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Welcome Prospective New Dancers!

Welcome to square dancing — a casual, non-competitive social activity that helps you stay healthy and connected. This web site helps Rochester area “round and square” dancers keep up to date on dance schedules and news from dance clubs in Western New York. In our area there are numerous active clubs dancing in two overlapping formats. One of these is “western-style” square dancing (THE American Folk Dance) and the other is “cued” ballroom dancing (known as “round dancing” because the dancers progress around a circle). (For video demonstrations, take a look at You2CanDance link.)

What We Do

This type of dancing is a low-key social activity that involves a healthy amount of exercise for body and mind and gets us out among friends on a regular basis. Some clubs dance weekly, while others dance every other week or monthly. Dance fees are modest - generally around $7 per person - and venues are mostly schools and church fellowship halls. Although this type of dancing is done in couples, there are clubs that are geared for singles and many “couples’ clubs” also accommodate dancers who do not have partners.

Music & Clothing

Square dancing is often associated with country music and western clothing, but special clothing is not required at most dances, and you would be amazed at the variety of musical styles that some of our local callers use - from “Phantom of the Opera” to “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and everything in between!


All of our square dance callers and round dance cuers teach classes that can take you from novice to expert. However, it is not necessary to become an expert to enjoy this healthy and universal social activity. New classes generally form in early Fall and there is a good chance that one of them is near you. From “day one” you are dancing, and the more you dance the more familiar and comfortable you become with the various steps.

Come Dance With Us!

Clubs offering beginner classes usually start the dance season with a September "Open House" event, to introduce newcomers to square dancing. An open house is a dance party where anybody can participate because no prior knowledge is assumed. These are a great way to get a taste of what square dancing is like without making a commitment. Below is a current list of open houses we know about.

Open House Listings

These events are a great introduction to square dancing for those with little or no square dancing experience. For further information on any of them, look up the sponsoring club’s contact information by clicking on the “Our Clubs” button above.

Cloverleaf SquaresCallahan flyerFirst Baptist Church in Chili, 3182 Chili Avenue, Chili, NY5:00O