners. (Non paid diners were callers/ cuers). 50/50 and basket sales were down, while ribbon sales increased and dinner costs were lower. We had roughly 200 pre-sales.

    2. We received 27 Surveys. There were concerns with the tightness of plus dancing. While there were comments about sound quality, the overall sense was that it was less of an issue than last year. There were more first-time respondents and they were generally positive. There were a few comments about the concurrent quilt show at the venue. There was concern about how ticket raffles were drawn. Callers and cuers received mixed reviews. The venue reaction was mostly positive.

    3. Having a list of ribbon recipients is helpful at the admission desk. This helps when dancers arrive without their ribbons.

    4. 2019 Work. Jim will book Perinton for next year. In the meantime, other venues will be researched (the Perinton booking can be canceled). We most likely will have dinner again and we will search for other dinner providers as a matter of course. The ribbon and dinner prices are expected to remain the same.

  2. Insurance – Carol Ann Stahl reported that she received the list of graduates and checks from Copy Cats, Cloverleafs, and Silver Squares. She has not heard from Batavia Silver Stars, Belles 'N' Beaus, Shirts 'N' Skirts, Cayuga Cut-Ups, and Waterwheel Squares. Carol Ann Stahl reminded the board to use the USDA number when corresponding with the organization.

  1. Caller’s Cooperative of Rochester (CCR) – Summer Sizzler will be held on July 28th at the Henrietta fire hall. Although not a CCR dance, the ALS Benefit Dance will be held on June 2nd.

  2. Promenader – The final season report will not be available until after the June 1st issue comes out. The current bank balance is $4,338.81. There is a link to the DOR questionnaire. Peter Emmel announced the link by posting a Facebook entry, listing it on the Promenader itself and emailing 300 people on the Promenader email list. Peter requested of Jim Gotta a summary of the DOR and the DOR survey. Peter requested photographs for Promenader obituaries.

  1. Promenader Non RAF Affiliated Pricing – Peter Emmel motioned that the price structure for Non RAF affiliated organizations be reduced to keep some geographically distant groups advertising with the online publication. He motioned that a new cost for an event be changed from ten dollars per issue to ten dollars per event. Carol Ann Stahl seconded the motion and it was approved by the committee. This will start in the next season (beginning with the September issue).

Current Business:

  1. Amateur Night Summary – There were five amateur callers and one cuer. The winner, Evan DeSmitt, was a recent Cloverleaf Square class graduate. There were five squares for the event and it was a very “dance-able” night. The Cloverleaf Facebook article received numerous “Likes”.

  1. Fall Friendship Ball – There were no sign-ups during DOR. Every club received a packet with flyers, an informational sheet, and silent auction forms to be used for their announcements. Sharon Meyer suggested donating handmade goods, merchant donated items, and personal services.

  2. Summer 2018 dances – There was discussion concerning possible date conflicts.

  3. Email blast tool / coordinator – The board is contemplating having a tool to communicate sudden dance cancellations, facilitate Promenader announcements, or send messages to club presidents. The primary application being looked at is “MailChimp.”

  4. 2018-19 Meeting Schedule – Jim passed out a proposed meeting schedule for next year (addended). Six dates were chosen for board meetings. Days alternated to avoid numerous conflicts with club dance nights.

  5. President’s Meeting – Jim Gotta asked for potential meeting dates. He said that the current topics under consideration are a) mainstream dance club, b) ways to promote square dancing, and c) What can RAF do to better support clubs? The meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, June 5th.

  6. Marketing Committee – Eileen Webster stated that she would like to gather a team of square dance enthusiasts. She emphasized that communication not only be with outside the square dance community but also within the community itself. She said that RAF meetings are a great way of passing out flyers to other clubs and letting them know what is happening in the community. She also talked about dancing in public; not just a demo, but a dance that other people would observe. She gave as an example the Fun Bunch dancing in the Fingerlakes Mall in Auburn where casual shoppers stop by and observe. The dances at the Greece Community Center are a great idea. She reached out to the group to share ideas and thoughts to help promote square dancing. She intends to create a manual or notebook to pass along.

Jim Gotta reiterated his thanks to the leaving board officers and also to the new officers.

MEETING ADJOURNED at 8:44 pm. The next meeting will be at 7:30 pm, Wednesday September 19, 2018 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.

  n.b. – Addenda not attached online



ATTENDEES: Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Jim Gotta, Stu Jones, Mary Jane Kosel, Kaitlyn Shirley, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Peter Emmel, Donna LaDonna, Rick LaDonna, Doreen Olson, Carol Ann Stahl, Carl Webster, and Eileen Webster

GUESTS: Jane Jones, and Chuck Meyer

ABSENT: Terry Pratt and some club representatives

AGENDA REVIEW: Jim Gotta asked for recommendations of changes to the meeting agenda. Carl Webster wanted to report email and club information changes. Peter Emmel would like a discussion concerning the upcoming “Open Square Dancing” event in Greece.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Warren Olson motioned to approve the minutes from the 26 February 2018 board meeting. Peter Emmel seconded the motion.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones handed out the Treasurer’s and Treasurer’s Summary Reports (addended). He reported a balance on hand of $10,362.11. There was no change to the Dancer Promotion/Recruitment/Retention Fund.

Committee Reports:

  1. Insurance

    1. Copy Cats request for another place to dance has been submitted and returned.

    2. Carol Ann Stahl reminded the board to use the USDA number when corresponding with the organization. Donna LaDonna recommended that the USDA number be placed with the club name since there is no entry block for the number.

    3. Carol Ann also said that when filling out USDA forms, place the Federation name under the label “Association” and not under “Federation.”

    4. USDA requested that any requests to them have the same address used for the rest of the year even if it may have changed due to a club officer change.

    5. Certificates are only for the place and not for the dance; there is no need for a new certificate if adding a new dance date to a place already insured.

  2. Dance-O-Rama

    1. Jim Gotta reported that Shirts 'N' Skirts have not turned in monies for the DOR. Copy Cats submitted theirs at this meeting.

    2. Last year we had 70 for dinners; it is estimated about 65 for this year. We had about 200 dancers pre-sold and about 30 sold at the door. Jim estimated about there will be about 180 dancers this year.

    3. We have about 30 graduates reported so far this year (Not all clubs reported new dancers). Packets will be given to the club officers on the day of the dance.

  3. CCR – There were four squares at the Spring CCR dance. The Summer Sizzler is coming up at the end of July. Dates and hall are to be determined.

  4. Promenader

    1. The current balance is $4,318.81.

    2. June 1st issue for the Promenader is May 1st. Peter asked for article contributions.

Current Business:

  1. Callers (or lack thereof) – Henry Capron reported that five amateur callers and one amateur cuer are lined up. Henry has selected four judges from the dance community.

  2. Fall Friendship Ball

    1. Peter will have a promotion desk at DOR. Dinner orders will be taken

    2. Callers and venue have been arranged.

    3. Henry Capron asked about joining the “Tri Club” dance with the Ball. It was suggested that this be an off-line discussion.

  3. Summer2018 dances

    1. Shoemake& Bower – June

    2. Mike Sikorsky – July

    3. Ron Reardon – July

    4. Copy Cats Summer dance – August

    5. Johnny Preston

  4. Email blast tool / coordinator – Carl Webster reviewed the MailChimp application. It is a template driven application. Mail lists can be built with .CSV files. The mail list will block out email’s that failed to deliver and cannot be deleted. Jim tabled the discussion until another meeting.

  5. Daphne-Norma Leadership Award – Peter reported “we’re all set.”

New Business:

  1. Club Contacts – Carl Webster reported several club officer or contact changes. Penn Yan Friendship Squares changes their president(s) every four months. Seneca Silhouettes is in “hibernation.” A good contact for Waterwheel Squares is Scott Mansfield.

  2. Greece Open House – They will open houses on the last Thursday of April, May, and June. Jim has flyers for the Promenader. Peter will write an article.

  3. President Meetings – There was discussion about continuing these “Cabin Parties.” There was support to continue and there were suggestions to include a simple program. Peter suggested that informal discussions could be included such as the creation of a mainstream club. Jim said that he would correspond later about the matter.

  4. Nominating Committee for the Federation – The nominating committee submitted a Slate of nominees for RAF offices (Addended). The following individuals were voted to be board members beginning July 1st.

    1. President: (repeating) Jim Gotta (Copy Cats & Cloverleafs)

    2. Vice President: Jeff & Debbie Blood (Copy Cats)

    3. Treasurer: (repeating) Stu Jones (Belles & Beaus)

    4. Secretary: Gary Granath (Copy Cats & Village Squares)

    5. Communications Liaison: Eileen Webster (Cloverleafs & Southern Tier Wheelers)

MEETING ADJOURNED at 8:40 pm. The next meeting will be at 7:30 pm, Monday May 14, 2018 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.

  n.b. – Addenda not attached online

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — February 26, 2018


ATTENDEES: Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Jim Gotta, Mary Jane Kosel, Kaitlyn Shirley, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Peter Emmel, Doreen Olson, Carl Webster, and Eileen Webster

ABSENT: Terry Pratt, Stu Jones, Carol Ann Stahl and some club representatives

AGENDA REVIEW: Jim Gotta asked for recommendations of changes to the meeting agenda. No recommendations were forwarded.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Warren Olson motioned to approve the minutes from the 11 January 2018 board meeting. Henry Capron, seconded the motion. The minutes were approved without modification.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones was absent but sent an email to the board with comments and report attachments. In his email, dated Sunday, February 25, 2018, he stated:

  1. “We received a check from Susan Lee of SSDUSA for $75.00 as payment for their website on our portal.”
  2. “I sent a check for $25.00 to The Coordinator on 14Jan2018. It has not yet been cashed and I have no word that they received it.”

Jim handed out copies of the reports to some attendees and briefly reviewed their contents. The treasurer’s and treasurer’s summary reports are addended to the minutes (they will not be posted online with the text of these minutes).

Committee Reports:

  1. Dance-O-Rama —

    1. Jim Gotta reported that preparations are going well. Planning will continue and the next project will be putting together the packets for the new graduates. Jim asked the clubs to continue to sell dinner tickets and to report back to him the count sold so the dinner will not be oversold. The deadline for a final count is due prior to this board’s April meeting. However periodic reports will help to monitor the sales. The committee needs a list of graduates no later than the end of March so the grad packets can be prepared. Please indicate if dancers are graduating as couples so one packet can be prepared for both.

    2. Jim went on to ask the clubs if they want to be excluded from the “free dance card.” All clubs will be listed on the card unless he hears otherwise.

  2. Insurance — Sharon reported that Carol Ann said that any correspondence to USDA concerning specific clubs should include the club’s number as assigned by USDA. The numbers can be found on the club certificates provided by USDA. She reported that USDA will be holding their annual meeting in Kansas City, Missouri during the National Square Dance Convention on Wednesday, June 27th.

  3. CCR — The Spring CCR dance will be held on March 31st at the 1st Baptist Church of Chili, 3182 Chili Ave., Chili. Flyers can be found on the our web site or ask Jim Gotta for copies.

  4. Promenader. —

    1. The Promenader sent a check for $1,000 to the federation and received $85 for listing fees, bringing the current balance to $4,253.81.

    2. The March 1st issue is currently being proofed.

    3. Peter Emmel said that since email addresses for federation officers are on the federation web site, everyone should be cautious of bogus emails. Unscrupulous agents can find our listed email accounts even if “hidden.” Do not open emails with strange subject lines or unusual domains.

Current Business:

  1. Web hosting request — The Single Square Dancers (SSDUSA) website has been successfully ported to the federation server and they have sent a check to us for $75. Sidney Marshall will know when the fee should be applied to SSDUSA next year.

  2. Belles ’N’ Beaus Flooding — Jim Gotta reported that Ronni Camiolo said that the Belles ’N’ Beaus dance venue has experienced flooding and currently cannot be used. Two dances have been canceled thus far. He reported that their dance season is expected to be extended.

  3. Fall Friendship Ball —

    1. All callers and cuers have been confirmed.

    2. Stu Jones will be handling reservations and payment for the dinner.

    3. Warren Olson passed around the flyer to have reviewed. Warren will print out a couple hundred of the finalized flyers for the clubs.

    4. Two silent auction forms were passed around. Sharon Meyer will be coordinating the auction and donations. The auction forms will be used to create a selling list for buyers.

    5. Peter Emmel asked for volunteers to assist in getting snacks. Sharon recommended to have “bring a snack to pass” on the flyer. Peter stated that there was a higher percentage of people coming to the dance but not going to the dinner afterwards.

    6. There will be a table at DOR to promote the Fall Friendship Ball. There will also be a Promenader table at DOR.

  4. Summer 2018 dances — No update.

  5. Callers (or lack thereof) — No one has signed up as of this meeting. Callers are willing to help anyone interested in trying. Callerlab has links to square dance music that people can purchase.

  6. Daphne-Norma Leadership Award — The award selection committee needs to meet.

  7. Nominating Committee for the Federation — Nomination are needed for next year’s board. Although it was mentioned that the election occurs during the May meeting, the Constitution states that the election is during the April meeting. Peter Emmel and Eileen Webster volunteered to be on the nominating committee. Individuals will be sought for the following positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Liaison. Officer terms will begin July 1st.

  8. Email blast tool / coordinator — This is would be a way to communicate to dancers about such things as announcing canceled dances or marketing federation-wide dances. Currently, Facebook and web pages are used for announcements. Some clubs use email for their own members or “friends.” There was discussion about which email account to use such as the Promenader Roadrunner, RAF Bluehost account or MailChimp; about building and maintaining an address book for the mailings; about permissions of addressees; and about the coordinator. Peter had looked at an email account on Bluehost but uses rochester.rr.com for Promenader emails. Carl Webster volunteered to review the MailChimp application.

  9. Greece Open House — Town of Greece had five squares in their open house. Half the dancers were new. They expect to have other open houses in April, May, and June on Thursdays.

MEETING ADJOURNED at 8:43 pm. The next meeting will be at 7:30 pm, Thursday April 19, 2018 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — January 11, 2018


ATTENDEES: Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Jim Gotta, Stu Jones, Jane Jones, Mary Jane Kosel, Kaitlyn Shirley (McJilton), Sharon Meyer, Chuck Meyer, Warren Olson, Doreen Olson, Joe Pratt, Terry Pratt, Carl Webster, and Eileen Webster

ABSENT: Peter Emmel, Carol Ann Stahl and some club representatives

AGENDA REVIEW: Jim Gotta asked for recommendations of changes to the meeting agenda. No recommendations were forwarded (although, some came out at the end of the meeting).

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Terry Pratt motioned to approve the minutes from the 30 October 2017 board meeting. Warren Olson seconded the motion. The minutes were approved without modification.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones reported we had receipts totaling $1,080, of which $1,000 was a transfer from the Promenader account. The other receipts are from club dues (all clubs paid). Disbursements were $643.72. The balance on hand is $9,469.38. The Dancer/Promotion/Recruitment/ Retention fund balance as of October 30 2017 was $140.97. The current balance is $830.97 (this includes a transfer from the Promenader account). The RAF Treasurer’s Summary report as of this date shows an overall gain since September 1, 2017 of $331.51. The treasurer’s and treasurer’s summary reports are addended to the minutes.

Committee Reports:

  1. Dance-O-Rama — Packets for mailing were completed at the last DOR meeting. Dinner tickets, the Club Challenge flyer and the letter still needed to be inserted. Jim will take some packets directly to clubs he visits and will mail the rest of them by the end of the month. Jim requested of the club representatives that the clubs read the materials and respond with sign-up sheets, volunteer information, et cetera. This will help having a smoothly run dance.

  2. Insurance — Sharon indicated Carol Ann Stahl sent paperwork out to all the clubs. Kaitlyn said that her club had not received it as of their last meeting. Henry mentioned that they received theirs last December. She was assured that the club is still covered.

  3. CCR — The last (fifth) Saturday in March is booked for the Spring CCR dance. It was mentioned that this is Easter weekend.

  4. Promenader — No update.

Current Business:

  1. Fall Friendship Ball —

    1. Last Saturday in September (29th) is booked at the Henrietta Fire hall.

    2. Henry expressed concern about the worth of having ribbons, he said that no one picked one up from his club. It was decided to no longer have ribbons for the dance.

    3. Same caterer is booked, however, the charge will only be $15 for the same menu.

    4. Sharon Meyer mentioned about having a silent auction to raise money for the Dancer Retention Fund. Her recommendation was that people donate a service or item that can be auctioned. She would like a list ahead of time to publish ahead so folks can bring money if they would be interested in a service or an item. Terry Pratt said she will help Sharon with the auction. Jim Gotta asked the clubs talk to their respective boards about the auction and to look for members or businesses to contribute items or services. Those items or services can be listed on 3x5 cards (with a minimum bid). It would not be a raffle but bids placed on the items. A list of items should be submitted from the club members at least a month ahead of time. Terry Pratt suggested that it be announced at DOR while Warren Olsen suggested that dinner tickets also be sold at the DOR. Sharon Meyer suggested having a flyer made up for the auction. Warren offered to create a flyer with the auction on one side and dinner ticket sales on the other side.

    5. Jim Gotta said that he still needs to verify with the callers and cuers. He will ask for volunteer callers and cuers but offer them complimentary dinners for them and their guest (same as last year).

    6. We will have a 50/50 drawing.

  2. Summer 2018 dances — No update. The August 24th Sikorsky dance is a Federation dance this year, Cloverleaf Squares will be helping to host, but they will not be responsible financially. No tickets will be pre-sold. Admission will be at the door.

  3. Callers (or lack thereof) — Cloverleaf Squares will be hosting a caller’s amateur night on April 22nd at the Chili Baptist Church. Flyers were handed out.

  4. Web hosting request — Single Square Dancers (SSDUSA) asked about the possibility of RAF hosting their web pages. We currently have up to ten domains with our service. Currently we have only three, namely, the Federation, a caller, and Cloverleaf Squares. We have plenty of space available. RAF clubs may have free access except for the domain name itself. Since we have unused resources Jim Gotta proposed to allow access but have them contribute $75.00 per annum to help offset our costs. Eileen Webster made the motion to approve the proposal, Warren Olson seconded the motion. There was no opposition.

  5. New graduate free dance card — Some clubs feel that when new graduates use the card for free admission to their club that they loose revenue. Jim asked about the history of the card and Terry explained that it was way to advertise the various clubs to the new dancers. Charlene first printed them up about seven years ago. Each club’s name is printed on the card and will be crossed off when presented to the club when the new dancer arrived for the first time. After discussion, board will give clubs the option to opt out. Jim asked the representatives to ask their clubs if they wish to opt out.

  6. Facebook Pages — Jim reported that a Facebook page had been created but not every one had the administrative password and it was an individual type page and not a group and it made it harder for people to post on it. Later Jim set up a group page that anyone could then post. Carl had printed out that the old page had a couple hundred hits as opposed to the new page with a few hits. He said that it makes no sense having two pages. Carl said that the old page is not an “individual page” but rather a “Facebook Pages” type and as such, it does have to have administrators and editors assigned to it. People cannot post to the front page but they can make comments. Carl reported that he, Sharon Meyer, and Peter Emmel have administrative rights to the old Facebook page. Sharon reported that she finds the new pages easier to work with. Carl said that the old page can have club editors who can post. He said the new page (as a group page) is more for discussion and sharing. The old one’s is designed as a “push” communication, to broadcast information. He went on to say that with an editor-lead Facebook page then picture and copy guidelines could be recommended. This type of page can be used to augment the Promenader. Warren Olson asked if a new position was being suggested but Carl said that he thought it ought to come under the guise of the Promenader committee. As a publication, Carl said that many people who have moved or stopped dancing have been staying in touch with the community with the old page. Sharon said that she has posted obituaries on the old page. Jim said that we have an open position for a marketing person that has not been filled in the last three years. He said that if we had such a person then this would be just the role for him/her. He said that the alternative without such a person would be an open environment where anyone can post. Warren asked why there would be a problem with having both pages. Jim said that it would split the audience. Henry expressed a concern about the open group concept where someone could post “out-of-control” posts. Jim said he could control who is a member of the group. Terry expressed that she thought that open environment would be nice for people to have easier access to. She said that people may not want to go through the process of becoming an administrator or editor that may prevent them from posting. The board elected to keep the new, group Facebook. Stu said that we ought to “report back, how good is it, how bad is it” after some period of time. Warren asked if it can be put the old page into “limbo” for now and go for a year and see if it works. Carl will announce that the old Facebook Pages will cease and he will hibernate it. Jim will have Sid point to the group Facebook Page from the RAF website.

New Business:

  1. Tri-Club dance — Mary Jane Kosel asked whose turn is it to host the Tri-Club dance (Village Squares, Copy Cats, or Cloverleaf Squares). Henry Capron will ask Peter Emmel.

  2. Ad in Greece paper — Sharon asked about a square dance advertisement in a Greece paper about lessons. Warren found that the number to call was a Copy Cats line. Kaitlyn will let Copy Cats know.

  3. Greece Open House — The town of Greece is holding an open house at the end of January at the Greece Community Center. They are interested in seeing if there is interest in square dancing in the town.

  4. Comprehensive Email List for Presidents — Copy Cats requested a master list of all dancers for all club presidents so clubs could send out emails to dancers in case of inclement weather. There were concerns with privacy and getting everyone’s email. The board recommended that people check with the RAF or club website or call club contacts. Warren Olson would like to see a “MailChimp” available in the Federation if contact would be needed.

MEETING ADJOURNED at 8:35 pm Motioned by Terry Pratt and seconded by Eileen Webster, all in favor.NEXT MEETING: 7:30 pm, Monday February 26, 2018 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.

n.b. — Addenda not attached online

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — October 30, 2017

Meeting Called To Order 7:28pm

ATTENDEES: Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Jim Gotta, Stu Jones, Jane Jones, Mary Jane Kosel, Kaitlyn McJilton, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Doreen Olson, Carol Ann Stahl, Joe Pratt, Terry Pratt, Rick LaDonna, Donna LaDonna, Carl Webster, and Eileen Webster

AGENDA REVIEW: Jim Gotta asked for recommendations of changes to the meeting agenda. No recommendations were forwarded.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Terry Pratt motioned to approve the minutes from the 19 September 2017 board meeting. Sharon Meyer seconded the motion. The minutes were approved without modification.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones reported balance as of September 19th of $9,147.87. Today the balance is $9,033.10. Receipts include club dues. Ten out of eighteen clubs are listed as paid on the report. Southern Tier Wheelers submitted their dues at the meeting. Stu will contact the other clubs for overdue dues. The treasurer’s report and treasurer’s summary report are addended to the minutes.

Committee Reports:

  1. Dance-O-Rama — We will stick with Otto Tomotto and the same menu item (“The MaMa”). We will go with a black ribbon with silver or gold lettering with perhaps the lettering “60th” inside a diamond shape. The packets with dinner tickets, dance tickets, and ribbons are scheduled to go out to clubs in January. Terry Pratt will be looking into re-skining some of our advertising signs to replace our wooden direction signs for the dance. Rick LaDonna expressed interest in re-skinning some Copy Cat signs to replace old sandwich boards. Tickets for the dance will be $10.00 for advance sales and $12.00 at the door; the dinner will be $15.00. Clubs were requested to send the list of ticket sales in case of forgotten ribbons. Ribbons will not be numbered. Donna LaDonna volunteered to help Barb Green with the baskets.
  2. Insurance — Carol Ann Stahl reported that the Cayuga Cutups payment is still outstanding. Once all the payments are in Carol Ann will make adjustments for people in multiple clubs. She also requested any club contact changes. Peter and Carol looked at the Promenader text concerning obtaining insurance forms and they have no suggested changes. The USDA web site has information on how to complete the insurance forms. Rick LaDonna lauded Carol Ann on her help in completing their forms.
  3. Caller’s Cooperative of Rochester (CCR) — Nothing new — monitoring new dancer classes.
  4. Promenader — Peter Emmel reported income from four listings is $20.00 and the current balance is $5,188.81. He reported that the deadline for the winter issue is “the day after tomorrow.” The winter issue will come out on the first of December. He said that club news cannot include pictures; pictures would have to be added as separate articles. Text and pictures for an article should be sent separately. Embedded pictures within text will not render properly on some displays. The Promenader staff will process text and images separately for readability.

Current Business:

  1. Fall Friendship Ball — Peter Emmel reported
    1. Financial Summary for 2nd Annual Fall Friendship Ball 9/23/2017 is addended.
    2. Attendence.
      1. 56 dancers attended. Last year there were over eigthy dancers. The hall could have taken two or three more squares.
      2. Only one recent graduate attended.
      3. Only one couple attended from the Finger Lakes area (there was a dance in Penn Yan at the same time).
    3. Survey Results. (Addended). Peter reported that generally the venue was fine but the distance, for most dancers, was too far.
    4. Location, Dinner and Date. Resolved to keep the dance at the American Legion in Shortsville on September 29, 2018. Keep the caterer the same but request some non-meat dishes.
    5. Cost. The subsidized cost for the dance was a little less than $300. The hall rental was the primary cost for the dance. The dinner revenue and cost was even.
    6. Action Items.
      1. Peter volunteered to contact club presidents about attendence reactions from their members.
      2. Peter will contact Lise Rosenfield about potential date conflicts with Finger Lakes dances.
    7. Caller / Cuer. Caller suggestions: Bill Ryan, Richard Rosenfield, Dave Eno, and as backup, Ron Brown. Cuer suggestions: Eileen Webster, Lisa Treichler, and as backup, Alice Bubel.
  2. Summer 2018 Dances — RAF and Cloverleaf Squares has Mike Sikorsky coming in August. Johnny Preston will be returning to the area. There is no information about a potential Bower/Shoemake trail in/out dance. There was talk of a possible “fun dance” with Gil Porter and perhaps Dave Eno.
  3. Callers — lack thereof — Village Squares will not have an amateur night in 2018. The Cloverleaf Squares board will be considering an amateur night. There is also an “Open Mike” period during each DOR dance.

New Business:

  1. New Dancer Recruitment / Ad Reimbursement Funds —
    1. One fund is for reimbursement for advertising and the other is a grant program for a planned event (one event per year — open house or national caller dance).
    2. We have $140.00 of allocated funds but with $250.00 current requests. The Basket Raffle is the primary source for the funds. It was resolved to move $1,000 from the Promenader account into the advertising/retention/recruitment fund (Warren motioned, Terry seconded). Peter will ask Promenader Business Manager, Ken Georger, to write a check made out to the RAF to replenish the funds. At this time it was recommended that future needs of the fund be replenished as needed.
    3. There was discussion about merging the Promenader funds into the general RAF accounts. Peter will discuss a potential merger of funds with Ken Georger.
    4. Belles ’N’ Beaus joined the Greece Chamber of Commerce as a way of networking.
  2. Information Security — Stu Jones received a personal email purportedly from Jim Gotta as RAF president requesting about $1,500. It was discovered to be false. There was no evidence of hacking of the web site. Even so, names and responsibilities are plainly available on the federation site. It was assumed that the email was “spoofed” or externally generated. Other clubs reported that similar emails have occurred.
    1. Jim asked the board if more security should be added to the site or not. General consensus was to make no changes to information on the site but to take extra caution when dispersing funds such as using additional authentication. If was felt the information was helpful for dancers.
    2. Jim asked if minutes continue to be posted online. The consensus was to continue with the postings. Financial Statements are not to be included with the minutes online.
    3. Peter will talk to Sidney Marshall about the potential of password protection of RAF minutes online
    4. Passwords were changed as a precaution.

MEETING ADJOURNED at 9:00 pm Motioned by Rick LaDonna and seconded by Terry Pratt, all in favor.

NEXT MEETING: 7:30 pm, Thursday January 11, 2018 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.

n.b. — Addenda not attached online

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — September 19, 2017


ATTENDEES: Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Peter Emmel, Jim Gotta, Jane and Stu Jones, Mary Jane Kosel, Kaitlyn McJilton, Sidney Marshall, Sharon Meyer, Bill and Pat Mosher, Warren Olson, Carol Ann Stahl, Carl and Eileen Webster

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Carl Webster made corrections to last meeting minutes. Motion to accept by Carol Ann Stahl, seconded by Peter Emmel, and all in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Stu Jones reported a beginning balance of $9,305.61 as of May 15, 2017. The balance on hand as of September 19, 2017 is $9,147.87. His report is addended. Peter Emmel asked if Stu Jones would like a blank dues form loaded onto the RAF web site. Stu Jones agreed. He also presented a Treasurer’s Summary Report (also addended). The report is meant as an overview of a year’s period. It includes major dance summaries and a Dancer Recruitment/ Retention Fund summary.

Committee Reports:

  1. Dance-O-Rama — Jim Gotta. The Dance-O-Rama will continue to be on the first Saturday in May. The next dance will be the federation’s 60th. Perinton Community Center is reserved for next year. Callers Keith Harter, Mike Callahan, Dave Eno, and Gary Bubel; and cuers Jeanne Harter and Mary Hinkle are under contract. Will continue with the dinner. The dance showed a small positive income. Jim reported that it was recommended to change the advance-purchase ticket price to $10 and at-the-door price to $12. There were no objections at the meeting. Southern Tier Wheelers expressed concern about logistics of obtaining advance-purchase tickets because their dancing schedule is outside the purchase deadline. The board felt that it would not be a problem coordinating ticket sales to the club. It was recommended to include something about advance-purchase tickets in the January packet mailing for outlying clubs (such as FLAC members) to be able to participate in early purchases.

  2. Insurance — Carol Ann Stahl reported that insurance was approved for the same $4.70 rate. She requested information for the insurance period from January 1st to December 31st 2018. She would like the current name and address of each president and treasurer as well as club and class members (Class members are not charged until they become members of the club). She will send forms to each president requesting member names. She requested from the presidents to return three copies to her (2 copies will go to the national organization). Forms are online at http://squaredancingrochester.org/formsanddocuments.html. Peter Emmel will get more information to improve wording on the web to help club officers understand insurance reporting needs.

  3. Caller’s Cooperative of Rochester (CCR) — Clubs and dancing schedules are being covered since the loss of Jerry Carmen and Mike Herne.

  4. USDA — Sally Baechel not present.

  5. Promenader — Peter Emmel reported that the Fall 2017 issue is posted and hard copies will be provided shortly. About ten people requested hard copies. Promenader had an income of $120.00 from two ads and special event listings. There was a $171.87 expense for the renewal of the web posting through the summer of 2019 and domain name through July of 2018. Web hosting costs $12.99 a month while the domain name is $15.99 a year. The current bank balance is $5,168.81. Sidney Marshall reported federation minutes are posted on the federation web; agendas are not. Send club flyers directly to him rather than through the Promenadar. He also reported that federation server site also hosts other web sites such as Mike Callahan’s personal site and Cloverleaf Squares at cost. He offered room on the server for other club sites with the understanding the other clubs pay for their own domain name. The federation currently is hosting two of their ten allotted sub-domains. Clubs will be requested for reimbursement of domain name charges, charged to the federation.

  6. Summer Dance Review — Members felt that the Bower/Shoemake (118 dancers) and Mike Sikorsky (59 plus dancer) dances went well and it would be nice to have them again. It was suggested that Barb Green contact Bower/Shoemake to see if they are available. Mike Sikorsky is available Friday, August 24, 2018 and the board recommended having another dance next year. Gary Bubel will be contacted regarding a conflict with his club’s Friday dance.

  7. Open Houses — Cloverleaf Squares reported that nineteen people showed up for their first open house and nineteen at the second (ten returning from the previous open house). Henry Capron described the club’s financial offer to prospective students. Copy Cats open house is taking place concurrent with this meeting. Village Squares is not having an open house.

  8. Fall Friendship Ball — 34 paid for dinner with 9 free-of-charge for callers, cuers and partners (representing a little over half from last year; last year’s price was subsidized). This dance is further away but closer to the Thruway exit (exit 43). The hall is larger, better acoustics, and with snacks outside the dance hall. Sharon Meyer suggested that people find places to dance. Most places are expensive and people have complained about various facilities. There was some coordination discussion for the dance coming up the following weekend.

New Business:

  1. Callers (or lack thereof) — Discussion focused on a) encouraging new callers and b) funding for caller training.

    1. The federation would like to find and encourage people who potentially would like to call. Amateur caller night is one way to attract new callers. The board encouraged the continuation of this activity, including, perhaps, a CCR sponsored amateur night. Also, CCR members are available to create mentor relationships with interested people. Clubs have had guest tips for new callers.

    2. “Callerlab” and Single Square Dancers USA have funds to sponsor caller training.

MEETING ADJOURNED at 9:00 pm Motioned by Warren Olson and seconded by Peter Emmel, all in favor.

NEXT MEETING: 7:30 pm, October 30, 2017 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd.


(As Amended 19 September 2017)


ATTENDEES: Warren and Doreen Olson, Jim Gotta, Henry Capron, Joe and Terry Pratt, Mary Ann Lane, Sharon and Chuck Meyer, Stu and Jane Jones, Peter Emmel, Carl and Eileen Webster, Russ and Ruth Uhrenholdt, Sally Baechele, Mary Jane Kosel, Kaitlyn McJilton, Carol Ann Stahl.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Doreen Olson. No corrections needed. Motion to accept by Sharon, seconded by Peter, and all in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Ann Lane. Total for receipts is $2,891.00. Total for Disbursements is $3,409.57. Total Balance on Hand is $9,305.61. Motion to accept by Peter, seconded by Terry, and all in favor. ( Balances will be subject to change after Jim reviews subject matters).


1) DOR — Jim reported dance results. We were down about 2 squares, with 230 dancers in attendance. About 70 dinner tickets were sold. Twenty two people filled out the survey, with the general consensus being positive. General dinner comments were good. Some had a problem with location, but we strongly felt that Perinton Rec was a suitable place. Some negative comments on the sound. May have to utilize the downstairs hall for the plus dance. Its hard to please everyone. Looking for Diamond Jubilee suggestions for the 60th next year.

2) CCR — It was a good session with Betsy and Roy Gotta. Summer Sizzler will be Aug 12, 2017 at the Henrietta fire hall 7pm.

3) USDA — Sally reported the possibility of the clubs having tax exempt status. Many pros and cons whether it would benefit our federation. Questionable how much sales tax savings there would be, may not be worth it to apply.

4) Promenader/web site — Peter reported $90 for listing fees. The balance total is $5,220.68. New articles were submitted along with 3 obituaries. Peter took a picture of the Board members, old and new.


1) Trail thru to June Jamboree is June 8, 2017 at the Church of Assumption, 20 East Ave, Fairport, NY. Callers are Ken Bower and Gary Shoemake, and cuer is Mark Thone. It will be Mainstream and Plus. Time is 7pm early rounds, and 7:30 to 9:45pm Squares and Rounds. $10 per person with discounts at the door for club members and graduates.

2) Mike Sikorsky Dance will be Mainstream and announced Plus dancing. It is Aug 25, 2017 at Henrietta Fire Hall, 3129 East Henrietta Rd, with Mike Sikorsky calling and Alice Bubel cueing. Time is 7:00 Early Rounds, and 7:30 to 9:45 Squares and Rounds. Cost is $10 per person.

3) Fall Friendship Ball is Saturday Sept 23, 2017, at American Legion Post 34, 1513 Palmyra Rd, Shortsville, NY 14548. Dance is from 2:00 to 5:15pm. No charge for the dance, but the buffet dinner that is served immediately after is $20 per person ( reservations are required). Please sign up with Peter Emmel — see flyer for details. Encourage all Graduates to go!!!!!

4) The RAF Meeting Schedule is out, please pick one up.

5) Yard signs are in and available. They are $1.50 each, please see Warren Olson.

6) Please support the ALS Fundraiser Dance with Shirts & Skirts in memory of Elaine Eno. It is June 17, 2017, and this year they will be honoring Jerry Carmen.

7) President’s Meeting is Tues May 23, 2017 at 7:00pm at Bill Grays, Jefferson Rd, Henrietta.

8) Passing the Torch — Welcome Jim Gotta the new Pesident, Henry Capron the new Vice President, Carl Webster the new Secretary, and Stu Jones the new Treasurer.

9) Bill and Pat Mosher from Southern Tier Wheelers announced their dance June 17, 2017, inviting all new Graduates to join them. Flyers posted in the Promenader.

10) There was a suggestion to have 4 double sided new signs made up for DOR similar to the Yard Signs. Will discuss further at next meeting. Also look into magnetic signs for cars as a way of advertising.

11) The Federation Board wants to give Sid Marshall a special thanks for overseeing the Open Mic Hour.



MOTION TO ADJOURN made by Terry , seconded by Sally, and all in favor.


Meeting Called To Order 7:28 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Warren and Doreen Olson, Jim Gotta, Joe and Terry Pratt, Sharon and Chuck Meyer, Henry Capron, Mary Ann Lane, Sue Eddy, Kaitlyn McJilton, Jane and Stu Jones, Carol Ann Stahl, Ed Briggs, Mary Jane Kosel.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Doreen Olson made corrections to last meeting minutes. Motion to accept by Ed, seconded by Terry, and all in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Ann Lane reported the receipts for DOR tickets and dinner tickets. The total was $1683.00. Disbursements for Dangles was $108.00. The Balance on Hand as of April 18, 2017 is $9824.18.


1. DOR: Jim Gotta. Jim needs the total number of graduates and their names so he can put together packets. The total count for dancers at DOR is 192, and the count for dinners sold is 75. The final count for dinners is next week. There will be no sales at the door. The dinner tickets will be collected at the dinner hall. There will be the sale of ice cream available after dinner. The start of the sales for Fall Ball will be at DOR, and can be purchased at the Dangles table. The dance is free to all, and the dinner is $20 per person. Jim wants to remind all clubs to please bring YOUR BANNER!!!!!

2. INSURANCE: Carol Ann reports that insurance is $4.70 each. She needs the list of names of all new graduates and a check, so she can send it in.

3. USDA: Sally Baechel not present.

4. PROMENADER: Peter Emmel not present but Ed Briggs brought the financial report. The balance as of April 18, 2017 is $5130.68.

5. CCR: Jim reported that Betsy and Roy Gotta will be here this weekend, calling A2 at Cloverleafs Saturday afternoon, and calling and cueing at Copy Cats in the evening.


1. Detail of List of Responsibilities at DOR. There is a schedule of commitments. People were informed that if they were unable to keep their time slot, they were responsible to fill it or switch.

2. Norma Daphne Award: Carol Ann reports that it is all set.

3. Election of officers: Holding the vote for the slate: President- Jim Gotta, Vice President- Henry Capron, Treasurer-Stu Jones, Secretary- Carl Webster. At this time the nominations are closed. Motion to accept being closed by Ed, seconded by Mary Jane, and all in favor. The Nominating Committee instructed the Secretary to cast a single ballot for the slate. All in favor, and motion is carried.

4. Yard Sign Update: Warren found another company on the internet that sell signs. The total for 200 signs is $627.60, and there may be a 40% off that is applicable. The cost per sign is $3.14. The cost of each sign to club members will be $1.50 and the Federation will pay for the remainder. The size will be 18"x24". The Federation will take the money from the Recruitment Fund. Motion to accept by Carol Ann, seconded by Henry, and all in favor. Warren will order them tomorrow.

5. Tentative Schedule: Warren has next years schedule posted. The meetings are a little farther spaced out, and the first two are already booked at the Bill Grays on Jefferson Rd.

6. A Presidents Meeting was suggested. It was thought to be a good idea. Warren will pick a few dates in June so the presidents can vote on one.


Warren suggested emphasis on Fall Ball not only at DOR, but at the Bower/Shoemake Dance and the Sikorsky Dance also. We need as much publicity as possible.

At the next meeting, the passing of the batons will take place.

We need ideas for next year’s 60th DOR.



MEETING ADjOURNED: Motioned by Ed and seconded by Carol Ann, all in favor.


Welcome/Called to Order 7:30 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Jim Gotta, Mary Ann Lane, Sharon and Chuck Meyer, Terry and Joe Pratt, Warren and Doreen Olson, Mary Jane Kosel, Sue Eddy, Kaitlyn McJilton, Henry Capron, Jane and Stu Jones, Peter Emmel, Carol Ann Stahl.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Doreen Olson. The Minutes were read. Motion to accept by Ed, Carol Ann seconded, all in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Ann Lane. Balance on hand as of March 30, 2017 is $8249.18. Motion to accept by Terry, seconded by Carol Ann, all in favor.


DOR: Jim Gotta wants the count of dinner tickets from all clubs. He needs to know weekly the count of dinner tickets and ribbons passed out. Next meeting is the deadline. Jim also needs all the names of the recent graduates, so packets can be provided. The main hall will be cleared at 5:30 so set up for dinner can take place. Perinton Recreation will be setting up and taking down of tables. Dinner will be catered by Otto Tomato’s. Open Mic will be in the plus dance hall. Graduates will be assembling at 6:45 for the Grand March followed by a mixer dance, and awards. We will be selling ice cream in the refreshment area following ceremonies until gone. Jim wants all clubs encouraged to bring their banner to hang.

INSURANCE: Carol Ann reports no new requests.

USDA: Sally Baechel not present.

WEBSITE CHANGES: Peter Emmel reports no issues or expenses. One event — Carl Webster has moved the Cloverleafs website to the RAF account which is free. As of yesterday it was up and running. Peter still requesting articles and pictures to be submitted. Cut off date is May 1st.

CCR: Jim reported on the Spring/Fall Dance. They started with four squares and ended with four squares. All stayed until the end. Unfortunately there were very few class members there. Betsy and Roy Gotta will be calling and cueing at Copy Cats April 22nd, and also is scheduled in August at Cloverleafs. Cloverleafs will be offering round dance lessons. The first two lessons will be given by Mark Thone in May, and Alice will be teaching June through August.

PROMOTIONS: Henry will report at the next meeting on the new class for Cloverleafs.


1) Bower/Shoemake Dance will be Thursday, June 8, 2017 at the Church of the Assumption in Fairport. The cost of the large gym w/ adjacent kitchen is $180.00. The cuer will be Mark Thone. Callers want $10 a person. The Federation will presell tickets at a reduced price with discount vouchers. The cost for any club member will be $7 (with a $3 coupon) and for any recent graduates within the last two years will be $3 ( with a $7 coupon). Club involvement will be from the Cloverleafs and the Copy Cats. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Warren put the ad in the Coordinator.

2) Fall Ball will be Sept. 23, 2017, at the Shortsville American Legion. The dance will be from 2:00 to 5:15 with dinner at 6:00. The callers are Callahan, Porter and Gotta. The cuers are Thone and Meyer. The cost of the dinner is $20 per person. The same caterer as last year will be used. Ribbons are available at all clubs. The sale of dinner tickets will start at DOR at the same table as the Dangles, and Peter Emmel has volunteered to man the sales.

3) Mike Sikorsky Dance will be Friday August 25, 2017 at the Henrietta Firehall from 7:00 to 10:00pm. The cuer will be Alice Bubel and the cost will be $10.00 per person. Cloverleafs have volunteered to man the tables and take care of insurance. Warren has updated the flyer changing it to mainstream and plus calls. The contracts with the caller and cuer are in place.

4) Yard Sign Project — Warren informed us that what we thought was going to be the cost is really doubled. There were hidden fees and charges. We are still interested in the 18x24 in. size. Terry will contact the Champagne Whirl-A-Ways and ask about a similar project they had.

5) Nomination Committee is represented by Peter Emmel and Warren Olson. Elections are to be held at the April 2017 Meeting. The slate was presented at the March Meeting. Nominations from the floor are to be accepted at March and April Meetings. The President’s position has been accepted by Jim Gotta; theTreasurer’s position has been accepted by Stu Jones; and the Secretary’s position has been accepted by Carl Webster. The Vice President’s position has not yet been filled. The Federation is asking all clubs to help in the search for the Vice President’s slot. Suggested the possibility of Co-Vice Presidents sharing the duties.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 18, 2017 —- Bill Gray’S 1225 Jefferson Rd. at 7:30

Thank you for participating with this organization — Warren Olson and federation board

Motion to adjourn by Terry, Ed seconded, and all accepted.

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — February 20, 2017

Welcome/Called to Order 7:30 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Warren and Doreen Olson, Sharon and Chuck Meyer, Mary Ann Lane, Jim Gotta,Ed Briggs, Henry Capron, Sue Eddy, Mary Jane Kosel, Stu and Jane Jones, Carol Ann Stahl, Kaitlyn McJilton, Peter Emmel.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Doreen Olson. The Minutes were read, corrections were made. Motion was made by Carol Ann, and seconded by Mary Ann. All were in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Ann Lane. Balance on hand as of Feb. 20, 2017 is $8469.89. The funds from DOR and RAF were merged. The RAF Dancer Recruitment and Retention Fund Balance was summarized. The fund balance is now $478.00.


Dance O Rama: Jim Gotta. Investigated bringing in dinner again. Voted on Otto Tomato as the caterer. The cost per ticket will be $15.00 each to eat on site, and must be paid in advance. The sale of tickets will be made at individual clubs. There must be a minimum of 50 people and maximum of 128. Perinton Recreation will set up and take down tables and chairs for us at no additional expense. Dancers will be escorted out of the main hall while room is being set up. All dancers who will be staying for dinner must present their ticket upon re-entering hall. Open Mic will be re-located to the plus hall this year. Jim will be making up new flyers with the menu and cost, and the tickets. There will still be the option to eat off site.

INSURANCE: No updates.

USDA: Sally Baechel not present.

WEBSITE CHANGES: Peter Emmel had no changes. The link to the USDA page is available. Getting ready for the March 1st publication. They are very light on articles since Dick Halstead retired. All are encouraged to submit any news. All clubs news has been submitted. The Bower/Shoemake Dance will be listed as an event, Peter will take care of it.

CCR: Jim said The Spring Thaw Dance will be March 25th, 2017, and will be held at the Baptist Church in Chili from 7 to 10 p.m. Jim will be making up the flyers.

PROMOTIONS: Nothing new.


BOWER/SHOEMAKE DANCE: Will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2017, at the Church of the Assumption in Fairport (Barb Green’s church). The cost is $180.00 for the large gym and adjacent kitchen. The cuer will be Mark Thone. The callers want to charge $10.00 per person. The Federation will pre-sell tickets for $7 to local club members and $3 to recent graduates. The Federation will fund the difference. Warren will make up the discount vouchers , one for members and one for recent graduates (any graduate from the last two years of classes). Club involvement from Village Squares and Copy Cats. All will be encouraged to bring refreshments.

NORMA DAPHNE AWARD: A new engraving plate is needed. There is only room for one more entry. Carol Ann Stahl will purchase a new plate for $28.00 and the Federation will reimburse her . The old plate will be handed down along with the new one so as to keep them together.

FALL BALL: Will be held September 23, 2017, at the American Legion in Shortsville. The callers will be Mike Callahan, Gil Porter, and Jim Gotta. Mark Thone and Chuck Meyer will be cuers. The same caterer will be used as last year and the cost will be $20.00 each for dinner. Free entry for all club members and tickets needed for dinner. Fall Ball ribbons available for everyone. Warren will make new flyers advertising Dinner and Dance for $20.00. Peter will take care of collecting the dinner tickets at the door, and the selling of the 50/50 raffle tickets. Will start the distribution of ribbons at DOR to everyone, and selling dinner tickets at the table where the dangles are sold. Peter will also keep track of the master list at DOR.

MIKE SIKORSKY DANCE: Will be Friday August 25th 2017,at the Henrietta Fire Hall, 7–10 p.m. Gary Bubel gave up his weekly slot at the fire hall, and the cost of the hall will be $65.00. Mike Sikorsky will get paid $300.00. Alice Bubel will be cuing . Sharon will make up the contract for Alice, and Alice will be paid $70.00 for the evening. The cost of the dance will be $10.00 each. Cloverleafs volunteered to man the table and take care of the insurance. Warren will re-format the flyer.

YARD SIGN PROJECT: 250 signs will be ordered. They will be two sided and one color at $2.19 each. The Federation will buy all of them and then sell them to clubs at a discounted rate( $1.00 each was suggested). Motion to accept by Peter, and seconded by Henry. All in favor.

ELECT NOMINATION COMMITTEE: The slate will be presented at the March meeting . Nominations from the floor to be accepted at the March and April meetings. The election will be held at the April 2017 meeting. Jim Gotta has already accepted the President’s position, Carl Webster has accepted the Secretary’s position, and Warren Olson and Stu Jones have expressed interest in the Treasurer’s position. The Vice President’s position is still open.

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 30, 2017 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd, 7:30 p.m.

Thank you for participating with this organization!

Warren Olson and the Federation Board.

Motion to adjourn by Henry, seconded by Carol Ann. All in favor.

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — January 10, 2017

Welcome/Meeting Called to Order 7:32pm

Attendees: Warren and Doreen Olson, Jim Gotta, Terry and Joe Pratt, Sharon Meyer, Henry Capron, Kaitlyn McJilton, Carol Ann Stahl, Peter Emmel, Ed Briggs, Mary Jane Kosel.

Introductions: Mary Jane Kosel (the new Cloverleafs Fed Rep), Jodi Klupacs and Sue Eddy , friends of Henry Capron.

Secretary’s Report: Doreen Olson. Corrections made. Motion for Approval by Ed, Second by Peter, All Approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Lane not present. Warren estimated $9600. (Treasurers Report submitted after the meeting, due to winter storm).

Committee Reports:

DOR: Jim Gotta. Will Herzog was obtained for the Line Dance Caller; Ribbons have arrived; and Packets will be assembled and mailed out to area clubs.

Insurance: Carol Ann Stahl. Every club has paid. Peter Emmel informed us that there is now a place on the website where you can download forms.

USDA: Sally Baechel not present.

Website Changes: Peter Emmel. Financial Report for Promenader was given; there is a total of $5,045.68. Since Dick Halstead has retired, we are missing out on pictures and comments submitted. Asking that anyone having taken pictures or want to write articles, please submit.

CCR: The Spring/Fall Dance will be Sat, Mar 25, 2017 in Chili starting at 7:00pm.

Current Business:

Update on Classes: Question of whether Gil Porter was calling for a class at Perinton Rec. Henry reported on Cloverleafs last class: Of the 30+ people who showed up at Open House, 13 took classes and 6 graduated. The new Open House will be Jan 22, 2017 from 5 to 7pm. The new graduates are being called “Budding Clovers” and the downfall seems that these new grads are breaking down squares in the club. They are being encouraged to attend the new class and become Angels. Henry says that they are going thru the names and numbers of the people that signed up at last Open House to invite them back, and have taken out an ad in the newspaper for the next Open House. Trying to encourage new class members to interact with other clubs classes. Copy Cats have 15 students.

Bower/Shoemake Dance Thursday June 8, 2017: The venue has been selected and will be at The Church of the Assumption Fairport (Barb Green’s church) for $180.00. It has a large gym with adjacent kitchen. Mark Thone will be paid $100 to be the cuer. Peter will check with Village Squares board members to see if they can sponsor this dance for insurance purposes.

The callers will take care of all their own expenses, but want to charge $10 a person. The Federation is proposing to presell tickets to local clubs. These “Coupons” will be sold for $7:00 to club members ($3.00 subsidized by Federation) and $3.00 to recent grads ($7.00 subsidized by Federation). They will be separate coupons on different color paper. Terry motion, Peter seconded, all approved.

Norma Daphne Award: Carol Ann has forms. Reminder all nominations are due end of Jan.

Fall Ball Sept 23, 2017: Warren and Sharon will check out the American Legion hall in Shortsville for $200. Will, also, check Barb Green’s church in Fairport before final decision. Jim suggested Gil Porter and Mike Callahan as callers with Dave Eno as back up. Possibly Rich Rosenfeld if willing to do for nothing; Lisa Treichler and Mark Thone for cuers. A caterer still needs to be found. Warren proposed that all pay the full price for the meal since admission to dance is free. Should start selling tickets at DOR. Suggestion of ribbons to promote this dance; will think about this.

Yard Signs: Sharon shared information she obtained. Henry suggested buying many signs and putting additional info on. Need to get ASAP so can start advertising square dancing. The goal would be for every club member to post a sign in their yard.

Election Nomination Committee: Elections are to be held at the April 2017 Meeting. Slate to be presented at the March Meeting. Nominations from the Floor are to be accepted at March and April Meetings. Peter and Terry have volunteered for the search.

Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday February 20, 2017 at Bill Grays on Jefferson Rd. at 7:30pm.

Thank you for participating with this organization!

Warren Olson and the Federation Board.

Motion to adjourn by Peter, Terry seconded. All approved.

Respectfully Submitted by Doreen Olson

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — November 10, 2016


ATTENDANCE : Warren and Doreen Olson ,Jim Gotta, Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green, Joe and Terry Pratt, Mary Ann Lane, Jane and Stu Jones, Peter Emmel, Jim Dowd, Carol Ann Stahl, Ed Briggs, Amy and Kris Aeckerle, Ruth and Russ Uhrenholdt.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Doreen. Corrections made. Updated everyone’s email and street addresses. Motion to accept by Terry Pratt and Peter Emmel seconded. All in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Ann. Balance at hand as of Nov 10th is $9605.86. Motion to accept by Carol Ann Stahl and Terry Platt seconded. All in favor.

DOR: Jim. Ribbons and Dangles are being ordered. Everything progressing on Schedule.

INSURANCE: Carol Ann. Discussed the sharing of costs among other clubs if members belong to multiple clubs. Waiting on the certificates. Coverage is from Jan 1st to Jan 1st. A form must be filled out and submitted for an insurance certificate if a dance is held anywhere else besides regular place of dance. There is a link on our website to download the form.

USDA: Sally not present.

WEBSITE CHANGES: Warren thinks Sid posted a link to USDA under classified section but couldn’t find it. Peter will check. Peter mentioned that Mike Callahan’s site moved under Promenader since the fee covers multiple sites. Cloverleaf web master will contact Sidney to see about potentially moving that site under the Federation site as well.

PROMENADER: Financial Report given by Peter. Current Balance is $5045.68. Because of some bank discrepancies, there is $55.42 more deposited into the account by Citizens Bank. Peter will include Club Lists for the Banner Stealing. A letter was read by Warren sent to us from Dick Halstead. Dick and Irma have informed us, that due to Irma’s health, they will be stepping down from Roving Reporter and Historian. The position is now open and the search is on to replace them. Anyone who takes any pictures, or finds any obituaries in the paper, please let Peter know. Also there will be an update made to the Circle of Service Page.

CCR: The Meeting hasn’t been held yet, its not until Nov 13th. Will report at next meeting.

PROMOTIONS: Amy and Kris Ackerle updated their research for Jackets with Club names and Logos on them. They made a presentation to the Federation to pay for the initial startup fee for the printer. Originally it was going to be offered to just Copy Cats, but interest has spread to other clubs as well. The jackets cost $45 with an extra $10 for club logo on front and $30 more for embroidered emblem on back. So, since this is advertising, they are asking that RAF pay the $150 startup fee. The company’s name is Uniform Express, there will be no minimums or shipping fees. Orders will be taken only twice a year and Amy has agreed to oversee this. Motion to accept by Peter, Barb seconded. All in Favor.

Sharon presented a suggestion made by Eileen Webster. A Jack Platus from Ohio made signs to be placed in peoples front yard with local Square Dancing information on them. A phone number was included so personal contact could be made and address any questions. Sharon will get some pricing and further discussions needed at next meeting.

CURRENT BUSINESS: Review of Audit and Report: An Audit was made by Lucy Petrzykowski. The books of DOR, Promenader and RAF were found to be in good order and nothing inappropriate.

Update on Classes: Henry not present to report on Cloverleaf 50/50 Classes. Jim Gotta said that there are 3 to 6 calls taught a night, but Mike Callahan seems to think that the class is running behind. Reimbursements of the $60 will be given out to clubs once a year. Village Squares are continuing their workshops. Copy Cats have 19 in the class and Dalton Gang have a couple of people. There will be the Formal Graduations of all clubs in May including the graduates of Cloverleafs Dec class.

Status of Club Contacts: Mary Ann. All updated.

Thanksgiving Contradance Weekend: Emails were sent to all clubs from Bob Fabinski describing their Contrsdance Weekend. The Ball is Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, inviting Square Dancers in particular to Saturday afternoon from Noon to 5pm, it includes a buffet lunch and costs $20 at the door. This may be a good opportunity for the class members and new graduates to get introduced to Contradance.

Jim Dowd from the Dalton Gang brought it to our attention that one of their dances, that was cleared on the Dance Schedule, was compromised by another dance on the same Friday night. Unintentionally, a Special MS Dance was a spur of the moment addition to Bubels routine Friday dances which took attendance away from them. Dalton Gang not only had a poor turnout but they lost money that evening. Jim was encouraged to fill out a Grant Application Form to submit to the Federation for some reimbursement to the club. In the future it is necessary to double check Dance Schedules so double booking will be avoided.

The Bower/Shoemake Dance in early June: Discussion postponed till next meeting. More time needed to discuss possibilities.

Norma Daphne Award : Carol Ann reminded that nominations are due by the end of January.

GOOD of the ORDER:

Next Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 10, 2017 — Bill Gray’s 1225 Jefferson Rd, 7:30pm

Thank you for participating with this organization!!

Warren Olson and the Federation Board

Motion to Adjourn: 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Doreen Olson

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — September 28, 2016

Welcome/Call To Order 7:30 p.m.


Secretary’s Report — Sharon Meyer, Approval

Treasurer’s Report — Mary Ann Lane, Approval

Committee Reports

Current Business


Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, Nov 10, 2016. At Bill Grays Restaurant, 1225 Jefferson Rd, Henrietta.

Thank you for participating with this organization!

Warren Olson and the Federation Board

Motion to adjourn: 8:45 p.m.

Respectively Submitted,

Doreen Olson


Meeting opened at 7:30 p.m.

Attending: Warren Olson, Jim Gotta, Mary Ann Lane, Sharon Meyer, Joe & Terry Pratt, Carol Ann Stahl, Kaitlyn McJilton, Peter Emmel, Jane & Stu Jones, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholt

Secretary’s Report: Terry made a motion to accept, Carol Ann seconded. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand same as last month $5,737.85. Mary Ann made a suggestion to combine the DOR and RAF checkbooks into one account and Terry made that a motion with Carol Ann seconding. All in favor. Separate records will still be kept for DOR income and expenses.

Committee Reports:

Dance-O-Rama: There were 243 paid attendees, 1 more than last year. Next year will be at the same location. Working on lining up callers and cuers for next year. Only 20 surveys were completed and reviewed by the committee. Need names of graduates from Champagne Whirl-A-Ways.

Insurance: Sharon has received 4 from clubs with graduates. She sent out a reminder to the clubs.

CCR: Beginner’s Ball in April had 5 squares. Summer Sizzler on Aug. 13th will be held at the Henrietta Fire Hall.

Promenader/Web Site: balance on hand of $4,805.26. Next issue coming out June 1st.

Nominating Committee: Secretary position still open. Sharon had an inquiry from Roger Van Patten and Terry will follow up with him.

USDA: Sally mentioned that the voting will be on Wed. at the convention in Iowa.

Current Business:

Fall Friendship Ball. Flyer and signup sheets have been handed out. They need to be returned to Peter Emmel with the money by Sept. 10th. Checks should be payable to the Rochester Area Federation.

State Fair — will not be dancing there this year or in the future.

Meeting schedules — Please note change of venue. Only 7 meetings for 2016–17. Enclose copies with minutes.

Fundraiser for ALS with Shirts ’N’ Skirts on June 4th in Fulton. See flyer on website.

Officers for 2016–17: President Warren Olson, Vice President Jim Gotta, Treasurer Mary Ann Lane, Secretary — Open, Past President Terry Pratt

Banner Stealing. From discussion at the President’s meeting, it was suggested that since there are several small clubs, that if a square can’t come to retrieve that they get credit if 1 couple comes, the next time another credit if another couple comes until it totals 4 couples. If 2 couples come, ask 2 couples from the club being visited to fill in their square. Any other suggestions are welcome.

President’s Meeting. Mike Callahan and Jim Gotta reviewed items from Callerlab including the new 12 week mainstream recommendation that starts every 12 weeks. Also mentioned that 2 clubs mainly dance mainstream now so that should be advertised so new dancers know they can attend these clubs. Under consideration is having all mainstream during the summer so new dancers can feel comfortable before learning plus.

Barn Dance at Fish’s on Friday, August 19th.

Thank you to Silver Squares for tonight’s refreshments. Next meeting will be Sept. 28, 2016 at Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY at 7:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. made by Peter and seconded by Terry. Approved.

Respectfully submitted: Sharon Meyer, Acting Secretary


Attending: Joe & Terry Pratt, Warren Olson, Jim Gotta, Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green, Carol Ann Stahl, Ed Briggs, Cynthia Whited, Warren Patterson, Kaitlyn McJilton, Jane & Stu Jones, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt and Peter Emmel

Meeting opened at 7:45 pm.

Secretary’s Report: Terry made a motion to accept and Ed seconded. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance same as last month $5,737.85. Carol Ann made motion to approve, seconded by Barb. Approved. Warren turned in a receipt last month but Mary Ann did not find it. She will check again.

Committee Reports:

DOR Committee Report: Jim

Ron is having surgery and hopes to be able to call but Mike Herne will be on standby. Committee is working diligently to get the packets for the graduates ready and making sure all the jobs are completed.

Insurance: Sharon, Carol Ann

A reminder will be going out after graduation to send in the list of graduates to be covered by insurance with a check to USDA as they are only covered for a total of 9 months (Sept–May).

USDA: No report

Promenader: Peter

No change in balance from last month. Working on content for next issue. Warren would like to see some DOR content in next issue (Warren or Jim will do a write-up). Need pictures during event — Peter will take some but need someone to take them during Daphne Norma presentation. Peter requests anyone to send in articles.

CCR: Chuck/Jim

Beginner’s Ball coming up on April 23rd. New caller from Buffalo will be there.

National Callers Convention — Mike Callahan and Jim attended. Jim reviewed two activites going on. More to be discussed at the President’s meeting on dancer retention, new website. Peter will put a link to it in the Promenader. The article to be discussed is “Sustainable Square Dancing.”

Promotions: Need person/persons to help out on this position. Peter is willing to work with anyone to put information on the website.

Current Business:

Fall Friendship Ball — Warren prepared a flyer. Signup and payment will be starting soon since some clubs don’t dance in the summer. Tickets are being made and will be sold at DOR also. It is being held at the American Legion Post 25, 454 N. Main St., Canandaigua on 9/24/16 from 2–5:15 for dancing both Mainstream & Plus. Buffet dinner at 6, cost $12 per person (partially subsidized additionally by the Federation), dancing will be free. Ron Brown, Gary Bubel and Jerry Carmen are calling and Alice Bubel and Eileen Webster cueing. Peter will be the contact person.

DOR. — Clubs need to be at their assigned posts promptly. Village Squares noticed that teams on different times so can’t go to dinner together. Ok if switch with another club, but let the Federation know.

Daphne Norma Leadership Award — the person who bought CS Engraving does not think they have the template for the award pin. Chip will call them directly to tell them where to find it. If they can do it, Peter suggest that we purchase 2 each for the next 5–10 years.

Meetings — New place for next year (Bill Gray’s, 1225 Jefferson Rd., Rochester). Revised schedule sent with the agenda for this month but another change may be made.

President’s Meeting — May 15th at Bill Grays, 1225 Jefferson Rd., Rochester at 2 pm. Discussion on the new Sustainable Square Dancing is one topic.

Election of Officers: President Warren Olson, Vice President Jim Gotta, Past President Terry Pratt, Treasurer Mary Ann Lane, Secretary — Need a volunteer (no experience necessary). Ed made a motion that the Secretary cast one ballot for all nominees and Barb seconded.Sharon as Acting Secretary cast one ballot for the entire slate. Approved.

Good of the Order: The Tri Club only had 64 attendees this which is 22 less than last year. The three clubs will be discussing some new ideas for next year.

Thank you to Cloverleafs for refreshments. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 19, 2016. Refreshments will be provided by STW and Silver Squares. Thank you to everyone who came and your participation in the Rochester Area Federation. We can’t do this without YOU!

Motion to adjourn was made by Barb and seconded by Terry. Adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sharon Meyer, Acting Secretary


Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM

Attendees: Warren Olson, Sharon Meyer, Carol Ann Stahl, Kaitlyn McJilton, Jane & Stu Jones, Peter Emmel, Joe & Terry Pratt, Ed Briggs, Mary Ann Lane and Ruth & Rus Uhrenholdt

Secretary’s Report: Terry made a motion to accept, seconded by Ed. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand $5,737.85. Carol Ann made motion to accept, Terry seconded. Approved.

Committee Reports: DOR-Schedule has 1-1/2 hour round dance party, 1-1/2 hour A2 and 1/2 hour of line dancing Need number of graduates sent to Jim Gotta by next meeting Unsold ribbons need to be returned by next meeting or sent to Mary Ann Lane

Insurance: Waiting to hear whether one person is completing his accident form


Promenader: Balance last month $4,675.26, several $5 ads came in plus $30 outside ad. Balance on hand $4,745.26

CCR: Voice coach came and critiqued each caller. Beginner’s Ball coming April 23, 2016. Flyer in Promenader.

Promotions: Warren is going to research having an intern.

Current Business

Good of the Order: Peter mentioned couple of ads in the Promenader. One is with Tim Crawford in Canada and the other is the Pennsylvania PSRDF.org ad.

Ruth mentioned a birthday celebration for Leo Gaesser who will be 100 years old. This will be at Silver Squares on April 4th.

Thank you to Village Squares for refreshments. Next meeting is April 13 and Cloverleaf Squares will be furnishing refreshments.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Motion made by Terry, seconded by Peter. Approved.

Respectfully submitted: Sharon Meyer, Acting Secretary

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — February 15, 2016

Meeting called to order @ 7:40 PM

Attendees: Jim Gotta, Warren Olson, Barbara Green, Joe & Terry Pratt, Sharon Meyer, Peter Emmel, Carol Ann Stahl and John Benesch

Secretary’s Report: Approved with revision [site for Fall Friendship Ball has been selected]

Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $5747.65 [Report provided]

Committee Reports

D. O. R. — May 7, 2016 @ Perinton Rec.; Venue adjustments made due to site conflict; D. O. R. packets for clubs have been distributed

U. S. D. A. — n/a

Insurance: One accident being processed

Promenader — Spring issue in progress; No financial report provided

CCR: ‘Beginner’s Ball’ — 4/23/16; ‘Summer Sizzler’ — 8/13/16

Promotions: Need volunteers; suggested that member Clubs announce this need at upcoming events. Website contains forms for Club promotion re-imbursements.

Current Business:

RAF ‘Cabin Party’ Dance: Date: 9/24/16. New Name: FALL FRIENDSHIP BALL. Date: 9/24/16; Venue: American Legion Post 256, 454 North Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424; Schedule: Dancing 2:00-5:30 [Round and Square {alternating Mainstream & Plus}]; Dinner @ 6:00 [$12 per person buffet]; 50/50 Raffle & ‘Donation’ [‘Dancer Retention’] opportunities will be offered. Jim G. to arrange for Callers/Cuers.

Norma Daphne award: Nominations are due by the end of the month [Forms in RAF ‘awards’ page].

Nominating Committee: Members: Terry P., Barbara G & SharonM. Slate: President-Warren O.; VP-Jim G.; Treasurer-Mary Ann L.; Scy.: TBD

Future RAF Meeting Sites: TBD

Next meeting: Tuesday, March 14, 2016 @ 7:30 [to address Insurance Form review — consider including member club Treasurer contact information]. Refreshments: Village Squares

Meeting adjourned @ 9:05.

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — January 14, 2016

Meeting called to order @ 7:30 PM

Attendees: Jim Gotta, Warren Olson, Barbara Green, Joe & Terry Pratt, Sharon Meyer, Mary Ann Lane, Ed Briggs, Peter Emmel, Donna McCagg and John Benesch

Secretary’s Report: Approved as written

Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $5847.65

Committee Reports

D. O. R. — May 7, 2016 @ Perinton Rec.; Venue adjustment due to site conflict; D. O. R. packets for clubs will be available @ the Feb. 2016 meeting.

U. S. D. A. — n/a Promenader — Winter issue in progress; Bank balance: $4775.26

CCR: ‘Beginner’s Ball’ — 4/23/16; ‘Summer Sizzler’ — 8/13/16

Promotions: Need volunteers; suggested that member Clubs announce this need at upcoming events. Website contains forms for Club promotion re-imbursements.

Current Business

RAF ‘Cabin Party’ Dance: Date: 9/24/16. Rename & select site [Barbara, Sharon & Warren]; work on details [caterer]. Arrange for callers/cuers [Jim].

Norma Daphne award: Nominations are due by the end of the month [Forms in Promenader ‘rewards’ page].

Nominating Committee: Suggestions to be requested form member Club presidents [Peter E. to provide listing]

Suggestion: Re-emphasize ‘Banner Stealing’ [check website for rules]

Next meeting: Monday, February 14, 2016 @ 7:30

Meeting adjourned @ 8:45.

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — November 16, 2015

Meeting called to order @ 7:30 PM

Attendees: Jim Gotta, Warren Olson, Barbara Green, Joe & Terry Pratt, Sharon Meyer, Mary Ann Lane, Cynthia Whited, Warren Patterson, Ed Briggs, Jane Avery, Peter Emmel, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt and John Benesch

Secretary’s Report: Approved with correction [B. Green listed twice]

Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $6247.65; Club reminder: $10 annual dues

Committee Reports

D. O. R. — May 7, 2016 @ Perinton Rec.; A2 & Line Dancing will be offered; D. O. R. packets for clubs will be available @ the Feb. 2016 meeting.

U. S. D. A. — n/a

Promenader — Winter issue in progress; Bank balance: $4660.26

CCR: ‘Beginner’s Ball’ — 4/23/16; ‘Summer Sizzler’ — 8/13/16

Promotions: Need volunteers; suggested that member Clubs announce this need at upcoming events

Current Business

1. Finalize the wording to clarify the requirements for Clubs to acquire RAF funding for specific promotional undertakings [to appear in Dec. Promenader website].

2. Pursue additional options for ‘Cabin Party’ replacement dance; name? date? [Sept. 24?] site? Volunteer caller?

3. Table at ‘Nationals’ [June 2016 in Iowa]: Needs work - physical preparation and manning @ venue

4. ‘Permanent’ E-mail addresses for RAF officers to simplify continuity:

5. Arrange for 2016-2017 RAF Meeting site; Mary Ann [April 2016]

Meeting adjourned @ 8:50 PM

Next meeting: Thursday, January 14, 2016 @ 7:30.

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch, Secretary

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — October 13, 2015

Meeting called to order @ 7: 40

Attendees: Jim Gotta, Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green, John Benesch, Carol Ann Stahl, Diane Camp, Ed Briggs, Mary Ann lane, Stu & Jane Jones, Art Diefenbach, Ken Georger, Barbara Green, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt,

September 16, 2015 Secretary’s Report: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $6336.09. [Report provided]; to undertake separation of ‘Promotions’ funding on future reports


D. O. R.: See DOR Meeting Minute of 10-13-15 for latest status

INSURANCE: Only four [4] clubs have submitted reports; Action item for Club reps. [Required by 10-17-15.]

USDA: NO report

Electronic PROMENADER: NO update

PROMOTIONS: Receptive to ideas to boost dance attendance during ‘slower’ months


MEMBER CLUB ‘PRESIDENTS’ MEETING: Under consideration; timing: TBD

PROMOTION/DANCE RETENTION FUNDING: Member clubs are eligible for both RAF funded programs [up to $60 for ‘Promotion’ & up to $125 for ‘Retention’]

CABIN PARTY ALTERNATIVE: 2016 THANKSGIVING DANCE [finalize by January; to take place on 1st or 2nd weekend in November]

2016 HEALTH FAIR: Jim to investigate a demo by RAF Club members

LOCK CITY CURLY-Q’S: Club has closed operations

Meeting adjourned @ 8:30

NEXT MEETING: Monday, November 16, 2015 @ 7:30.

Respectfully submitted; John Benesch, secretary

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — September 16, 2015

Welcome/Call to Order @ 7:32 PM

Attendees: Warren Olson, Jim Gotta, Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green, Terry & Joe Pratt, John Benesch, Carol Ann Stahl, Jane Avery, Ed Briggs, Cynthia Whited, Warren Patterson, Mary Ann lane, Stu & Jane Jones, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt, Dick & Irma Halstead

Secretary’s Report: Approved with correction [‘Agenda’ should read ‘Minutes’]

Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $6432.89

Committee Reports:

Dance-O-Rama: 2016 Schedule provided with these minutes

Insurance: New rate [$4.75/member] with a $45 min. per Club

Website Changes: Switch to ‘Blue Host’. Many problems resolved with new service. Committed for 3 years @ $136/yr. Unlimited storage and e-mail accounts capacity are a new benefit. Any ‘late’ flyers for events should be sent to Sid Marshall. Promenader account balance: $4,915.46; Promenader Dance scheduled for Sept. 26. NO clothing sale will be offered.

Promotion: Up to $60 available from the Federation for each club for this purpose. Re-imbursement made by the treasurer upon receiving receipt from member club.

Current Business:

‘New’ Dance Recruitment Fund: A grant, up to $125, is available from the Federation to each member club for expenses incurred in ‘New’ dance recruitment and dancer retention events. Funding can be obtained via form completion by the clubs.

‘Cabin Party’ alternative: Tentative ‘catered’ gathering proposed for Nov. 13, 2016. Focus on networking between member club officers and members for Square Dancing advancement.

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 [Rev. schedule included]

Meeting adjourned @ 8:55

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch


Welcome/Call To Order @ 7:35 PM

Attendees: Terry & Joe Pratt, Warren Olson, Sharon & Chuck Meyer, Barbara Green, Jim Gotta, Sally Baechle, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt, Donna Mc Cagg, Peter Emmel, and John Benesch

Secretary’s Report: John Benesch - Approved with modification: All nominations were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann’s report read by Terry Pratt - Balance: $6509.89

Committee Reports:

Dance-O-Rama: Warren - Dance results: See 5-14-15 D. O. R. Meeting Minutes for details. Survey responses -33; Club reps. to request club members to mail additional comments to J. Gotta.

Insurance: Sharon/Carol Ann (Insurance for Graduates now due)

CCR: Chuck - Summer Sizzler on August 22 @ Henrietta Fire Hall

Promenader/Web Site: Peter/Sidney - June 1 Issue in Production;

Current Business:

1. State Fair Square Dancing. Date & Time [Last Tuesday in August; See promenader for information].

2. Our 2015/2016 RAF Meeting Schedule is available

3. Passing the Torch. Welcome to our new President & Vice President (Warren Olson and Jim Gotta).

4. A donation of $50 was approved in memory of Bob Stevens [to Unity Health Foundation]

Thank you to Silver Squares and Southern Tier Wheelers for tonight’s refreshments. And I very big thank you to everyone for all of your support of the Federation and for being a part of the organization that works so hard to keep square and round dancing active and growing in the Rochester area! We couldn’t do it without YOU !! Terry Pratt

Next meeting: Wednesday September 16, 2015. Tent. Rms. 9/11. Federation officers will provide refreshments for this meeting.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:45 PM

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch


Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attendees: Joe Pratt, Sharon Meyer, Warren Olson, Barbara Green, Jim Gotta, Ed Briggs, Mary Ann Lane, Irma & Dick Halstead, Carol Ann Stahl, Stu & Jane Jones, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt, Warren Patterson Cynthia Whited and John Benesch

Secretary’s Report: Approved w/o change

Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance: $6509.89; report provided


DANCE-O-RAMA: May 2, 2015; 2:00 PM to 9:45 PM @ Perinton Rec. & Parks Dept. See DOR Meeting Minutes for detailed information

Promenader: Financial controls in place; User feedback incorporated. June/July/August issue submission deadline is May 1.

CCR: August 8, 2015: Summer Sizzler scheduled

USDA: New Square Dance logo developed as part of “Re-Imaging Square Dancing”. We have permission to copy & use but cannot change proportion.


PROMOTION Fall 2015: The Federation will individual clubs with up to $60 for advertising expenses. Clubs must submit paid receipts to Federation treasurers.

CONSTITUTION: Adopted as of 2/9/15 with minor correction: Name revision to: “… Square Dance Clubs, Inc.” [NOT “Club”]

OFFICER NOMINATION FOR 2015/2016: Warren Olson [Pres.], Jim Gotta [VP], Mary Ann lane [Treasurer] & John Benesch [Secretary]. Terry Pratt will serve as Past-President.

PROMOTION/COMMUNICATIONS LIAISON: No one has stepped forward to accept this challenge. A change in job description may be in order.

FEDERATION CABIN PARTY; Poorly attended. Feedback from member clubs [on timing & agenda] is sought to make this gathering of club presidents and representatives a worthwhile event. The Federation representatives for the member clubs are encouraged to communicate issues that arise at the meetings back to their own Board sessions.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:25 PM

Next meeting: Thursday May 14, 2015 in RMS. 9/11. Refreshments: STW & Silver Squares

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch


Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attendees: Terry Pratt, Sharon & Chuck Meyer, Warren Olson, Mary Ann Lane, Barb Green, Sybil & Ed Briggs, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt, Warren Patterson, Cynthia Whited, Peter Emmel and Carol Ann Stahl


Secretary’s Report: Warren made motion, Ed seconded, Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand 2/16/15 was $6,643.69, income of $10, Expense of $50, leaving a balance of $6,603.69. Barb made motion, Warren seconded, Approved.

Committee Reports:

Dance-O-Rama: Terry, Warren, Gil Porter and Jerry Carmen met with representative at Perinton Recreation to check out the sound in the gym and finalize details. It was decided to not use the gym because of the high ceiling and they checked out other rooms on the main floor and chose to use them instead. Now everything will be on one floor.

Insurance: Nothing new to report

Promenader: Peter sent notice to 190 people to notify Promenader readiness. He did not receive responses from everyone. Still needs some work to find out why some did not receive the notice. It was much smoother this time since the content editors did their part. Some address corrections also need to be made.

Promotions: Someone needed who can check out community bulletin boards and other avenues for free publicity for advertising square dancing. The promotion last year that any club who had an ad promoting square dancing or classes would receive up to $60 to reimburse them for their ad whether in the paper or on the radio will be discussed to see if we want to continue it next year.

USDA: No report

CCR: Beginner’s Ball is Saturday, March 14 at the Chili Baptist Church from 7–10. Summer Sizzler will be August 8th at the Henrietta Fire Hall. Bob Ellis, former caller from Rochester, passed away.

Communications Liaison: Someone needed to work with Promotions

Nomination Committee: Vice President is still open for a volunteer

Thank you to Cloverleaf Squares for refreshments tonight.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Motion made by Peter, seconded by Carol Ann. Approved.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, April 15, 2015 in rooms 9/11. Refreshments to be provided by Village Squares.

Respectfully submitted: Sharon Meyer

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — February 16, 2015

Meeting called to order @7:30.

Attendees: Terry & Joe Pratt, Ken Georger, Warren Olson, Carol Ann Stahl, Ed & Sybil Briggs, Ruth & Russ Uhrenholdt, Sharon Meyer, Sid Marshall, Mary Ann Lane

Secretary’s Report: Corrections
1. Add Day of Dance approved paying $50 to caller
2. Showcase of Ideas should be Barb instead of Sharon
3. Motion to approve with corrections made by Carol Ann, 2nd by Ed. Approved
4. CCR DANCE is March 14, not March 4

Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand $6,643.69. Donations received for Bob Platt. Report provided. Motion to approve Warren, 2nd by Ed. Approved.

Promenader: Sid: $5 ad Special Event. Clubs wanting the Special Event listing should send the check to Ken with a cc to Sid saying what the listing is and that they sent their check so both have a record. For other outside ads, Ken will cc Sid to let him know what was paid.

Sid asked for an explanation of what a class/club dance is. It is a dance that is solely at the classes’ level for the entire evening. However, this is each club’s decision to make.

Sid will accept flyers and dance schedules anytime. Please make sure they have all the necessary information: club, location, date, time, etc. as some have been received without this.

Promotions: If clubs are wanting help to promote square dancing, we need to have volunteers to be on a Promotions Committee. Please ask your members to encourage them to participate.

Committee Reports:

Change in the schedule: Dance will end at 9:45 in order to allow time to clean up and be out by 10.

Club Challenge: Changed to allow each member to sign in for EACH club they belong to so each club can count them as a member toward the percentage.

Club banners: you will need a stand to hang your banner on as they cannot be hung on the wall

50/50 tickets will be sold until 8:30 and one ticket drawn by 9:00.

Basket raffle tickets will be drawn by 9 and posted.


All certificates have been received and distributed


We know that insurance is covered by USDA, but what else do they do. Are there any other benefits? Can a report be given by one of the officers that receive the USDA magazine? The DOR ad was sent in for the next issue.


Beginner’s Ball is March 14, 2015 at the Chili Baptist Church.

Current Business

Financial Audit completed. Both DOR and Federation were excellent. The Promenader had several issues. There should be only one signer (Ken) with a backup of an officer. This will be Warren Olson. No checks should be written to themselves; a receipt for every expense, there should be an email for each ad and a receipt given; each year use a new check register. These were the suggestions made by the auditors and now put into effect.

Communications Liasion

Another opportunity for someone. Facebook page maintainance: Currently Sharon Meyer has been posting pictures and reminders along with Carl Webster. Is there anyone else interested in helping?

Nominating Committee

Seeking a Vice President

Day of Dance

Saturday, Feb. 21 at Eastview Mall, Center Court from 3:30-4:00. Please be there by 3. We will have some flyers with all the clubs listed to hand out.

Daphne Norma award-forms available online. Need to be sent to Dick & Irma Halstead by the end of Feb.

Cabin Party-April 12 at Buckland Lodge from 11-3. Meat & water or coffee provided; bring a dish to pass & your own table service. Eat at 12:15.

Ken Georger mentioned that the last 2 dances held at Washington Irving were not charged by Doreen for setting up. It was decided to pay her $10/hr anyway and refunds for overpayments to Country Twirlers were sent to the Promenader and Cloverleafs for $73.40 each.

Thanks to Grand Squares for the refreshments tonight.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Motion made by Ken, 2nd by Carol Ann. Approved.

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 with refreshments from Cloverleaf Squares.

Respectfully submitted: Sharon Meyer

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — January 15, 2015

Meeting called to order @ 7:37

Attendees: Ed & Sybil Briggs, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt, Carol Ann Stahl, Ken Saffer, Jill Zimmermann, Terry & Joe Pratt, Warren Olson, Mary Ann Lane, Chuck & Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green, Stu & Jane Jones, Karen Bigenwald, Peter Emmel and John Benesch

Secretary’s Report: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Approved. Balance $5843.19. Report provided.

Promenader: Peter E: E-mail listing @ 200; total ‘copying’ pages: 71; 12 hard copies made for distribution to clubs; new ideas welcomed. Feedback on website from member clubs has been positive.

Promotion: Looking for participants

Committee Reports
D.O.R. Committee Report

Warren Olson: See D.O.R. Meeting Minutes for January 15, 2015.


Sharon M. / Carol Ann S. - Responses received from all clubs.


No report. Provide DOR 57 flyer for next issue; Cost: $25.


Chuck Meyer: ‘Beginners’ Ball’ - 3/4/15; ‘Summer Sizzler’ - 8/8/15.

Current Business

Communications Liaison position: Still seeking person/people
Financial Audits: Being done for DOR, RAF and Promendader accounts. [To be done annually.]
Nominating committee - [Terry/Warren/Sharon] to report in March.
‘Day of Dance’ - RAF invited to participate: Feb. 21 [3:30-4:00] @ Eastview.
‘Showcase of Ideas’ - Sharon to reserve a display table; June 23-27.

Thanks to the Copy Cats for tonight’s refreshments.

Next meeting will be held on Monday, February 16, 2015

Meeting adjourned @ 8:45 Respectfully submitted: John Benesch

Dance-O-Rama Meeting Minutes — January 15, 2015

Meeting called to order @ 6:48

Attendees: Terry & Joe Pratt, Warren Olson, Mary Ann Lane, Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green and John Benesch

Minutes from November meeting: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Lane - Balance: $2302.22. Report provided.

Dance-O-Rama 57: Name: Rochester’s Dance Festival. Location: Perinton Rec. & Parks Dept., Turk Hill Road, Perinton. Date: May 2, 2015. Ribbon colors: Lavender/purple with black printing; sample provided; 304 pcs. have been ordered. Dangles: Sample provided; will include 2 holes with rings; cost: $1.35 each plus a set-up charge; will sell for $2 [1] or $3 [2]; Mary Ann to order 50. There will be one 50/50 drawing for the dance. Basket raffle: no change. Responsibility matrix completed.

The size of the dance floor to be adjusted by placement of chairs to outline the optimum area.

Dining options at local restaurants [maps to be available]. $50 prize for the club with highest participation rate at the event [based on ribbons distributed].

Flyers: Copies [300] have been printed [including map on the back].

Callers: Dance schedule completed [ending @ 9:45]. Recommendation: Mix experienced dancers with new class graduates for first dance at the ceremony.

Assembly of DOR packets: Date: January 24 [3 o’clock], 2015 at the Meyer residence. Packets to be ready for pick-up at the February, 2015 DOR Committee meeting. Those not picked up will be mailed to the RAF member clubs. Flyers to be mailed to geographically distant Square Dance clubs.

Next meeting: Monday, February 16, 2015 [@6:30].

Meeting adjourned @ 7:27

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch

WNYF MEETING MINUTES — November 10, 2014

Meeting called to order @ 7:31

Attendees: Ed & Sybil Briggs, Russ & Ruth Uhrenholdt, Carol Ann Stahl, Cynthia Whited, Warren Patterson, Ken Saffer, Jill Zimmermann, Terry & Joe Pratt, Warren Olson, Dick & Irma Halstead, Mary Ann Lane, Chuck & Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green and John Benesch

Secretary's Report: Approved with the following correction: Chuck & Sharon Meyer were also in attendance.

Treasurer's Report: Mary Ann Lane: Balance $5922.99. Report provided. Approved!

Committee Reports:

D.O.R. Committee Report: Warren O.: See D.O.R. Meeting Minutes for the Nov. 10 meeting.

Insurance: Sharon M. / Carol Ann S. - Responses received from all clubs.

USDA: No report.

Promenader: Peter Emmel - This status was provided subsequent to our meeting:


I'm sorry I was not able to make it to Monday night's RAF meeting. No doubt you heard from Terry and Betty about how Promenader operations would be linked to the RAF and managed via a 3-person committee. If Betty was there you may also have heard about the status of the first on-line issue, so maybe the following is redundant.

Thanks to the efforts of Sid and Betty and the experienced Promenader staff of section editors (Dick Halstead, Bonnie Allen & Sharon Meyer - who organize submissions from Club Reporters), content for the first on-line Winter Promenader issue is all "in" and the Editorial/Web team is hard at work getting it organized into the new format. We hope to have it ready for the team of proofreaders by the end of this week.

So far we have received about 200 email subscription requests and heard from a couple of club presidents who plan to print copies of at least some sectionsfor their flyer table - such as Club News, Feature Articles and the Special Events List. Also nine people without access to computers have contacted me for paper copies, though I suspect there will be a few more after December 1st. Hopefully most who need hard-copy will find ways to get it through friends or club leaders.

One important thought to keep in mind - and communicate to readers in your club - is that the new format will NOT be perfect and that we welcome constructive feedback from readers. Our top priorities are to make the content complete and accurate and as accessible as we can. But in order to get it on-line in a recognizable "Promenader" style we have had to make numerous choices and compromises. With patience - and feedback - the format can evolve. Comments should be sent to promenader@rochester.rr.com, with the word "FEEDBACK" in the subject line so we'll be sure not to miss it.

CCR: Chuck M. - Workshop with Tim Mariner completed last weekend.

Promotions: We are again in need of people for our Promotions Committee.

Current Business:

Still seeking person/people for the Communications Liaison position. Job description:
* Attend Promenader Committee and Core Group meetings
* Coordinate & facilitate the exchange of informationbetween Promenader groups and the Federation.
* Work with & guide the Promotions committee.

Constitution Review Committee: (4-6 people best) to review the current Constitution and make recommendations. Terry P. /Warren O./Sharon M. +?.
RAF Club representatives are encouraged to provide input.

Thanks to the Executive Board for tonight's refreshments.

Next meeting will be held on Thursday January 15, 2015. Refreshments will be provided by the Copy Cats.

Thank you for your participation in the Rochester Area Federation. We can't do this without YOU ! Have a wonderful holiday season! Terry Pratt

Meeting adjourned @ 7:57

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch

Dance-O-Rama Meeting Minutes - November 10, 2014

Meeting called to order @ 6:33

Attendees: Terry & Joe Pratt, Warren Olson, Dick & Irma Halstead, Mary Ann Lane, Chuck & Sharon Meyer, Barbara Green and John Benesch

Minutes from October meeting: Approved with the following change: Chuck & Sharon ‘Meyer’ - name spelling correction Treasurer's Report: Mary Ann Lane - Balance: $2480.22. Report provided.

Dance-O-Rama 57: Name: Rochester's Dance Festival. Location: Perinton Rec. & Parks Dept., Turk Hill Road, Perinton. Date: May 2, 2015. Colors: Lavender/purple with black printing. There will be one 50/50 drawing for the dance. Basket raffle: no change. Dining at local restaurants [maps to be available].

Dangles: Mary Ann is checking on cost & format. Qty. to purchase: 50

Flyers: Warren O. to create a strawman [copy attached to mailing]. Copies to be printed by January, 2015. Qty.: 300.

Assembly of DOR packets: Date: January 24, 2015 at the Meyer residence. Packets to be ready for pick-up at the February, 2015 DOR Committee meeting. Those not picked up will be mailed to the RAF member clubs. Flyers to be mailed to distant Square Dance clubs.

Transferring of funds from DOR acct. to RAF acct.: Merging of the accounts is under consideration. Further discussion in January.

Checklist of Responsibilities by clubs at the event: To be reviewed in January

Dance Schedule at DOR 57: Warren O. to develop format [w/Mike Callahan]

Next meeting: Thursday January 15, 2015.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:14

Enjoy your holiday season! Thank you for your work on this committee.

Respectfully submitted: John Benesch